Riddle game - Something for you scientists

In summary, the conversation is about a riddle game that the participants are trying to solve. They are discussing clues they have found on different levels and sharing tips and advice on how to progress in the game. Some participants express frustration with their lack of knowledge in certain areas, but others offer help and encouragement. The participants also discuss the difficulty of the riddles and how some of them require knowledge of HTML or other technical skills.
  • #666
looks like i skipped ahead somehow. I am stck back on 32 now.

some help please??
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  • #667

Alright, I went back to the The Gate and wrote down the extra numbers in the background and turned them into letters... stuck now

Anagram maybe? Possible hints?
  • #668
Gregulator your on 32 also?
  • #669
Yeah, I'm pretty much stuck at this point, hope I don't have to do any sort of math again...

Any ideas on your side?
  • #670
well i think the cards on 24 have to do something with it. I am not really sure though.

Also notice how those 7 groups of 3 numbers start with 1 or 2
  • #671
Yeah... could it have to do with each gray 1 being love or hearts and each gray 2 being diamonds or jewelery? Something like that. That was just off the top of my head, don't know where I'm going to go with it.
  • #672
i noticed the numbers can't all translate into letters, like the 99 and 156, so i don't know if they are the key. Wow I think this one is really hard.
  • #673
Well, it says you're going in circles, so I just started over again increasing with each revolution.
  • #674
HEY that's good man, i didnt even think of that. Let's go with the hearts and the diamonds mean jewelry thing!
  • #675
Yeah, good, but now I'm stuck... I don't know where to go with this right now...
  • #676
lol same here. "One is love, two is jewellery, eight steps backwards will help you" I am not sure how to use it you know?

Im not sure how to incorporate the alphabet at the bottom, and what the red 0 for, under the Z??
  • #677
My guess is it's going to be a seven letter word...
  • #678
double post sorry.. Let me take another look at this thing.
  • #679
Well, I thought that you would count like A = red 1, B = red 2, then when you got to J, J would = white 0, but I don't know how to use that either.
  • #680
well on the right side of the cards there is 7 numbers. Maybe they have to do with the 7 gorups of 3. Like 7 letters in a word.
  • #681
actually there are 3 series of numbers on riddle 24 all starting with 0, and one of the 0's is really bright. But in the one with the bright 0 there is only 6 numbers.??
  • #682
This one is an utter git guys, there is an answer way back but i'll give you a clue below, run your mouse over it to reveal. It's all in the cards :smile:

The source code has a method of translating the cards subtly burried in it, make sure you get the right value for the cards though. Once you have the numbers you need you need to translate them. 1 row's total = 1 letter

We needed some help from Boxcutter on this one, and frankly you have to be slightly nerdy to get it, which is another clue :wink:

None of the clue links from a moron work for level 29? Can someone PM me with the hints on the thread so far, I'm definitely stumped?
  • #683
scrhodingers dog: i think you have misunderstood the sitatuion. your hint was for level 24, they are on level 32. (i'm only saying this to clear things up for ytsejammer03 and gregulator, getting a hint that was actually for 24 when you are on 32 can become very confusing).
  • #684
hmm...yeah not exactly sure still how to get this one.
  • #685
Hi! A couple of my fellow employees and myself have been working on this riddle for a little time now and it appears I've hit a road block.

The others I work with are slowly progressing through and are on levels 12 and 13 but I've managed to work through to level 30. However I'm completely stuck on 30 now. I figured out the matrix that needed to be transposed, the significance of the numbers, and the event but I cannot figure out for the life of me how to enter the answer. I actually stumbled across this forum googling for some kind of hint as to what the correct format for the answer might be. If someone could provide me with some help it'd be much appreciated.

Thank you!
  • #686
check which important author died on that date ;-)
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  • #687
YtseJammer03 said:
check witch important author died on that date ;-)

Thank you for the help! I got this, but that's where I'm stuck. Entering the name I get to a page that looks like it's no longer part of the riddle as it has nothing in the source, no description, no level number, etc. I had assumed it was just a place holder.

Without providing any further hints, unless I'm on the incorrect path can you at least tell me if I'm headed in the right direction or if I've gotten side tracked?

Thanks again!
  • #688
its not his name, If you notice the words are "the theater" something like that. Where did that author work??

That is the key.
  • #689
YtseJammer03 said:
its not his name, If you notice the words are "the theater" something like that. Where did that author work??

That is the key.

Here it was right in front of my face this whole time, I can't believe I completely over looked it. Thank you so much! :biggrin:
  • #690
no prob! Now when you get to 32 you can help me out lol.
  • #691
anyone else lurking here workin on this really hard riddle lol??
  • #692
Boxcutter said:
scrhodingers dog: i think you have misunderstood the sitatuion. your hint was for level 24, they are on level 32. (i'm only saying this to clear things up for ytsejammer03 and gregulator, getting a hint that was actually for 24 when you are on 32 can become very confusing).

Ah ok sorry, trying to be helpfull, your reply sounded like the riddle on 24. As people keep hopping backwards and forwards I somehow seem to have got into the habbit of ignoring posts from other levels by context unless I've already done them; but if people in future can make it clear what riddle they are referring too it might help us to avoid further confusion.

Oh and do you have any hints for 29 Berkely mansion, with the moon and the skull? I can't read the links, I'd apreciate if someone just posted them as clues as we used to do as pming is too much hard work, as long as people cover them with the grey colour*type your text*then the open bracket and/color] then if your like me you only look at them when you get stuck. Just some suggestions and it's also less hit and miss than links which it seems don't work, for me at least. If it's awkward to do it that way though, just pm me, whatever:smile:

Chris J. said:
Omega, ignore my sister (HEather). She doesn't know anything about source code and programming... And she can be annoying...

And can you pretty please give a hint? :shy: Please :wink: lol.

Tekk...I'm with you on the adelphia thing. THey suck major @$$...lol.

Neither did I: source code is obtained by Ctrl+U or on the view menu: view page source, at least in firefox, won't touch that leaky old explorer programme, I had to have that spelt out to me too, I am an archetypical sub-laymen when it comes to programming. Sorry.
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  • #693
YtseJammer03 said:
no prob! Now when you get to 32 you can help me out lol.

Up to 32 now, I'll let you know if I figure anything out.
  • #694
ok cool lol, I am still stuck here!
  • #695
I'm back, so let's do this
  • #696
YtseJammer03 said:
ok cool lol, I am still stuck here!

Check your pm:biggrin:
  • #697
Alright, I'm stuck on the second part of 32...
  • #698
Awesome, ok second part of 32!
  • #699
well, the red numbers are gone, some of the letters are brighter. Sorry, just thinkin' out loud:biggrin:
  • #700
I suppose he changed the red numbers to white to make them stand out on the red view, but... hmmmm

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