Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #6,056
BicycleTree said:
Moonbear's not a medical doctor.
And why would we take franzbear to a medical doctor?
Physics news on
  • #6,057
BicycleTree said:
Moonbear's not a medical doctor.
I don't care. She can play doctor with me any time. :-p
  • #6,058
BicycleTree said:
Does everyone realize that I am KONG
I thought nuts was spelled N-U-T-S. :confused: :-p
  • #6,059
*takes franzbear to underground reinforced cavern out in the desert*
*sets hydrogen bomb timer*
*escapes by helicopter to radiation proof shelter*
*waits for boom*
*goes back*
*sees franzbear still alive*

Now let's just give up, okay?
  • #6,060
Danger said:
I don't care. She can play doctor with me any time. :-p
everybody said:
Dirty old man :biggrin:
my message is too short so I had to add this
  • #6,061
Danger said:
I don't care. She can play doctor with me any time. :-p
First thing she's going to say is, "Drop your pants, this may hurt a little." :smile: :smile: :-p
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  • #6,062
OMG! franzbear can't die can he! there's a;ways a way..we'll need to think this through...
  • #6,063
BicycleTree said:
*takes franzbear to underground reinforced cavern out in the desert*
*sets hydrogen bomb timer*
*escapes by helicopter to radiation proof shelter*
*waits for boom*
*goes back*
Up to here it was pretty good.

You're not getting it that easy.
  • #6,064
Franzbear--> Dr moonbear!
  • #6,065
Artman said:
I thought nuts was spelled N-U-T-S. :confused: :-p
You're being a little overly-polite here.

Artman said:
First thing she's going to say is, "Drop your pants, this may hurt a little." :smile: :smile: :-p
What makes you think that my pants will still be on?
  • #6,066
I want there to be a national championship for scaring people. Where the company would take ordinary people off the street, and contestants in the tournament would scare them as much as possible without physically harming them, and then the ordinary people would fill out a questionnaire about how scared they were.
  • #6,067
Danger said:
What makes you think that my pants will still be on?
Trust me on this, I always think of you ONLY with your pants on. :-p I guess in light of that, the first thing she says may be either bend over and say, "AHHH" or, do you think it'll grow if it's watered? :smile: :smile:

Couldn't resist that. Gotta take the easy shots when they come along. I realize I am opening myself to a future big time zing. :biggrin:
  • #6,068
BicycleTree said:
I want there to be a national championship for scaring people. Where the company would take ordinary people off the street, and contestants in the tournament would scare them as much as possible without physically harming them, and then the ordinary people would fill out a questionnaire about how scared they were.
Sure. Get a guy with a heart condition and be fighting 'wrongful death' suits for the rest of your life.
  • #6,069
Obviously you'd have to have special legislation passed to avoid all lawsuits. Anyway if the guy has a heart condition and dies, the contestant who scares him is disqualified.
  • #6,070
:rolleyes: is danger still here.

Gotta go!
  • #6,071
Artman said:
Trust me on this, I always think of you ONLY with your pants on. :-p
Whew! That's a relief.

Artman said:
I guess in light of that, the first thing she says may be either bend over and say, "AHHH" or, do you think it'll grow if it's watered? :smile: :smile:
Does a spit-polish count as 'watering'?

Artman said:
I realize I am opening myself to a future big time zing.
Count on it. :biggrin:
  • #6,072
There would be a "plainclothes" division and a "mutilated" division. Obviously a mutilated tattooed skinhead would usually have an advantage over a normal-looking guy dressed casually, other things being equal.

Also, threats on the subject's life would be as disallowed as physical injury would be. Threatening body language, of course, may be used.
  • #6,073
And no weapons would be allowed. Everything would have to be implicit psychological intimidation. And the frightener would have to stay five feet away from the subject (whose name is John Freet) at all times.
  • #6,074
yomamma said:
And why would we take franzbear to a medical doctor?

Good one! My thoughts exactly! :biggrin: :devil:

Hmm...I can't remember which of these voodoo charms is for good luck and which is for bad luck. *randomly picks charm* Okay franzbear, sprinkle some of that salt around the floor in a pentagram and swing this charm around your head 6 times counterclockwise.
  • #6,075
We should get a franzbear voodoo doll and ruin it.
  • #6,076
All charms are for bad luck.
  • #6,077
Here's one

Now we need an article of franz's clothing...

here's one of his peircings. Now we can hurt him inderectly!
  • #6,078
yomamma said:
Now we need an article of franz's clothing...
It works much better if you use a little of his hair.
  • #6,079
Moonbear said:
It works much better if you use a little of his hair.
Given his origin, wouldn't a snippet of your merkin do?
  • #6,080
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  • #6,081
yomamma said:

Finally, he shaved off that awful red hair! And thankfully, those tattoos must have all been temporary. *breathes sigh of relief*
  • #6,082
Moonbear said:
those tattoos must have all been temporary.
They weren't supposed to be. It's that damned immune system of his.
  • #6,083
He took his piercings off because the barber needed to use them to cut his hair.
  • #6,084
Moonbear said:
Finally, he shaved off that awful red hair! And thankfully, those tattoos must have all been temporary. *breathes sigh of relief*
You mean these tattoos that were in white?
  • #6,085
SOS is back! from not being here..for..awile..
  • #6,086
SOS has clearly been to the Brewnog school of computer graphics...
  • #6,087
brewnog said:
SOS has clearly been to the Brewnog school of computer graphics...
Hmm...must be a real quality school. Do folks graduate when they're able to print a convincing looking diploma for themselves?

I don't mind the tattoos under his hair, it was all those ones covering his face that were creeping me out. :smile:
  • #6,088
yomamma said:
SOS is back! from not being here..for..awile..
Thank God she hasn't seen what I wrote about her...

:rolleyes: she isn't still here, is she? :rolleyes:
  • #6,089
Artman said:
Thank God she hasn't seen what I wrote about her...

:rolleyes: she isn't still here, is she? :rolleyes:
How was traffic?
  • #6,090
Ok, from the Disney World thread, a picture of me in sunglasses. I'm building a fort (see the walls?


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