Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #5,741
Evo said:
Oh nooooooo

Evo said:

Evo said:
stop him!
Physics news on
  • #5,742
yomamma said:
It doesn't matter, for I named it,

Well, that explains why the dog looks so mad. Poor thing. :smile:
  • #5,743
The thing about the drawing I do in Paint is... I don't want to put it online. It's mine. I like some of them, and those I won't put online for that reason. And some of them only look so-so and I won't put those online either because, well, they're so-so.
  • #5,744
BicycleTree said:
And some of them only look so-so and I won't put those online either because, well, they're so-so.
In other words, you're an actual, abstract so-soist.
  • #5,745
No, some of them do look good.
  • #5,746
*goes to bookshelf and finds "ultimate guide to BT, a PF book"*

It says here that..aha! I've figured it out, only I and BT know!
  • #5,747
yomamma said:
It doesn't matter, for I named it,

I guess that's close enough to Sylvia.
  • #5,748
yomamma said:
*goes to bookshelf and finds "ultimate guide to BT, a PF book"*

It says here that..aha! I've figured it out, only I and BT know!
You know and you're not going to tell us?
  • #5,749
BicycleTree said:
No, some of them do look good.
How good? As good as Evo's drawings?
  • #5,750
I don't think I've had the pleasure of seeing Evo's drawings.
  • #5,751
zoobyshoe said:
How good? As good as Evo's drawings?
Why don't you come up and see the sisterhood sketchings some time? Good? Does it matter? :-p
  • #5,752
BicycleTree said:
I don't think I've had the pleasure of seeing Evo's drawings.
No one's had the pleasure of seeing Evo's drawings. We've only heard them described. Same as yours. So. Are yours as good?
  • #5,753
I've often heard that if you take a left hand turn at every intersection you will eventually find your way out of any maze. I tried this while driving in Boston and it doesn't work. I did find out that there are four Washington streets there and some streets disappear completely on a daily basis. The tunnels leak and one way signs point the wrong way. I'm never driving in New England metropolitan areas again. I'll take a nice grid pattern any day.

Is it true that bats always take a left hand turn when exiting a cave? How does Batman get out of his batcave?
  • #5,754
I've never heard Evo's drawings described either. My drawings are good.
  • #5,755
Huckleberry, on a grid that strategy would cause you to endlessly circle a single block.
  • #5,756
SOS2008 said:
Why don't you come up and see the sisterhood sketchings some time? Good? Does it matter? :-p
Say wha...?? The sketchy sisters...? Whas this about?
  • #5,757
Huckleberry said:
I've often heard that if you take a left hand turn at every intersection you will eventually find your way out of any maze. I tried this while driving in Boston and it doesn't work. I did find out that there are four Washington streets there and some streets disappear completely on a daily basis. The tunnels leak and one way signs point the wrong way. I'm never driving in New England metropolitan areas again. I'll take a nice grid pattern any day.
:smile: Yeah, I don't think left hand turns work on a radial maze. Crazy Boston drivers; you wouldn't want to be on the road there anyway!
  • #5,758
Evo said:
You know and you're not going to tell us?
I will now, BT hired me to advertise his beek, but since he hasn't payed me, I can tell you that he is a homosexual.
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  • #5,759
BicycleTree said:
I've never heard Evo's drawings described either. My drawings are good.
I'll describe Evo's to you: they're photographically realistic. People pay her to do their portraits.
  • #5,760
Here's what I like. I like stuff that looks as if it was drawn according to some plan, but actually wasn't. If someone made absolutely incomprehensible engineering diagrams, with no meaning to them, but with a lot of direction and apparent meaning, so it strongly suggests that they do mean something without actually getting there, then I would like that person's art. My own art is something like that.
  • #5,761
SOS2008 said:
Why don't you come up and see the sisterhood sketchings some time? Good? Does it matter? :-p
Oh, I know my drawings are terrible. That's why I need to keep practicing. Who's up next as our model? My turtle sketches really need improvement. Maybe I should switch to sculpture?
  • #5,762
BicycleTree said:
Here's what I like. I like stuff that looks as if it was drawn according to some plan, but actually wasn't. If someone made absolutely incomprehensible engineering diagrams, with no meaning to them, but with a lot of direction and apparent meaning, so it strongly suggests that they do mean something without actually getting there, then I would like that person's art. My own art is something like that.
That sounds like the way I write.
  • #5,763
My drawings are not photorealistic. They are abstract shapes and patterns.
  • #5,764
BicycleTree said:
My drawings are not photorealistic. They are abstract shapes and patterns.
Sounds to me, from this description, that some are good, but some are only so-so.
  • #5,765
However, I'm not ruling out the possiblity that somewhere out in the vast universe there is something that my drawings are photorealistic of. Interesting to think about.
  • #5,766
BicycleTree said:
However, I'm not ruling out the possiblity that somewhere out in the vast universe there is something that my drawings are photorealistic of. Interesting to think about.
Yeah, if you like thinking about unmitigated baloney.
  • #5,767
No, that's interesting. Admit it.
  • #5,768
Moonbear said:
Oh, I know my drawings are terrible. That's why I need to keep practicing. Who's up next as our model? My turtle sketches really need improvement. Maybe I should switch to sculpture?
Are these creations online somewhere?
  • #5,769
BicycleTree said:
No, that's interesting. Admit it.
Of course it's interesting, if you're interested in baloney.
  • #5,770
I never liked balogna as a child. Now I enjoy it. I think I must have destroyed my sense of taste somewhere along the line.
  • #5,771
I think zooby is only bitter that he has never reached my accomplished status as an artist.
  • #5,772
zoobyshoe said:
Are these creations online somewhere?
Nope, that's in the sisterhood's private collection. :approve: I was actually just looking to see if I kept my pathetic attempt at illustrating tribdog's children's book around anywhere (I was really bored one night), but it's either buried under a mound of papers somewhere, or I finally put them away properly in the circular file. They would have been good for a laugh. I can draw inanimate objects pretty well, but all my animals and people are definitely abstract! :smile: (But ask me to sketch an illustration of hypothalamic nuclei in a brain slice, and I'll include such incredible detail, you'd swear I traced it ...*cough* DocToxyn, don't say a word *cough*)
  • #5,773
Huckleberry said:
I never liked balogna as a child.
It's "bologna" or "baloney" not "balogna".
Now I enjoy it. I think I must have destroyed my sense of taste somewhere along the line.
I can only eat beef baloney. The turkey/chicken stuff is not processed far enough away from the skin they make it out of for my taste. The beef baloney succeeds in the deception.
  • #5,774
BicycleTree said:
Here's what I like. I like stuff that looks as if it was drawn according to some plan, but actually wasn't. If someone made absolutely incomprehensible engineering diagrams, with no meaning to them, but with a lot of direction and apparent meaning, so it strongly suggests that they do mean something without actually getting there, then I would like that person's art. My own art is something like that.
Oh, you'd love my drawings! That's what they all look if they should be something, but you're not quite sure what. :rolleyes:
  • #5,775
(I'm kidding. I've never sold any art in my life. But that's how you seem to be acting, zoobyshoe)
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