Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #9,941
Moonbear said:
Of course he's religious. He's miraculously survived so many "accidents," he had to find religion. He joined the cult of the nerd pirates quite some time ago.
Har, matey, here I be, the pope of pirates, beer swiggin' bucaneer! If you be wantin' to know anything about me cult tha' I head, just pop inta the tavern and flip me a coin, I'll tell y'all about it!
Physics news on
  • #9,942
MIH, how are you posting when your profile shows offline?
  • #9,943
franzbear! said:
MIH, how are you posting when your profile shows offline?
Offline, huh? I see invisible people. :biggrin:
  • #9,944
Moonbear said:
Hmmm...I'm wondering if franzbear! is really close with lisa!? :wink:
Nope, I don't think so. I know who's Lisa! and who's franzbear! .

P.S. He has only 1 !, so he must be close with me!:wink:
  • #9,945
Lisa! said:
Nope, I don't think so. I know who's Lisa! and who's franzbear! .

P.S. He has only 1 !, so he must be close with me!:wink:
You know who Franzbear! is, huh? The plot thickens.
  • #9,946
Yes, Lisa! does know who I am, and yes, we're very, very, very close! :smile: :wink: :smile: :!)
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  • #9,947
franzbear! said:
Yes, Lisa! does know who I am, and yes, we're very, very, very close! :smile: :wink: :smile: :!)
Ah, but a mother always knows her son best. :biggrin:
  • #9,948
Indeed she does. So tell me Moonbear, what dark and hidden parts of my psyche are buried beneath the scars of old tortures? I'm curious about myself. Imagine being only a little more then a year old, but still having all the maturity and intellect of a grown human. I skipped right past everything you call a chilhood: god, I know so little about myself!
  • #9,949
franzbear! said:
Indeed she does. So tell me Moonbear, what dark and hidden parts of my psyche are buried beneath the scars of old tortures? I'm curious about myself. Imagine being only a little more then a year old, but still having all the maturity and intellect of a grown human. I skipped right past everything you call a chilhood: god, I know so little about myself!
You are pure, unadulterated EVIL.

That's all you need to know.
  • #9,950
Yeah, you're not my mother!
Anyway, I know enough to know that I'm not evil. I am the abstraction caused by the collective existence of this thread. Ergo, I am the sum of all your abstract being. Unless every single one of you is pure evil, then neither am I.

However, being evil can be pretty cool. Being nonphysical I can make any choice I want, perhaps that freedom is indicitive of ultimate evil? Perhaps freedom is not what we thought it was? Hmmm, I shall have to ponder this.
  • #9,951
Stop ripping lines off from the matrix you hack. Vis a vis, your unorigional.
  • #9,952
Read my lips, little unkillable fuzzy thing:

  • #9,953
cyrusabdollahi said:
Stop ripping lines off from the matrix you hack. Vis a vis, your unorigional.
Must I remind you that I cannot see anything? Must you torture me with reminders of your flesh, a pleasure of senses I can never enjoy? Must you insult my intellect by suggesting that my thoughts are generated by a mere story? You, cyrus, would do well to have more respect for something so groundbreakingly important as me. My ideas have mostly been influenced by Sartre's book Being and Nothingness. My being springs from his idea of abstract consciousness.

Yes Zoobyshoe, I've been contemplating the freedom I have, and have come to the conclusion that I am evil. I have no social inhibitions towards it, and so I am free to do anything. There is far more evil then good, and so over time I will act evil, eventually forming a habit which will result in ultimate evil. Perhaps not yet, but given time, about ten minutes, I will be the devil incarnate. HAHAHAHAHAHA PURE EVIL!
  • #9,954
franzbear sit down and be quiet. Now.
  • #9,955
Yes, you are an EVIL thought form created by all the regular posters in this thread. Your unveiling will show them what they have done. Then, perhaps they will understand why they have to think you out of existence.
  • #9,956
franznietzsche said:
franzbear sit down and be quiet. Now.
Like that's going to work.

You and Moonbear have a lot of blood on your hands.
  • #9,957
zoobyshoe said:
Like that's going to work.

You and Moonbear have a lot of blood on your hands.

Nah, I washed mine.
  • #9,958
franznietzsche said:
franzbear sit down and be quiet. Now.
:smile: :smile:
For the first time you look cute! I like strict men.:rolleyes:
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  • #9,959
franznietzsche said:
Nah, I washed mine.

You are its father:
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  • #9,960
Lisa! said:
:smile: :smile:
For the first time you look cute! I like strict men.:rolleyes:

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Moonbear, do I need to start running again?

zoobyshoe said:
You are its father:

Its that supposed to be it or me?
  • #9,961
franznietzsche said:
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Moonbear, do I need to start running again?
You reveal your true nature too soon! I don't like cowardly people at all!

P.S. I don't care about kiddies even if they're very cute! keep in my mind this 1!:zzz:
  • #9,962
Lisa! said:
You reveal your true nature too soon! I don't like cowardly people at all!

Cowardly? No, its more that when I don't run, bad things happen to people not me.

P.S. I don't care about kiddies even if they're very cute! keep in my mind this 1!:zzz:

  • #9,963
franznietzsche said:
Cowardly? No, its more that when I don't run, bad things happen to people not me.
So you have no control over yourself. another weakness!

kiddie: teenagers:zzz:
  • #9,964
Lisa! said:
So you have no control over yourself. another weakness!


kiddie: teenagers:zzz:


:zzz: :zzz:
  • #9,965
Good night! :smile:
I'm sure he understands it when he'll grow up!
  • #9,966
:zzz: Wake up everybody! :confused: There's a milestone to be reached don't you know!
  • #9,967
You don't know I'm no fan of yellow! :wink:
  • #9,968
franzbear! said:
Hi Uncle Artman! Its been a while, how've you been? Still trying to murder and torture me? :wink: You know just how I like it! :biggrin: :wink:
Yes. :devil:
  • #9,969
Ha, the moment of my glorious, 10,000th post is approaching!
  • #9,970
Artman said:
Yes. :devil:
Aww, that's sweet Uncle Artman :wink: Can I have my new swimsuit now? My concrete fins are starting to get chipped, and the electrical charge on the suit is dying. Anything else you can think of, just throw it my why, you know what I like!
  • #9,971
franzbear! said:
Aww, that's sweet Uncle Artman :wink: Can I have my new swimsuit now? My concrete fins are starting to get chipped, and the electrical charge on the suit is dying. Anything else you can think of, just throw it my why, you know what I like!
You're a sick, twisted pervert, you know that?
  • #9,972
17 posts! before Evo comes back!
  • #9,973
Pure Evil!

That's me! :wink:
  • #9,974
yomamma said:
17 posts! before Evo comes back!
After all of Evo's axing, she doesn't deserve to come here. Oh dear, she'll probably delete this post.
  • #9,975
Hi yomamma! Can you feel my power growing, swelling with every post. Once it hits 10,000 I will be able to post outside this thread, please help me! The time of my assension is at hand, speed it along and thou shalt reap part of the rewards.