Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #7,071
ban jelfish!
Physics news on
  • #7,072
Spy? Me? Never! Here, you can check my cufflinks.
  • #7,073
Jelfish said:
Spy? Me? Never! Here, you can check my cufflinks.
Oh, you think you can pull that one on us, huh? Let me see that tie tack of yours.
  • #7,074
NO! .. ahem. It has sentimental value. o:)
  • #7,075
Jelfish said:
NO! .. ahem. It has sentimental value. o:)
Oh, I just want to admire it. o:)

Franzbear, don't forget to tell the nice FBI guys about your adventures on airplanes and foreign countries, and the fun you have playing with explosives, and that shack mean Artman burned down in the woods. :biggrin:
  • #7,076
it's a mic! i think he needs to borrow a pair of franzbear's special shoes :devil:
  • #7,077
yourdadonapogostick said:
it's a mic! i think he needs to borrow a pair of franzbear's special shoes :devil:
Good idea. You go take care of Jelfish, and I'm going to head over to Quantico to see if I can help Franzbear with the FBI (and make sure he doesn't incriminate me with anything he tells them.)
  • #7,078
Shoes? Do they come in US size 11?
  • #7,079
here they are. try them on. we're going to the lake :devil:
  • #7,080
*bats eyelashes* Hi there Mr. FBI Guy! Wow, don't you look stunning in that suit and those sunglasses. I just wanted to find out if my son was okay. You really should get him some psychiatric counseling while you have him in custody. Poor kid has had a rough life. His father ran out on him at a very young age, and he's been having these delusions about people out to kill him and some fictitious "Genco Family." Don't believe any of it, he's just out of his mind. You might have to resort to electroshock therapy or a lobotomy.
  • #7,081
he doesn't need electrotherapy.

*gets out a quadruple dose of insulin*
  • #7,082
yourdadonapogostick said:
here they are. try them on. we're going to the lake :devil:

Hmm. I don't think I like these shoes. They're kind of heavy.

And why do you have horns?
  • #7,083
u'll wair them and you'll like it!
  • #7,084
yourdadonapogostick said:
u'll wair them and you'll like it!

I'm not a baby anymore! I old enough to make my own decisions! You don't own me! :cry:
  • #7,085
don't make me get out the duct tape! :devil:
  • #7,086
Fine! I'll put on the stupid shoes.

Hmm.. why is there only one lace sticking out the front?
  • #7,087
it doesn't matter. now take a swim.
  • #7,088
Oh no! Jelfish, you won't be able to swim in those shoes! Here, throw this rope around your neck, I'll get my car and we can drag you out!

:rolleyes: Well, it worked for Franzbear.
  • #7,089
Franzbear is sitting in an interrogation room, just a bare bulb hanging overhead. The metal chairs are old, the old vinyl seats long ago worn off. The interrogators sit across the room in the shadows, only their silhouettes visible to Franzbear as he begins sweating from the heat of the bulb. That's when he realizes, they didn't put any ordinary bulb in that socket, it's a heating lamp!

The agent in the shadows speaks. "So, you're not going to talk, is that right?"

Franzbear sits silently; he knows if he says anything, anything at all, he's going to have to face the Genco bosses. Whatever the agents do to him, it won't be nearly half as bad as what the Genco bosses will do to him. The sweat starts dripping down his brow, and he's starting to feel a bit woozy from the heat and because they haven't fed him since his arrival.

The agent speaks again, "Well, if that's the way you want it, then I don't have any other choice."

The agent walks to the wall behind him, takes out a key and unlocks a box mounted there, he pushes a button inside the box and locks it again.

A shiny, metal box descends from the ceiling and surrounds Franzbear on all four sides. He suddenly realizes why they had a heating lamp in that socket. It's a giant EZ-Bake Oven!
  • #7,090
Moonbear said:
A shiny, metal box descends from the ceiling and surrounds Franzbear on all four sides. He suddenly realizes why they had a heating lamp in that socket. It's a giant EZ-Bake Oven!
At first that's what he thought. Then he realized it was the "cone of silence" From the Get Smart series.

The agent took a seat across from him under the other side of the cone and said, "Okay, what is this about people trying to get you? Who are the heads of the Genco Families?"

All Franzbear heard was, "Look at that steeple in the morning dew. You were red up the flagpole anomalies." Which made absolutely no sense to him whatsoever. So he said, "I can't understand what you are saying. Could you repeat it?"

The agent heard, "I banned shut you spaying. Would Sue eat it?" So he said, "Who's Sue?"

To which Franzbear replied, "Gesundtheit..."

<Several hours later>

The agent is beginning his search for the heads of the Genco families that he got from his interrogation: Cartmen, Botoxmamma, and the three bears. I think he'll have a little trouble finding us. :biggrin:
  • #7,091
Moonbear said:
It's a giant EZ-Bake Oven!

(OK, so Franzbear does go into the EZ-bake after the Get Smart thing...)

Using his credentials as as toxicologist/forensic scientist, Uncle Toxyn makes his way into Quantico, waving papers, spouting big scientific words and sporting an oversize labcoat.


"Mmmmm...smells pretty good, but this will never do... got to have my franzbear well done. OK sport, let get you outta here."

Stuffing franz underneath his labcoat, Toxyn stealthily spirits him away from those mean old G-men.

"Ahh, here we are at the morgue. Alright kiddo, let's get you into this nice comfy bodyba...I mean sleeping bag. Ohh almost forgot your sleeping pills, I know you have trouble what with all the nightmares. I still don't know where you get all these horrible images from :rolleyes: , jeez!"

*Cinches down this toe tag*

"It's OK, it's supposed to be tight, it just let's people know who you are so they don't have to wake you up. Now, let Uncle Toxyn zipp..uhhh..tuck you in. There, I'll just slide you in this cubby cus its nice and dark...good for sleeping. Don't worry if you start feeling warm later on, that's just the electric blanket kicking in, don't want to get cold. G'night pal!"

*Slams door, and tapes note to handle* "Cremate immediately"* :devil:
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  • #7,092
Franzbear starts yelling, "Help me!"

But his muffled cries come out as, "Melt me!" So we turn up the knob and start the cremation process. :devil:
  • #7,093
Please; not that bloody cone of silence again!

Grabs Franzbear and traps him into my..cube of fortitude

Oops, I thought it was the cone of ignorance that had come up again.
well, it doesn't matter a lot. Not now.
  • #7,094
arildno said:
Please; not that bloody cone of silence again!

Grabs Franzbear and traps him into my..cube of fortitude

Oops, I thought it was the cone of ignorance that had come up again.
well, it doesn't matter a lot. Not now.
Oh no! Not the dreaded "Cone of Fortitude!" :cry: Poor Franzbear! We'll never get him out of there! :cry: How can we save him? :cry: He'll die in... Oh wait there's a door. :smile:

<opens door>

Let's go Franzbear. :biggrin:
  • #7,095
*snatches franzbear*
franz, have you ever gone cliff diving? I think we should go to niagra falls. lots of rocks to break your fall. no, they don't hurt, and if they do, you won't be feeling the pain very soon after... :devil:

okay, ready, JUMP!

  • #7,096
Your noise can wake up people from their midnight dream that I have a younger sister...:biggrin:
  • #7,097
more n00bs!

well, I got the word that franzbear was found under the falls, and was taken to a hospital. he was actually dead for 5 minutes, but a doctor named Emieno revived him :mad:
  • #7,098
Nooooo, it is now 4:30 local time and I just woke up after hearing some cats mew. :-(
Franzbear will die again soon. How soon ? I don't know.
  • #7,099
Don't post again emieno. I need a long-time kill. don't post in this thread for a few hours
  • #7,100
yomamma said:
more n00bs!

well, I got the word that franzbear was found under the falls, and was taken to a hospital. he was actually dead for 5 minutes, but a doctor named Emieno revived him :mad:
That's okay, we're going to send Franz out again. It seems he forgot his concrete swim fins last time. :smile:

okay, ready, JUMP Again!


Oh shoot. He jumped before putting on his concrete swim fins again! Here you go Franzbear! Catch!
Oops, that one got his head.
  • #7,101
he'll need some floaties, he can't swim...well, we still have some more concrete

franzbear, you can't catch with your head! I'll send down 4 more

okay, I give up, you go drown...
  • #7,102
hey franzbear, do you see that on the bottom? pick it up and pull the pin.
  • #7,103
no! don't throw it franz, they only do that in movies.
  • #7,104
yea, just hold on to it. :devil:
  • #7,105
Well, actually, just set it down on the ground next to you. :biggrin: