Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
  • Start date
  • Tags
In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #6,511
BicycleTree said:
I don't understand why we got franznietzche as the "father"... seems like it should be Tribdog.
It's an e-child. The PF server decides who will be blessed with e-children, it's not up to us to decide ...that, and there was that night that franz got pretty drunk...just like a guy, he doesn't even remember what happened. :rolleyes: Poor guy was pretty traumatized considering I'm almost old enough to be his mother. :smile:
Physics news on
  • #6,512
How can a thread be both "franz's nekkid body" and franz's child at the same time?
  • #6,513
BicycleTree said:
I Googled this:
:smile: :smile: :smile: OMG! That's just too funny to watch! I love how every person shown seems to have their own unique technique too! :smile:
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  • #6,514
BicycleTree said:
How can a thread be both "franz's nekkid body" and franz's child at the same time?
Not at the same time. Franz was running around in here nekkid for a while, but that was before he was an e-father. I think it was an accident at the laundromat.
  • #6,515
No, the thread was already at a thousand or two posts.
  • #6,516
I Googled this:

is there a shame smiley?
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  • #6,517
BicycleTree said:
No, the thread was already at a thousand or two posts.
I know, I'm such a bad mom! :cry: It took me forever to find a name I liked for him.
  • #6,518
you should have named him oquinio. (awkino) it sounds cool :rolleyes: :biggrin:
  • #6,519
*loads up huge syringe of vaccine* Yomamma, come over here a minute. :devil:
  • #6,520


  • #6,521
: --████--|
  • #6,522
Hold still already, or you're getting this stuff injected in your ear! :smile:
  • #6,523
: -████-|


: -▀▀▀-|


(moonbear->) :rolleyes: |-▀▀▀-
  • #6,524
No, the thread was at a thousand or two posts when Franz named it "franz's nekkid body."
  • #6,525

everyone! get your rubber suits and respirators on!
  • #6,526
  • #6,527
AAHH! put hbim in the vacuum! Moonbear!? MOONBEAR!

*grabs BT and outs him in the vacuum.*
  • #6,528
yomamma said:
AAHH! put hbim in the vacuum! Moonbear!? MOONBEAR!

*grabs BT and outs him in the vacuum.*
I don't know...BT seems to be okay tonight. You're the one I'm worried about now. :rolleyes: :-p
  • #6,529
BicycleTree said:
No, the thread was at a thousand or two posts when Franz named it "franz's nekkid body."
Must you keep reminding us of franz's nekkid body?! We nearly burned out our retinas and have tried to bury that under thousands of posts, and you have to bring it up again?
  • #6,530
Now drop your pants. This may hurt a bit.

( | ) --████--|
  • #6,531
Come on, I should think it would have been obvious that the only preventive vaccine for BTitis would be a shot in the butt. :smile:
  • #6,532
The alternative treatment is pretty extreme: a BTectomy. :biggrin:
  • #6,533
Artman said:
Come on, I should think it would have been obvious that the only preventive vaccine for BTitis would be a shot in the butt. :smile:
Maybe a kick; I'm not sure a shot is strong enough. :smile: I'm still reeling from the shock of yomamma and BT seeming to have transposed personalities last night. :eek:
  • #6,534
Moonbear said:
Maybe a kick; I'm not sure a shot is strong enough. :smile: I'm still reeling from the shock of yomamma and BT seeming to have transposed personalities last night. :eek:
Hum, complete transference. If it keeps up, we will have to treat him for chronic BTitis. The treatment is a shot in the butt and remove the brain (he'll never miss it when he's being BT). :biggrin:
  • #6,535
Artman said:
Now drop your pants. This may hurt a bit.

( | ) --████--|
Love it. :biggrin:
  • #6,536
Artman said:
The alternative treatment is pretty extreme: a BTectomy. :biggrin:
how about you remove a section of my brain that is infected with btoli?

oh, that's already there...

why not antibiotics?
  • #6,537
Artman said:
Hum, complete transference. If it keeps up, we will have to treat him for chronic BTitis. The treatment is a shot in the butt and remove the brain (he'll never miss it when he's being BT). :biggrin:
And I thought we just needed to hand in our sanity before entering this thread. I never imagined there might be something running around in here that might require giving up the entire brain! :biggrin: :bugeye:
  • #6,538
why don't I just wash my hands?
  • #6,539
Don't you wash your hands already?!
  • #6,540
BicycleTree said:
I Googled this:
I bet everyone thought I was joking. :biggrin:
Moonbear said:
:smile: :smile: :smile: OMG! That's just too funny to watch! I love how every person shown seems to have their own unique technique too! :smile:
I didn't even notice that. Guess I'm used to it.
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  • #6,541
Artman said:
Now drop your pants. This may hurt a bit.

( | ) --████--|
So this is why you run from Moonbear. Now I'm beginning to understand. :eek:
  • #6,542
Huckleberry said:
I didn't even notice that. Guess I'm used to it.
How many people do you know who use a strap-on hose with attached water bottles? :eek: Though, there might be some money in...oh, nevermind, someone's probably already invented it. :rolleyes:
  • #6,543
Evo said:
SOS, Moonbear and I recently went to the beach. Here's our picture. SOS is on the left, I'm in the middle, Moonbear is on the right.

(runs and hides)
Sure,[/URL] make me the ugly one! Naw, I remember that -- And after that photo we decided on suits with coordinated support hose. However, I didn't figure that pic would be posted unless Artman got a hold of it. I will think of a way to make Evo pay. :devil:
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  • #6,544
Moonbear said:
How many people do you know who use a strap-on hose with attached water bottles? :eek: Though, there might be some money in...oh, nevermind, someone's probably already invented it. :rolleyes:
There's no need for strap on hoses and water bottles. Men do quite fine without them. Every guy has their own style developed from years of experience. Some of us just never learn to color in the lines.
  • #6,545
SOS2008 said:
Sure, make me the ugly one! Naw, I remember that -- And after that photo we decided on suits with coordinated support hose. However, I didn't figure that pic would be posted unless Artman got a hold of it. I will think of a way to make Evo pay. :devil:
HAven't we all seen this enough.


The one in the middle seems to have a shrunken head! :eek: