Riddle game - Something for you scientists

In summary, the conversation is about a riddle game that the participants are trying to solve. They are discussing clues they have found on different levels and sharing tips and advice on how to progress in the game. Some participants express frustration with their lack of knowledge in certain areas, but others offer help and encouragement. The participants also discuss the difficulty of the riddles and how some of them require knowledge of HTML or other technical skills.
  • #2,521
oh man..i was so happy for a second because i tought i had the answer...but i didnt...well back to more pondering
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  • #2,522
You can do it Iggy!

Cause it's lonely here too...
  • #2,523
yet another...cursed...puzzle with letters...AND NUMBERS!
oh well
  • #2,524

*hugs Iggy happily*

Yep.. I've been here... a while...

I got gibberish.. that's all I've got...

Although, I did make a pretty picture... *points at the outlines*

...it just... didn't get me anywhere...
  • #2,525
err...they are not in a proper order...thats scary
  • #2,526
All I come up with are nonsense words and letters... too many to be anything useful, so I think I'm doing this wrong...

*runs around with yarn and string trailing behind her*
  • #2,527
*stumbles and falls into a blanket of the stuff, tangling herself and her wings in string and yarn*

Uh oh...

Iggy, I'll let you think on this a bit, I need to eat.. maybe after I can get a clearer picture of it...

Good luck Iggy!
  • #2,528
whew! I am leaving so i won't be riddling for the next six hours. :frown:

im not so far away though... :wink:
  • #2,529
MelodyKitn said:
*stumbles and falls into a blanket of the stuff, tangling herself and her wings in string and yarn*

Uh oh...

Iggy, I'll let you think on this a bit, I need to eat.. maybe after I can get a clearer picture of it...

Good luck Iggy!

mkay..ill sit here...and stare at it...

i think maybe boxcutter was drunk when he made this one? idk
  • #2,530
*nibbles on her velveeta shells and cheese*

I'm still not able to find a path through this mess... I see Jar...

  • #2,531
i had a theory but...it seemed like a good idea but it didnt go well..maybe i messed up again..can someone double check for me?

< mkay so we have these numbers here 693518274 and 138672495..i decided to pair them up 6,1|9,3 etc. and i would open up paint and draw a line from one point from the buttom to the top...after that see what letters are not crossed out and used them for an answer..ill try tweaking it and see if i can get anything...>
  • #2,532
Anyone want to help me with 29? I got nothing...
  • #2,533
im going 2 sleep earlier..so ill see u all tomorrow...dont stare to hard at those letters 2 hard kitn..u will need them later...nite nite guys
  • #2,534
I need rest too Iggy, tomorrow we can tackle this curse together *hugs*

*curls up underneath a tree and folds her wings atop her like a blankie*

Night night
  • #2,535
Well, I'm off to Gothenburg to play chess for a week. I'll try 56 again with renewed strength when I get back.

Don't solve the whole riddle without me :P
  • #2,536
I'v been stuck at 52 for sometime now, can someone please give me a clue?

("Find a map to tell you where you are..." , "What you have known for so long will now be of use...")
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  • #2,537
hmm waking up bright and earlier for 65...isnt this going to be fun
  • #2,538
on 65 too.. tried two possible "crossroads".. got HUGEFOUL which is crap.. hmmmm
  • #2,539
yea...i didnt like the look of this one...ill be happy if i get this one by myself today...im happy we finally got passed the grid after 3 days.i would have had it a few hours earlier then when i did do it but i made an error

err my plan got shot down...back to the drawing board
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  • #2,540
this surely has something to do with letters on the intersection of the lines.. or also, the letters that the lines intersect.. but the problem is which of the intersected letters to choose? there's so many.. got to try another way
  • #2,541
michaelkenji said:
on 65 too.. tried two possible "crossroads".. got HUGEFOUL which is crap.. hmmmm

then somethings wrong with your pairs. :wink:
  • #2,542
SpeedyKupad said:
then somethings wrong with your pairs. :wink:

yeah i think so too :-p
  • #2,543
everytime i connect the dots i always get a whole bunch of letters on both sides...either i have to mix the coordinences up right or we are going about this wrong
  • #2,544
anyone on level 66? :!)

i hate these kinds of riddles. they stump me and smack me on the face. :mad:
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  • #2,545
It's so early...
  • #2,546
Gregulator said:
It's so early...

it's 8:27PM on my time... :smile:

are you on 66? :blushing:
  • #2,547
err ok...now i have a bunch of letters and i hate using ana anagram solver because its just going to give me a bunch of crap
  • #2,548
iggy_killer said:
err ok...now i have a bunch of letters and i hate using ana anagram solver because its just going to give me a bunch of crap
lol, during the couse of riddle I've learned to stay away from anagram solver's...
  • #2,549
yea...but this one, i have 17 letters and some of them I am not sure if i use them...not unless I am doing it wrong again

i put it through the anagram solver and i think of know what it is going to say..just not exactly
  • #2,550
Have you forgot about me? :cry:
*stuck on 61*

How far have you guys gotten?
  • #2,551
i think i might be almost done with 65..kinda stuck
  • #2,552
Has anyone gotten past 65?

wait for me xD
  • #2,553
Zarii said:
Has anyone gotten past 65?

wait for me xD

im at 66. don't worry, ill be here for a very very long time.

im quite busy at the moment...
  • #2,554
I would probably have been on the same lavel as you guys (65-66) if there hadn't been a storm yesterday and my internet was cut off *cries*
Darn weather
  • #2,555
*yawn* Mrrr...

Too.. early... I never get up this early unless it's for work... or when I used to watch Saturday morning cartoons...


Hi Iggy... what've we got so far?

*rubs her eyes and crawls towards the letters, flopping into the snow*

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