Riddle game - Something for you scientists

In summary, the conversation is about a riddle game that the participants are trying to solve. They are discussing clues they have found on different levels and sharing tips and advice on how to progress in the game. Some participants express frustration with their lack of knowledge in certain areas, but others offer help and encouragement. The participants also discuss the difficulty of the riddles and how some of them require knowledge of HTML or other technical skills.
  • #2,101
Kaya said:
@Zarii - or someone else - can you please answer my question? Thanks :smile:

yes..its the "what" and "it"
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  • #2,102
Kaya said:
@Zarii - or someone else - can you please answer my question? Thanks :smile:
Yeah, the W from What and the I from It has changed from capital letters to small letters since yesterday.
  • #2,103

Anyone notice that 'infront' is one word in the clue?

The box on the left is obviously like a compass, it tells you where to go. You start at x, but how do you know where to go next?

Just brainstorming here.
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  • #2,104
Aha, the first letters of sentences were changed. This doesn't help. :rolleyes:
  • #2,105
Quick bit of assistance with number 60. I don't have the best eyesight and I'm having difficulty determining which of two of the shades is actually darker; I can see that they're different shades, but it's an extremely difficult call to make. Since that's related to the riddle and you guys have already solved it, you can tell me that without giving the whole thing away. Of the U and H on the first line, which is a darker shade?
  • #2,106
Haha.. now I'm playing with the letters and a scissor..
  • #2,107
FranklinDR said:
Anyone notice that 'infront' is one word in the clue?

The box on the left is obviously like a compass, it tells you where to go. You start at x, but how do you know where to go next?

Just brainstorming here.
That's the thing we haven't manage to figure out yet
  • #2,108
FranklinDR said:
You start at x, but how do you know where to go next?
Maybe the letters from source should be of help to find the next start point. But how? :confused:

Did you notice that the "x" is at the intersection of the row and column that have A and H as their first/last letters (A and H being the first two capital letters in the source) Maybe it's just a coincidence.
  • #2,109
I never noticed that until now o_O
  • #2,110
I tried to follow this logic but, after 5 steps, got nowhere.
  • #2,111
And the x is on the "diagonal" that begins/ends with H/A. Don't think this is of any use though.

<edit> And the other diagonal is RM, the following two letters in the source!

Too many coincidences here! </edit>

<edit2>But the other letters from source don't follow this "rule". </edit2>
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  • #2,112
Failed word count for number 60: 7 and climbing.
  • #2,113
Word on that o_O
  • #2,114
A means 'northwest'
M means 'southeast'
D means 'north'
Maybe the other letters have somethign to do with their position in the alphabet?

But then how do you divide the other four letters amont those three directions?
  • #2,115
*thinks out loud in song while swinging her legs in the air from her perch in the rafters.*

AHRMMTYD... the letters capitalized and given to me...
ADGUJSPM... the letters in the mini-grid... what do I do with them?...
RTYEBOSN... the letters in the bigger grid... where I'm supposed to begin?...
  • #2,116
FranklinDR said:
A means 'northwest'
M means 'southeast'
D means 'north'

Where did you get that from? :confused:
  • #2,117
MelodyKitn said:
where I'm supposed to begin?...

X, dummy. :smile:
  • #2,118
FranklinDR said:
X, dummy. :smile:

>.> I know that...

It's just part of the song...
  • #2,119
Kaya said:
Where did you get that from? :confused:

Thats translating from the compass

Well, my latest attempt yeilded "nnau" - its almost a word
  • #2,120
Zarii, any success with the scissors? I hope you didn't hurt yourself so you cannot type anymore :smile:
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  • #2,121
FranklinDR said:
A means 'northwest'
M means 'southeast'
D means 'north'
Maybe the other letters have somethign to do with their position in the alphabet?

But then how do you divide the other four letters amont those three directions?

Maybe try putting the alphabet in a rough circle?

M is in the middle of the alphabet, so should be opposite A which is in the beginning of the alphabet. D would be between A and M, but much closer to A, so North. that would put R at South, T at southwest, Y at west...

I'm not on 61 so I don't know exactly what you're seeing, but just a thought.
  • #2,122
FranklinDR said:
Thats translating from the compass

Of course! My brain is on fire, so I can't see even the obvious.

But, are the cardinal points of any help? :confused:
  • #2,123
FranklinDR said:
X, dummy. :smile:

*flies down and tugs on Zarii's shirt while pointing accusingly*

He's being meeeaaaan...

*sulks back up to the rafters to stare at the puzzle more*
  • #2,124
Haha.. I'm cutting out some figures..

I've tried replacing the capitalized letters with numbers, that might tell how many steps to move with the compass pointing out where to, but i don't really get something usefull by that either
  • #2,125
Bad Frankling, shame on you.:wink:
  • #2,126
Still lost on 60. How irritating :-/
  • #2,127
I don't think it takes rocket science to complete, none of the others have had really complecated methods - just arcane ones. Maybe we shouldn't be looking at the actual capital letter, but its position in the sentence? Probably not, but just thought I'd throw that out there.
  • #2,128
Well, let's try then
  • #2,129
hi, i would like to try this, but I can't even get past level one...any help?
  • #2,130
Brent, use the alphabet xD
  • #2,131
((I've actually got work to do >.> so I will be back to help again later.. good luck all! *hugs*))
  • #2,132
FranklinDR said:
Maybe we shouldn't be looking at the actual capital letter, but its position in the sentence?

I've also tried this idea. But... what to do with the question marks? Count them or not? Same with spaces :confused:
  • #2,133
Zarii said:
Bad Frankling, shame on you.:wink:

*Crawls solemnly back into corner*

Ok, a couple things I noticed: A and G (corners of the compass) are also corners of the grid - but the others don't mach up, so its probably coincidence.

Now, the sentence:

whAt is tHis gRid infront of you? it seeMs soMeone is Trying to confuse You, Doesn't it?

Capital letters are at (word, letter)

It doesn't look like any sort of pattern, but if you see any answers in there, please tell.
  • #2,134
Okey let say this then..
represents the numbers 32243111
wich might be the number of steps to go by when we later on use the little grind as a "compass", but how do we find out which directions we should go in?
  • #2,135
Zarii said:
but how do we find out which directions we should go in?

Uhhh... magic?

On a brighter note, I somehow ended up with "Dry Math" from the anagram solver. Maybe this is some sort of morbid joke?

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