Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
  • Start date
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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #211
Moonbear said:
I don't think I ever saw Doc Holiday. I'll take tribdog's word for it and assume I've missed nothing (that saves on movie rental fees too).
If you like western theme movies this is a good one. It's called "Tombstone," not Doc Holiday. In my opinion, it's not quite as good as Eastwood's "Unforgiven," but it is still good.

My thread, by the way. <sneaks off with the thread while the others run to the video store.>
Physics news on
  • #212
tribdog said:
Actually, he does get a little poetic in his speaches.
  • #213
I like peaches. Doesn't a juicy peach sound really good right now?
  • #214
I can't believe no one has gone back and posted in all the threads franz killed. would only take about 2 minutes to drop franz out of first place
  • #215
tribdog said:
I can't believe no one has gone back and posted in all the threads franz killed. would only take about 2 minutes to drop franz out of first place
Oh my God, that never occurred to me.

Oops, I mean of course "speeches."
  • #216
I wasn't being rude and correcting you. a peach really does sound good to me right now.
  • #217
I don't know, when I left last night, there weren't very many threads left that didn't have my name on them. It makes it a lot harder to quickly bury this one if I have to start replying to myself to bump threads in front of it (I'm not that obnoxious).
  • #218
Me last now.
  • #219
russ_watters said:
Me last now.
Uh, hey look over there Russ. Isn't that a Democrat?

<While Russ turns to begin debating issues with yet another Democrat, Artman swipes the thread back.>
  • #220
Artman said:
Uh, hey look over there Russ. Isn't that a Democrat?

<While Russ turns to begin debating issues with yet another Democrat, Artman swipes the thread back.>


*drags thread into the bottom of the wuantum well he was into resum commiserating with the down quark.*
  • #221
franznietzsche said:

*drags thread into the bottom of the wuantum well he was into resum commiserating with the down quark.*
Darn it! How am I supposed to get it down there? It was so much easier when Russ had it.

Oh, what do you know. I have it again.
  • #222
Instead of weeding out contenders as they fatigue, it seems we're acquiring more! Look at all the scavengers lining up to feed on the dead thread! :bugeye:

Artman, good move sending Russ after a Democrat. That should keep a few thread killers occupied.

I'll have to think about what new outfit to wear today to go along with the thread-stealing adventures planned. Yesterday's worked to distract some of the men and scare of franz for a bit, and having the sailors around was pretty useful, but those high heels were tough to run in, and the skirt didn't have any pockets to carry duct tape or weapons.

*rummages through closet*

And with a little slight of hand while talking, I've got the thread again.
  • #223
Pulls out bag full of claymore mines.

My thread.

Plats claymores in circle around thread, pointing OUTWARD, sits on thread, holds detonator and waits for the next poster.

I dare ya, i'll blow you away if you even think about it.
  • #224
Oh, thank heavens I decided to wear this comfy flight suit today. Not overly attractive, but lots of pockets, and now I'm all ready to descend from the rope ladder on this helicopter to grab the thread from franz from above.

Now, franz, how were you planning on getting out of that circle of mines? :devil:
  • #225
Moonbear said:
Oh, thank heavens I decided to wear this comfy flight suit today. Not overly attractive, but lots of pockets, and now I'm all ready to descend from the rope ladder on this helicopter to grab the thread from franz from above.

Now, franz, how were you planning on getting out of that circle of mines? :devil:

They're claymore mines, silly moonbear.

*picks one up, points it at her, detonates*

Claymore mines sit upright out of the ground and launch shrapnel horizontally when detonated, typically by tripwire, though you could do it by pulling the pin out yourself with the wire.

The also say "THis side Towards Enemy" on the front, just so no one gets confused, like me.
  • #226
franznietzsche said:
They're claymore mines, silly moonbear.

*picks one up, points it at her, detonates*

Claymore mines sit upright out of the ground and launch shrapnel horizontally when detonated, typically by tripwire, though you could do it by pulling the pin out yourself with the wire.

The also say "THis side Towards Enemy" on the front, just so no one gets confused, like me.

Too slow, I've already climbed up the ladder and am well clear of you and your mines.
  • #227
Moonbear said:
Too slow, I've already climbed up the ladder and am well clear of you and your mines.

I've got plenty of em, and I'm still siting right here, on the thread.

Got a few grenades too.
  • #228
Hey Moonbear, did you see the interesting Brain Teaser that Tribdog created that used our names over in the Brain Teaser Forum? I already figured it out.

(while franz and Moonbear head over to work on the brain teaser, I steal the thread.) :biggrin:
  • #229
Artman said:
Hey Moonbear, did you see the interesting Brain Teaser that Tribdog created that used our names over in the Brain Teaser Forum? I already figured it out.

(while franz and Moonbear head over to work on the brain teaser, I steal the thread.) :biggrin:

I already saw it yesterday. You can't distract me that easily. You should be appreciative I sent the Coast Guard after you so you can still be here to keep trying to steal the thread, otherwise you'd still be lost at sea. You keep distracting franz while I hang onto this here thread.
  • #230
Artman said:
Hey Moonbear, did you see the interesting Brain Teaser that Tribdog created that used our names over in the Brain Teaser Forum? I already figured it out.

(while franz and Moonbear head over to work on the brain teaser, I steal the thread.) :biggrin:

*aims claymore*


That'll teach the schmoe to touch my thread.

Keep trying suckers, I've got enough claymores to hold off an army of tribdog's. I can't be touched!
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  • #231
Moonbear said:
I already saw it yesterday. You can't distract me that easily. You should be appreciative I sent the Coast Guard after you so you can still be here to keep trying to steal the thread, otherwise you'd still be lost at sea. You keep distracting franz while I hang onto this here thread.

My name wasn't even mentioned in the brain teaser. Why would i go look?

I still have plenty of claymores for you too.
  • #232
franznietzsche said:
My name wasn't even mentioned in the brain teaser. Why would i go look?
I know. I figured you'd be frantically PMing the three flaming Tribdogs to find out why.

Or at least go after them with your claymores.
  • #233
Artman said:
I know. I figured you'd be frantically PMing the three flaming Tribdogs ...
Bartender, I'll have three Flaming Tribdogs...
and some pretzels... and oh, yes, I'll take this thread, too.
  • #234
Moonbear said:
I already saw it yesterday. You can't distract me that easily. You should be appreciative I sent the Coast Guard after you so you can still be here to keep trying to steal the thread, otherwise you'd still be lost at sea. You keep distracting franz while I hang onto this here thread.
Oh I am grateful. Oh by the way, since you saw it yesterday, you may not be aware of what you are wearing in that thread, or what you are doing.

  • #235
Artman said:
I know. I figured you'd be frantically PMing the three flaming Tribdogs to find out why.

Or at least go after them with your claymores.

*fires another claymore*

MIH said:
Bartender, I'll have three Flaming Tribdogs...
and some pretzels... and oh, yes, I'll take this thread, too.

Flaming Dr Peppers anyone?
  • #236
Hey, tribdog, look! franz has explosives to play with! Go see what happens if you play with the detonator.


*grabs thread while tribdog explodes franz's entire arsenal and everyone else is watching the commotion*

*feels a little guilty and calls 9-1-1 for tribdog*
  • #237
Why do I never understand any of these threads? The ones that look like fun and I don't get them?


The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #238
The three flaming trbdogs inspired a song. Sung to the tune of the last verse of "The Twelve Days of Christmas"

"The Twelve Days of Thread Kill"
By Artman

On the twelve day of "Thread Kill" PF gave to me,
Twelve funky Moonbear outfits,
Eleven bizarre Artman characters,
Ten dextercioby redirects
Nine claymore mine fields
Eight frisky seamen
Seven posters fighting
Six MIH sneak attacks
Five Evo Warnings
Four confused posters
Three flaming Tribdogs
Two nasty posts by Andy
And the Number one Thread Killer franznietzsche!

(Don't go back and count I made up the numbers)

The threads mine by the way. Nothing lives after one of my songs.
  • #239
Ooh, but it can't die yet. You've just given me 12 outfits and I've only gotten to wear two of them so far. 10 more to try out! :biggrin:
  • #240
Artman said:
And the Number one Thread Killer franznietzsche!
WOW! I never would have thought of a rhyme for "pear tree" - but nietzsche works just dandy! :smile:
  • #241
ooh, he's good. the bob just might kill this thread with posts like that
  • #242
I think there is an art to creating an awkward silence. That's how you get people to flee a thread.
  • #243
Yeah I was thinking the same thing just the *farrt* same thing the other day. *looks around hoping nobody heard that*
  • #244
*sticks clothespin on nose* I think we need to switch your puppy chow there tribdog.
  • #245
tribdog said:
Yeah I was thinking the same thing just the *farrt* same thing the other day. *looks around hoping nobody heard that*
I can't smell it but the sound hurts my eyes.