Riddle game - Something for you scientists

In summary, the conversation is about a riddle game that the participants are trying to solve. They are discussing clues they have found on different levels and sharing tips and advice on how to progress in the game. Some participants express frustration with their lack of knowledge in certain areas, but others offer help and encouragement. The participants also discuss the difficulty of the riddles and how some of them require knowledge of HTML or other technical skills.
  • #421
the key is E minor, the scale is natural, what else would you like to know?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #422
yomamma said:
again, we can try editing it, reversing it, speeding it up.. etc.
I'm for going backwards, except this laptop is loaded with graphic and animation software only. But I'll do it if no one else will.

I'm not asking for anything...just thinking out loud.
  • #423
well in notpron, there was a riddle where you had to reverse a sound and speed it up 3 times to hear some voices
  • #424
i'm looking at the symbols. some of them aren't double sided, as,nd that one is slanted. how could music convey that kind of thing? the slant could be sharps or flat, the only sharp in E minor is F. umm, i don't know what the double sidedness could be though. also none of the symbols have more than 5 horizontal lines...
  • #425
Perhaps those symbols have meaning somewhere else in the world. Like, I was thinking braille perhaps, but that doesn't seem to be it. They look kind of familiar to me, but maybe that's just from doing other riddles.
  • #426
Those signs look like they might belong to some ancient nordic rune...

Edit : I take that back. I looked at some Nordic runes and only a couple of those symbols appear in them.
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  • #427
they reminded me of the symbols in the graveyard. also, yomamma, in not pron they gave you the sound as a file. i recorded the song into sound recorder, and i'll speed it up and play it backwards..
  • #428
uh yeah, haha, speeding up and reversing isn't at all helpful. they're just notes, and they're already high pitched and slow.
  • #429
I've just been through a symbols database and can't find any connections.

(It did have some very obscure stuff though, like the one with three horizontal lines through it is used by vagrants in England and the US to mark places where police live, or people that call the police live)
  • #430
so I'm wondering if the song really has anything to do with the symbols, maybe she's trying to tell us in a different way. also, the picture is called dea.jpg. i searched dea and found that it means some goddess.
  • #431
dea also means 10^30, which is probably irrelivent
  • #432
I have a hint! Type in <<[color="#black"]abnoba[/color]>>

It is the second part of her name...
  • #433
oh i didn't think of that. i just looked at the symbols and saw the name didn't fit... nice one.
  • #434
>>druidlands its translated from the ogham alphabet.
  • #435
so..who knows what *thqrk sfaz means?
  • #436
ok for the next one, i found out that the faint weapon is called a morning star, which is a clue in the source code.
and in castlevania the flam whip is twice as strong as a morning star...?
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  • #437
There is text in the picture saying "The roots go home"
  • #438
I got the morning star thing, just not the flame
  • #439
Perhaps this has relevance. The word lucifer is from a latin word meaning "Morning star"

edit: One site also said lucifer wielded a morningstar, called 'lucifer's hammer'
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  • #440
so we have to figure out what "home" is? i was trying to see where morning stars were used, but most sites just refer to their use by peasants. still not entirely sure what flame means, except that its just some other weapon i guess? and next to the morning star in the picture, is that some other stick?

also, kinda thought it was funny how all the sites say morning stars didn't actually have chains... i wonder if the author made that mistake, or if its delibrate?
  • #441
haven't heard from gokul, dduardo and even omega in a while. you guys have ideas?
  • #442
Gale said:
haven't heard from gokul, dduardo and even omega in a while. you guys have ideas?

I'm sorry, but I'm reading an interesting "story" about about Lucifer and Azrael...so I'll be back in a few.
  • #443
so...I'm up...any ideas?
  • #444
Happy Birthday yomamma.
  • #445
Ah I finally get what 1337 means I was going to ask, one small step into the 20th century for me.

OK get STEAL but why haven:confused:

OK and where is the writing on the picture apart form Druid lands? And where did morning star come from, it's not in the source code? That aside nice work there, wish I was around when you did it.

OK morning star/Venus no link whatsoever to Abnoba I can see in Google? Diana yes(huntress God of the moon) And a link to the Danub via Danu her daughter, it's source in fact Mt. Abonoba. Looking for her roots or origins, I can see none, mother of Danu from where the river comes from goddess of rivers and births herself.

Celtic one of the Sidhe, they all come from Tir Na Nog? No one knows where the Sidhe originated they are alien though, it is thought they came from another world or land fleeing a battle? No luck there? I'm drawing blanks again.

In conclusion pass, she appears to have no origin or roots, or if she does it's an abstract or metaphorical one that you need? The Celts originiated from? No one knows for sure? Somewhere around the Alps seems to be the best guess.

Maybe it's a tree root we're looking for :smile:
  • #446
Schrodinger's Dog said:
Ah I finally get what 1337 means I was going to ask, one small step into the 20th century for me.

OK get STEAL but why haven:confused:

OK and where is the writing on the picture apart form Druid lands? And where did morning star come from, it's not in the source code? That aside nice work there, wish I was around when you did it.

OK morning star/Venus no link whatsoever to Abnoba I can see in Google? Diana yes(huntress God of the moon) And a link to the Danub via Danu her daughter, it's source in fact Mt. Abonoba. Looking for her roots or origins, I can see none, mother of Danu from where the river comes from goddess of rivers and births herself.

Celtic one of the Sidhe, they all come from Tir Na Nog? No one knows where the Sidhe originated they are alien though, it is thought they came from another world or land fleeing a battle? No luck there? I'm drawing blanks again.

In conclusion pass, she appears to have no origin or roots, or if she does it's an abstract or metaphorical one that you need? The Celts originiated from? No one knows for sure? Somewhere around the Alps seems to be the best guess.

Maybe it's a tree root we're looking for :smile:

Well, Gale got morning star from the source and there also seems to be a morning star in the picture.

P.S. Unless I didn't read your post correctly you seem to be still on the blackforest one about the girl...the answer to that one is <<[color="#black"]druidlands[/color]>>. Now the next one is still ripe for the solving.
  • #447
anyone notice that "morning Star" and "*thqlrk sfaz" have the same amount of characters in each word
  • #448
so i think we're looking for "home" right? but aside from looking for places the morning star originated from, i can't think of any other homes. anyone have ideas?
  • #449
I was thinking in some weird way...*thqlrk sfaz=morning star and using however that was translated, home=[something]
  • #450

Hi everyone, I'm just a lost computer scientist who got dragged into this puzzle by a friend. I'v completed every level up to 27 by myself, save "tempest" and "666", where you guys helped me out, without knowing it. I just thought I'd make my prescense known, and stop lurking.
  • #451
any help on level 27?
  • #452
Just thinking aloud:
If you use the decryption font on *thqlrk sfaz, does it become morning star?
If you use the decryption font on morning star, does it become *thqlrk sfaz?

What about using the decryption font on "home"?
  • #453
did you join the forum just cause of this riddle? were you told we were doing the riddle on here? or...? who's the friend?
  • #454
what do you mean decrypion font?
  • #455
I joined (mainly) because of the riddle, but I know one thing or two about physics, and I'm pretty good at math, if I may say so myself.

And as for finding this forum, google is my firend. The one who introduced the riddle is another student, who studies math.

And the decryption font is that file you found in the silk bag, with the .xxx file extension.

Edit: Could "the roots" have anything to do with the root of a Linux system? It's sort of the home directory...
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