Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #7,141
umm...lisa!, your post made no sense ;)
Physics news on
  • #7,142
Maybe you have no sense!(just kidding!Bye and miss you alot!)
  • #7,143
  • #7,144
grrrrrrr...! :mad: :mad:
  • #7,145
*adds Lisa! and yomamma to "the list"*
  • #7,146

on a side note, where is SOS? she's been gone for awhile now...
  • #7,147
yomamma said:
hey, moonbear, I think kiashoe had her growth spourt! she's a thread now!
Oh, you could just tell from the moment she was born that she was going to be the precocious one. :approve:
  • #7,148
Is this one of yours?..points to kid... I caught him running down the street with these...points to scissors...
  • #7,149
hehehe well now if we are going to tie knots in their ends maybe we should just knot them together :devil:
  • #7,150
hypatia said:
Is this one of yours?..points to kid... I caught him running down the street with these...points to scissors...
:rolleyes: That would be Groot getting into trouble again. He's a real mischievous bugger. I think we better take Kia's suggestion and tie the strings together so they are easier to keep track of. Groot needs to be tied to a responsible one; I suppose Kiashoe is the most mature of the group.
  • #7,151
I say we tie him to yovo. he's the most responsible. or maybe we shoiuld just tie 'em all together, it's less trouble that way
  • #7,152
Yeah, maybe we should tie them all together. Yovo might be responsible, but he's also pretty clumsy. Put him between two of the stronger ones, maybe next to Artatia, she's pretty coordinated, and Toxysa! is fairly athletic. They should help keep Yovo from falling on his head tripping over his own two feet.
  • #7,153
maybe we could knit them into a useful blanket.
  • #7,154
That would be good. That would keep you warmer when we make you sleep in the alley with Franzbear again. :biggrin:
  • #7,155
He would be part of the blanket. and besides, we will use the blanket for more appropriate purpuses...
*plots scheme to kill franzbear*
  • #7,156
We better test if your blanket is fire retardant. *Holds blowtorch to blanket*
  • #7,157
it seems to be holding up. except for that gaping hole. get some band-aids.
  • #7,158
Band-aids? Those will never work. *grabs rivet gun and steel plate*
  • #7,159
*grabs helmet and protective gear*

I don't want to know how much harm moonbear can cause with a rivet gun and steel plate
  • #7,160
yomamma said:
*grabs helmet and protective gear*

I don't want to know how much harm moonbear can cause with a rivet gun and steel plate
Me? Cause harm? It can't be that hard, right?

kachink kachink kachink kachink.. OWWWWWW! $&#$%!@*...kachink kachink kachink kachink kachink kachink kachink CLANG! *@%^#$%! kachink kachink Ooops! :bugeye: RUN! It's about to blow!
  • #7,161
Hi everyone. :smile: What's going on here? Hey moonbear, what are you doing with that Rivet gun?

Hmmm...I wonder what she could be up to?

Moonbear said:
kachink kachink kachink kachink.. OWWWWWW! $&#$%!@*...kachink kachink kachink kachink kachink kachink kachink CLANG! *@%^#$%! kachink kachink Ooops! :bugeye:

<Moonbear runs past followed by a dozen angry threads>

Moonbear said:
RUN! It's about to blow!

Hmmm...Typical day in the thread I see. :biggrin:
  • #7,162
Artman said:
<Moonbear runs past followed by a dozen angry threads>
You only saw a dozen go by? Oh no! That means 6 got left behind! :cry:

Hmmm...Typical day in the thread I see. :biggrin:
Yep, pretty much. :biggrin: :approve:
  • #7,163
ummm. what happened to the little strings? oh, my killed 'bear!'!
  • #7,164
Ok I'm here to clarify my posts! :wink:

I said "who's talking to me?Ican't see anybody!" because Moonbear was in invisible mode when she called me "Uh, Lisa!,..."!
Then yourdadonpogostick said "confused", and I said "not surprising! and I meant "It's not surprisig if you're confused because you're always confused as a n00b!"
  • #7,165
Moonbear said:
You only saw a dozen go by? Oh no! That means 6 got left behind! :cry:
Nah, several were knotted together. :-p
  • #7,166
Lisa! said:
Ok I'm here to clarify my posts! :wink:

I said "who's talking to me?Ican't see anybody!" because Moonbear was in invisible mode when she called me "Uh, Lisa!,..."!
Then yourdadonpogostick said "confused", and I said "not surprising! and I meant "It's not surprisig if you're confused because you're always confused as a n00b!"
Thanks for keeping us straight, Lisa! :approve: :biggrin:
  • #7,167
Moonbear said:
:bugeye: RUN! It's about to blow![/b]
:rolleyes: Didn't I hear you say this over at the cancer clinic? :biggrin:
  • #7,168
Artman said:
Thanks for keeping us straight, Lisa! :approve: :biggrin:
You're welcome!:wink:
  • #7,169
Artman said:
:rolleyes: Didn't I hear you say this over at the cancer clinic? :biggrin:
:blushing: :redface: I wouldn't have been running in that case. :biggrin:
  • #7,170

choo chooo choooo
  • #7,171
  • #7,172
  • #7,173

(I figured you guys were providing the tenor and bass line, I better add some soprano.)
  • #7,174
no alto?! I quit :mad: !
  • #7,175
You didn't really think you were going to kill the thread by saying, "hmmm..." did you?