Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #7,561
now then newbies I could go on and drop the usual classic babble about how I hate this thread but today, for some classic reason i am bored. Not the kind of bored where you lose sense of hours or days, but the kind of bored when you stare at the clock and it says 3:04 and you walk around the house, read emails, messages, even an article, heck even drink some coffee and go to China adopt a kid and raise to teach him to be funny, and yet when you look at the watch again it says 3:06

Physics news on
  • #7,562
i hate it when that happens
  • #7,563
Right after Lisa Marie had Michael Jackson's baby, they went to see her gynecologist. After the baby's exam, Michael asked the doctor, "Doctor, how long will it be before we can have sex?" The doctor replied, "Well, Michael, you probably ought to wait until he's at least 10 or 11."
  • #7,564
  • #7,565
cronxeh said:
now then newbies I could go on and drop the usual classic babble about how I hate this thread but today, for some classic reason i am bored. Not the kind of bored where you lose sense of hours or days, but the kind of bored when you stare at the clock and it says 3:04 and you walk around the house, read emails, messages, even an article, heck even drink some coffee and go to China adopt a kid and raise to teach him to be funny, and yet when you look at the watch again it says 3:06


I hate those kind of days, but usually that happens on a Friday, not a Saturday.
  • #7,566
Yeehaw! I finally got a new ethernet card and I'm back in action, I guess I will do some deleting tonight. :devil:
  • #7,567
Evo said:
Yeehaw! I finally got a new ethernet card and I'm back in action, I guess I will do some deleting tonight. :devil:
Yay! Should we see if we can post as quickly as you delete again? :devil: :smile:
  • #7,568
Heh, you guys can try! Someone want to try to be the 9,000th poster again?
  • #7,569
Ooh, I'll take it this time. :smile:'re a lot faster with your new ethernet card.
  • #7,570
You had it for a second. :smile:

I wonder how many posts will be deleted?
  • #7,571
Pff, this thing will never get to 10000 if Evo keeps deleting posts :cry:
  • #7,572
mattmns said:
Pff, this thing will never get to 10000 if Evo keeps deleting posts :cry:
You have to go for the high quality posts. :approve:

Hmm...has anybody detached Franzbear from the electric outlet in Artman's basement? I think I smell something burning and I think one of those circuit breakers might have been faulty (or missing :devil:).
  • #7,573
If Evo is only going to keep high quality posts, she might as well save the time and just delete the whole thread :smile:
  • #7,574
mattmns said:
If Evo is only going to keep high quality posts, she might as well save the time and just delete the whole thread :smile:
Everything after the first 1000 posts anyway. :smile:
  • #7,575
I have to come up for air now.

It is so much fun going back and reading through the thread. I'm trying to make it as un-noticable as possible, which means I need to read everything. :bugeye:
  • #7,576
I think the gerbil running circles in my head has been taking percocets and now I'm extremely bored because my mind doesn't seem to have any particular interest in anything
  • #7,577
Evo said:
I have to come up for air now.

It is so much fun going back and reading through the thread. I'm trying to make it as un-noticable as possible, which means I need to read everything. :bugeye:

It was bad enough reading through some of this thread the first time through! (Though some is quite a riot...I'm looking forward to the condensed version so I can skip to the fun stuff and avoid all the silly-o-clock boredom babble in between.)
  • #7,578
  • #7,579
yomamma said:
Yep, good example of the type of stuff Evo is currently deleting. :approve:

Franzbear, I think it's time to teach you a useful skill so you can get a job. Roofing sounds like a good one to start with. Just remember, don't fall off the roof and into the bucket of hot tar. Yeah, just take a few steps backward...just one more...


Um, yeah, like that, don't do that. :redface:
  • #7,580
crazy ol... HI MOONBEAR!
  • #7,581
So where are you yomamma? Out of Australia yet? How was it?
  • #7,582
read the australia thread. there's some pics.

it was a great trip. the only bad thing was the 13hour 30 minute flight
  • #7,583
Oh, ugh, that's right, you're near L.A., so you get to take direct flights there. It's even more fun for those on the east coast who first have to fly to the west coast for a flight to Australia. Franzbear was very upset you didn't take him along with you. He enjoyed his last overseas flight on the landing gear, but that wasn't as long of a flight as you took. He was practicing the Australian phrases I was teaching him and everything. Shhhh...he's still pretty gullible and doesn't realize they speak English there.
  • #7,584
what the..?!

I brought him in my suitcase! we went diving in the barrier reef, what are you talking about: 'didn't bring him'
  • #7,585
yomamma said:
what the..?!

I brought him in my suitcase! we went diving in the barrier reef, what are you talking about: 'didn't bring him'

I think you grabbed the wrong thread. Maybe you just had a ball of yarn along. Franzbear was playing in his Uncle Artman's basement the whole time, the poor thing.
  • #7,586
no, I took him out of the basement. I swear it was him. what other thread can get you arrested under australian law, but get you out in less than a day? franzbear.
  • #7,587
Moonbear said:
Yep, good example of the type of stuff Evo is currently deleting. :approve:

Franzbear, I think it's time to teach you a useful skill so you can get a job. Roofing sounds like a good one to start with. Just remember, don't fall off the roof and into the bucket of hot tar. Yeah, just take a few steps backward...just one more...


Um, yeah, like that, don't do that. :redface:
Oooh, this could kill the thread. I did this last year to my house.

Franzbear, use the architectural shingles. They're prettier. :approve:

They also weigh in at over 90 lbs per bundle.

No, no franzbear, carry two or three bundles up at a time. You don't want to make too many trips up and down the ladder. It's dangerous. o:)

Especially since I have attached this wire from the aluminum ladder to the faulty outlet in my basement. :-p

What's that, Franzbear? You want to know what the jumper cables are doing on the ladder? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: They are... :rolleyes: there to :rolleyes:...I have to go down into the basement a you take this wire and climb up the ladder --don't forget to take three bundles with you. You wouldn't want to climb back down and get them , right? o:)

What's that? You can't hold on while carrying that many bundles? Well, just never you mind about that. Go on now, up the ladder, you silly little thread. :approve: :smile:

<Artman runs down to the basement and throws the faulty breaker>


<Pop> Darn the breaker popped off.

<Artman snaps the breaker on and off repeatedly>
  • #7,588
Artman said:
Oooh, this could kill the thread. I did this last year to my house.

Franzbear, use the architectural shingles. They're prettier. :approve:

They also weigh in at over 90 lbs per bundle.

No, no franzbear, carry two or three bundles up at a time. You don't want to make too many trips up and down the ladder. It's dangerous. o:)

Especially since I have attached this wire from the aluminum ladder to the faulty outlet in my basement. :-p

What's that, Franzbear? You want to know what the jumper cables are doing on the ladder? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: They are... :rolleyes: there to :rolleyes:...I have to go down into the basement a you take this wire and climb up the ladder --don't forget to take three bundles with you. You wouldn't want to climb back down and get them , right? o:)

What's that? You can't hold on while carrying that many bundles? Well, just never you mind about that. Go on now, up the ladder, you silly little thread. :approve: :smile:

<Artman runs down to the basement and throws the faulty breaker>


<Pop> Darn the breaker popped off.

<Artman snaps the breaker on and off repeatedly>
This <sniff> makes me so happy!
  • #7,589
nothing new?
  • #7,590
Franzbear, what are you doing lying around here on the ground? You have shingles to carry onto the roof. What's that? Quit mumbling, I can't make out anything you're saying. Something about a cable on the ladder? Oh, I'm sure that's just to stabilize it so you don't fall off. Now hop on up. Oh, while you're heading up there, can you take this bucket of tar for around the flashing? Well, it's easier if you carry a bucket in each hand, you'll be more balanced.

Now, off you go!

*Talks into walkie talkie* Okay Artman, he's back on again...give it another go.

  • #7,591
quit lying on the floor! it's not naptime!and look! you spilled the tar! bet never mind that. get those shingles up on the roof.

go artman!
oh, it's broken!

good franzbear! you're up on the roof :rolleyes: now, start laying the shingles out!


I can't take it! *pulls gun out* *aims*




crap, I missed, all he did was fall off...
  • #7,592
FRANZBEAR! How many times do I have to tell you quit loafing around on the ground and to get those shingles up on the roof?! I swear, kids nowadays are so useless! If you don't climb up yourself, I'm going to have to hoist you up!

*Ties rope around Franzbear's neck. Tosses other end around the chimney. Hooks end up to the back of the truck.* Okay, yomamma, I think it's time for your first driving lesson. Floor It!
  • #7,593
oh well...


I didn't know volts wagons went 200mph!
I can't see the roof from here, let's walk back
-20 mins later-
oh no... :rolleyes: franzbear's neck is broken. Dr.Moonbear at the killthread local hospital will fix him up!

nno franzbear, we can't afford to go to the savethread hopital
  • #7,594
Thanks guys. <snort> (blows nose)

After a hard day at work, coming home to see the attention little Franzbear is getting just warms the cockles of my heart. :approve:
  • #7,595
yomamma said:
oh no... :rolleyes: franzbear's neck is broken. Dr.Moonbear at the killthread local hospital will fix him up!

nno franzbear, we can't afford to go to the savethread hopital

Well, I'm not exactly a T.D. (Thread Doctor), but I'm sure I can patch him up good as new. Okay, hold still while I wrap this duct tape around your neck. No, no, I have to make it nice and tight or the bones won't mend properly. :bugeye: Quit making faces at me! *gives an extra tug to the duct tape* That'll teach you to make faces at your mother!