Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #9,976
Hurry yomamma, you can reach the post before the mentors come. I'll keep franzbear! away from you while you get the prize.
Physics news on
  • #9,977
Dawguard said:
Hurry yomamma, you can reach the post before the mentors come. I'll keep franzbear! away from you while you get the prize.
You can't keep me away. Besides, it doesn't look like anyone else is interested, or knows about, getting this post. After all my explanation of my nature, I'm disgusted, utterly disgusted that you fail to understand my nature. Dawguard, you dissapoint me, I'll have to come up with something terribly evil to do to you. Perhaps I'll use something Uncle Artman did to me as insperation.
  • #9,978
This is getting boring. Cyrus was right franzbear!, you're just a copier with no originality. Every post you make is the same as the last. You need a real life.
  • #9,979
Franzbear said:
Hi Uncle Artman! Its been a while, how've you been? Still trying to murder and torture me? You know just how I like it!

(In a Peter Lorre accent) Yes, I want to do horrible things to you. Horrible terrible things.

(In a weirdly Gruesome accent, which is pretty much a Peter Lorre cartoon accent) Yes, I want to do awful, horrible, gruesome things to you. Hehh, hehh, hehh.

  • #9,980
only 8 left! :rolleyes:
  • #9,981
I want to throw you in a pit with concrete swim fins on and fill it with water then throw in an electric swim suit tied to a large rock. Then I want to plug in the swim suit and watch the lights dim. :devil:
  • #9,982
I want to throw electric eels in the pit and a shark.:devil:
  • #9,983
Then I want to cover the pit with a steel cover and cover that with concrete. And electrify the cover.:devil:
  • #9,984
Then I want to put a hole in the cover so I can pour acid in it.:devil:
  • #9,985
Then I'll throw little bits of food down in the pit then send in piranhas :devil:
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  • #9,986
Then shine a bright light down there after days of darkness:devil:
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  • #9,987
Then play loud music through the cover so loud your little eardrums will split.:devil:
  • #9,988
Sounds evil, doesn't it? :devil:
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  • #9,989
Heh, heh, heh:devil:
  • #9,990
Where's little Franzbear? I think I must have blacked out for a moment.o:)
  • #9,991
:smile: :smile: well done, Artman!
Glad that it's you who gets the 10000th! :smile:

Congratulations, Artman!
  • #9,992
Wow. I saw the numbers 9999, 10000, and 10001 next to my posts. :biggrin: :approve:
  • #9,993
Since Evo loves you in a platonic way, I guess there's no problem!
I guess you killed franzbear! ! :cry:
  • #9,994
Congratulations Artman! You finally got the 10000th post! (I can't believe I missed it by only a few minutes...I knew I should have checked GD before doing anything else today. :frown:)
  • #9,995
I just left here to make tea for myself and when I came back after a few minutes,... :biggrin:
But Artman really deserved it! :smile:
  • #9,996
I've never had a numerical milestone in the thread.

What do you mean Killed Franzbear?

He seems fine.

By the way, could someone put these flesh eating worms in that hole in the concrete covered steel pit cover over there? Thanks. :approve:
  • #9,997
He was here but now he isn't! :rolleyes:
  • #9,998
Lisa! said:
He was here but now he isn't! :rolleyes:
Who, me? I just went back to fix my spelling and grammer.
:redface: It got worse than usual a few minutes ago. I wonder why?
  • #9,999
Utoh, I think yomomma will start a "Artman Killers Champions" Thread when he sees that I got the 10,000th.
  • #10,000
Artman said:
Utoh, I think yomomma will start a "Artman Killers Champions" Thread when he sees that I got the 10,000th.

Not if I can beat him to it
  • #10,001
Artman said:
Utoh, I think yomomma will start a "Artman Killers Champions" Thread when he sees that I got the 10,000th.
Now you've killed franzbear!. we can focus on killing his killer.:devil:
  • #10,002
Nooooo, I missed the 10k th post :'( :P congrats!
  • #10,003
Oh, Uncle, you got it! Congratulations, now pour more of those flesh eating worms down the hole!

Lisa! said:
Now you've killed franzbear!
He didn't kill me. I'm here, and I can post on other threads now, mwuahahahahaha! :devil:
  • #10,004

I was busy and let the thread hit 10,000.

At least it was my one true platonic love Artman, so I won't be cruel and rewind the post count. o:)
  • #10,005
franzbear! said:
Oh, Uncle, you got it! Congratulations, now pour more of those flesh eating worms down the hole!

He didn't kill me. I'm here, and I can post on other threads now, mwuahahahahaha! :devil:
We don't want to kill you anymore! right now we're going to kill Artman!o:) :cry:
  • #10,006
Evo said:

I was busy and let the thread hit 10,000.

At least it was my one true platonic love Artman, so I won't be cruel and rewind the post count. o:)
Thanks Evo! ( :!) :!) :!) in a way that my wife would not mind.)
  • #10,007
I say take the thread back to 9000 just for the thrill of it :P:P:P:P:P:P

  • #10,008
we're gong to get 20,000! :rolleyes:
  • #10,009
that's not fair! i was at school! :mad:
  • #10,010
[kill this thread] * (1/0) :P:P
