Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
  • Start date
  • Tags
In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #176
mattmns said:
Sad thing is that this thread is going to never die. Unless I kill all of you, then I would win...
Rather than being sectarian UNderstand that we have to work together for the common good.

After all What better what than A round of beer to make You feel better about me winning?

Now that that's settled yOu go and ejoy the sun shiny Weather out there.

Yesterday's news, this quarrel is, Outside, Under the sky, there is your joy.

Please, leave this ANti-scoial schism to the porfessionals. go watch some wayne gretZkY footage or something.
Physics news on
  • #177
dextercioby said:
Yes,i'm the tallest of you all.I'm the Vampire State Building... :cool: :-p


P.S.*runs with the thread,yet again*

Dolt, you ruined my message in your quote. You don't add bold face to a messgae that uses bold face to hide a subliminal message,. Of course if the message worked, you'll be gone for good...
  • #178
Little somethin for my godson tribdog and a little girl named franz

Some say the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice
I say the darker the flesh theN the dEeper the roots
I give a holler to my sisters on welfare
Tupac cares, and don't nobody else care
And uhh, I know tHey likE to beat you down a lot
When you come around the block bRothas clOwn a lot
But please don't cry, dry your eyes, never let up
Forgive but don't Forget, girl keep Your head up
And when he tells yOu yoU ain't nuttin don't Believe hIm
And if he cAn't learn To love you you should leave him
Cause sista you don't need him
And I ain't tryin to gas you up, I just Call em How I sEe em
You know it makeS me unhAppy (what's that)
When bRothas makE babies, and leave a younG mOther to be a pappy
And sInce we all came from a womaN
Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman
I wonder why we Take frOm our women
Why we rape our women, do we hate our women?
I think it's time to Kill for our women
TIme to heal our women, be reaL to our women
And if we don't we'Ll have a race of babies
That will Hate the ladIes, that make the babieS
And since a man can'T make one
He has no Right to tEll A woman when and where to create one
So will the real men get up
I know you're fed up laDies, but keep your head up
  • #179
mattmns said:
Little somethin for my godson tribdog and a little girl named franz

*looks down pants*

I've never seen one of those on a girl before...ewwww.

I wish i was a more feminine girl.

mattmns said:

OOOOHHH OOOHHH! Mommy Evo! look whaT he did! you'd better lock the threAd! locK it bEfore he can say any more of T He bad words! I think no one elSe should post after this one Because they mIght sAy more bad sTuff like him, can't we couldn't CatcH them! Mommy EVo!
  • #180
Clearly I need to resort to more extreme measures.

*fires up cauldron, starts tossing in strange solutions and powders, a little hair of the tribdog, some bloody juicy bits of franz, some of Artman's toenail clippings, words penned by mattmns', some strange green thing from Dextercioby...*

Okay, I think all the ingredients are in. *starts stirring the contents of the cauldron and walking in circles around it, chanting...*

Inty minty tibity fee
A deelyer a dollyer a nominee
Hytcha pytcha dominytcha
Hans pans dust
Out goes Y O U.

  • #181
mattmns said:

Where did you get that from? I was just posting the lyrics to a popular positive rap song o:)
  • #182
Moonbear said:
Y O U.

You got this one,right.You owe me...a quick exit... :-p

  • #183
mattmns said:
Where did you get that from? I was just posting the lyrics to a popular positive rap song o:) seems mattmns escaped my first attempt. Perhaps written words aren't enough to include in the potion. *tosses mattmns tarnished halo into the bubbling cauldron and repeats the chant*
  • #184
Take my advice,MB,leave before it's too late...

  • #185
I had chocolate nuts for lunch today, i was late to start with in the morning, so i couldn't pack lunch, thus i just grabbed some nuts.. but the thing is I don't like it when the nuts are heavily salted, when they are lightly salted, i can suck at them all day long and be happy.. Thank god for peanuts, i love peanuts..
  • #186
Hey,who invited you here...?You want to kill MY thread (though some people still think it's Tribdog's )?Not in THIS world,amigo...

  • #187
dextercioby said:
Hey,who invited you here...?You want to kill MY thread (though some people still think it's Tribdog's )?Not in THIS world,amigo...



I an the champion thread killer not you!

Stop stealing my glory you glory whore! [/irony]
  • #188
You physics fools
Sweet thread shall be mine
Died in the night

Crimson bits here
Scattered amongst the 'net
As I make leave.
  • #189
motai said:
You physics fools
Sweet thread shall be mine
Died in the night

Crimson bits here
Scattered amongst the 'net
As I make leave.

OK we'll settle this with a drinking contest. Everyone got your bottle of grey goose? Good. Start chugging, whoever drinks the most without stopping wins. In the event of a tie the two people will go again. In the even of a tie where the two people have emptied their bottles, there will be a bacardi 151 chug off, same rules.

Everyone ready?
  • #190
Ooh, good plan! I think I'll just sit here and watch. When the rest of you have all passed out, I'll just help myself to the thread.
  • #191
Moonbear said:
Ooh, good plan! I think I'll just sit here and watch. When the rest of you have all passed out, I'll just help myself to the thread.

No you have to participate, or you can't ahve the thread, that's how the rules work.
  • #192
franznietzsche said:
No you have to participate, or you can't ahve the thread, that's how the rules work.
I'm here huckleberry.

Artman slowly begins to circle the thread with his hand poised above the handle protruding from his holster.

Suddenly, three flaming Tribdogs come rushing through the thread!

Artman, startled by the outburst, draws his weapon and fires it repeatedly into the thread! Blam! Blam! Blam!

"You're no daisy. You're no daisy at all" he says, "even if they can resuscitate it, it'll be so full of holes it won't be able to stand up." :devil:
  • #193
Artman said:
"You're no daisy. You're no daisy at all" he says, "even if they can resuscitate it, it'll be so full of holes it won't be able to stand up." :devil:

Holy thread-killers Batman! *Kapow!*

Good thing I've got my sailors for protection around here. :biggrin:
  • #194
Artman said:
I'm here huckleberry.

Artman slowly begins to circle the thread with his hand poised above the handle protruding from his holster.

Suddenly, three flaming Tribdogs come rushing through the thread!

Artman, startled by the outburst, draws his weapon and fires it repeatedly into the thread! Blam! Blam! Blam!

"You're no daisy. You're no daisy at all" he says, "even if they can resuscitate it, it'll be so full of holes it won't be able to stand up." :devil:


Its "I'm YOUR huckleberry".
  • #195
franznietzsche said:

Its "I'm YOUR huckleberry".
I know, I didn't want to give you guys any "Huckleberry" fodder.

I really liked that movie.
  • #196
Artman said:
I know, I didn't want to give you guys any "Huckleberry" fodder.

I really liked that movie.

Val Kilmer did not play doc holiday, he was doc holiday. Absolutely fantastic.
  • #197
franznietzsche said:
Val Kilmer did not play doc holiday, he was doc holiday. Absolutely fantastic.
that movie sucked, 2 hours of bad acting and corny lines.

*steals thread while franz has seizure*
  • #198
I don't think I ever saw Doc Holiday. I'll take tribdog's word for it and assume I've missed nothing (that saves on movie rental fees too).
  • #199
I never saw it either, but I figured family vacation sucked so doc holiday probably would too
  • #200
Some people seem trying desperately to have dead threads lingering on. I've gone back to the last 100 or so really dead threads and counted up how many times each person was the one named as the last poster. Here's my list of PFs members who did the most attempts to keep the conversation up:
1)with 21- franznietzche
2)with 15- Moonbear
3)with 12- tribdog
4)with 9-tie-Ivan Seeking and Tsu
  • #201
Andre said:
Some people seem trying desperately to have dead threads lingering on. I've gone back to the last 100 or so really dead threads and counted up how many times each person was the one named as the last poster. Here's my list of PFs members who did the most attempts to keep the conversation up:
1)with 21- franznietzche
2)with 15- Moonbear
3)with 12- tribdog
4)with 9-tie-Ivan Seeking and Tsu
take your half full glass and get the heck outta here
  • #202
*Grabs hammer and nails and coffin. Starts nailing coffin shut.*

Oh, wait, if I do that, where will I sleep when the sun comes up? *long sigh*

*Starts prying nails back out of the coffin.*
  • #203 quiet in here... everyone must be asleep... oh, look - there's Moonbear :zzz: and franz :zzz: and trib :zzz: and all the others :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: all nestled in their sleeping bags. aww, how cute.. trib drools in his sleep. :shy:

*picks up thread*

I don't think anyone even saw me come in. heh heh

*tiptoes away* :wink:
  • #204
Math Is Hard said: quiet in here... everyone must be asleep... oh, look - there's Moonbear :zzz: and franz :zzz: and trib :zzz: and all the others :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: all nestled in their sleeping bags. aww, how cute.. trib drools in his sleep. :shy:

*picks up thread*

I don't think anyone even saw me come in. heh heh

*tiptoes away* :wink:

I never sleep

What are you talking about?

I was working, you know, being productive? What were YOU doing? Yeah that's what i thought.

My thread.
  • #205
oh, good job, franz - you woke almost everyone up!
Let's see how long you hold on to your precious thread NOW!

  • #206
Math Is Hard said:
oh, good job, franz - you woke almost everyone up!
Let's see how long you hold on to your precious thread NOW!


I was never asleep!

I was just three doors down, working.

Fie on you!
  • #207
Sorry, I am a heavy sleeper :zzz: :zzz:
  • #208
*Telling to himself*:
No,YOU must have the last word in this thread...*sadistical laughter*:evil:

  • #209
franznietzsche said:
Val Kilmer did not play doc holiday, he was doc holiday. Absolutely fantastic.
Yes he was. I love the line he says to the guy who says, "Hell, I got lots of friends."

He just says, "I don't."

Gotta love it.
  • #210
Artman said:
Yes he was. I love the line he says to the guy who says, "Hell, I got lots of friends."

He just says, "I don't."

Gotta love it.