Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
  • Start date
  • Tags
In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #246
hatches an idea
I wonder if I could edit a post so that I have the final word, but it doesn't show up at top of the page afterwards.
Physics news on
  • #247
A better idea would be to create another account, and then post under tribdog in this thread, and then post in every other thread in this forum under your new account.
  • #248
Math Is Hard said:
I think there is an art to creating an awkward silence. That's how you get people to flee a thread.

Speaking of which i have this bad sleep habit.

*points claymores at unqares listeners*

Whenever i have a dream or nightmare where i get hurt and then wake up, my mind carries the perception of pain over into my waking consciousness.

*readies the pull string*

For example i just woke up from a dream where i fell off the amst of ship all the way down to the deck. Broken bones, caoughing blood. Much Pain. FOllowing this i woke up. I tired to move. BAAD idea. My body felt like it was on fire and had been systematically pounded with a demolition hammer (jackhammer). My body was in fact fine, my mind was just continuing to imagine the pain it had imagined during the dream.

*pulls string, blowing all other thread killing contenders to smithereens*

Did i mention pain makes me homicidal?

*takes, thread, disappears back into the darkness*
  • #249
I say we let him have it.
  • #250
franznietzsche said:
*points claymores at unqares listeners*

I'm going to have to look up that word, "unqares." Maybe we should add it to the Word a Day thread? Well, since I've never heard of the word, it must not mean me, so I'm okay. Besides, I still have that bear protection suit. I haven't worn that into the thread yet. Maybe that'll be tomorrow's outfit. I'll document how hot it is, how heavy it is to walk around in, whether I can stand up or sit down, and what the best approach to the call of nature is while wearing that suit. Yep, that ought to kill the thread if it manages to survive the night. :smile:
  • #251
Moonbear said:
I'm going to have to look up that word, "unqares." Maybe we should add it to the Word a Day thread? Well, since I've never heard of the word, it must not mean me, so I'm okay. Besides, I still have that bear protection suit. I haven't worn that into the thread yet. Maybe that'll be tomorrow's outfit. I'll document how hot it is, how heavy it is to walk around in, whether I can stand up or sit down, and what the best approach to the call of nature is while wearing that suit. Yep, that ought to kill the thread if it manages to survive the night. :smile:


And me without any more claymores, just these flashbangs and incedniery grenades. Not even any frags...
  • #252
franznietzsche said:
*drags thread into the bottom of the [q]uantum well he was into resum commiserating with the down quark.*
Nice of you to drop by ! :approve:
  • #253
That wasn't too bright of franz to just drop in and hand you the thread, was it? :smile:

But, hey, if I'll retrieve it from a rhino rectum, I suppose diving into a quantum well isn't too extreme to fetch a thread.

Mine now! :biggrin:
  • #254
Moonbear said:
That wasn't too bright of franz to just drop in and hand you the thread, was it? :smile:

But, hey, if I'll retrieve it from a rhino rectum, I suppose diving into a quantum well isn't too extreme to fetch a thread.

Mine now! :biggrin:

Not any more.
  • #255
*tiptoes in, holds chloroform soaked cloth over franz's face so he doesn't wake everyone else who's sleeping, steals thread and tiptoes back out.*
  • #256
Moonbear said:
*tiptoes in, holds chloroform soaked cloth over franz's face so he doesn't wake everyone else who's sleeping, steals thread and tiptoes back out.*

Silly moonbear, cholorform has no effect over me.

*Uses gravity gun to pull moonbear back, takes thread from her, and launches her with said gun many miles (into some soft feather pillows, of course)*
  • #257
*hits franz on the head with a frying pan, grabs thread and uses gravity gun to launch himself many miles away - then runs*
  • #258
Smurf said:
*hits franz on the head with a frying pan, grabs thread and uses gravity gun to launch himself many miles away - then runs*

You can't launch yourself with a gravity gun, haven't you played half-life 2?

*smacks smurf upside the head*

Yeah, who's got the bigger post count now?

The thread is mine.

And welcome back.
  • #259
I predict: franz's childishness will make him grab this thread back.
  • #260
arildno said:
I predict: franz's childishness will make him grab this thread back.
Like I said, they never suspect me.

It's mine.

Also, Welcome back Smurf.
  • #261
Oh... are we taking this thread off of each other? I see. Well in that case :rolleyes:

*The Bob simply reaches down, using his massive height, and takes the thread away. He puts it in the nearest cloud for safe keeping and leaves hoping no one will take it (:smile:), while singing 'I knew my height was worth keeping'*

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #262
The Bob said:
Oh... are we taking this thread off of each other? I see. Well in that case :rolleyes:
You can go back to sleep The Bob. I'll take good care of the thread for you.

<Artman, who is also quite tall, reaches up and wisks the thread from the cloud.>
  • #263
Moonbear said:
Artman, good move sending Russ after a Democrat. That should keep a few thread killers occupied.
I'm back - all the Democrats were at Starbucks, and you know I'm not going in there!
  • #264
russ_watters said:
I'm back - all the Democrats were at Starbucks, and you know I'm not going in there!
Being a Republican myself, I knew you'd be back.

Hey, I thought I just heard someone say, "Bush and the military ought to mind their own business." It came from over that way.

< points to the far left. Russ exits running.>

Mine again. :smile:
Last edited:
  • #265
Now. Finally an end to this thing. Anyone who replies after this will infact temporally reply in the reverse direction. I'm officially the last *Monique reverses time*

oh, and time cannot be reversed back, that would mean a terrible collapse of the universe

Do you feel yourself getting younger yet? Tss, this is a physics forum and they did not think of this solution themselves :rolleyes:
  • #266
Monique said:
Now. Finally an end to this thing. Anyone who replies after this will infact temporally reply in the reverse direction. I'm officially the last *Monique reverses time*

oh, and time cannot be reversed back, that would mean a terrible collapse of the universe

Do you feel yourself getting younger yet? Tss, this is a physics forum and they did not think of this solution themselves :rolleyes:
Now hold on a second, Tribdog already took us into the past (when he became three flaming Tribdogs) so what you have done is actually turn us back to the present. And speaking of presents, thanks for the thread!
  • #267
Artman said:
Now hold on a second, Tribdog already took us into the past (when he became three flaming Tribdogs) so what you have done is actually turn us back to the present. And speaking of presents, thanks for the thread!

Back to the past with this one.
  • #268
Is the thread now mine?
  • #269
After I risked all of our lives to warp space and time back to the present, you guys just waltz in here and swipe the thread. Well I never.
  • #270
Sorry, I did not realize what a brave thing you did for us. I will leave you with your thread, good day sir.
  • #271
russ_watters said:
I'm back - all the Democrats were at Starbucks, and you know I'm not going in there!

:smile: Yep, Starbucks is a dangerous place. They've managed to get me addicted to lattes, darn caffeine pushers! A cup of that sometime between 2 and 3 in the afternoon, and it gets me through the rest of the day. (Hey, it's good for me, it has milk in it. :biggrin:)

And P.S., I've got the thread now.
  • #272
Lets have PF sell shares of stock to determine who in the end will inevitably own the thread. 51% will be the owner of the particular thread at hand and can close it at their own volition hehe.
  • #273
motai said:
Lets have PF sell shares of stock to determine who in the end will inevitably own the thread. 51% will be the owner of the particular thread at hand and can close it at their own volition hehe.

I think based opn the fact that i post far more in GD than anyone else that i have the most shares.

My thread now.
  • #274
mattmns said:
Sorry, I did not realize what a brave thing you did for us. I will leave you with your thread, good day sir.
I suppose, since you have acknowlegded my potential sacrifice of all our lives, you may borrow my thread, but don't expect to keep it.
  • #275
Artman said:
I suppose, since you have acknowlegded my potential sacrifice of all our lives, you may borrow my thread, but don't expect to keep it.

MY thread, and no he may not borrow it.
  • #276
No need to borrow it considering that is is MY THREAD!
  • #277
mattmns said:
No need to borrow it considering that is is MY THREAD!

Not anymore.
  • #278
I guess we should tell you, shouldn't we sister? That we have been giving the thread small doses of arsenic in its tea. You see, it's lonely and we feel so sorry for it, don't we sister. When it does die, we will have it buried in the Panama Canal that Teddy has been digging in the basement, along with all the other gentlemen threads that we have helped. o:)

It won't be too much longer. More tea, thread? o:)

Here you go. <Hands the steaming beverage to the thread, who drinks it straight down>

What's that? you're not feeling well? Perhaps you should lie down. o:)

Teddy, we need another canal dug.

<Trumpet blast from the top of the stairs> "CHARGE!"
  • #279
Its ok, i have some medicine for arsenic poisoning given to me by a man who really wanted to sell me a resort in pacoima the vacation capital of califorinia :rolleyes:

Here you go thread

*Thread dies*

Well, would you look at that...the schmuck swindled me...
  • #280
Oh dear sister, that is not one of our guest threads. You can't bury him in our basement.

Who is he and why did he put that imposter thread in our window seat? He looks like fran...

It's franznietzsche and he's come to try and take our thread.

You get out of our thread.

Now sister, be nice. Let's offer him some tea. o:)