Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
  • Start date
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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #596
Math Is Hard said:
OK, I just PM'd his sorry butt. Maybe he'll write back. Midterms are no excuse. I got 'em, too. Besides he's little Mr. "I-got-an-A-plus-and-I-didn't-even-have-to-study-nyah-nyah".

That hurts, deep down, like in my shoes.

I don't think I'm going to reply to your PM now!

At anyrate, I'm about.
Physics news on
  • #597
This thread is finally coming into his senses...We got read of the intruders (geeky pirates) and we're carryin' on with our strive to kill it.:devil:

  • #598
Since this thread will probably never die, I propose a points system whereby the "players" are rated according to how long the thread sat idle after they posted. So, for example, vikasj007 only gets 7 points because the thread was only idle for 7 minutes before dextercioby took it over...
  • #599
It's not fair,Ross.People also sleep.You wouldn't want them to be forever online,on GD,posting in this thread :rolleyes:

  • #600
Hmmm point system, that may work, I would just not win because I sleep. It would be up to Dex and Franz
  • #601
russ_watters said:
Since this thread will probably never die, I propose a points system whereby the "players" are rated according to how long the thread sat idle after they posted. So, for example, vikasj007 only gets 7 points because the thread was only idle for 7 minutes before dextercioby took it over...

Woo hoo! Great idea! I nominate Russ to tally up the points. :biggrin:
  • #602
mattmns said:
Yes, Dex has an advantage because he is in Europe (I think), so I can safely say that he should be disqualified, then we can disqualify anyone who is in Canada, then anyone on the east or west coast, then hmm I pretty much have won then :-p

You go to sleep too early to win. You were off to bed by 10:30 on Saturday night...just give up now.

I like a point system, I know I have lots of points from my 18 hour thread stun (I guess that's what it was, just stunned it, didn't kill it), and I think I got in another 6 hour gap this weekend after mattmns went to sleep and before Dex woke up. But, of course that changes my whole strategy if points based on idle time count.
  • #603
dextercioby said:
I think this point idea is pure bs...:devil: Who's counting...?And there's one more thing:you'd have to count from the very beginning,that is over 770 replies ago...


That's why I nominated Russ, since it was his good idea, :devil: and we know he's only posted a couple times, so he can't inflate his score without us noticing. :biggrin:
  • #604
Hey I did not go to sleep til 11 that night, I just left PF at 10:30, so pfff. But you are right, I do go to bed to early to win at a point system, unless I could somehow get you all dqed. So I guess I will agree with Dex, :eek: and say that whoever kills it is the man! Yes man! Moonbear is not going to kill this thing!
  • #605
It would be a shame if MB killed this one too...Or Evo,or MIH,or Tsu,or Monique...Heck,us men are outnumbering them,so it better one of us killed it...

  • #606
Other forums seem to have had problems killing threads. Maybe they could provide some input on how to find a solution.

The problem:
MartinHilpert said:
I would like to kill a Thread (reason: after a specific amount of time, some threads need to be killed...

One solution:
dustpants said:
The best way to kill a thread is a knife wound through the heart.

Rebuttal problem:
MartinHilpert said:
okay, i guess i have to explain it in more detail: your suggestions doesn't work because threadToBeKiller does the following:

1. read data from URL
2. process data by doinf calculations and database access
3. write/archive data to file

this can take very long...

I think the problem can be isolated to either

a) the 'threadkillers' actually reading the posts - if you read the posts, you might make an interesting reply (plus you might empathize with the thread, making it harder to stab the thread very hard).

b) the 'threadkillers' process the data - I'm not sure how to 'doinf calculations' (is that anything like doinking calculations?), thinking about what you read definitely increases the chances you might make an interesting reply.

c) the 'threadkillers' can't resist the impulse to write the most interesting thoughts they think of in response to what they've read.
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  • #607
BobG said:
...b) the 'threadkillers' process the data - I'm not sure how to 'doinf calculations' (is that anything like doinking calculations?)...
I've doinked a few calculations. You've really been cracking me up lately BobG.

But even your witty banter can't save this thread. You've seen its death certificate. Its gone. Its mine. I have to continue plans for its funeral.
  • #608
mattmns said:
However, if you notice, Moonbear has not posted since Dex and I confirmed that she would not get the kill. But because I just said this, she now has something to enter back in on. :cry:

Oh, I was just busy rallying the sisters, now that you've thrown down the gauntlet and made this men vs women! :biggrin: You can thank Dex for giving me all new incentive to keep going here.

I'm just pacing myself. (Okay, it's a little known secret that I have a job that pays me and sometimes I have to do that instead of posting at PF).
  • #609
Moonbear said:
I'm just pacing myself. (Okay, it's a little known secret that I have a job that pays me and sometimes I have to do that instead of posting at PF).

You have a j-o-b?
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  • #610
Yep, a j-o-b. Until I find some billionaire to marry, I have no choice if I want to pay the mortgage and put food in my belly (whether or not it gets put on a table at any point is somewhat optional). Not that I'd likely stop doing what I do even if I was independently wealthy, but it's not even an option to consider yet.
  • #611
tribdog said:
I've got something better than a job. TAX REFUND came today

LOL! You do realize they're just giving you your own money back, right? Damn, taxes, I have to get to work on those too.

(Pssst- good idea tribdog, if we start talking about jobs and taxes and other boring grown-up stuff, that really ought to chase the youngsters out of this thread. Maybe we should start talking about bunions and bad backs and hemorrhoids...I know those topics usually get me to leave the room when my irritating relatives start talking about them.)
  • #612
I think killing this thread is just too big a job for one person. This is a job for a PAT (Process Action Team). By using sound principles of TQM (Total Quality Management), I'm absolutely sure we can kill this thread.

The first thing we need to do is hold a pre-PAT meeting to determine who the members of the PAT should be. Obviously, a few members are mandatory for any PAT, such as:

A facilitator

A ... well do really need a timekeeper on a forum PAT?

A ORM (Operational Risk Management) expert

An ISD (Instructional Systems Development) expert (any idea we come up with is bound to require training)

A secretary to record the minutes of the meeting

A secretary to keep track of acronyms (we need to develop lots of acronyms!)

Someone to develop lots of power point slides showing how we've improved the forum by killing off worthless threads

Someone handy at picture hanging so we can hang our slides of valuable metrics on the wall

A black hole (someone guaranteed to make paperwork disappear, just in case - group ideas are generally better than individual ideas, but stupidity is sometimes just as contagious)

I'll volunteer to be sergeant of arms. I'll belittle any who wander off on a tangent, wasting the valuable time of all the members of the PAT. Worse, you ever notice how, once the match is struck, how many members jump in and help the carry the meeting even further off track. You almost get the feeling a significant number of the folks attending a meeting are just waiting for a chance to escape the topic at hand. Particularly annoying are those that have spent half the meeting saying nothing while we were discussing business, and then suddenly come to life (albeit, with this strange fist shaped red spot in the middle of their forehead) and help the time thief steal our valuable time by carrying off our meeting on to some totally unrelated, worthless discussion of how funny it is to watch someone walking absent mindedly down the street, encounter a sheet of black ice, suddenly break out in a spontaneous bout of the Teaberry shuffle, and then continue walking on as if no one would notice. You'd think they'd at least look around to see if someone saw before they try to act nonchalant about it. There's a saying that "He who laughs at the misfortune of others understands the meaning of life", but where's the fun if the poor dancing fool doesn't even look over to notice you're laughing. People like that are invaluable, especially when waiting in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles. I remember this guy who had one sock garter that had come loose and was hanging out over the back of his pants. 87.68 percent of the customers were just dying trying not to laugh out loud and tip this guy off, because if he noticed and fixed his shirt and garter, we'd all die of boredom. After he'd finished his business and was walking out the door, some woman got up out of her seat and thanked him. He seemed more embarrassed than appreciative of her gratitude. Maybe she should have at least waited until he was out the door instead of thanking him for his garter in front of such a large crowd of 76.83 people. Personally, the important thing is that there were only 46.75 seats in the waiting room. On your feet, lose your seat! Ah, only 78.46 more minutes to go.
  • #613
I say we just order beer and pizza while we complain loudly about having to attend the PAT meetings so nobody catches on we are actually enjoying ourselves.
  • #614
mattmns said:
Where is Franz? Them midterms must be killer, he is usually here non stop, I almost miss his smart ass comments :cry:

No one's ever wondered about me yet.
  • #615
Chrono said:
No one's ever wondered about me yet.

Thats because you don't have nearly as pervasive and perverse a presence here. :biggrin:
  • #616
Chrono said:
No one's ever wondered about me yet.

We all wonder about you.

Oh, you meant in the sense of worrying about you when you're not here. :-p
  • #617
i propose that whoever kills this thread should get a ribbon for that.

"thread killer champion" what say greg.
  • #618
anyways i know that i can do that, but the only thing is that it will take time and by the time i do that everyone would have lost interest in this thread and then i won't get any ribbons.


my secret plan is to wait till this thread is killed by someone. when nobody posts for a couple of days, i would sneak in and post without anybody noticing it.(i'll just a . )
  • #619
That would be useless.The thread would end up atop the pile of threads and definiteley someone will notice...:devil:And will post a reply and the thread would no loger be dead.Besides,you posted 10 times tops,so you're justa guest.Get used to it...:-p

  • #620
now that everyone is sure that this thread is not going anywhere, why not start selecting those posts which really qualified to be the thread killers, but sadly could not do so.

maybe after seeing so many bad posts, people will stop coming to this thred.

its worth a try.
  • #621
I think it is all luck now. It is going to take something that is quite exceptional to kill this thread.
  • #622
Bartholomew said:
No, I think I really could kill this thread by using an unrelenting flood of random unreplyable stuff. It might take a couple weeks. But... I'd have to post every 5 minutes day and night to prevent other people from talking to each other, and it's not worth the effort.

Besides, we'd just sit back and laugh while you were busy talking to yourself, and then when you passed out from exhaustion, would reclaim the thread.

Dex has had this thread for a few hours now...that's long enough, I'll take it back.
  • #623
dextercioby said:
:blushing: That is're referring to...:-p


No, i think it will be me walking around naked in the thread again...

Like right now.
  • #624
franznietzsche said:
No, i think it will be me walking around naked in the thread again...

Like right now.
It's very scary having to come in with blinders on and feel around for the thread when you are dressed like that.
  • #625
If you're naked in MY THREAD,i've got a suggestion:why don't i open the window...?It's -20°C outside and i think in the room it's way too warm (else you wouldn't be walking butt-naked).Perhaps the cool air would be good for your health...:devil:

  • #626
*Turns on air-conditioning in thread to force franz to put some clothes back on*
  • #627
But now my abstract has been submitted, so I have time to keep a closer eye on you again! :devil: (I'm not going to keep such a close eye on franz, just keep posting after him with my eyes closed...rhino rectums are one thing, but a naked franz is skeeeeerrrrryyyyy!)
  • #628
Geeze, I can not even go back to the gd main page without having to come back to this thread to post again.
  • #629
I found some interesting statistics.

dextercioby has made 500 posts since 2-23-05, or 83.333 posts per day! :bugeye:

Moonbear is second - 500 posts since 2-11-05 or 27.777 posts per day

BobG has 500 posts since 11-20-04 (wimp)

Artman has 500 posts since 9-15-04 (mega wimp)
  • #630
Geeze Dex do you go to school or work, or anything? It looks like you post here all day :-p