What are you doing during quarantine?

  • Thread starter hagopbul
  • Start date
In summary: We don't have lockdown yet, so it's just planning and preparation. The hills starting in the backyard (almost literally), so we definitely plan to sneak out for some hiking.In summary, Hagop is from Syria and is living in Lebanon. He is working from home, but is resisting going on a walk because he loves walking. He is worried about the Covid-19 effect, and is reading what he can.
  • #36
Evo said:
I still am unable to find toilet paper, I wish I had taken panicked binge buying more seriously a few weeks ago.
Handheld Bidets were still on the shelf at Home Depot 2 days ago in San Antonio. Something to try. Maybe order one online?
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
berkeman said:
For the folks who are working EMS on ambulances or clinically, the County has issued special guidelines:

In Europe outside of big hospitals almost every walk in clinic is currently getting overwhelmed, so much so that most have actually closed the front door, or even the entire clinic out of necessity. Also due to lack of centralized planning there is a rampant supply problem, both in rural areas and even in major metropolitan areas.

In our clinic, we currently have one paramedic who opens the door without donning full protective gear, i.e. wearing only a FFP2 mask, in order to determine whether or not the patient at the door has a cough. I'm currently trying to get my hands on some practical make shift full protective gear, e.g. surgical wear, old lab coats and whatnot for the clinic that I still have laying around at home; if this is the situation in one of the richest countries on Earth, I can only imagine what the situation is like in third world countries.
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  • #38
2020 Census, took a couple minutes.
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  • #39
Did mine yesterday.
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  • #40
Today is day number 6 I think of self quarantine , I start to forget about the days I think

It interesting that people around the world are doing this self quarantine , that means they care not to make anyone sick

Any way have to finish 7 books in this times and have to buy few gifts to send but the border are closed so just sitting on the couch
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  • #41
I going to stay calm and learn cosmology.
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  • #42
Still business as usual, opening this laptop for gaming, and playing around basic sysadmin tasks.
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  • #43
In no particular order:

1) My wife and I will watch murder-mysteries/thrillers. We just finished Wisting, and I think we will move on to The Valhalla Murders.

2) I think I will introduce my Pakistani wife and 13-year-old daughter to The Waltons; I have the first two seasons on DVDs.

3) I have a stack of unread novels on which I want to make some headway.

4) I have a stack of unread non-fiction non-science/math books on which I want to make some headway.

5) I brought 75 physics and math books home from my office.

6) For about two more weeks, I have teach a university astronomy course for non-science majors. All face-to-face meetings have been cancelled, and I did my first lecture from home yesterday. Today I have to choose assignment questions, I have to upload a few files to the course website, and I have to work a bit on tomorrow's lecture.
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  • #44
chemisttree said:
Handheld Bidets were still on the shelf at Home Depot 2 days ago in San Antonio. Something to try. Maybe order one online?
I'm using paper towels now. A few days ago I ordered a box of the folded ones that go into dispensers at public restrooms, I bought my box last week for $30, yesterday I noticed the same box now sells for $42 all on Amazon, same seller. I also noticed prices on everything I ordered a week ago has increased.

I was at the pharmacy 3 days ago to buy ibuprofen, there was not a single bottle, all brands were sold out. I was able to find some online, but the price was almost double what I paid a month ago.

There were 3 bottles of hand gel available, 3 was the max you could purchase, I was going to give them to my girls that need them, so I instantly grabbed them and checked out, SOLD OUT! I have my credit card pre-populated so we're talking maybe 4 seconds or less time. People must be literally sitting on sites or have alerts set up to buy the stuff the instant they are available.

I have terrible allergies, my ex husband said I should have been born with tufts of tissues at the end of my wrists. Anyway, PTL, I have been able to buy kleenex.

I was speaking to my neighbor who has been ordered to work from home, he believes this will all be over and he'll be back in the office in a few weeks. :oldconfused: He's dreaming.

Home Depot just announced that following the early closures of other stores like Walmart, it too will start closing at 6pm. For people not familiar, that's a giant hardware store that sells just about anything you can imagine. Not good, fewer store hours forces more people to be in the stores at the same time. To limit hording, stores like Walmart have stopped selling popular items online, you have to physically go to the store to get them. Seems like there could be smarter ways to trace and block online hording purchases.
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  • #45
Napkins can be a decent alternative to TP and tissues.
Less rough than most paper towels.
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Likes Klystron, davenn, hagopbul and 1 other person
  • #46
could this go any longer

for the TP issue could they are selling them to mask manufacturing , as the i heard you can use a TP for the inner part of the mask

but seriously could we self quarantine more than april , is it needed ?
  • #47
hagopbul said:
but seriously could we self quarantine more than april , is it needed ?
We should hopefully start seeing the effects of the quarantines and shelter-at-home orders in just a few days, I would think. The time for symptoms to show up is 2-14 days, according to links I've seen. The change in the reported case rate will be complicated by the increasing availability of the test kits, though, so it may be a challenge to separate the two effects...
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  • #48
Evo said:
I still am unable to find toilet paper, I wish I had taken panicked binge buying more seriously a few weeks ago.
chemisttree said:
Handheld Bidets were still on the shelf at Home Depot 2 days ago in San Antonio. Something to try. Maybe order one online?
BillTre said:
Napkins can be a decent alternative to TP and tissues.
Less rough than most paper towels.
hagopbul said:
for the TP issue could they are selling them to mask manufacturing , as the i heard you can use a TP for the inner part of the mask
  • Haha
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  • #49
I move dead people for a living. People are still dying, so its business as usual.
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Likes pinball1970 and hagopbul
  • #50
Mondayman said:
I move dead people for a living. People are still dying, so its business as usual.
Taking any extra precautions?
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  • #51
We wear equipment to protect ourselves and change out of our work clothes immediately after moving. However, we've yet to have to move a victim of the virus.
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  • #52
We are now not doing cornea recoveries from potential donors if they have been intubated (too much potential for airborn droplets and frequently blood coming out the mouth/nose I guess).
I did one a couple of days ago.

We were told that the hospitals were necessarily telling us of there were corona virus victims in the morgue.
They write on the body bag in the only place I've been recently.

Way fewer recoveries now because elective surgeries are all being cancelled.

On the other hand, I would expect your pick-ups to increase in number.
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  • #53
Evo said:
My pharmacy has stopped delivering, which makes no sense, many restaurants have now started delivery to be safer. Also the pharmacy itself is closing and will only do business through the drive-up window.

I still am unable to find toilet paper, I wish I had taken panicked binge buying more seriously a few weeks ago.

Happy to send you some. PM me an address. Being a redneck in rural GA has its advantages. Georgia Pacific is ramping up production and keeps us well supplied.
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  • #54
Oh, my goodness. For about 10-20 seconds, I thought that Dr. Courtney's post...

Dr. Courtney said:
Happy to send you some. PM me an address. Being a redneck in rural GA has its advantages. Georgia Pacific is ramping up production and keeps us well supplied.

...was in response to BillTre's post (directly preceeding Dr. Courtney's post):

BillTre said:
We are now not doing cornea recoveries from potential donors if they have been intubated (too much potential for airborn droplets and frequently blood coming out the mouth/nose I guess).

I was thinking to myself, "Good god! What in the world is Georgia Pacific up to?!?"
  • Haha
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Likes DennisN, chemisttree, hagopbul and 2 others
  • #55
Working on a hobby solar energy project for small 600W backup systems.
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  • #56
BillTre said:
On the other hand, I would expect your pick-ups to increase in number.
Thankfully, deaths from the virus in BC are low. Pickups hasn't changed. Fentanyl, suicide, cancer/disease, and accidents are still the primary killers.
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Likes hutchphd and BillTre
  • #57
today reached page 100 on the book i am reading 500 to go , this reading thing is real challenging thing i was a very good reader

contacted someone about asking about new methods on SARS-ncov-2 detection

went outside to buy few items , and didnt walk to the beach although i want that so much

are we creating a fear storm un intentionally ?
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  • #58
@kyphysics , @Jarvis323 ,
How are you both feeling, by the way? I'm feeling much better, my cold seems to be going away rather quickly.

@kyphysics , I'm actually going to install the latest version of Cities: Skylines and play it today. And I will be very careful to not cut down on healthcare in the city I will build. :smile:
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Likes Klystron, collinsmark, hagopbul and 1 other person
  • #59
I self isolated for a few days last week, has a cough when the guidelines in the UK came out to go home if you have one, so I did. Couldn't work from home, so got a lot of chores done, then made some dungeons and dragons stuff, then went absolutely stir-crazy, then played minecraft.

Cough is gone now, so I'm back to work. I couldn't do 3 months in the house, 4 days was bad enough!
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  • #60

This is the scope trace taken this week of simulating an underwater blast wave with a ballistic pressure wave.

A paper published some time ago (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0889974697901031) predicted that spheres would create blast-like waves in high speed water entry. Technical details complicated experimental ideas until we found a simpler solution. Water entry needs to be vertical and few facilities are high enough for the distance required for a sphere to separate from a sabot or patch. But a 50 caliber lead sphere can be loaded directly into a muzzle loader without a patch or sabot to facilitate the experiment in labs with normal ceilings.

So, this week, we are using 18th century technology in a 21st century experiment to confirm a 20th century prediction and invent a practical device for simulating underwater blast waves in the lab. Yes, the powder gets poured down the barrel and the round ball pushed in after it. There is a bit of smoke. But on the whole, the time between trials as well as the cost and effort of the experiment are much lower than our previous invention. ( https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.4922828 )
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Likes Klystron, hagopbul, hutchphd and 1 other person
  • #61
I'm building a model :oldbiggrin: And learning chemistry, which was my very first scientific passion. Love revived after 15 years.

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  • #62
weirdoguy said:
I'm building a model
It looks very cool and very fun! I like building models myself, but I assemble plastic kit models. Are you building your model from scratch, i.e. making the parts yourself? And are you modelling a particular ship? Since there are two gun decks, I guess you are building a second rate ship of the line. And what material are you using, wood? Or cardboard, perhaps?
  • #63
I'm working from home and so is my team. I've been very busy the past couple of days with hours of online meetings (Teams, Skype, Zoom...), planning, shutting down my lab and making sure everyone in my team is doing OK.
One of my PhD students is due to finish in the autumn and she was in the middle her last experiment. She was getting some very nice data and was not at all happy about having to stop:frown:; so trying to keep her motivated has been an important part of my job today.
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  • #64
DennisN said:
Are you building your model from scratch

Nope, it's a wooden kit from OcCre and the ship is called Montanes: here's a link. I'm also collecting pieces of Soleil Royal from DeAgostini collection. I want to add some extra things to that model like interiors and LED lights. I'm very inspired by this czech modeler Doris: here is an example of her work - Sovereign Of The Seas. She builds most of her models from card. She's so extremely talented, just look at this interior of her Royal Caroline model:

A piece of art! More photos here. Model making was my huge fascination when I was a teenager and Montanes and Soleil Royal models will be some sort of a homage to that part of my life. I don't plan on making any other ship models in the future so I focus most of my modelling energy on these two. Most but not all, because I have another fascination - shipyard cranes - and I plan to build some models of them too. Sometimes it's good to be an adult and have your own money :oldbiggrin:
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  • #65
A question of etiquette: among serious builders of miniatures (particularly architectural/historical ones) what is the general attitude towards use of mechanically printed stuff (either flat or 3D) particularly for textures for siding, roofs, etc. Is there an agreed upon demarcation line? I have dabbled in railroad diorama.
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  • #66
Dr. Courtney said:
This is the scope trace taken this week of simulating an underwater blast wave with a ballistic pressure wave.

A paper published some time ago (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0889974697901031) predicted that spheres would create blast-like waves in high speed water entry. Technical details complicated experimental ideas until we found a simpler solution. Water entry needs to be vertical and few facilities are high enough for the distance required for a sphere to separate from a sabot or patch. But a 50 caliber lead sphere can be loaded directly into a muzzle loader without a patch or sabot to facilitate the experiment in labs with normal ceilings.

So, this week, we are using 18th century technology in a 21st century experiment to confirm a 20th century prediction and invent a practical device for simulating underwater blast waves in the lab. Yes, the powder gets poured down the barrel and the round ball pushed in after it. There is a bit of smoke. But on the whole, the time between trials as well as the cost and effort of the experiment are much lower than our previous invention. ( https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.4922828 )

cant download the paper from science direct , but sound very interesting indeed
  • #67
DennisN said:
@kyphysics , @Jarvis323 ,
How are you both feeling, by the way? I'm feeling much better, my cold seems to be going away rather quickly.

@kyphysics , I'm actually going to install the latest version of Cities: Skylines and play it today. And I will be very careful to not cut down on healthcare in the city I will build. :smile:

Hey that's great! Any linger symptoms at all? If you wouldn't mind, maybe you can review your entire experience of symptoms.

I am up and down. Yesterday, I got extremely "weak" in my muscles again. I felt I could barely lift my arms for some reason and had cough again. But, that came after what I thought was a day or two of no symptoms. I'm a bit confused. Not sure what's happening with my body. It doesn't seem consistent with the virus, because fever is usually a common and ubiquitous symptom. I've never had a fever on any day. However, I've had singularly or some combination of:

--muscle weakness
--shortness of breath
--burning sensation in chest
--"weird" feeling in chest (hard to describe)

No running nose or eyes. No fever. Also, I think I had a gap in those symptoms where I had a day or two where I felt nothing (no symptoms at all). Then, suddenly, yesterday I had two come up. Today they are mostly gone.

Very, very weird. I called my urgent care and they said I could try to get tested at the E.R., but it would be a "gamble." I may not meet the criteria. I've also seen an opinion (just a personal one, not medical) online that if you're not having trouble breathing and in a dire situation, it's BETTER to just self-isolate, because you MIGHT GET IT if you go to a health center (with others who have it). :)

So, far, I'm staying home. I've had family members come over to eat, but that's it. Feeling okay today, so hope that lasts. I really do wonder if I contracted a MILD FORM of the virus.

Hope you're having fun on Cities/Skylines!
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Likes collinsmark, DennisN and hagopbul
  • #68
Struggling with the lack of hockey. The NHL is shut down, as my Bruins lead the league. Our drop in games and ball hockey league are cancelled. Canadian problems.
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  • #69
kyphysics said:
Hey that's great! Any linger symptoms at all? If you wouldn't mind, maybe you can review your entire experience of symptoms.

I am up and down. Yesterday, I got extremely "weak" in my muscles again. I felt I could barely lift my arms for some reason and had cough again. But, that came after what I thought was a day or two of no symptoms. I'm a bit confused. Not sure what's happening with my body. It doesn't seem consistent with the virus, because fever is usually a common and ubiquitous symptom. I've never had a fever on any day. However, I've had singularly or some combination of:

--muscle weakness
--shortness of breath
--burning sensation in chest
--"weird" feeling in chest (hard to describe)

No running nose or eyes. No fever. Also, I think I had a gap in those symptoms where I had a day or two where I felt nothing (no symptoms at all). Then, suddenly, yesterday I had two come up. Today they are mostly gone.

Very, very weird. I called my urgent care and they said I could try to get tested at the E.R., but it would be a "gamble." I may not meet the criteria. I've also seen an opinion (just a personal one, not medical) online that if you're not having trouble breathing and in a dire situation, it's BETTER to just self-isolate, because you MIGHT GET IT if you go to a health center (with others who have it). :)

So, far, I'm staying home. I've had family members come over to eat, but that's it. Feeling okay today, so hope that lasts. I really do wonder if I contracted a MILD FORM of the virus.

Hope you're having fun on Cities/Skylines!

just a question :
do you live alone
did you talk to your family
are you eating well
shouldn't you call some kind of doctor or do a PCR test
  • #70
DennisN said:
@kyphysics , @Jarvis323 ,
How are you both feeling, by the way? I'm feeling much better, my cold seems to be going away rather quickly.

@kyphysics , I'm actually going to install the latest version of Cities: Skylines and play it today. And I will be very careful to not cut down on healthcare in the city I will build. :smile:
I'm feeling fine now. Glad to hear you're feeling better as well.
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Likes kyphysics, DennisN and hagopbul

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