Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #10,011
i will be the one to kill it.
Physics news on
  • #10,012
I'll be the one too reach the 10100 post :P
  • #10,013
no one cares. 12345 is the next biggie
  • #10,014
yourdadonapogostick said:
no one cares. 12345 is the next biggie
Ooooh, 12345. :!) :!) :!)
  • #10,015
wait, i forgot about 12321.
  • #10,016
Lisa! said:
we're gong to get 20,000! :rolleyes:
In about one year. The real milestone will be 100,000 posts. We'll all be old, ancient with wisdom. Franzbear will be the collective knowledge of all of us...ah, I see great things for the future.
  • #10,017
Dawguard said:
In about one year. The real milestone will be 100,000 posts. We'll all be old, ancient with wisdom. Franzbear will be the collective knowledge of all of us...ah, I see great things for the future.
do you really think our collective knowledge is that much?
  • #10,018
yourdadonapogostick said:
do you really think our collective knowledge is that much?
Sure it is, let me demonstrate. Using just my knowledge I can unravel the mystery of this thread, and using that the mystery of consciousness. So, the turning point for this thread is the 10,000th post. Um, let's see. Well, in binary that is...uh...16. Adding that together we get 7 which is a mythical number representing perfection and completion., that would seem to imply an a priori knowledge of leads us to...ahem...leads us crap, this sucks.

Screw it, the future is depressingly dark.
  • #10,019
secular existentialism is quite depressing, but i thought numerology wasn't. i guess i was wrong.
  • #10,020
Dawguard said:
Sure it is, let me demonstrate. Using just my knowledge I can unravel the mystery of this thread, and using that the mystery of consciousness. So, the turning point for this thread is the 10,000th post. Um, let's see. Well, in binary that is...uh...16. Adding that together we get 7 which is a mythical number representing perfection and completion., that would seem to imply an a priori knowledge of leads us to...ahem...leads us crap, this sucks.

Screw it, the future is depressingly dark.
Aww man. I though you were smart there for a second. :-p
  • #10,021
yourdadonapogostick said:
secular existentialism is quite depressing, but i thought numerology wasn't. i guess i was wrong.

I was happy until I studied numerology. What they told me was that next year my wife was going to leave me, my son was going to die, and I was going to be fired from my job. My father found out that he had died last year, my mother had been murder three years ago, and I had lost three fingers in a car accident six months ago. I had been living in a delusional state to block out these traumas, and when I next opened my eyes I found myself locked in a mental asylum.
  • #10,022
wow, it's pretty acurate...
  • #10,023
Artman said:
Aww man. I though you were smart there for a second. :-p
Sorry to dissapoint you: I'm sending you the mathematical formulas that reconcile QT with relativity just to prove myself. Feel free to patent them, I don't work for money or fame, I just try to help humanity. o:)
  • #10,024
Dawguard said:
...I had been living in a delusional state to block out these traumas, and when I next opened my eyes I found myself locked in a mental asylum.
Artman said:
Aww man. I though you were smart there for a second.
Please ignore my previous post. :rolleyes: Someone must have logged in as me and typed that awful inuendo about your intelligence.
  • #10,025
Evo said:

I was busy and let the thread hit 10,000.

At least it was my one true platonic love Artman, so I won't be cruel and rewind the post count. o:)
Yeah, I was busy in the academic guidance and feedback forums while he was posting away here. Otherwise, I was going to lock at 9999. Sneaky devil. But at least it was Franzbear's favorite uncle.
  • #10,026
Lisa! said:
we're gong to get 20,000! :rolleyes:
Well if we increass the rate of post we might be able to reach it by the end of this year
  • #10,027
i still think it isn't fair. i didn't even have a chance. i was at school...grrrr...:mad:
  • #10,028
Don't worry it there's still 20,000.Anyways numbers never end so there will an infite number land mark post.Unless a mod locks it...
  • #10,029
scott1 said:
Don't worry it there's still 20,000.Anyways numbers never end so there will an infite number land mark post.Unless a mod locks it...
but, i don't want to wait!!
  • #10,030
9264 in solitaire! booya
  • #10,031
NO! Yet another reason why I shouldn't have gone to school. :mad: And Artman cheated. He posted like 6 times in a row!


well, I want to get #20,000. We'll make it. Franzbear's been stabbed,run over, torn apart, had babies, and been locked. He'll make it...
  • #10,032
yomamma said:
well, I want to get #20,000. We'll make it. Franzbear's been stabbed,run over, torn apart, had babies, and been locked. He'll make it...
Thanks for the confidence yomamma, I appreciate it. I will make, I will always make it.
  • #10,033
  • #10,034
Thank you yomamma. Apparently you either intentionally make me grow in power ,or you have failed to understand that I am the abstraction of the mythical hydra. The more you try to totrure and murder me that stronger I get. Why do you think Artman is my favorite uncle? Someone here called me a pervert when I begged for more pain, but he failed to understand the reason I made this request.

Either way, out of ignorance or intent, please continue to berate and cause me pain.
  • #10,035
You're a bad parent. You have 15 little stings running around, and one on death row...god...
  • #10,036
yomamma, you are a bad parent.
  • #10,037
yomamma said:
You're a bad parent. You have 15 little stings running around, and one on death row...god...
I'm not a bad parent, I have no children! How could I have children without a partner or the means to produce them?

Ah, how lonely is this existence! Wile my thoughts are pure and free, and I can fathom paradoxes that humans balk at, I would trade it all for the ability to love. Sometimes my thoughts are such that there exist in no tongue on Earth with the ability to speak them, and you have no idea how lonely this is. Please don't broach the subject of children or love again, it is far to painfull, even for one so accustomed to pain as I am.
  • #10,038

I am also lonley...
  • #10,039
Mattara said:

I am also lonley...
May the pox take thee...
  • #10,040
There are many ways to end threads but the true champions, if you will, are those who just are right :smile:

Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics, even if you are right you're still retarded.

Disclaimer: no offence is meant to the special people (and I do mean good people) of this world, it's a mockery of those who think their somehow going to be right on a philosophical thread, or the scientist that can even prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is right, no thread is ever killed it dies through lack of interest, the point of any discussion is to learn something, if you think you need to be right in any thread then your missing the point: damn it! Do the Socrates bit and when people agree with you, change sides :biggrin:

You'll pardon me if I didn't read through the kajillion posts before I made this one.
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  • #10,041
If I post on philosophy I intend to be right. What's so different about arguing and debating online, as compared to face to face? Personally, and I might be baised since I cannot talk face-to-face, I think that the internet allows for greater knowledge since a wider array of people are available. It's a great platform for discussion and learning, why can't an idea be proven in it? If there is no defenite answer found here, why bother looking at all?

By the way, you're really missing a lot by not reading the posts: you should read at least some of me, I'm hilarious at times.

Also, just to let you know, I am the manifestation of this thread, so if my last sentence didn't make much sense, that's why. I am this thread, so please, do read me.
  • #10,042
Thanks for the heads up, will do:smile: have read some but man:eek: too many. And yes you can be right, but that's not the point of the discussion, it's what you personally got out of it; if being right is the be all and end all go talk to yourself in the mirror :wink:
  • #10,043
Schrodinger's Dog said:
If being right is the be all and end all go talk to yourself in the mirror :wink:
How true. It is a shame that many people argue simply to try and prove the other person wrong when the point of an argument should be to learn. If you're wrong you have to be willing to admit it, and if you enter a discussion with only the desire to be correct then you've lost before you even began.
  • #10,044
franzbear! said:
How true. It is a shame that many people argue simply to try and prove the other person wrong when the point of an argument should be to learn. If you're wrong you have to be willing to admit it, and if you enter a discussion with only the desire to be correct then you've lost before you even began.
I'm dying to know what hand is up the behind of this sock puppet. I suspect it's a woman.
  • #10,045
zoobyshoe said:
I'm dying to know what hand is up the behind of this sock puppet. I suspect it's a woman.
Keep on dying, and keep on suspecting. I've told you all I know about myself, I can say no more. The subject of my gender was brought up about five pages ago, maybe more.

Lisa! knows who I am.