Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #7,701
Evo said:
:-p You noticed, I was wondering if anyone would notice. :-p
Of course my dearest evo. :blushing:
Physics news on
  • #7,702
Smurf said:
Of course my dearest evo. :blushing:
A man that notices the little things... :!) :!) :!)
  • #7,703
Evo said:
Moonbear, you are expected to stay in a hotel with internet access until your new home is ready to go. :devil: This place will quickly go to hell in a handbasket if you aren't here. :devil: Sorry, but you have obligations to Franzbear. I will be forced to notify the proper authorities if you abandon this thread for a prolonged period. :devil:

It'll be harder on me than on Franzbear. His Uncles Artman and Toxyn will probably be taking him on some camping trip, playing with fireworks for Labor Day, throwing wild parties with the most unsavory sort of guests...and I'll miss it all! :cry:

(Note to self: Find out if there are any wireless hotspots in Morgantown.)
  • #7,704
Evo said:
A man that notices the little things... :!) :!) :!)
He needs a woman who can do the same. :smile:

Just kidding smurf. :biggrin:
  • #7,705
Artman said:
He needs a woman who can do the same. :smile:
Jest as ye will. I'm plenty confident with myself. Which is more than can be said for most.
  • #7,706
oh, my god! everyone who posts in franzbear is dissapearing! if we continue posting... :bugeye: we'll disappear too!
  • #7,707
yomamma said:
oh, my god! everyone who posts in franzbear is dissapearing! if we continue posting... :bugeye: we'll disappear too!
:devil: Now if you'll just step through this door over here...don't pay any attention to those warning lights, they're just for show.
  • #7,708
due to previous attemtps of getting rid of me. I know your tricks. I am stable
  • #7,709
I meant Franzbear of course. o:) Unless you'd like to go with him...
  • #7,710
no. and where are the little stings? haven't heard a peep outta them...
  • #7,711
Doesn't Franzbear complain he's delongating? :confused:
  • #7,712
shhh! I'm looking for groot!
  • #7,713
They're playing hide and seek.
  • #7,714
two oppositely charged lice of opposite gender on a blonde's head decide to reproduce, find the initial speed of either lice if the mass is 5 mg and charge is 5 mC. find the distance the lice will fly off the blonde's head and estimate the probability density area for a biohazard zone if the lice are carrying a blonde gene syndrom
  • #7,715
Moonbear said:
They're playing hide and seek.
I told them not to play that game after bear! was severed in half :rolleyes: :bugeye:
  • #7,716
yomamma said:
I told them not to play that game after bear! was severed in half :rolleyes: :bugeye:
Ooh, that could be bad. If a thread is split in half, it grows up into two threads, doesn't it? :rolleyes:
  • #7,717
no, they're little strings. you just knot them back together, it mends, and they can untie themselves.

groot! stop using that voodoo doll of kiashoe!


moonbear, a little help
  • #7,718
yomamma said:
no, they're little strings. you just knot them back together, it mends, and they can untie themselves.

groot! stop using that voodoo doll of kiashoe!


moonbear, a little help
Well, you seemed to be having so much fun playing with all the little strings, I thought I'd leave you alone with them a bit longer. :devil: Have you figured out which end gets diapered and which end gets fed yet?
  • #7,719
no. why do you think groot's so worked up? uh oh...he's telling ovo to jump off the roof...groot!
  • #7,720
Ovo? One of them was named Ovo? I think we might have picked up a few strays!
  • #7,721
I mean Yovo
  • #7,722
That's a relief! There's already too many to keep track of, we don't need any strays wandering in causing more trouble. Groot alone is trouble enough. :rolleyes: Groot, get down off of there!
  • #7,723
umm...Yovo looks pretty dead... should we put groot in his cage?

oh, I know that some strays are aroung here. I found a ball of yarn yesterday, and found out that 13 of them were just trying to keep warm. their names are
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and chreg.

chreg...opposite of groot, would you say?
  • #7,724
yomamma said:
umm...Yovo looks pretty dead... should we put groot in his cage?

oh, I know that some strays are aroung here. I found a ball of yarn yesterday, and found out that 13 of them were just trying to keep warm. their names are
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and chreg.

chreg...opposite of groot, would you say?
:smile: Chreg! :smile: For some reason, it brings to mind Shrek! :smile:
  • #7,725
I know. but if he's the opposite of groot, he's probably an angel.

watch out! groot's dropping brick from the roof!
  • #7,726
yomamma said:
watch out! groot's dropping brick from the roof!


Ooh, that lump must really hurt, Franzbear. :eek:
  • #7,727
oh look! chreg is trying to stop groot. what a good string...



  • #7,728
Oh, look at cute little Toxysa! dancing with the snakes over there. She's a real charmer. :smile:
  • #7,729
no, I think she's having a seizure. you know she's epileptic, and groot bought a new strobe light :eek:
  • #7,730
yomamma said:
no, I think she's having a seizure. you know she's epileptic, and groot bought a new strobe light :eek:
Oh dear, I thought she just had a speech impediment.

Artatia, if you keep trying to put bows in Ivangral's hair, I'm not going to stop him from trying to punch you! :rolleyes:
  • #7,731
hmmm...did some research on this thread. turns out that post #666 has a little devil face in it
  • #7,732
uh oh, #3 is now pulling artatia out from ivangral, and now artatia is pulling out a gun...


thank god she can't aim. all she hit was the celing support rod...wait!
  • #7,733
yomamma said:
uh oh, #3 is now pulling artatia out from ivangral, and now artatia is pulling out a gun...


thank god she can't aim. all she hit was the celing support rod...wait!

Oh, don't worry, it just got Franzbear. He's had worse happen. Dansos, go get some ice for your papa's head, please.
  • #7,734
moonbear, dansos is the one who was almost convicted of a triple murder...great decision! A+!
  • #7,735
love these names :-p