Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #7,666
wolram said:
Blast, some one has been pinching my , "Rs", again.
Moonbear, have you been pinching wolram's arse?

(That could explain the kids.) :biggrin:
Physics news on
  • #7,667
Artman said:
Moonbear, have you been pinching wolram's arse?

(That could explain the kids.) :biggrin:

oops i have done it again, so sorry Moonbear, i didn't mean it honestly, please
forgive me, but how are the little nipers doing?
  • #7,668
Artman said:
Moonbear, have you been pinching wolram's arse?

(That could explain the kids.) :biggrin:

Well, he asked for a wolewe so nicely. o:)

:smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #7,669
Am I just crazy or did the post count on this thread just drop dramatically?
  • #7,670
Smurf said:
Am I just crazy or did the post count on this thread just drop dramatically?

Its the spam and beans, the thread will die soon now :smile:
  • #7,671
What? again?
  • #7,672
Smurf said:
What? again?

I think it is about Moonbears hibernation time, cold mountain air will hasten it,
so the thread will just choke on spam and beans and die.
  • #7,673
wolram said:
I think it is about Moonbears hibernation time, cold mountain air will hasten it,
so the thread will just choke on spam and beans and die.
I really would enjoy hibernating for winter. The thought of curling up in a warm bed and waiting for spring rather than having to venture out into the winter cold sounds so nice. But if Evo keeps clearing out all the spam, then the thread will have to survive on just beans...anyone got a match?
  • #7,674
I have a self lighting propane torch if that is any help :wink:
  • #7,675
wolram said:
I have a self lighting propane torch if that is any help :wink:
That should work. *lights torch behind Franzbear, Franzbear ignites like fuse* :bugeye: Wow!
  • #7,676
Moonbear said:
That should work. *lights torch behind Franzbear, Franzbear ignites like fuse* :bugeye: Wow!

If you fed Franzbear plenty of beans he should be in orbit now .
  • #7,677
no, but the gasoline from that scrap metal truck got all over him...
Last edited:
  • #7,678
Oh, pretty blue flames. :approve:
  • #7,679
i like fire...i got a new torch today :biggrin:
  • #7,680
I've called the fire dept. good thing I have a hydrant near by, guess they will need there hoses. Its a pretty big fire.
  • #7,681
moonbear...did you say blue fire? this looks white to me. hey I can hear franzbear, listen!


it sounds like 'kill me' hmmm...
  • #7,682
yomamma said:
it sounds like 'kill me' hmmm...
Yep, it sure does.

We're on the way Franzbear!
  • #7,683
moonbear...don't tell me you forgot the grenades!
okay...let's be creatinve. we have an adding machine, a tonka truck, some M-80s, and a loudspeaker... :devil:
  • #7,684, fun
  • #7,685
yomamma said:
moonbear...don't tell me you forgot the grenades!
okay...let's be creatinve. we have an adding machine, a tonka truck, some M-80s, and a loudspeaker... :devil:
Ooh, let's put the loudspeaker on full volume and drive the tonka truck over the adding machine keys while blasting M-80s. That should drive everyone out of here!
  • #7,686
hah right...remember I have lived through 2 teen age boys...put in ear plugs..goes back to knitting...knitt one purl two...
  • #7,687
okay. I don't hear any noises from franzbear...

*secretlt steps on him while others aren't looking*

whoops! :rolleyes: I guess I killed him...
(stomp! stomp! stomp!)
  • #7,688
Either Franzbear is on one of those new diets, or this is the incredible shrinking thread, or perhaps there is an ingress of antimatter from another dimension.

This post is/was 8885 - still receding from 9000 at a variable rate.
  • #7,689
Astronuc said:
Either Franzbear is on one of those new diets, or this is the incredible shrinking thread, or perhaps there is an ingress of antimatter from another dimension.

This post is/was 8885 - still receding from 9000 at a variable rate.
Well, it's to be expected when he gets a bit singed. We just cut off the burnt part and he's okay again, just a little smaller. :approve:
  • #7,690
Let's keep a record at what post it's at. So far it's shrunk from Astronuc's 8885 to 8833 (this one will be 8834) in the last hour and a half
  • #7,691
What happened to franznietzsche?
  • #7,692
he's eating your baby.
  • #7,693
  • #7,694
klusener said:
What happened to franznietzsche?
He disappeared as soon as his exams ended. I suppose he's busy giving all his attention to "her." :biggrin:

Huck and SOS have disappeared too. I even tried emailing Huck and never got a reply. I hope he's okay. :rolleyes: It seems most of the people who used to post in this thread are disappearing at an alarming rate!

Oh, my gosh, I just realized! I'm going to have some internet down time when I move until I get reconnected at the other end! Oh no! How will I survive?! I might have to go as much as a whole week without! But I might treat myself to cable internet when I move. The prices seem more reasonable in WV than they are here.
  • #7,695
Post 8769 - maybe this is reverse time or a spatial inversion.
Moonbear said:
He disappeared as soon as his exams ended. I suppose he's busy giving all his attention to "her." :biggrin:
Well, I hope he finds Love.

Moonbear said:
Huck and SOS have disappeared too. I even tried emailing Huck and never got a reply. I hope he's okay. :rolleyes: It seems most of the people who used to post in this thread are disappearing at an alarming rate!
That's alarming.

Moonbear said:
Oh, my gosh, I just realized! I'm going to have some internet down time when I move until I get reconnected at the other end! Oh no! How will I survive?! I might have to go as much as a whole week without! But I might treat myself to cable internet when I move. The prices seem more reasonable in WV than they are here.
We'll keep a light on for you Moonbear. While you are gone, you certainly won't be forgetten. :smile: Get Cable!
  • #7,696
Moonbear said:
He disappeared as soon as his exams ended. I suppose he's busy giving all his attention to "her." :biggrin:

Huck and SOS have disappeared too. I even tried emailing Huck and never got a reply. I hope he's okay. :rolleyes: It seems most of the people who used to post in this thread are disappearing at an alarming rate!

Oh, my gosh, I just realized! I'm going to have some internet down time when I move until I get reconnected at the other end! Oh no! How will I survive?! I might have to go as much as a whole week without! But I might treat myself to cable internet when I move. The prices seem more reasonable in WV than they are here.
Me Too! And I don't even know when I'll be able to get it back again. I could be out for WEEKS on end.
  • #7,697
What?? Smurf, you do not have permission to leave. Just where the heck do you think you're going? We're getting hitched...don't you try to weasel out of it young man! :mad: I already have the wedding turtles booked.

Moonbear can't leave either.

Moonbear, you are expected to stay in a hotel with internet access until your new home is ready to go. :devil: This place will quickly go to hell in a handbasket if you aren't here. :devil: Sorry, but you have obligations to Franzbear. I will be forced to notify the proper authorities if you abandon this thread for a prolonged period. :devil:
  • #7,698
Evo said:
What?? Smurf, you do not have permission to leave. Just where the heck do you think you're going?
Nanaimo. I'm moving into an appartment so I can go to university in september. You don't want to be married to a bum do you?
We're getting hitched...don't you try to weasel out of it young man! :mad: I already have the wedding turtles booked.

Moonbear can't leave either.

Moonbear, you are expected to stay in a hotel with internet access until your new home is ready to go. :devil: This place will quickly go to hell in a handbasket if you aren't here. :devil: Sorry, but you have obligations to Franzbear. I will be forced to notify the proper authorities if you abandon this thread for a prolonged period. :devil:
Finally Tally:
mad - 1
grumpy - 2
devil - 3

  • #7,699
Smurf said:
Nanaimo. I'm moving into an appartment so I can go to university in september. You don't want to be married to a bum do you?
Oh, no. :redface:

Finally Tally:
mad - 1
grumpy - 2
devil - 3

:-p You noticed, I was wondering if anyone would notice. :-p
  • #7,700
counting smileys?