Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #2,836
It's an excellent weapon for back-stabbing, though..
Physics news on
  • #2,837
arildno said:
It's an excellent weapon for back-stabbing, though..

You mean like when you delete a post I'm quoting making it look like I'm talking to myself? :-p
  • #2,838
Moonbear said:
You mean like when you delete a post I'm quoting making it look like I'm talking to myself? :-p
For example..
  • #2,839
Huckleberry said:
...I'm such a bad minion! I'll submit myself for punishment at the first opportunity.
Why do I get the feeling he wants a punishment? :smile:
Moonbear said:
Hmm...I don't think so. Size does matter for minions' weapons, and short AND slender just isn't going to look right with the cape and poofy hat.
Agreed--and why do I get the feeling it may have been a good idea to delete the post?
  • #2,840
Well, I have only spoken hypothetically, of course, and certainly no first person reference assumptions should be made merely on account of my mention of bodkins.
However, should ALL minions have poofy hats?
  • #2,841
arildno said:
Well, I have only spoken hypothetically, of course, and certainly no first person reference assumptions should be made merely on account of my mention of bodkins.

Uh huh. :rolleyes:

However, should ALL minions have poofy hats?

Absolutely! They serve a dual purpose. Aside from lulling the enemy into a false sense of security so you can swoop on them when they are unsuspecting, it can also be used to quickly conceal your weapon should it inadvertently become exposed at the improper time.
  • #2,842
It is very difficult to conceal a broadsword quickly. A bodkin, however..
  • #2,843
I find, after much trying, that I cannot spit polish my own sword. (I fear that if I could I would never go to work.) :biggrin: But I do get a nice buff polish, will that suffice? I think I need an inspection. :-p (A platonic one that will in no way upset my wife, or APOTWINWUMW for short) :biggrin:
  • #2,844
Hmm, seems this thread has fallen off the board and into the Archives. I'm assumiong the archive is like a grave and that if I post here I will in essence be ressurrecting the thread? Is that how it works?
Are Minions allowed to do that?
  • #2,845
Huckleberry said:
...Are Minions allowed to do that?
Were you firmly grasping your sword and swinging it wildly while swooping through with your cape fluttering dramatically and your poofy hat...well...just wearing your poofy hat while you resurrected it?
  • #2,846
Artman said:
I find, after much trying, that I cannot spit polish my own sword. (I fear that if I could I would never go to work.) :biggrin: But I do get a nice buff polish, will that suffice? I think I need an inspection. :-p (A platonic one that will in no way upset my wife, or APOTWINWUMW for short) :biggrin:

We have plenty of volunteers in the cancer clinic who can help you with that spit polishing you need. Perhaps you should get your wife to volunteer over there; it's a good cause and would save you a lot of typing. I know I'll never remember the acronym "APOTWINWUMW" without copy and pasting. :biggrin:
  • #2,847
Artman said:
Were you firmly grasping your sword and swinging it wildly while swooping through with your cape fluttering dramatically and your poofy hat...well...just wearing your poofy hat while you resurrected it?

Ofcourse I was. I wouldn't be a good minion if I didn't do the swooping and the swooshing. (Why do I suddenly feel like Jerry Lewis?)

Hey, I just started my first thread. It was a very satisfying experience, akin to sword polishing. I hope my thread and I have a long, healthy relationship. ("Is science a religion" under general philosophy)

  • #2,848
arildno said:
It is very difficult to conceal a broadsword quickly. A bodkin, however..
Artman said:
Were you firmly grasping your sword and swinging it wildly while swooping through with your cape fluttering dramatically and your poofy hat...well...just wearing your poofy hat while you resurrected it?
:smile: :smile:
Huckleberry said:
Of course I was. I wouldn't be a good minion if I didn't do the swooping and the swooshing.
:smile: :smile: :smile:

Danger keeps flashing instead of swooping, so I'm having a hard time pinning medals on his cape! :-p
  • #2,849
It is always difficult to stay focused in the presence of Danger!
  • #2,850
Huckleberry said:
It is always difficult to stay focused in the presence of Danger!

:smile: Very true!

SOS, if you can't pin the medals on the cape, just pin them to his chest. After the first one, he should stand a bit more still while you pin the rest to the cape. :devil:
  • #2,851
Huckleberry said:
It is always difficult to stay focused in the presence of Danger!
Yes - it's hard!
Moonbear said:
:smile: Very true!

SOS, if you can't pin the medals on the cape, just pin them to his chest. After the first one, he should stand a bit more still while you pin the rest to the cape. :devil:
I don't know if it's okay to swoop upon a fellow minion, but I managed to get one the back...
  • #2,852
Moonbear said:
:smile: Very true!

SOS, if you can't pin the medals on the cape, just pin them to his chest. After the first one, he should stand a bit more still while you pin the rest to the cape. :devil:

When sailors graduated from their Navy SEALs training they would have their medals pinned directly on their chest, with a resounding thump I imagine. Having met a few SEALs I would say it didn't do much to keep them tranquil very long. Come to think of it I don't think I would want to sit still for someone who wanted to stick a needle in me either.
  • #2,853
Huckleberry said:
When sailors graduated from their Navy SEALs training they would have their medals pinned directly on their chest, with a resounding thump I imagine. Having met a few SEALs I would say it didn't do much to keep them tranquil very long. Come to think of it I don't think I would want to sit still for someone who wanted to stick a needle in me either.

I don't think it was just SEALs. Wasn't there something in the news a few years back about hazing of cadets that way?
  • #2,854
Huckleberry said:
(Why do I suddenly feel like Jerry Lewis?)
You're confused, son. Jerry Lewis was a so-so comedian. Ben and Jerry's is what you're craving.

Huckleberry said:
Hey, I just started my first thread. It was a very satisfying experience, akin to sword polishing. I hope my thread and I have a long, healthy relationship. ("Is science a religion" under general philosophy)
Congrats upon the birth of Huck Jr. I probably won't post upon him, but will check in from time to time in an unclely manner to make sure he's okay. I will give you my answer to his title, though. If you snoop back through the freakazoid thread ('Cosmology...') and either the one about the Pope's death or the Gospel According to Judas or whatever, you'll see that my old man was a preacher. His definition of religion was "one's total response to the whole of life". I take that as my own, by which Science most assuredly is a religion. By that same definition, even I have a religion, which I put down on any form that still has the audacity to ask: Semi-militant atheist. (You can believe whatever you like and I'll discuss it or argue it or totally avoid discussing it at your pleasure without it affecting friendship; if you try to convert me, I will fall on you like a ball of neutronium.)
  • #2,855
I don't remember hearing about it, but it wouldn't surprise me. Boys will be boys.

They have really toned down that shellback ceremony for the crossing of the equator. I went through it umm, let's see, errr, early 97 I think. Feels like longer than that, but I'm pretty sure that's right. We had just come from the coast of Albania in the Adriatic. We were picking up refugees who were fleeing en masse on tiny fishing boats. One boat even tried to board us :eek: climbing up some rigging for some smaller boats that we had let down to help out other refugees. This was all months, maybe half a year before I heard anything about it in the U.S. press.

Immediately after that we went down to Zaire to evacuate some people. That was just before it became the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We crossed the equator at the 0/0 mark and had a shellback ceremony. 0/0 mark is emerald shellback, 0/180 is diamond shellback, and I think anywhere else is just a shellback.

There was no hitting or kissing of anyone's belly as the site says. It was a humiliating experience but fun too. We did things like four people trying to blow water out of a padeye at once. We walked around in human chains holding the hands inbetween our legs. We wore our clothing inside out and painted big "P" for polywog over it all. We had to crawl through carefully selected garbage, were baptized into shellbackhood and made some speeches or vows or some such to King Neptune. The worst part by far was eating a few teaspoons of cod liver oil and dried cottage cheese. It was fun though and afterwards I threw out my sneakers. I had no hope the stink would ever come out. They were gonners.

Why did I write all that?
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  • #2,856
Huckleberry said:
They have really toned down that shellback ceremony for the crossing of the equator.

Why is it that as soon as you get a group of men together, they turn into the Lord of the Flies boys? :rolleyes:
  • #2,857
Moonbear said:
Why is it that as soon as you get a group of men together, they turn into the Lord of the Flies boys? :rolleyes:

Would you have it any other way?

I heard that before the first settlements in the United States there were European men here. Because there were no women the men never formed established settlements. I would call it the Lord of the Flies social construct effect. There's probably a real term for it but I don't know it.

Why do I start so many posts with I heard once, or I read somewhere? I kind of irk myself writing that all the time and feel like I don't really know anything, just have a lot of opinions. Oh well, I guess the only alternative is to not post anything. Some might say that would be the better option

What was the question?
Huck, MoM
  • #2,858
Nice first thread you have there Huck.
The men I go hunting with are so use to me{one of the guys}, that they revert to"Lord of the Flys" with in a hour of arriving at camp. I'm thinking it must be genetic.
  • #2,859
Lord of the Flies social construct effect = The ability of a group of men when not in the prescence of women to only get as far as "Conch" when trying to rationalize the word "conscious." Note that whoever holds the physical representation of consciousness is the only one allowed to think and speak at the same time. Otherwise any resemblance of organization would immediately break down into its composite parts and men would wander the Earth aimlessly.

(edit)Did I spell that right? How embarrassing would that be. Well, atleast I've already written my excuse into the post. :rolleyes:

Huck MoM
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  • #2,860
Apparently flexing muscles and other forms of posturing to impress women is inhibitory to this LOTF effect. Unless it's just that they are so used to having women telling them what to do their whole life that they just don't know what to do when there's suddenly no woman around to do that. :biggrin:
  • #2,861
Thank you all for the enlightenment. And to think I use to think a group of men was like a pack of wild...
  • #2,862
hypatia said:
Nice first thread you have there Huck.
The men I go hunting with are so use to me{one of the guys}, that they revert to"Lord of the Flys" with in a hour of arriving at camp. I'm thinking it must be genetic.

Hey, thanks Hypatia! I'm not sure how it will go over but I hope that the arguments aren't because it wasn't well thought out.

Yeah, I think it is a subconscious thing based on authority and breeding rights. Maybe it is genetic, some throwback to ancient times like the 1950's. I'm curious to see how the role of men will change with the rapidly changing role of women in society. I have a feeling it will be interesting. Could go either way still (greater increase in aggression to compesate, or more of a blending of male and female qualities in both genders).

I think it was Animal Planet I was watching this show about some bird that lives on the Nile river. With the decrease of the crocodile population, their largest predator, the birds began to evolve. The females became larger than the males and began to search for food and bring it back to the nest. The males became smaller and stayed at the nest to keep the eggs warm. I wish I could remember the rationale behind that. Now that I think about it they might have mentioned something about DDT in the episode as well which is still used in many places in Africa because of the high risk of malaria.

Huck MoM
  • #2,863
SOS2008 said:
Thank you all for the enlightenment. And to think I use to think a group of men was like a pack of wild...

Some reason you're not finishing the sentence for us? :-p
  • #2,864
Moonbear said:
Apparently flexing muscles and other forms of posturing to impress women is inhibitory to this LOTF effect. Unless it's just that they are so used to having women telling them what to do their whole life that they just don't know what to do when there's suddenly no woman around to do that. :biggrin:

Posturing between two males still exists but it is a completely different type of posturing. ie. Who can fart for volume (sound and cubic area), toxicity and duration. Who can urinate for distance. Any competetitive exploit will do, the more physical the better, hence the birth of sports.

When left to our own devices those are the things the stereotypical man is prone to do. A whole different form of posturing is done around women.

Huck MoM
  • #2,865
Moonbear said:
Some reason you're not finishing the sentence for us? :-p
:smile: Right. When it is a "fill-in-the-blank" I will indicate this in the future.
  • #2,866
Huckleberry said:
Posturing between two males still exists but it is a completely different type of posturing. ie. Who can fart for volume (sound and cubic area), toxicity and duration. Who can urinate for distance. Any competetitive exploit will do, the more physical the better, hence the birth of sports.

Ah, yes, every so often, the men forget there's a woman in their presence and we get a glimpse into that world of male behavior. :smile:
  • #2,867
Or a wiff as the case may be
  • #2,868
Huckleberry said:
Or a wiff as the case may be

Just how do men manage to accomplish such lethal farts anyway?
  • #2,869
Moonbear said:
Just how do men manage to accomplish such lethal farts anyway?
:approve: :biggrin: Were gastrically endowed I suppose, or challenged depending on who's doing the smellin'

Who are you fooling? Women fart too but only in private or around their husband, which is basically the same thing.

Huck MoM
  • #2,870
Huckleberry said:
:approve: :biggrin: Were gastrically endowed I suppose, or challenged depending on who's doing the smellin'

Who are you fooling? Women fart too but only in private or around their husband, which is basically the same thing.

Huck MoM

We fart, but they aren't as lethal (hence being able to sneak them without you noticing).

Won't Artman be pleased when he returns and sees what new lows this thread has sunk to? :smile: