Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #6,441
cronxeh said:
is it.. a...
I hope it's something to make them taste just as good with less fat: Pig Light.
Physics news on
  • #6,443
  • #6,444
Danger said:
I hope it's something to make them taste just as good with less fat: Pig Light.
:smile: You know, you can just trim the fat off. Most pork is actually pretty lean because the fat isn't as integrated into the flesh as it is with beef, it's all on the surface.

Sorry guys, I know it was mean to bring up a topic I can't discuss and to tease you with it like that...but then of course that's exactly why I did that. :devil:
  • #6,446
Last edited by a moderator:
  • #6,447
what vaccine? these Olsen dorks apparently enrolled in NYU and then dropped out?

what kinda liberal pukes are they anyway
  • #6,448
Moonbear said:
It seems whatever BT has is contagious and spreading rapidly! First yomamma, and now cronxeh have come down with it!
I'm glad you brought that up, 'cause I skimmed that whole link and still don't know what the hell he's talking about. I don't even know if the Olsen thing is a reference to my picture or to the Pig Light. I'd have expected him to notice the picture long before this, since it's my avatar.
Maybe he OD'd on that missing smilie link and wigged out.
  • #6,449
mattmns said:
Wow, what a long day. I spent the last 10/11 hrs reading a 4hr book. The trial and death of socrates: No doubt the most difficult, boring, book I have ever read and probably ever will read.
Try reading "Eleanore of Aquitane and the Four Kings by Amy Ruth Kelly. :bugeye:
  • #6,450
mattmns said:
Wow, what a long day. I spent the last 10/11 hrs reading a 4hr book. The trial and death of socrates: No doubt the most difficult, boring, book I have ever read and probably ever will read.
Hopefully it was at least a nice day and you got to sit outside under a cozy tree while reading...or something like that anyway. It alleviates some of the pain if you can at least read in a pleasant setting (that's why I took my college level lit courses as summer classes :approve:; I was really glad of that decision when I got assigned a bunch of feminist drivel to read for the one course. )
  • #6,451
That is a good idea Moonbear, I will definitely take that into consideration the next time I have to read something of great length.
  • #6,452
mattmns said:
That is a good idea Moonbear, I will definitely take that into consideration the next time I have to read something of great length.
Literature wasn't meant to be read while sitting at a desk. :wink:
  • #6,453
Evo said:
Try reading "Eleanore of Aquitane and the Four Kings by Amy Ruth Kelly. :bugeye:
I don't know what book it is because evo never ender her quote... :cry:
  • #6,454
Moonbear said:
Uh oh! Danger, we better get working harder on that vaccine. It seems whatever BT has is contagious and spreading rapidly! First yomamma, and now cronxeh have come down with it!
So what new thread virus am I infected with now? BToli?
  • #6,455
yomamma said:
So what new thread virus am I infected with now? BToli?
That's a very apt name. We should make it official. If we catch it early, a full cure can be expected. If left untreated for more than 2 weeks, you have to be shot.
  • #6,456
Danger said:
That's a very apt name. We should make it official. If we catch it early, a full cure can be expected. If left untreated for more than 2 weeks, you have to be shot.
Good plan! Best to be cautious with these things to contain the contagion.
  • #6,457
Moonbear said:
Good plan! Best to be cautious with these things to contain the contagion.
Unfortunate that proper containment can only be achieved in a vacuum chamber. Come here, yomamma... we have the isolation ward set up for you.
  • #6,458
Danger said:
Unfortunate that proper containment can only be achieved in a vacuum chamber. Come here, yomamma... we have the isolation ward set up for you.
Throw franzbear in with him to keep him company. Besides, I suspect franzbear might be a carrier. :eek:
  • #6,459
Moonbear said:
Throw franzbear in with him to keep him company. Besides, I suspect franzbear might be a carrier. :eek:
Even better... let's use franzbear to tie yomamma and BT together, then chuck all 3 of 'em in there.
  • #6,460
Danger said:
Even better... let's use franzbear to tie yomamma and BT together, then chuck all 3 of 'em in there.
Good plan. Quarantine them all!
  • #6,461
I'm *coughs and sneezes* not infected :redface: I- *vomits* am perfectly fine.

As for BT, he's infected with everyhthing, stick ém in there!

and franz, I just want to kil him, put him in with BT

What is the breathing option in moonbear brand vaccums?
  • #6,462
I have prepared a speech in my defense:

It is true I've been vomiting, coughing, sneezing, bleeding internally, etc. But I have a cold. The weather sucks where I am and I want a second chance

It is true that you guys are very perverse *******s, but I have fun talking to you (sometimes) and wish that BT and franzbear will be the ones put in the vacuum chamber.

BT is an unknown species and probably does not need oxygen. and franzbear is a threadus-stupidus and only requires eccesive posting to stay alive.

I, however, am a paramecium (member photos thread) and I need oxygen to survive. moonbear, danger (god I can't believe I'm asking you...) please! put everyone but me to suffer in the vacuum chamber!
  • #6,463
Hmm, double posting. This is a definite symptom of BToli. I am afraid we are going to have to quarantine you yomamma.
  • #6,464
Wait I think I found a cure!

Okay, mix the anthrax with the hydrogen...oh! can't forget uranium...and... PRESTO! a cure that only works for me!
  • #6,465
  • #6,466
I am not amused by your watermelon with legs
  • #6,470

in fraznbear2

moonbear is actually a BEAR

Moonbear: Drop your pants, this may hurt a little
Artman: Chase me Moonie, Chase me!
  • #6,471
Definately Moonbear at work:


And why are you people sleeping? 30% of your life is wasted on sleep.. inefficient liberal whiners! :smile:
  • #6,472
Danger said:
Sorry, I forgot that you'd told me that before. Keep in mind that I haven't read the part before my first post.
Oh you should read the first 20 or so pages. Moonbear, Franz, Gokul, I and a few others had some real fun then. :biggrin:
  • #6,474
yomamma said:
You guys couldn't tell it was mke from th *slap* part?
I could. :smile:
  • #6,475
Danger said:
Oooohhh... That's it, you little bugger. So you want to be the poster boy for retroactive abortion, huh? Where's my duct tape...?
:smile: :smile: :smile: This one got me. :biggrin: