Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #7,596
Evo said:
Thanks guys. <snort> (blows nose)

After a hard day at work, coming home to see the attention little Franzbear is getting just warms the cockles of my heart. :approve:
Nothing like warm cockles to make you fell better. :-p

Franzbear, what are you doing lying around here on the ground? You have shingles to carry onto the roof. What's that? Quit mumbling, I can't make out anything you're saying. Something about a cable on the ladder? Oh, I'm sure that's just to stabilize it so you don't fall off. Now hop on up. Oh, while you're heading up there, can you take this bucket of tar for around the flashing? Well, it's easier if you carry a bucket in each hand, you'll be more balanced.

Now, off you go!

*Talks into walkie talkie* Okay Artman, he's back on again...give it another go.

Tar is combustible isn't it?


Yup. :biggrin:
Physics news on
  • #7,597
moonbear, you duct taped that poorly, you'l have to re-do it. pull the tape off...



now, do it tighter.


stop gagging, it's impolite!
  • #7,598
Artman said:
Nothing like warm cockles to make you fell better. :-p
Just where in the heart are the cockles? I don't remember them from assembling my "Invisible Woman" model when I was a child.
  • #7,599
Evo said:
Just where in the heart are the cockles? I don't remember them from assembling my "Invisible Woman" model when I was a child.
I had a couple of those "Invisible Man" models. I think I saw the cockles on those...:biggrin: :blushing:
  • #7,600
Artman said:
I had a couple of those "Invisible Man" models. I think I saw the cockles on those...:biggrin: :blushing:
They weren't that close to the heart... :blushing: But, I've heard that a man's brain is between his :bugeye:

  • #7,601
:devil: :devil: :devil:
:devil: o:) :devil: reminds me of poor Franzbear! :cry:
:devil: :devil: :devil:

Artman said:
I read that American Indians did not settle in West Virginia because they considered it evil. It was a dubious source, so I looked up population studies for Indians online, and he was right, they didn't settle there. You should fit right in.

:smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #7,602
Lisa! said:
:devil: :devil: :devil:
:devil: o:) :devil: reminds me of poor Franzbear! :cry:
:devil: :devil: :devil:

:smile: :smile: :smile:
Poor Franzbear. Poor sweet innocent Franzbear.

Now where did he get to? Yomamma, where did you duct tape Franzbear now?

I've greased his ladder to make the trip to the roof easier. :biggrin:
  • #7,603
:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
:biggrin: :rolleyes: :biggrin:
:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

you guys: :biggrin:
me: :devil:
  • #7,604
and, since the roof is at an 81 degree angle, and franzbear'scovered with grease, I put some nails sticking up for a grip into his feet :devil:
  • #7,605
Evo said:
They weren't that close to the heart... :blushing: But, I've heard that a man's brain is between his :bugeye:

That warms the cockles of my brain.
:smile: :smile:
  • #7,606
yomamma said:
and, since the roof is at an 81 degree angle, and franzbear'scovered with grease, I put some nails sticking up for a grip into his feet :devil:
That's a great idea yomamma! You know he needs to take a hammer and a few buckets of nails up with him also.

someone hit that switch over there to the electro-magnet I put under the ladder. :devil:
  • #7,607
Artman, I've just come here again because of that post of yours!
  • #7,608
the electromagnet's broke! nooooo! I mean.. noooo!

ok, he's gettingon the roof. ewww..the nails are at least working:
  • #7,609
o:) o:) o:)
o:) :blushing: o:)
o:) o:) o:)

Who's :blushing: in this one?
  • #7,610
I can tell you, I'm one of the o:) s
  • #7,611
yomamma said:
I can tell you, I'm one of the o:) s
:bugeye: :bugeye:These o:) s aren't PF's members! And they're all women in this one!
  • #7,612
that is why I was being sarchastic :approve: :biggrin:
  • #7,613
yomamma said:
the electromagnet's broke! nooooo! I mean.. noooo!

ok, he's gettingon the roof. ewww..the nails are at least working:
Hmmm. I wonder what's wrong with that darn electromagnet?

<Artman checks the wiring and sees it's plugged into the faulty outlet. He quickly switches over to a good outlet and tries the switch again.>

Ah. Now it's working. It's attracting Franzbear's hammer as he's holding it over his head.


Ooooh. That hammer pulled right back at his head.
That had to hurt. Ut oh, now the hammer is dragging him over to the edge of the roof, right across yomamma's nails! Oooh!That had to hurt. Wow! that hammer pulled Franzbear right off that roof!That had to hurt.

Hmmm. Now here come the nails.
Thunk ThunkThunkThunk th th thiistThunkThunkthunkthunk thunkfiszThunkThunk Thunk ThunkThunkThunk th th thiistThunkThunkthunkthunk thunkfiszThunk
Thunk ThunkThunkThunk th th thiistThunkThunk ThunkThunkThunk ThunkThunkThunk th th thiistThunkThunkthunkthunk thunkfiszThunk
Thunk th th thiistThunkThunkthunkthunk thunkfiszThunk
Thunk ThunkThunkThunk th th thiistThunkThunkthunkthunk thunkfiszThunk
Thunkthunkthunk thunkfiszThunk
ThunkThunk th th thiistThunkThunkthunkthunk thunkfiszThunk

And the Nail bucket

Clank! :-p :devil:
  • #7,614
Lisa! said:
Artman, I've just come here again because of that post of yours!
Good to have you back Lisa! :approve:
  • #7,615
Artman said:
Hmmm. I wonder what's wrong with that darn electromagnet?

<Artman checks the wiring and sees it's plugged into the faulty outlet. He quickly switches over to a good outlet and tries the switch again.>

Ah. Now it's working. It's attracting Franzbear's hammer as he's holding it over his head.


Ooooh. That hammer pulled right back at his head.
That had to hurt. Ut oh, now the hammer is dragging him over to the edge of the roof, right across yomamma's nails! Oooh!That had to hurt. Wow! that hammer pulled Franzbear right off that roof!That had to hurt.

Hmmm. Now here come the nails.
Thunk ThunkThunkThunk th th thiistThunkThunkthunkthunk thunkfiszThunkThunk Thunk ThunkThunkThunk th th thiistThunkThunkthunkthunk thunkfiszThunk
Thunk ThunkThunkThunk th th thiistThunkThunk ThunkThunkThunk ThunkThunkThunk th th thiistThunkThunkthunkthunk thunkfiszThunk
Thunk th th thiistThunkThunkthunkthunk thunkfiszThunk
Thunk ThunkThunkThunk th th thiistThunkThunkthunkthunk thunkfiszThunk
Thunkthunkthunk thunkfiszThunk
ThunkThunk th th thiistThunkThunkthunkthunk thunkfiszThunk

And the Nail bucket

Clank! :-p :devil:

I forgot about that steel plate in his head and those pins in his leg.
  • #7,616
ahh.. pip pip cheerio's top of the morning, thread
  • #7,617
Moonbear said:
I forgot about that steel plate in his head and those pins in his leg.
Oh my gosh, that dump truck over there is beginning to roll toward him...
  • #7,618
Oh my gosh, it's full of scrap metal!
  • #7,619
Sharp scrap metal!

sssssccckkkkkeewwww!AHHHHHHHHHHH! poing !plonck!bonk!sscckkkewwww!'

he' sbeen knocked unconsious. holy crap, how powerful is that magnet?! oh no, and army helicopter!


  • #7,620
dude... get a job
  • #7,621
too young. stop telling me to get a job.
  • #7,622
yomamma said:
too young. stop telling me to get a job.

I thought that you were just focused on education right now.
  • #7,623
Ivan Seeking said:
I thought that you were just focused on education right now.
Are you suggesting this thread isn't educational? :rolleyes: There must be at least a half dozen psychology students using this thread for their dissertation projects! :-p
  • #7,624
touche Mooncubby
  • #7,625
ah..the hours of entertainment at PF
  • #7,626
Moonbear said:
Are you suggesting this thread isn't educational? :rolleyes: There must be at least a half dozen psychology students using this thread for their dissertation projects! :-p

And you give the philosophers a bad time? :eek:

  • #7,627
Ivan Seeking said:
And you give the philosophers a bad time? :eek:

Finally, my life has meaning! :biggrin:
  • #7,628
Artman said:
Finally, my life has meaning! :biggrin:
To make the philosophers feel good about themselves? :biggrin:
  • #7,629



  • #7,630
how can that count, but "hmmm..." doesn't?