Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #5,811
yomamma said:
]He's gone to eat Everyone, let's feast!

oops, don't let the zoobies awaken!
Does it look big or small to you in this quote?
Physics news on
  • #5,812
Not to me! ( I'm just about to throw my cat)
  • #5,813
zoobyshoe said:
Does it look big or small to you in this quote?
  • #5,814
yomamma said:
Not to me! ( I'm just about to throw my cat)
4 1/2 feet!, oh, here she comes again and, wait. K, about 3 feet, but about 3 in the air
  • #5,815
yomamma said:
Could be your user setting are screwed up, or you need a new computer.
  • #5,817
NOO! M-mmm-mmac--int--osh so ho-ori-ble nearing technological breakdown!
  • #5,818
iMacs are the best.
  • #5,819
iMac? are the new ones better? I've tried the old ones,
  • #5,820
a 5-foot toss!
  • #5,821
  • #5,822
Which old ones? There's 5 generations, the first three being the colored ones, the 4th being the dome-based swivel head ones, and the new one being pretty much a screen and a stand. And there's the eMacs and Macminis now too.
  • #5,823
The "old ones" I'm reffering to are the ones that come to a curved point in the back, I can't remember what they're called, here's a pic
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  • #5,824
That particular picture is a third generation. Pretty good computer at the time, but not great. The 4th generation iMacs, the iMac G4, are still great. I love mine. But they aren't sold by apple anymore, those are the iMac G5s The mouse, keyboard, and speakers are wireless too. I recommend it.
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  • #5,825
No, I like windows. I've got an hp pavillion a310n with 17" plasma flat-screen westinghouse monitor. I'm happy :biggrin:
  • #5,826
Wow, must've spent a lot on the monitor, how much was it? I will restrain myself from endorsing apple's superior monitors at
  • #5,827
Mk said:
Wow, must've spent a lot on the monitor, how much was it? I will restrain myself from endorsing apple's superior monitors at
*wipes drool from chin before keyboard gets drowned* :biggrin:
  • #5,828
*covers mouth to stop laughing before parents wake up*
  • #5,829
So, how much was it? 17 inch plasma monitor? I didn't think I knew if they existed. I only have a 14-inch LCD
  • #5,830

hecho en Mexico
  • #5,831

A Product of the Peoples Republic of China
  • #5,832

Product of Sierra Leone
  • #5,833

A Product of Huckleberry's Imagination
  • #5,834

dot product of vectors
  • #5,835

product of bologna • baloney
  • #5,836

(Manufactured cellular product of Golgi apparatus)
  • #5,837
Franzbear! Fransbear! :biggrin: Ooooh, that's fun! Fransbear! Franzbear! *walks into a wall* Ouch! *turns 180 degrees* Franzbear! Franzbear!...
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  • #5,838
zoobyshoe said:

A Product of Huckleberry's Imagination
:smile: I think zooby has been infected by whatever BT has! :eek:

I was thinking, is balogna like getting a gocci purse? Except, I'd be really afraid to eat a knock-off quality bologna!
  • #5,839
If I've interpreted the initials correctly from previous posts, I believe that my appropriate reaction here should be WTF?!

Do you people have some kind of bet going about how many posts you can put in while I'm gone before I'll quit trying to respond to them? (Whoever guessed this many is off by one. :-p )

zoobyshoe said:
I don't believe you've understood a word you've said.
Well, at least he resembles the rest of us in one regard.

BicycleTree said:
Indeed, I have come to eschew the philosophy
Now if only you could eschew obfuscation... :rolleyes:

BicycleTree said:
Well, I can draw pretty well, actually.
I'm starting to doubt that you can draw a conclusion, never mind a picture.
zoobyshoe said:
Boy, can you shovel the jargon.
I was wondering what the polite word for that was.

Evo said:
The ghost just got the 7,000th reply, congrats Bartholomew!
:rolleyes: Wait a second here! Bartholomew... Bart... Art... Artman?! :eek: You double-devious son of a *****! I was wondering where you were hiding.

DocToxyn said:
I now concede user rights to Artman and any other person of the male gender who finds his aforementioned gender identifying body parts in the crushing steel grip of whatever significant other be he with, livestock included (that for you Danger :biggrin:).
Thank you very much, Doc. Most people tend to ignore those of us with alternative-species lifestyles. :smile:

SOS2008 said:
Oh look franzbear, look what SOS has found for you...
What in the hell is that thing?! Looks like Phyllis Diller with PMS.

Huckleberry said:
An angry wife or girlfriend might actually enjoy seeing her mate sleeping in a dog bed at the foot of the bed.
I'm glad Evo never thought of that. Her cold feet and snorting were bad enough.

zoobyshoe said:
When I doodle, it looks pretty good, but it doesn't look realistic.
It just takes practise. When I doodle, it looks exactly like a doodle.

Evo said:
SOS, that is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. :smile:
It reminds me of one of those silly-ass Asian lizards that spreads its neck out like a kite and buggers off running on its back legs like a thief who's karked his drawers.

Moonbear said:
What was Danger's ex-from-Hell's name?
SOS2008 said:
I guess that's close enough to Sylvia.
Sylvia is not the ex-from-hell. Sylvia predated the ex-from-hell by at least 5 years, and was only a casual acquaintance. The ex-from-hell is Jane.

BicycleTree said:
Here's what I like. I like stuff that looks as if it was drawn according to some plan, but actually wasn't. If someone made absolutely incomprehensible engineering diagrams, with no meaning to them, but with a lot of direction and apparent meaning, so it strongly suggests that they do mean something without actually getting there, then I would like that person's art. My own art is something like that.
As is your writing.

Moonbear said:
Maybe I should switch to sculpture?
Just be damned careful where you point that chisel. :eek:

zoobyshoe said:
That sounds like the way I write.
In light of my previous comment, I'm going to pretend that you didn't say that.

BicycleTree said:
However, I'm not ruling out the possiblity that somewhere out in the vast universe there is something that my drawings are photorealistic of.
That's pretty much like saying that since your new recipe for tuna casserole is duplicated somewhere in a toxic waste dump, you're a legitimate chef.

Huckleberry said:
I never liked balogna as a child.
If you roll bologna up really tight and stuff it into a condom, you have a Yank hotdog.

Huckleberry said:
Moonbear, If you want to sculpt turtles I could pose one for you.
It had better be your own. :eek:

Moonbear said:
Will it stand still if I touch it all over to get the feel for it? You know, sculpture is all about feel.
Just kiss it first so it'll know that you're its friend.

Moonbear said:
Is it a spitting turtle?
zoobyshoe said:
The proof is in the taste.
It's a little disturbing to see those two quotes right next to each other.

zoobyshoe said:
No! It will cling to my zoobie hair and I'll wake up with an ant colony all over me in the morning!
:smile: :smile: :smile:

Mk said:
Or maybe you need an iMac G5:
Sure, you bastard... wave a pot roast in front of a starving man.

Mk said:
Franzbear! Fransbear! :biggrin: Ooooh, that's fun! Fransbear! Franzbear! *walks into a wall* Ouch! *turns 180 degrees* Franzbear! Franzbear!...
Have you been dipping into BT's drugs?

Okay, you buggers, I've caught up to you! (On this thread; how the hell many more do I have to deal with?)
And I know that Moonbear has a post after my last response, but I can't think of anything to say about it.
  • #5,840
what the hell, Danger

i don't even bother replying to half the posts between then and now, let alone reading them

you are seriously, seriously, in need of some turtle waxing pal

this GD of atrocity is not worth the time.. definately

*walks away to read Dilbert*
  • #5,841

Eh, Made In Canada, Eh?
  • #5,842
Cronxeh, what's that public key thing there for? What's it mean to us? Its some kind of encryption stuff, but what is it?
  • #5,843
cronxeh said:
what the hell, Danger

i don't even bother replying to half the posts between then and now, let alone reading them

you are seriously, seriously, in need of some turtle waxing pal

this GD of atrocity is not worth the time.. definately

*walks away to read Dilbert*
Nyet, tovarisch. I read them because I enjoy them (well, except for BT's ramblings of course). I answer them because they must not be allowed to remain unanswered. Besides, I'm into enough beer that there isn't too much else I can do tonight.
I totally agree about the turtle-waxing, of course. If my shift-swapping didn't involve having to work before noon tomorrow, I would still be logged out. On the other hand, that means that I don't work at all on Friday. :biggrin:
  • #5,844
Public Key

Not For Everyone
For madmen only
  • #5,845
if you have to send me an email that is highly-top-uber secret and don't want the NSA to know what you wanted to tell me, use the public key

its a 4096 Diffie-Hellman/ElGamel key. For all intensive purposes, unless they build quantum computers and use Shor's algorithm tomorrow, you can be sure they won't crack that message in next 10 years