Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #7,631
hmmm, looks like fransbear has some nasty metal cuts, a few bandaids, and a couple of asprins and a good nights sleep in the Murphy bed should fix him right up.
Nite' wrong switch...bed closes up in wall.
Physics news on
  • #7,632
Does anyone hear that banging from inside the wall? Hmm...wonder what it is? Do you think it could be mice? Better have the exterminator into spray in the walls just in case.
  • #7,633
Hummm. I think I hear some banging in the walls too. It seems to be coming from over here. Hummm. This area of wall seems loose.

<Takes out hammer and nails and nails the wall shut.>

There. That's better. Still hear some thumping though. Hummm.

<Takes out some wallboard tape and gypboard compound (the quick drying kind) and tapes and seals the openings.>

There. That's better the sound's all gone now. :biggrin:
  • #7,634
uh, oh, the wall's breaking... :rolleyes:

franzbear! you ruined a perfectly good wall! and you inhaled all that drywall. well, as soon as you fix the wall, we'll take you to the hospital
  • #7,635
yomamma said:



Well, I was going to mention that the 9000th post or 9000th response is again in sight. But maybe not. :biggrin:
  • #7,636
evo, please don't delee any more posts.
  • #7,637
Astronuc said:
Well, I was going to mention that the 9000th post or 9000th response is again in sight. But maybe not. :biggrin:
:smile: How many times do you think we can claim the 9000th reply?
  • #7,638
however many times until Evo gets it
  • #7,639
yomamma said:
however many times until Evo gets it

I know you haven't read all 9000 posts, so consider that she's doing everyone a favor and making the thread more readable by getting rid of the boring, pointless stuff posted at silly-o-clock! :biggrin:
  • #7,640
i don't think i will get it. i have pretty much stopped posting in this thread in the past like week.
  • #7,641
Moonbear said:
pointless stuff posted at silly-o-clock! :biggrin:
isn't that the whole thread?
  • #7,642
I feel so sleepy and what should I say before goin to bed that can also pinpoint a funny joke at you at the same time now, now NOW

Oh well I am killing this thread..
  • #7,643
no, you're not. your attemts are as sad as pogo's
  • #7,644
yourdadonapogostick said:
isn't that the whole thread?
No, it isn't. Look at all the efforts Artman, yomamma and I have put into nurture Franzbear the past few days. That is what the thread is about. :approve:
  • #7,645
nurture or torture?

and what's happening with franzbear right now, anyway?
  • #7,646
yomamma said:
no, you're not. your attemts are as sad as pogo's
  • #7,647
*opens Moonbear's fridge and looks around for any beer*

aww only root beer.. come on!
  • #7,648
we gave some to franzbear to ease the pain. you can do a lot more with him once he's numb
  • #7,649
cronxeh said:
*opens Moonbear's fridge and looks around for any beer*

aww only root beer.. come on!
I hide the good stuff from the freeloaders! :biggrin:

If you ever want to play a mean trick on Brits, offer them a root beer! I've never known one to like it (then again, I didn't like it when I was a kid either, must have been the quarter British in me; I outgrew that and like it now).
  • #7,650
to make it even better, you do do it like "do you want a *cough* root *cough* beer?".
  • #7,651
Hello, I am actully a girl from Kenya, anyone wants to chat ? :shy: :blushing:
  • #7,652
in cm= 100,65,120
  • #7,653
Moonbear said:
I hide the good stuff from the freeloaders! :biggrin:

If you ever want to play a mean trick on Brits, offer them a root beer! I've never known one to like it (then again, I didn't like it when I was a kid either, must have been the quarter British in me; I outgrew that and like it now).

Moon bear how could you be so cruel to a britt, i have given you kids a truck
load of baked beans, now this thread is finished. :biggrin:
  • #7,654
wolram said:
Moon bear how could you be so cruel to a britt, i have given you kids a truck
load of baked beans, now this thread is finished. :biggrin:
You've given me kids? Why, Woolie, I didn't know you felt that way. :smile:
  • #7,655
Moonbear said:
You've given me kids? Why, Woolie, I didn't know you felt that way. :smile:

Blast, some one has been pinching my , "Rs", again.

Sorry about the kids :blushing:
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  • #7,656
  • #7,657
i thought there was a rule against trying to kill the thread with "hmmm..."
  • #7,658
Spam is a good way to kill a thread.
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  • #7,659
  • #7,660
mmmmm, SPAM...
  • #7,661
  • #7,662
  • #7,663
Be careful Wolram, too much spam and you`ll turn into a Spamgetti monster, and you know what spamgetti monsters eat, Threads!
  • #7,664
  • #7,665
wolram said:

Have you actually tried saying that fast! I just spat over my monitor