Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #2,801
Moonbear said:
Yes, that will be acceptable. :biggrin:
(:blushing: :cool: :smile:)
We really need a smilie for 'profound relief'.
Physics news on
  • #2,802
Huckleberry said:
I can't wait to swoop with my flamberge.
That sounds a little perilous. :rolleyes:
  • #2,803
Hey wait, maybe I don't want a flamberge. The German word for it means flaming and the French word means flambouyant. :smile: You can't make this stuff up.

I need a swoopy sword. Maybe something like a scimitar.
  • #2,804
or you could just shower your enemies with ninja throwing stars
  • #2,805
Huckleberry said:
Hey wait, maybe I don't want a flamberge. The German word for it means flaming
I'm really glad you brought that up. It took more will-power than you realize for me to not mention it. :biggrin:
  • #2,806
It's alright Danger, don't hold back. If you see an opportunity like that go for it.
  • #2,807
Moonbear said:
Cod? No floppy fish here!

Okay minions, you each will wear a well-honed sword of hard, forged steel. :biggrin: We'll need to take a few more measurements to ensure the sheaths are properly prepared for your swords.
Yes, safe sword use is important, and regular shining too.
Danger said:
Uhhh... :rolleyes: yes. And yes, most assuredly you did. I even wrote it down so you wouldn't forget. :smile: Have another martini.
Uh-uh - I always say I'll still "respect" you in the morning. Busted!
Smurf said:
or you could just shower your enemies with ninja throwing stars
Or he could just not shower. :confused:
  • #2,808
Huckleberry said:
It's alright Danger, don't hold back. If you see an opportunity like that go for it.
I wasn't actually holding back through politeness; it was more laziness. I wanted to quote Smurf when he welcomed either you or Zygotic Embryo with a warning not to be 'too flaming'. I couldn't be bothered to try to find it.

SOS2008 said:
Yes, safe sword use is important, and regular shining too.
Are you, by any chance, the official sword polisher?

SOS2008 said:
Uh-uh - I always say I'll still "respect" you in the morning. Busted!
But you had a lot of martinis. On the other hand, so did I, so maybe I heard it wrong. :redface:
  • #2,809
Or he could just not shower.

Nah, that would make it too difficult to swoop unexpectedly. Plus I wouldn't want to get my cape any dirtier than I had to.

  • #2,810
Danger said:
Are you, by any chance, the official sword polisher?
I will need to check with Moonbear. You guys are making so many sword requests, I think we may need more female minions to help. We already need someone to take charge of the velvet rope. :eek:
Danger said:
But you had a lot of martinis. On the other hand, so did I, so maybe I heard it wrong. :redface:
That's okay. *pours another martini* Here's to swooping - whoohooo!
  • #2,811
Huckleberry said:
Nah, that would make it too difficult to swoop unexpectedly. Plus I wouldn't want to get my cape any dirtier than I had to.

Good thinking--they'd smell him a mile away. Don't worry about your cape. We have a laundromat--because sometimes we must do some dirty work. :devil:
  • #2,812
Danger said:
Are you, by any chance, the official sword polisher?

As admiral here, I hand out the sword polishing duties!

*paces back and forth in front of the minions* Now, everyone line up for the white glove inspection! *begins examining swords, looks closely* Now, hold those swords at attention! Hmmm...this one doesn't look polished enough. *rubs sword* See how much better it looks when properly polished? Now, take note minions, you're not going to get the best shine if you're rubbing the sword while it's still dry. A little spit polishing goes a long way. *licks sword and rubs it* See?
*continues pacing in front of the troops*
And remember you also need to properly care for the sheath for the sword. They need to be properly conditioned so they don't dry out. If you attempt to put your sword into a dry sheath, you run a great risk of injury to you and your sword.
  • #2,813
ah for crying out loud.. go to sleep
  • #2,814
SOS2008 said:
We have a laundromat--because sometimes we must do some dirty work. :devil:
Maybe you should hand out medals at every opportunity as well, just to help unbalance the load. :biggrin:
  • #2,815
Moonbear said:
A little spit polishing goes a long way. *licks sword and rubs it* See?
:redface: <raises hand timidly> Admiral, Ma'am, Sir? What if it goes off by accident? Someone could lose an eye. :blushing:
  • #2,816
Moonbear said:
As admiral here, I hand out the sword polishing duties!

*paces back and forth in front of the minions* Now, everyone line up for the white glove inspection! *begins examining swords, looks closely* Now, hold those swords at attention! Hmmm...this one doesn't look polished enough. *rubs sword* See how much better it looks when properly polished? Now, take note minions, you're not going to get the best shine if you're rubbing the sword while it's still dry. A little spit polishing goes a long way. *licks sword and rubs it* See?
*continues pacing in front of the troops*
And remember you also need to properly care for the sheath for the sword. They need to be properly conditioned so they don't dry out. If you attempt to put your sword into a dry sheath, you run a great risk of injury to you and your sword.
:smile: *clears throat* Yes admiral, the spit shine is helpful.
  • #2,817
Danger said:
Maybe you should hand out medals at every opportunity as well, just to help unbalance the load. :biggrin:

Good idea, though sometimes it's just easier to...oh dear...I was about to say break a few ball bearings in the washer motor, but that sounds all wrong. :rolleyes: :bugeye: Yeah, I think we'll stick with awarding lots of medals. Medals pinned to the capes will look really snazzy. :biggrin: SOS, you're in charge of recommending minions for medals. But first, I'll award you with this medal of valor for going above and beyond the call of duty keeping the minion's uniforms clean. Oh, and another medal is in order for doing all those uniform measurements in the constant presence of Danger. :biggrin:
  • #2,818
well.. some of us got to be in class in 7 hours.. and i have yet to fall aslee...zzzzz
  • #2,819
Danger said:
:redface: <raises hand timidly> Admiral, Ma'am, Sir? What if it goes off by accident? Someone could lose an eye. :blushing:

You, blushing?! :rolleyes:

Oh, right, when you're displaying or using your swords for purely ceremonial purposes or during practice sessions, remember to use the safety tips. They just slide on like this. *demonstrates proper use of safety tips on swords*

SOS2008 said:
*clears throat* Yes admiral, the spit shine is helpful.

Good job! I believe that deserves yet another medal.
  • #2,820
Moonbear said:
Oh, and another medal is in order for doing all those uniform measurements in the constant presence of Danger. :biggrin:
Just making sure she didn't dawdle over her work. There were some suspiciously long inseam measurements going on, and I noticed that she didn't have her tape with her.
  • #2,821
cronxeh said:
ah for crying out loud.. go to sleep
A few more things to iron out first (we do that in the laundromat too).
Danger said:
Maybe you should hand out medals at every opportunity as well, just to help unbalance the load. :biggrin:
The Admiral has given me my orders (the Maytag suggestion has been noted :biggrin: ).
Danger said:
:redface: <raises hand timidly> Admiral, Ma'am, Sir? What if it goes off by accident? Someone could lose an eye. :blushing:
This is under consideration by the Admiral at this time.
  • #2,822
cronxeh said:
well.. some of us got to be in class in 7 hours.. and i have yet to fall aslee...zzzzz

Don't look at me, I'm awake for the night I think. I took a nap after mowing the lawn, and then another one after doing the rest of the yard work today, and then went out for ice cream and came back and took another nap (I sort of managed to dehydrate myself enough doing the yard work to wind up with a killer headache...but once I got some food and water into me, and a few naps, I'm good for the night now...we seem to have skipped directly from freezing to heat wave and missed Spring again).
  • #2,823
Danger said:
Just making sure she didn't dawdle over her work. There were some suspiciously long inseam measurements going on, and I noticed that she didn't have her tape with her.

Very good. SOS, this might be medal-worthy of Danger. What's your recommendation?
  • #2,824
Moonbear said:
Very good. SOS, this might be medal-worthy of Danger. What's your recommendation?
I'm truly honoured, Ms. Admiral, Sir. If, however, I don't log off and bag some ZZZ's immediately, it will have to be posthumous. I really am exhausted and tomorrow's a day shift. I'll check in while I'm getting ready for work. 'night.
  • #2,825
Its very satisfying to be the minion of a mad scientist. I should have done it a long time ago.

we seem to have skipped directly from freezing to heat wave and missed Spring again).

What's up with that anyway. Like two weeks ago it was freezing here. Now its almost 70F. Walking down teh street there are people in winter coats and people in t-shirts staring at each other questioningly like the sun came up one morning and it was flourescent green.

  • #2,826
Huckleberry said:
What's up with that anyway. Like two weeks ago it was freezing here. Now its almost 70F. Walking down teh street there are people in winter coats and people in t-shirts staring at each other questioningly like the sun came up one morning and it was flourescent green.


I'd be staring at people pretty questioningly too if the sun was fluorescent green! :bugeye: It hit 85 F this afternoon here. I don't know what the temperature is currently, but my window is open and there isn't a breeze to be found.
  • #2,827
Moonbear said:
Very good. SOS, this might be medal-worthy of Danger. What's your recommendation?
In measuring by length of hand, we do not use tape measures, especially in the presence of Danger.

Danger's mechanical contributions and safety concerns do deserve a medal (though he has been drinking a lot of the green apple martinis).
  • #2,828
SOS2008 said:
In measuring by length of hand, we do not use tape measures, especially in the presence of Danger.

Danger's mechanical contributions and safety concerns do deserve a medal (though he has been drinking a lot of the green apple martinis).

Okay, two medals to Danger. One for his mechanical contributions and one for bringing up the safety concerns that have prevented countless eye injuries. :biggrin:
  • #2,829
Well, it's bedtime for Bonzo. I've got class in a few hours and I have to wake up early to do my homework. I'm such a bad minion! I'll submit myself for punishment at the first opportunity.

Huckleberry out...
  • #2,830
Just up for my midnight snack and thought I'd check in. Gone again.
  • #2,831
Okay, so we have minions swooshing around, velvet ropes, poofy hats, spit shined swords, capes, and glittering metals; sounds like Liberace in the French foriegn legion. :biggrin:

I put my practice tip on, but my sword needs a good going over with some spit and polish and then a good, hard, long, thrusting practice. :-p

(Singing) <Yo ho yo ho the minion's life for me.> :biggrin:
  • #2,832
Artman said:
sounds like Liberace in the French foriegn legion. :biggrin:
But I would like to think that I'm a little more particular about who is doing the spit-shining.

Artman said:
I put my practice tip on, but my sword needs a good going over with some spit and polish and then a good, hard, long, thrusting practice. :-p
Shouldn't you insert your macro here, just in case. :wink:

Artman said:
(Singing) <Yo ho yo ho the minion's life for me.> :biggrin:
Stick to the play, man; your songwriting is scary. :bugeye:
  • #2,833
Danger said:
Shouldn't you insert your macro here, just in case. :wink:
I never said who should do it, just that it needed doing. :biggrin:
  • #2,834
Artman said:
Okay, so we have minions swooshing around, velvet ropes, poofy hats, spit shined swords, capes, and glittering metals; sounds like Liberace in the French foriegn legion. :biggrin:

I put my practice tip on, but my sword needs a good going over with some spit and polish and then a good, hard, long, thrusting practice. :-p

(Singing) <Yo ho yo ho the minion's life for me.> :biggrin:

See, I knew the swords would attract all the nerd pirates into minionhood.

:rolleyes: *looks around* Did Danger already leave for work? :smile:
  • #2,835
What have you done to quote-proof your post? I tried clicking on "quote" and nothing appeared! Now I have to do it the long way.

arildno said:
What about bodkins?

Another one I had to look up.

The fourth definitions down at
a dagger with a slender blade

(I hope you weren't referring to the first few definitions, which are sewing needles and something for threading ribbon through a needle :rolleyes:)

Hmm...I don't think so. Size does matter for minions' weapons, and short AND slender just isn't going to look right with the cape and poofy hat.

Edit: Ha wonder you were had deleted your post while I was trying to quote it. Too late! You've been caught with the short sword! :smile: