Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #7,491
And there! 9000'th reply is also MINE!
Physics news on
  • #7,492
whatever dude, I'm going to get #50,000.

cuz you just know it'll last that long.
  • #7,493
Moonbear said:
So, how is Franzbear holding up after that merkin fire?
He beat it out himself. :wink:

Sounds like you had a good time dancing, that's good.

Have fun. Forget about Franzbear for a while, enjoy yourself. He's in good hands here. o:)

Come on Franzbear...Yes you can bring your burnt merkin...sure you can wear it on your head...I know people who have worn them as beards, but not their own :-p...Let's go play hide and seek on the LA freeway! I'll hide my eyes over here along the side of the road and you go out and find a good hiding place in the middle of the road. :smile: It'll be fun! :biggrin:

Idiot! Get off the road!

99, 100. Ready or not here I come! :biggrin:
  • #7,494
Breaking News:
18 Car Pile Up on L.A. Freeway. Giant thread narrowly escapes. Details at 11.
  • #7,495
Moonbear said:
Breaking News:
18 Car Pile Up on L.A. Freeway. Giant thread narrowly escapes. Details at 11.
Hmmm. It was a pretty close one. I think I better rush Franzbear over to the doctor's office. Besides, it's time for his first cystoscopy exam. :devil:

If sticking a camera where they have to stick it in a thread doesn't kill him, I don't know what will.

Exam description (not for the sqeamish)

PS, poor zanazzi78!
PSS, Moonbear, of course it narrowly escaped; it's a thread, it does everything narrowly! :-p
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  • #7,496
franzbear, can you hold this H-bomb for me? thanks.
  • #7,497
yourdadonapogostick said:
franzbear, can you hold this H-bomb for me? thanks.
He's a little tied up in the exam room right now, but let's leave it here with his burnt merkin so he can get it when he's done. :smile:

<runs way far away>
  • #7,498
*ties up artman and places him next to the h-bomb*

*runs far, far, far away*
  • #7,499
*calmly walks in and rewires the bomb so it will go off as soon as Smurf is out of blast radius but ydoaps is right next to it*

It's ok YDOAPS! I disabled the bomb, you should go check it out!

*Hops in Personal Jet and flies away*
  • #7,500
no, i believe you. *runs away as fast as possible*
  • #7,501
ah screw it, he's still in range *presses button on remote detonator he stole from YDOAPS when he was running away*
  • #7,502
wow, I'm lucky i had to piss and stopped in at that bomb shelter.
  • #7,503
yourdadonapogostick said:
wow, I'm lucky i had to piss and stopped in at that bomb shelter.
It's a good thing I was able to free myself, flush the H bomb down the toilet in the bomb shelter and make it outside before it went off! :-p
  • #7,504
i guess it did work...what's that ticking noise? o sh-
  • #7,506
Its a good thing Franzbear was wearing the lead lined long johns I bought him for Christmas..he's such a good boy :approve:
  • #7,507
i hope they melted!
  • #7,508
Artman said:
Hmmm. It was a pretty close one. I think I better rush Franzbear over to the doctor's office. Besides, it's time for his first cystoscopy exam. :devil:


:rolleyes: Did you hear something? Sounded like it might have been Franzbear. Well, at least he has that nice doctor in with him.
  • #7,509
nothing new, I see
  • #7,511
Does anyone need any advice from me ?

In 2003, I was a Death's knight, working in a big shop selling mainly beer and cocktails. I have experience with different colored beer and wine fermented with different flavors.
In 2004, I became jobless because some guys in 7-11 store with high competition and speed got to the top ranks in selling groceries and my shop had no customers anymore
In 2005 till now, MS Word, Typing trainer for kids.
  • #7,512
Emieno said:
Does anyone need any advice from me ?

In 2003, I was a Death's knight, working in a big shop selling mainly beer and cocktails. I have experience with different colored beer and wine fermented with different flavors.
In 2004, I became jobless because some guys in 7-11 store with high competition and speed got to the top ranks in selling groceries and my shop had no customers anymore
In 2005 till now, MS Word, Typing trainer for kids.
Gosh, it sounds like you could kill this puppy. :biggrin:
  • #7,513
Franzbear! Mommy's home!

Okay, come here now. How much damage did you do to yourself while visiting your Uncle Artman? Tsk tsk tsk...that lump must hurt. *poke*

Hmm, look at that big gash on your arm. How did you get that one? You know, you better be careful it doesn't get infected by getting dirt in it, like this. *rubs Franzbear's arm with dirt*

That looks like a nasty sprain on your ankle too. Well, just walk it off, that should do it.
  • #7,514
o no! moonie's back!
  • #7,515
yourdadonapogostick said:
o no! moonie's back!

Yep, at least I'm home for now. Next week I'll be heading off to WV to find my new home, and I have a lot of other stuff to do in between, so I'm not sure I'll really be able to keep much of an eye on Franzbear. But he's getting old enough to take care of himself...I think. :rolleyes:
  • #7,516
I think he will be fine and this time he will hit the right target, right at the center because da drunkard still wants some more beer...
  • #7,517
Don't go talking about my mom again! I'll have to hit you over the head with a Fryerpan.
  • #7,518
why u have to ?
  • #7,519
Why do all these new people keep showing up and ruining my attempts to kill this thread?
  • #7,520
i am going to kill this thread, remember?
  • #7,521
I left, and when I came back the dead thread was alive again, and I still don't know what happened. Anyone want to enlighten me?
  • #7,522
Seems like something happened.
Seeing moonbear post a bunch of post repeatedly wondering about her kills..that is it!

No, I still wanted to go back to kill.........the main thread, :smile:

but what's wrong anyway ?
  • #7,523
i thought it was i who posted repeatedly about killing this thread...
  • #7,524
Mk said:
I left, and when I came back the dead thread was alive again, and I still don't know what happened. Anyone want to enlighten me?
Evo had a bit too much to drink one night :-p and decided to play Dr. Frankenstein and bring the dead thread back to life...again. It's now a double zombie thread...the walking dead.
  • #7,525
Ah yes, and after a N.A.K.E.D. party I presume?