Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #5,426
He was creepy before, during and after the drinks and probably still is! Every time he started to say the word 'friends' he'd stop himself and say 'mates' instead, as if I'd think he was really cool or something cos he used slang. It made me cross. Then he bet me his wine that I'd give him my number, so I drank it.

Icvotria Is Really Cool! Hooray!
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Physics news on
  • #5,427
icvotria said:
What are you intimating sir?!? I am a lady. o:) Actually, there's some poor guy out there who's probably far from grinning. First I beat him ten nil at table football twice, then I drank all his wine, then I told him he was creeping me out and I wanted him to go away. Maybe a :devil: would be the more appropriate smiley...
Oh, the poor guy. Usually they expect if they get you drunk (I think drinking all of his wine counts), you won't tell them to go away, at least not until morning when you sober up again. :-p
  • #5,428
The guy isn't very smart to make a bet like that. That's like saying "I'll give you this wine if you don't give me your phone number." He prolly thought it very clever to say mate rather than friend. Yeah, that is kinda creepy.

So, want to sleep with me yet? :smile:
  • #5,429
icvotria said:
He was creepy before, during and after the drinks and probably still is! Every time he started to say the word 'friends' he'd stop himself and say 'mates' instead, as if I'd think he was really cool or something cos he used slang. It made me cross. Then he bet me his wine that I'd give him my number, so I drank it.
:smile: Well, then, he did ask for it, didn't he?! Are you sure he wasn't American? Sounds like a stunt a tourist would try pulling...slip up saying "friends" and then try to blend in saying "mates." That'll teach you to hang out around men drinking wine. Go for the ones drinking beer, real men drink beer. :biggrin:
  • #5,430
Huckleberry said:
Ingestion Induces Rectal Contractions
That's a good one.

Incomplete Insertion Reduces Conception
  • #5,431
Huckleberry said:
So, want to sleep with me yet? :smile:
:zzz: *-dreams of cheesepigs and wine and the end of the world-* :zzz:
  • #5,432
Artman said:
You mean she blows harder than a tornado through a trailer park?
You mean she can move more air "down below" than the ventilation system of a cruise ship?
Yes to both. She used to be a mineshaft ventilator in the Appalachians.

klusener said:
You seem to say that a lot. It indicates that you're giving these posts far more thought than is warranted.

Huckleberry said:
Where is SOS anyway? I haven't seen her around in a while.
Parents anniversary. She'll be back. In fact, I think that I saw her logged on for a few minutes last night.

icvotria said:
What are you intimating sir?!? I am a lady. o:)
Oooohhhh... that almost made the beer come out of my nose. Except I wasn't drinking beer. Thanks for the reminder. Hang on a sec and I'll get one...
...ahh, that's better. Now, you were saying...?

icvotria said:
First I beat him ten nil at table football twice, then I drank all his wine, then I told him he was creeping me out and I wanted him to go away. Maybe a :devil: would be the more appropriate smiley...
I was going to point out what a hideous thing that is to do to a guy, until I read your explanation following. Good job, kid! You should have doubled up the bet, though.

brewnog said:
I'm so glad I don't go out in Huddersfield...

Actually, I'm so glad I've never even been to Huddersfield...
I was very happy to have never heard of Huddersfield. You just had to go and bugger that up for me, didn't you? For some reason, it makes me think of cows.

Huckleberry said:
IC, at what point did this guy get creepy? Was it before or after the drinks?
He was probably creepy his whole life, but she was holding out for the drinks for as long as possible.

Huckleberry said:
And what does IIRC mean?
If I recall correctly, I've only seen the term a couple of times and it was never explained to me. Sorry.

Moonbear said:
Go for the ones drinking beer, real men drink beer. :biggrin:
Thanks, honey. <uuurrrrrrppppp!>

icvotria said:
:zzz: *-dreams of cheesepigs and wine and the end of the world-* :zzz:
I can't believe you gave Zooby something like that to run with.
  • #5,433
icvotria said:
:zzz: *-dreams of cheesepigs and wine and the end of the world-* :zzz:
Hmm...they never seem very happy if they ask you to sleep with them and you actually decide to sleep. :zzz: :confused:
  • #5,434
Moonbear said:
Hmm...they never seem very happy if they ask you to sleep with them and you actually decide to sleep. :zzz: :confused:
Doesn't bother me any. Consciousness is not a requirement. At times, in fact, it can be counterproductive. (I know that's a rerun, but it was the first thing that I thought of and I have a lot of catching up to do.)
  • #5,435
icvotria said:
*-dreams of cheesepigs and wine and the end of the world-*
Moonbear said:
Hmm...they never seem very happy if they ask you to sleep with them and you actually decide to sleep. :zzz: :confused:
Oh, that's what that meant. I figured she was saying that I would have to wait until cheesepigs walked the Earth and she was drunk and the end of the world was at hand before she would consider it. I was like, yeah, that could be any day now!

Actually, the whole question was just to get a reaction, and to point out how uncreative guys can be when trying to be intimate with women.
  • #5,436
Danger said:
Yes to both. She used to be a mineshaft ventilator in the Appalachians.
Appalachians huh, so she works cheap. :biggrin:
  • #5,437
Huckleberry said:
and to point out how uncreative guys can be when trying to be intimate with women.
I prefer to just bluntly ask, "I don't suppose, by chance, that your standpoint on meaningless recreational sex is compatible with mine?" Amazingly enough, sometimes it is.
  • #5,438
Danger said:
I was very happy to have never heard of Huddersfield. You just had to go and bugger that up for me, didn't you? For some reason, it makes me think of cows.
If I recall correctly, I've only seen the term a couple of times and it was never explained to me. Sorry.
Gotcha. Thanks
  • #5,439
Huckleberry said:
Oh, that's what that meant. I figured she was saying that I would have to wait until cheesepigs walked the Earth and she was drunk and the end of the world was at hand before she would consider it. I was like, yeah, that could be any day now!.

Huckleberry said:
Actually, the whole question was just to get a reaction, and to point out how uncreative guys can be when trying to be intimate with women.
Guys never use crude lines like that on me. I'd probably burst out laughing if they did. Boys always use the "wow, I feel a really deep connection with you" or "gosh, I've never met anyone like you before. Do you want to come back to mine and talk?" kinds of approaches with me. My friend though gets that crude stuff all the time. I find it amazing that people actually say those kinds of things to each other. It's totally cliched and impersonal and put on. The stuff that some girls do round boys they like is as bad too. Yuck, that whole giggley, lost little school girl thing, yuck! After all that the Suffragettes did, and all those burnt bras! I despair sometimes.
  • #5,440
Danger said:
Doesn't bother me any. Consciousness is not a requirement. At times, in fact, it can be counterproductive. (I know that's a rerun, but it was the first thing that I thought of and I have a lot of catching up to do.)

dirty old man :smile: :smile:
  • #5,441
Danger said:
I prefer to just bluntly ask, "I don't suppose, by chance, that your standpoint on meaningless recreational sex is compatible with mine?" Amazingly enough, sometimes it is.
I can understand that. People usually make a judgement pretty quickly about how they feel about someone. What I don't understand is why a guy would pursue a woman who shows no signs of being interested in him. At what point does he say to himself, "Maybe if I buy her things she'll have sex with me." Or "I'll tell her all this insincere crap so she'll sleep with me." Do they think they are fooling anyone? Wouldn't a woman with any self esteem who might consider sex be insulted by these pitiful attempts?
  • #5,442
icvotria said:
After all that the Suffragettes did, and all those burnt bras! I despair sometimes.
*tugs at underwire; yanks off bra* Who decided to stop burning the things anyway?
  • #5,443
Huckleberry said:
"Maybe if I buy her things she'll have sex with me." Or "I'll tell her all this insincere crap so she'll sleep with me." Do they think they are fooling anyone? Wouldn't a woman with any self esteem who might consider sex be insulted by these pitiful attempts?
There are an awful lot of women who want things bought, and have nice things said, so they'll play the game as long as they can get away with it. What they don't realize is that someday they'll do it to the wrong guy and things can get pretty ugly.
  • #5,444
Moonbear said:
*tugs at underwire; yanks off bra* Who decided to stop burning the things anyway?
Geez, woman! What have I told you about yanking those wires?! If that power cell blows, toasted tatas will be the least of your worries! :eek:

Although, of course, I do much prefer you without it. Just remove it with care.
  • #5,445
Huckleberry said:
I can understand that. People usually make a judgement pretty quickly about how they feel about someone.
That, and if they are just out for meaningless sex, they'll say yes pretty quickly, and if they aren't, there's no point wasting both of your time if that's all your interested in, because she's not likely to change her mind.

What I don't understand is why a guy would pursue a woman who shows no signs of being interested in him. At what point does he say to himself, "Maybe if I buy her things she'll have sex with me." Or "I'll tell her all this insincere crap so she'll sleep with me." Do they think they are fooling anyone? Wouldn't a woman with any self esteem who might consider sex be insulted by these pitiful attempts?
Well, in that scenario, it's not the woman who's lacking self-esteem. But they're good for free long as you walk up to the bar with them and make sure the drink is never out of your sight from the time the bartender mixes it until it's in your hands. :rolleyes: *shudders*
  • #5,446
Danger said:
Geez, woman! What have I told you about yanking those wires?! If that power cell blows, toasted tatas will be the least of your worries! :eek:
The weather's been warm enough lately, I don't need the heater unit in it anymore. :approve:
  • #5,447
I meant that a woman who has sex with a guy that she isn't interested in having sex with. She is easily fooled by insincere comments. And she feels obliged to repay him for drinks, dinner, etc. with sex. That woman has low self esteem. Guys prey on them.

The woman who accepts the drinks and then turns the guy down is just taking advantage of an opportunity. Payback.
  • #5,448
Moonbear said:
*tugs at underwire; yanks off bra* Who decided to stop burning the things anyway?
*smoke pouring from underwear drawer* cough@*splutter#%hack Maybe whoever it was was on to something... ahem
  • #5,449
icvotria said:
*smoke pouring from underwear drawer*
Did someone call for a fireman? :-p
  • #5,450
Huckleberry said:
The woman who accepts the drinks and then turns the guy down is just taking advantage of an opportunity. Payback.
*phew* I thought you might think less of me for taking advantage of the free drinks. :biggrin:
  • #5,451
Arrrgggghh! It's 3.40! Why don't I just go to bed?!? What's wrong with me?!? I've got lots of stuff to do tomorrow! I have to revise and get a job and have lunch at my friend's house and go to college! Arrrgggghhh!
  • #5,452
icvotria said:
Arrrgggghh! It's 3.40! Why don't I just go to bed?!? What's wrong with me?!? I've got lots of stuff to do tomorrow! I have to revise and get a job and have lunch at my friend's house and go to college! Arrrgggghhh!
Aha! Another addict discovers her mistake too late.
  • #5,453
Moonbear said:
*phew* I thought you might think less of me for taking advantage of the free drinks. :biggrin:
I do get a little touty once in a while I guess. Sorry about that. I never mean much by it. I'm just not very good at self monitoring. My foot to mouth reflex is very sensitive. It would be a pretty boring world if everyone had the same opinions. I would never think less of anyone for disagreeing with me. Well, if they are Jack the Ripper I might think less of them, but you get the idea.
  • #5,454
icvotria said:
Arrrgggghh! It's 3.40! Why don't I just go to bed?!? What's wrong with me?!? I've got lots of stuff to do tomorrow! I have to revise and get a job and have lunch at my friend's house and go to college! Arrrgggghhh!
There's no turning back now. It's too late for you. You'll never sleep again!

Hmm, I wonder what the rationale is behind the new arrangement of smilies.
  • #5,455
Huckleberry said:
I do get a little touty once in a while I guess. Sorry about that. I never mean much by it. I'm just not very good at self monitoring. My foot to mouth reflex is very sensitive. It would be a pretty boring world if everyone had the same opinions. I would never think less of anyone for disagreeing with me. Well, if they are Jack the Ripper I might think less of them, but you get the idea.
:smile: Hee hee...I was only joking around. I didn't think you thought less of me! :-p (And if you did, tough! :-p)
  • #5,456
Danger said:
Aha! Another addict discovers her mistake too late.
Did someone put MSG in this thread? It's very moreish. Like grapes and heroin, as my mum would say.
  • #5,457
Huckleberry said:
Hmm, I wonder what the rationale is behind the new arrangement of smilies.
I think Greg does it once in a while just to get a reaction from us. It's funny, the only smiley I actually need to click on is this one --> :!) because I never remember if the exclamation points come before or after the colon, yet, the moment the smilies move around, I notice!
  • #5,458
Moonbear said:
:smile: Hee hee...I was only joking around. I didn't think you thought less of me! :-p (And if you did, tough! :-p)
I find that very comforting. :biggrin:
  • #5,459
icvotria said:
Did someone put MSG in this thread? It's very moreish. Like grapes and heroin, as my mum would say.

It's too late. We have achieved mind control. Didn't you read the warning when you joined about how addicting this is?
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  • #5,460
Crump, I never read the warnings, it'll be my ultimate downfall.