The island is big and wooded in parts, How do they survive?

  • Thread starter wolram
  • Start date
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In summary, the group of people stranded on the island must find a way to survive by finding fresh water, constructing shelter, and hunting for food. They must also watch for passing ships or planes in order to be rescued.
  • #281
wolram said:
That was a year ago, as Hpatia and arildno walk away we jump back to the
present, The house is built and furnished with beds table and chairs, Astro also
built a separate kitchen house and we stocked it with pots and pans made from
the wreaked plane, Brewie and Danger built a forge and made shovels axes
all manner of tools, and now_____________________________?

Dammit, Brewnog! Get over here and help with your son! Can't you find something we can make diapers out of? What a mess the boy makes! (Sorry Danger, we never did find anything that would work as a contraceptive and that day Arildno slipped on his chaperone duties and went off to lounge about the hot springs with Hypatia, well, nature took its course).
Physics news on
  • #282
Moonbear said:
Dammit, Brewnog! Get over here and help with your son! Can't you find something we can make diapers out of? What a mess the boy makes! (Sorry Danger, we never did find anything that would work as a contraceptive and that day Arildno slipped on his chaperone duties and went off to lounge about the hot springs with Hypatia, well, nature took its course).

What are you going to call him moonbear? is he hairy
  • #283
I think we will have to build moonie and danger a cabin of their own now that
they are an item, i do not know much about babies but with the lack of fall out
protection would it be best if we build him a pen outside, we could make it
nice and comfy.
  • #284
but I thought it was brewnogs baby?

The grave, looks to be less then 5 years old. It contains the body of a male..around 30 yrs of age. Looks like he was in good health, his teeth are in good shape, tho it appears he's never seen a dentist. The remains of his hair are blond. About 6 ft tall. Hes wearing the tattered reminats of home made cloths...hmm that's odd, does that look like sachel under him?
  • #285
Ah, Arildno - I was being complimentary.
I was too scared to go exploring that underwater cave and I figured seeing as you are all big and brave that you would be able to explore it.
I'm sorry if I was wrong. And hey, I don't have a place name either...

I can't be bothered to go back through all the posts but in answer to the question - "what happened to our ship":
It sank "mysteriously" about 20miles offf the coast of Wooley Island, we survived because we were above deck around the pool.
We were lucky because one life boat came adrift and we all got in that.
Unfortunately after about 6 hours rowing we hit the reef that runs around Wooley Island (there is a VERY steep drop off) and had to swim for the shore.

And to the one who said desert islands aren't wooded...
Desert Island is a commonisation meaning "deserted island" and you will find that this was covered on the first few pages.
  • #286
wolram said:
That was a year ago, as Hpatia and arildno walk away we jump back to the
present, The house is built and furnished with beds table and chairs, Astro also
built a separate kitchen house and we stocked it with pots and pans made from
the wreaked plane, Brewie and Danger built a forge and made shovels axes
all manner of tools, and now_____________________________?
My how time flies! Seems like only - this morning. :biggrin:

I see brewnog has been busy.

hypatia said:
but I thought it was brewnogs baby?
Well, yes, Moonbear made that clear. Then I suppose its a matter of maternity, but I thought by Moonbear's declaration, she was the mom. And I thought we had a little brewbear.

Well, I have been busy, exploring and building, so apparently I have missed some details.
  • #287
Astronuc said:
I see brewnog has been busy.

Well, yes, Moonbear made that clear. Then I suppose its a matter of maternity, but I thought by Moonbear's declaration, she was the mom. And I thought we had a little brewbear.

Oh, goodness, no! I'm not the mother. I have enough trouble keeping up with Franzbear and his 17 strings in the other thread! No more e-children for me! I'm just babysitting for Kia. :biggrin:
  • #288
hypatia said:
The grave, looks to be less then 5 years old. It contains the body of a male..around 30 yrs of age. Looks like he was in good health, his teeth are in good shape, tho it appears he's never seen a dentist. The remains of his hair are blond. About 6 ft tall. Hes wearing the tattered reminats of home made cloths...hmm that's odd, does that look like sachel under him?

A mystery to solve it seems, get that sachel Hypatia i can't wait to know
whats in it, Any sign of the cause of death?
  • #289
wolram said:
I think we will have to build moonie and danger a cabin of their own now that
they are an item, i do not know much about babies but with the lack of fall out
protection would it be best if we build him a pen outside, we could make it
nice and comfy.
This joyous event calls for a new naming of our home. Since we're building a pen to his honour, I vote for renaming our island to Pen Island.
  • #290
arildno said:
This joyous event calls for a new naming of our home. Since we're building a pen to his honour, I vote for renaming our island to Pen Island.

What you treacherous dog, this is woolie island, and i will
bi sect any that challenge the name.
  • #291

I go offline for 2 days to come back and find that a year's passed, and I've got a love child which was conceived on a night I don't even remember!

Do we know who the mother is yet? Is it time for me to make good my escape from this place?
  • #292
brewnog said:

I go offline for 2 days to come back and find that a year's passed, and I've got a love child which was conceived on a night I don't even remember!

Do we know who the mother is yet? Is it time for me to make good my escape from this place?
There is no escape old chum, you may or may not have had your wicked way.
but in the future keep away from that still.
  • #293
brewnog said:

I go offline for 2 days to come back and find that a year's passed, and I've got a love child which was conceived on a night I don't even remember!

Do we know who the mother is yet? Is it time for me to make good my escape from this place?
The concoction from your still was clearly involved. But you're going to be in really hot water from Wolram if you don't marry Kia quite soon (literally, he's got that kettle already on the fire bringing the water up to a boil as we speak!) :eek:
  • #294
Moonbear said:
The concoction from your still was clearly involved. But you're going to be in really hot water from Wolram if you don't marry Kia quite soon (literally, he's got that kettle already on the fire bringing the water up to a boil as we speak!) :eek:

This is really difficult because in another thread i promised to be good, and as
Kia can not have babies, i think some one is hidding the truth, where was Hypatia the last few weeks? and i haven't seen Lisa about for a while, she did
seem to be putting on weight rather fast.
  • #295
wolram said:
This is really difficult because in another thread i promised to be good, and as
Kia can not have babies, i think some one is hidding the truth, where was Hypatia the last few weeks? and i haven't seen Lisa about for a while, she did
seem to be putting on weight rather fast.
Did Kia steal someone's baby? She really never did show much, but I trusted her when she said it was hers. What if it isn't Brewnog's either? I mean, that was Kia's story, and I believed her, but maybe she just thought it was the only way she'd get Brewnog to marry her. What if it's Arildno's! Oldest trick in the book, you know, claim you're gay to get the women all snuggled around close! :eek:

Dum dum dum! It seems we have a mystery on Woolie's Island, and it's not just the dead guy in the grave! The gossip mills are running full speed ahead (oh, okay, that's just our windmill that Danger and Brewnog rigged up to mill flour from the edible plants we've found).
  • #296
Arildno's! , the cunning devil, now that we have a mill Moonbear will you
pretty please make me a berry pie :biggrin:

And by the way i am just so gay
  • #297
wolram said:
Arildno's! , the cunning devil, now that we have a mill Moonbear will you
pretty please make me a berry pie :biggrin:

And by the way i am just so gay

The time on that post was 3:16 PM EDT. Who wins on wolram being bad? :biggrin:

One pie coming up, but I get the last piece! :devil:
  • #298
Moonbear said:
The time on that post was 3:16 PM EDT. Who wins on wolram being bad? :biggrin:

One pie coming up, but I get the last piece! :devil:

That is just so not just i didnt do anything wrong or bad.

What about the custard? :biggrin:
  • #299
*Kia* said:
hehehe that sounds so odd to think of eating poi... You see I DO poi - as in dance with fire (although not so often with fire usually with lights)
And, dare I hope, also with a brass pole? :-p

hypatia said:
I noticed some strange carving on the bottom of Hypatias rock.
Hmm... And to think that that last time I tried to inspect Hypatia's bottom, I got slapped.

Moonbear said:
Dammit, Brewnog! Get over here and help with your son! Can't you find something we can make diapers out of? What a mess the boy makes! (Sorry Danger, we never did find anything that would work as a contraceptive and that day Arildno slipped on his chaperone duties and went off to lounge about the hot springs with Hypatia, well, nature took its course).
Let this put an end to the question of parentage. Sorry, Brewski, but it looks like you're stuck with the Joisy Gal.

Now, Woolie... is there any possibility that you meant a calcite eruption in regard to the shipwreck?

hypatia said:
I thikn I will need a few spear like weapons, just to have around the kitchen area.
Its a great site for a permanet shelter!
No fear on that account, darlin'. The entire encampment is secured by the AstroDanger Security Service. Since the cooking facilities are in the second most invulnerable position (after sleeping quarters), you have no need to worry. Just as our lives depend upon your knowledge of vegetation and first-aid, we defend yours with our own expertise. As the sign on my driveway says "Trespassers Will Be Executed".
Arildno, since Wooley very loudly proclaimed "I am so gay!", I assume that there's one social dynamic taken care of. Whether or not that's correct, I'll gladly have you on board the Nasty Boys team for offensive/defensive purposes. And fear not in one regard; I fully hope that with your help we can build a reasonably effective linear accelerator. We probably won't be able to detect any significant particle interactions, but we can sure as hell launch a couple of SOS messages.
Kia... awesome map. I must check, however, before I become too piggish... another thread seemed to indicate that you're not unattached. So is your significant other joining us, or may I letch upon you with impunity? :-p
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  • #300
Danger said:
Now, Woolie... is there any possibility that you meant a calcite eruption in regard to the shipwreck?
No, it was a methane "clathrate" eruption, or something similar. When a gas bubbles up through a liquid, such that the density decreases dramatically, the liquid, in this case - seawater - cannot support objects, such as ships - which sink.
  • #301
Danger said:
And, dare I hope, also with a brass pole? :-p

another thread seemed to indicate that you're not unattached. So is your significant other joining us, or may I letch upon you with impunity? :-p

hehehe brass pole *sniggers*

I'm not unattached but letch away it's good for the ego :biggrin:
  • #302
Danger said:
Arildno, since Wooley very loudly proclaimed "I am so gay!", I assume that there's one social dynamic taken care of.
Yeah; it's spreading..:devil:
Soon, Satyrs' Isle will finally come into being.
I'll gladly have you on board the Nasty Boys team for offesive/defesive purposes.
I can be rather effusive at times, it will be interesting to be offesive or defesive for a change.
  • #303
wolram said:
This is really difficult because in another thread i promised to be good, and as
Kia can not have babies, i think some one is hidding the truth, where was Hypatia the last few weeks? and i haven't seen Lisa about for a while, she did
seem to be putting on weight rather fast.
How dare you?I'm not crazy!You can stay in your imaginary island but I left it last year!In fact, If I stayed here, I would never let this scandal happen!(He's drunk again and saying nonesenses again.It's a long time I'm loosing weight!)

Why couldn't KIa have a child?
  • #304
As i only have three months left, i was wondering what to do, i think for the
first two hours i will revise my spelling, may i use your stone Hypatia?
The next hour i will do some sin repenting.
but i worry who will keep the rest of this crew in order when i am gone :frown:
I think for the next hour i will write a code of conduct, "wollies law", i suppose,
it will not be long before one of them breaks the," law", so i will write the,
"wrath of ram", that tells the story of the beast that comes at night and dispenses retribution . :biggrin:
  • #305
Astronuc said:
No, it was a methane "clathrate" eruption, or something similar. When a gas bubbles up through a liquid, such that the density decreases dramatically, the liquid, in this case - seawater - cannot support objects, such as ships - which sink.

From now on Astro is head non sense interpreter. :biggrin:

I see where all the confussion comes from now, in another thread some one
took my, "P", and now some one is pinching my "Rs".
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  • #306
wolram said:
it will not be long before one of them breaks the," law", so i will write the,
"wrath of ram", that tells the story of the beast that comes at night and dispenses retribution . :biggrin:
Ooh, I can be retributted as well?
  • #307
arildno said:
Ooh, I can be retributted as well?

Your being bad Arildno, and you will be Wrothed on. :biggrin:
  • #308
I'm suprised that no-one has yet commented on the basic coast line (not including the reef hehehe) and land lay of this island...
It is after all a REAL island
  • #309
{sits up head spinning} what happined? owwwweee{touches head} I'm bleeding! try to stand...pulling myself up against the rock.
Things clear up...I remember...I opened the satchel..pages of drawings..numbers in sequence...the cave..something about the cave...{head spins}...the horn..must..blow.. the hornnnnnnn...
  • #310
*Kia* said:
I'm suprised that no-one has yet commented on the basic coast line (not including the reef hehehe) and land lay of this island...
It is after all a REAL island

At first I thought it was Anglesey, but then I saw the volcanoes. It is Hawaii?
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  • #311
brewnog said:
At first I thought it was Angelsey, but then I saw the volcanoes. It is Hawaii?

It was hawaii before I got my little digital paintbrush on it :smile:
  • #312
Wolram said:
"wrath of ram", that tells the story of the beast that comes at night and dispenses retribution

arildno said:
Ooh, I can be retributted as well?

Evo<----covers her eyes.
  • #313
*Kia* said:
hehehe brass pole *sniggers*

I'm not unattached but letch away it's good for the ego :biggrin:
Yes, well then... let's get on with the essential preliminary step of subduing your father. As a proper Canuk, I did of course have 6 rolls of duct tape in my pockets when we cracked up. So half a metre for each of his arms, a quarter metre for his ankles, a 10cm strip across his mouth, and what do we do about... (never mind, I have a Band-Aid). On the other hand, if he isn't overly protective we can just leave him be. :-p (Did I mention how much I love that half a bikini you're wearing?)
  • #314
wolram said:
Your being bad Arildno, and you will be Wrothed on. :biggrin:
Considering what I've done, I must agree that I deserve writhing beneath wollie's wroth.
  • #315
hypatia said:
{sits up head spinning} what happined? owwwweee{touches head} I'm bleeding! try to stand...pulling myself up against the rock.
Things clear up...I remember...I opened the satchel..pages of drawings..numbers in sequence...the cave..something about the cave...{head spins}...the horn..must..blow.. the hornnnnnnn...

Wollie runs at the sound of the horn, and finds Hypatia in distress,
was it an accident or were you attacted?