Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #631
Evo said:
I found some interesting statistics.

dextercioby has made 500 posts since 2-23-05, or 83.333 posts per day! :bugeye:

Moonbear is second - 500 posts since 2-11-05 or 27.777 posts per day

BobG has 500 posts since 11-20-04 (wimp)

Artman has 500 posts since 9-15-04 (mega wimp)

:bugeye: I had no idea I was posting so much! Well, I'm sure this thread is seriously upping my post count. Guess that's why GD posts don't count otherwise. :shy:
Physics news on
  • #632
mattmns said:
Geeze Dex do you go to school or work, or anything? It looks like you post here all day :-p
mattmns, another lightweight - only 500 posts since 11-30-04 (but 450 of those posts were in the last 4 days) :-p
  • #633
dextercioby said:
You counted all of them,including GD.That explains it...I'm not here all day,really.I eat,sleep and do all those other things NORMAL people do...

And yes,MB,those are a lotta posts...Slow down,you're eating bandwidth...:-p

You too,Evo,Artman,Bob,Bart,Matt, alumni...:-p

What's important is that all of the GD posts are quality posts. :approve:

edit: now, now, that includes matt's posts
  • #634
dextercioby said:
Then why,oh,why did u reveal the standings in the QUANTITY dept...?It's the QUALITY standings that's really interesting to know...:wink:

That's because she didn't want to embarrass the rest of you by showing that my 27.7777 posts per day are of only the finest quality. When I kill a thread, only pure silk will do.
  • #635
Well, maybe the music is good, but the lyrics are not that good.

I already posted this elsewhere, but being the thread-killer thread, I guess it's legitimate to post it here too. This group has a funny song, "The Geeks Get the Girls" It's not great music, but the lyrics are hysterical! (Though, Bartholomew will probably disagree; we don't seem to share the same type of sense of humor.)

If you click on "listen" you can hear that song (along with some cheesy video, if you can call it video).
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  • #636
Moonbear said:
We all wonder about you.

Oh, you meant in the sense of worrying about you when you're not here. :-p

Yeah. I always wonder what the hell's wrong with me, too. :wink:
  • #637
Moonbear said:
LOL! Did you see, I dedicated a song for you? :biggrin:

  • #638
Okay, I think we need a new rule. You have to at least be coherent to count as a thread killer of the thread-killer thread!

*grabs thread and slips through the secret door behind the bookcase* Muwahahahaha! They'll never find me here.
  • #639
Evo said:
I found some interesting statistics...Artman has 500 posts since 9-15-04 (mega wimp)
Good grief. I thought I had a life.

As for the rest of this thread lately...<searches desperately for the smilie with the ? over its head, Oh there it is!>

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
  • #640
Artman said:
I'm a zombie.

We know how to deal with you by using this guide.
  • #641
Okay, Bartholomew and Dex, you've done a good job thread-sitting. Though, Bart, it's hardly an infant thread anymore. You can talk to it in real words, you don't have to make up babble. I'll just take it back now. I think we'll hit 1000 replies today! So, which wins the prize today, 1000th post or 1000th reply?
  • #642
:zzz: Someone wake me at 998. :zzz:
  • #643
It's no fair...I have meetings to attend and work to do! I need thread day care if I'm going to stay in the game. Well, it'll be worth the expense to keep all you guys from killing it.
  • #644
I told you all you guys would run out of energy charging so quickly out of the gate. And franz has to take every weekend off just to catch his breath. I'm still going to outlast all of you!
  • #645
and yours for i don't know how many minutes.

Moonbear said:
I told you all you guys would run out of energy charging so quickly out of the gate. And franz has to take every weekend off just to catch his breath. I'm still going to outlast all of you!

I have never been quick out of the gate, nor have i ever been outlasted !

I object to you throwing me in with their lot.
  • #646
Moonbear said:
I told you all you guys would run out of energy charging so quickly out of the gate. And franz has to take every weekend off just to catch his breath. I'm still going to outlast all of you!

You're overestimating your luck and that's not good.You're not alone in this thread & u never will... :devil:

  • #647
Bartholomew said:
Oh when the saints
Come marching in

Oh, great, now I've got that dumb children's song that my sister played over and over for my nephew while I was visiting for Christmas stuck back in my head again. "The ants go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrah."

That's going to be stuck there all day now. (and how did you manage to edit ants to saints while I was in the process of hitting quote?)
  • #648
C'mon, keep up the pace here. I want a nice, meaty thread when I kill it. We need to get it up to at least 1000 posts, and we're really close now! Keep pushing it, give it a good work-out, make it build up those muscles!
  • #649
Oh, okay, as long as you were just feeling sorry for him. The wimps have to stick together I suppose. :-p Now get the lead out! Move it move it move it! We're almost up to 1000, keep posting!
  • #650
Almost to 1000! :biggrin:
  • #651
It's going to be mine! (darn 30 sec time limit!)
  • #652
Bartholomew said:
Very evil!

Woo hoo! I got the 1000th reply, despite nearly being thwarted by the 30 second time limit between posts. :biggrin:
  • #653
Bartholomew said:
Tremendously evil... I got post #1000

Evo already made the official decree that the post number doesn't count, it's the reply number! :biggrin: It's over in the stupid quetion thread, ca. reply 2000 if you need to check.
  • #654
WHAT IN THE HELL! Geeze you guys posted way to fast. And you posted way too many times. I was hoping to be 1002, or 3 or 4, and then just delete some of my older posts to get 1000/1
  • #655
The ant version is more secular. It's on at least two different children's music CDs (because I had to listen to both of them ), so maybe I can find the lyrics online. Oooh, won't I impress my nephew if I know all the words next time I see him! I do know all the words to the apples and bananas song, and the heads, shoulders, knees and toes song, and can do a decent job of keeping up with the 10 little monkeys, jumping on the bed (one fell off, and bumped his head; he went to the doctor and the doctor said, "no more monkeys, jumping on the bed"; 9 little monkeys, jumping on the bed...) :biggrin:
  • #656
mattmns said:
WHAT IN THE HELL! Geeze you guys posted way to fast. And you posted way too many times. I was hoping to be 1002, or 3 or 4, and then just delete some of my older posts to get 1000/1

We're going for 2000 now, you still have a chance! I think all we're managing to do is prove we're NOT thread killers.
  • #657
Bartholomew said:

That's it! That's the song! Thanks! Now I don't have to have just one line stuck in my head all night! :biggrin: Of course now the new question is why does NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) have The Ants Go Marching on their site? :rolleyes:
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  • #658
Moonbear said:
Well, we still have ants around, so they must have sorted out something with Noah. :-p By the way, I hate you for getting that stuck in my head, because I don't know any of the rest of the words to the song, so just keep hearing that phrase over and over!
This was post 998. Where was my wakeup call. I can't leave you people alone for a minute with my thread.
  • #659
Sorry Artman, we were singing at the top of our lungs, but it just didn't seem like anything was going to wake you. You snooze, you lose! :smile:
  • #660
This thread must have set all kinds of records by now.
  • #661
Moonbear said:
Woo hoo! I got the 1000th reply, despite nearly being thwarted by the 30 second time limit between posts. :biggrin:
Yes, Moonbear is the 1000th reply, post number 1000 is only the 999th reply (the beginning of the thread is counted as post one, it should be counted as zero). Bart, you get the consolation prize. :biggrin:
  • #662
Evo said:
Yes, Moonbear is the 1000th reply, post number 1000 is only the 999th reply (the beginning of the thread is counted as post one, it should be counted as zero). Bart, you get the consolation prize. :biggrin:


They should know better than to question the pirate sisterhood!
  • #663
franznietzsche said:

Moonbear, out to impress any guy she finds.


LOL! I don't have to try, it just comes naturally. :approve:

I just remember how funny it was when my grandfather used to teach me somewhat "non-traditional" lyrics to songs (despite my grandmother's protesting), and I think that should be passed on to the next generation. :biggrin:
  • #664
Moonbear said:
I'm thinking I need to make up new lyrics to the Ants Go Marching song, something to truly impress my nephew. What number rhymes best with nose? I want to include the line, "The little one stopped to pick his nose." That should get a good giggle out of a kid. :biggrin:
All day this has had me thinking of that darn "ant can't move a rubber tree plant" song.

So here it is. :devil:

High Hopes

Next time you're found with your chin on the ground
There's a lot to be learned so look around
Just what makes that little ol' ant think
he'll move that rubber tree plant
Anyone knows an ant, can't
Move a rubber tree plant

But he's got high hopes... he's got high hopes
He's got high apple pie in the sky hopes

So any time you're getting low
'Stead of letting go,
Just remember that ant.

Oops there goes another rubber tree
Oops there goes another rubber tree
Oops there goes another rubber tree plant.

When troubles call and your back's to the wall
There's a lot to be learned, that wall could fall.

Once there was a silly ol' ram,
Thought he'd punch a hole in a dam;
No one could make that ram, scram,
He kept buttin' that dam

But he's got high hopes... he's got high hopes
He's got high apple pie in the sky hopes

So any time you're feeling bad
'Stead of feeling sad
Just remember that ram.

Oops there goes a billion kilowatt
Oops there goes a billion kilowatt
Oops there goes a billion kilowatt dam!

Next time you're found with your chin on the ground
There's a lot to be learned so look around
Just what makes that little ol' ant think
he'll move that rubber tree plant
Anyone knows an ant, can't
Move a rubber tree plant

So keep your high hopes, keep your high hopes.
Keep your high apple pie in the sky hopes.

A problem's just a toy balloon
They'll be bursting soon
They're just bound to go POP!

Oops there goes another problem ker...
Oops there goes another problem ker...
Oops there goes another problem kerplop.

  • #665
Evo said:
All day this has had me thinking of that darn "ant can't move a rubber tree plant" song.

:smile: I love it! Don't worry, I'm sharing the contagion as much as possible (If I'm going to have silly songs stuck in my head, EVERYONE'S going to have silly songs stuck in their head). I just emailed one of my friends who has a son about to turn one and asked him what number rhymes with nose. I figure he's going to soon be listening to that song a lot too, so it's in both our interests to have some alternate lyrics. :biggrin: