Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #6,896
Gale17 said:
HAH... that's what's happening then? i didn't know she was slaving away right now... i thought i was just going crazy... i heard its a common side effect of hanging too close to fanzbear... heh, i really thought my memory was just failing me...
"hmm, i thought there was only one reply on this page... oh hmm, i thought franzbear's story was on the page before... Gosh, i really suck at remembering things today..."
Yep, though Franzbear is a carrier for insanity; this does seem to help push one closer to the brink too, doesn't it? :-p
Physics news on
  • #6,897
Moonbear said:
I bet he doesn't look nearly as good in a bikini as Captain Smurf does! :biggrin:

:mad: Hag?! Hag!? HAG? :mad:

oh... wha... wait... you... by god, YOU'RE THAT HAG! AND... AND THAT WAS YOUR SON!

hmmph, well, i would now like to formally retract our formal appology, and i would like to add that your bastard son ought be swimming with his mum and the fishes by now! lucky my men were too busy worrying about their recent bikini waxes to aim properly. next time, the boy shaint live!
  • #6,898
Gale17 said:
oh... wha... wait... you... by god, YOU'RE THAT HAG! AND... AND THAT WAS YOUR SON!

hmmph, well, i would now like to formally retract our formal appology, and i would like to add that your bastard son ought be swimming with his mum and the fishes by now! lucky my men were too busy worrying about their recent bikini waxes to aim properly. next time, the boy shaint live!

Good thing he knows enough to stay away from pirates from now on. Hear that Franzbear? If you ever go boating, make sure you take my sailor buddies as an escort. That Galenog and her crew are no match for a destroyer! :approve:
  • #6,899
don't mess with the pirates. they have the spaghetti monster on their side.
  • #6,900
Oh, and Franzbear, now that you're home, look what I bought you! A brand new motorcycle! Oh, don't worry, you don't need lessons, you'll learn as you go. No, no, helmets look dorky, you want to look really cool. Why don't you give it a test drive, see how fast you can go out on the freeway; oh, and check out the maneuverability by zig-zagging around the tractor trailers. See how much Mommy loves you? :approve:
  • #6,901
Gale17 said:
You bet you we are! have you seen brewnie in a bikini! HOT INDEED! that of course is one of the many reasons i chose him as first mate.

Gale17 said:
lucky my men were too busy worrying about their recent bikini waxes to aim properly.

I don't think I want to be a pirate on the SS Galenog any more! When I signed up it was all rum-swigging, sea shanties, and swashbuckling, with plenty of unkempt facial hair, burping, and pillow fights. Now, Cap'n Gale has turned it into a big girly cross-dressing beach party. While I could get used to the cocktails being served by sexy waitresses in grass skirts, the compulsory weekly bikini wax is a real downer, and we're under orders to leave the toilet seat down or else it's thirty lashes from the cat-o-nine-tails!
  • #6,902
brewnog said:
I don't think I want to be a pirate on the SS Galenog any more! When I signed up it was all rum-swigging, sea shanties, and swashbuckling, with plenty of unkempt facial hair, burping, and pillow fights. Now, Cap'n Gale has turned it into a big girly cross-dressing beach party. While I could get used to the cocktails being served by sexy waitresses in grass skirts, the compulsory weekly bikini wax is a real downer, and we're under orders to leave the toilet seat down or else it's thirty lashes from the cat-o-nine-tails!

awwwww. i remember the days when you enjoyed me taking out my whips and chains...
i guess i can brink back sexy waitresses... that is if moonbear doesn't mind putting on her old grass skirt and serving up some drinks, (did you catch that moonbear? I'm implying you're sexy... winning back some brownie points eh, eh??)

anyways, franzbear, when you're on your new toy. try to go really really fast and stop abruptly in trafic. its honestly amazing how much quicker your bike stops compared to the traffic around you!
  • #6,903
Great this thread is back! I was thinking a while ago of making a new bs thread for one of my random comments, but decided against it. So now I can do it!

I was cheking out polar coordinates, and I noticed that the graph of [tex]r = 1 + sin(\theta)[/tex] looks a lot like an ass. So I thought, make a blend of that graph, with coordinates, and then have it blend into a woman's backside, and write something like Beauty in Math, or something similar.

Someone deleting posts?
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  • #6,904
I just had a franzbear sighting! He has someone with him on the was all just a blur..but it was this kid screaming FRANZBEAR LIVES..could it of been yomama?
  • #6,905
Gale17 said:
awwwww. i remember the days when you enjoyed me taking out my whips and chains...
i guess i can brink back sexy waitresses... that is if moonbear doesn't mind putting on her old grass skirt and serving up some drinks, (did you catch that moonbear? I'm implying you're sexy... winning back some brownie points eh, eh??)
Yeah, but you still made me walk the plank! And as has been observed, I hold a grudge. But, maybe if I get to lie around and be served drinks for a bit, I might be willing to rejoin your crew. Poor Smurf will be crushed, but I have to tell you, all this black clothing in the summer heat is not all it's cracked up to be, and confined in a sub, it gets pretty rank.
  • #6,906
hypatia said:
I just had a franzbear sighting! He has someone with him on the was all just a blur..but it was this kid screaming FRANZBEAR LIVES..could it of been yomama?

It sure could've. That's great to see the two of them playing together again. They're such good friends. :approve: Yomamma, it'll be really fun to yank the handlebars just as you're about to go around a curve. Just try it, it's a great joke. Franzbear will love it. :biggrin:

(I wonder what Evo is going to say when she realizes that as fast as she's deleting, we're posting. She'll get done with all her deleting and this thread will still be the same size! :smile:)
  • #6,907
Moonbear said:
(I wonder what Evo is going to say when she realizes that as fast as she's deleting, we're posting. She'll get done with all her deleting and this thread will still be the same size! :smile:)
I've noticed.

You have NO IDEA how tedious this is! Delete a post, then page back. It takes me 6 minutes to delete a single post. :devil:

Then I look and the thread count has increased! :bugeye:
  • #6,908
But thanks Evo...the sight of kids out playing has {wipes tear} has touched me. :cry:
  • #6,909
Evo said:
I've noticed.

You have NO IDEA how tedious this is! Delete a post, then page back. It takes me 6 minutes to delete a single post. :devil:

Then I look and the thread count has increased! :bugeye:
:smile: Maybe you should wait until you have your DSL replaced before you spend too much time deleting.
  • #6,910
Moonbear said:
:smile: Maybe you should wait until you have your DSL replaced before you spend too much time deleting.

or maybe she should video tape the faces she's making as she's deleting...

I think the latter would be much more amusing...
  • #6,911
Gale17 said:
or maybe she should video tape the faces she's making as she's deleting...

I think the latter would be much more amusing...
Aww...that's just mean. :devil: :smile: :smile: Okay, I think I'll rejoin your crew if ye'll have me back. Oh, wait, this is Franzbear, where I'm the one with minions! Prepare your poofy hats and silver-lined capes to swish and your swords to swoosh! :biggrin:
  • #6,912
Ho hum. :zzz: Franzbear is back. whoopie. I think I'm just going to go away.
I think you should all probably just go to another thread too. Yawn. :zzz:

Have they gone Franzbear?

You're back! YEAH!

:rolleyes: No one just read that did they? :rolleyes:
  • #6,913
Artman said:
Ho hum. :zzz: Franzbear is back. whoopie. I think I'm just going to go away.
I think you should all probably just go to another thread too. Yawn. :zzz:

Have they gone Franzbear?

You're back! YEAH!

:rolleyes: No one just read that did they? :rolleyes:
I'm so happy. <sniff> I want franz to be young again, a small tyke, trusting and clueless.

  • #6,915
Pogo, that looks just like least the way he looks now that he's gotten the last of those hideous temporary tattoos scrubbed off (well, the guy at the tattoo parlor insists they weren't temporary, but we just kept scrubbing with steel wool, sand paper, and are letting the flesh-eating bacteria do the rest of the work).

Oh, and I should just show everyone that this is the bike I got Franzbear as his welcome home gift. :biggrin:
  • #6,916
*rubs eyes*

OMFG! it's alive!

but what happens to bartholemew?
  • #6,917
Evo. No. It's not natural. Think about what you're doing! You're upsetting the delicate order of the universe, Nature is being destroyed from the inside out! STOP THIS MADNESS!

Look, There's already been an insomniac thread created by someone other than me or Franz, and it has a hidious title 'sleep'. THIS IS MADNESS! LOOK AT WHAT YOU'RE DOING!
  • #6,918
Evo said:
I'm so happy. <sniff> I want franz to be young again, a small tyke, trusting and clueless.

To me Franzbear was never the tatooed biker, punker. He was always just the little knuckleheaded nephew who would do anything you asked.

Now come on Franz, uncle Artman wants to take you on a field trip to the airport. o:) This should be fun. Sure you can bring your toy gun and your hunting knife. :biggrin: I'm sure they won't mind. Oh and all of the workers there like to be called "Jack" for some reason. So make sure you say "Hi!" to all of them. o:)

I'll just go and park the car while you go in. :biggrin: o:)
  • #6,919
Artman said:
Now come on Franz, uncle Artman wants to take you on a field trip to the airport. o:) This should be fun. Sure you can bring your toy gun and your hunting knife. :biggrin: I'm sure they won't mind. Oh and all of the workers there like to be called "Jack" for some reason. So make sure you say "Hi!" to all of them. o:)
Now, Franzbear, you know you're too old to fall for your Uncle Artman's tricks. What you really should do is take that new bike of yours out onto the runway and see what sort of acceleration you can get; it's a good straightaway for testing it flat out. Oh, and for a real thrill, when you see a plane coming in for a landing, dash in ahead of it and see if you can beat it to the finish line! I'm not raising any wussy sons around here. :approve:
  • #6,920
Smurf said:
Evo. No. It's not natural. Think about what you're doing! You're upsetting the delicate order of the universe, Nature is being destroyed from the inside out! STOP THIS MADNESS!

Look, There's already been an insomniac thread created by someone other than me or Franz, and it has a hidious title 'sleep'. THIS IS MADNESS! LOOK AT WHAT YOU'RE DOING!
Sorry Smurf, it had to be done. Franzbear didn't die a natural death, I couldn't keep the thread closed under those conditions. :cry: Now we will see what happens...
  • #6,921
Artman said:
Now come on Franz, uncle Artman wants to take you on a field trip to the airport. This should be fun. Sure you can bring your toy gun and your hunting knife. I'm sure they won't mind. Oh and all of the workers there like to be called "Jack" for some reason. So make sure you say "Hi!" to all of them.

I'll just go and park the car while you go in.
Moonbear said:
Now, Franzbear, you know you're too old to fall for your Uncle Artman's tricks. What you really should do is take that new bike of yours out onto the runway and see what sort of acceleration you can get; it's a good straightaway for testing it flat out. Oh, and for a real thrill, when you see a plane coming in for a landing, dash in ahead of it and see if you can beat it to the finish line! I'm not raising any wussy sons around here. :approve:
YES! Now this is Franzbear! :approve:
  • #6,922
Evo, You're Wonderful! o:)
  • #6,923
this is amazing. I knew I heard his voice! and now...he's back...are we still trying to kill him?
  • #6,924
yomamma said:
this is amazing. I knew I heard his voice! and now...he's back...are we still trying to kill him?
Yes, see Artman and Moonbear's posts above. Right now franzbear is at the airport. :biggrin:
  • #6,925
what about the thread ghost? you can't have a ghost in a zombie!
  • #6,926
yomamma said:
what about the thread ghost? you can't have a ghost in a zombie!
I think Evo has been performing an exorcism. :biggrin:

Ooh, look at Franzbear zooming along the runway! Wow, that was a close call with that jet. :bugeye: Uh oh, the cops are out after him. Don't worry Franzbear, you can outrun them on that bike. Just watch out if they bring out the heavy artillery. It'll be just like in a video game!
  • #6,927
Lisa! said:
No, we should support him! yourdadonapogostick wants to hurt him!
*gets out chainsaw* no witnesses :devil:
  • #6,928
I see another 'texas chainsaw massacre' in the making
  • #6,929
Chainsaws don't work. Franzbear just gets all tangled up in them, but remains unharmed. He's a really tough thread to kill.

Uh oh, Franzbear, it looks like they've called in the SWAT team now. You better head over to the other runway for your game of chicken with the airplanes. Maybe you can do like in the movies and ride right up along the landing gear as one is taking off and get a free ride in the landing gear. Oh, over there, look, there are still flights taking off from the international terminal. You've always wanted to travel the world, haven't you? :biggrin:
  • #6,930
I'm going to sue! I have a freaking death certificate right here and now they tell me its alive!