What are you doing during quarantine?

  • Thread starter hagopbul
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In summary: We don't have lockdown yet, so it's just planning and preparation. The hills starting in the backyard (almost literally), so we definitely plan to sneak out for some hiking.In summary, Hagop is from Syria and is living in Lebanon. He is working from home, but is resisting going on a walk because he loves walking. He is worried about the Covid-19 effect, and is reading what he can.
  • #106
DennisN said:
@kyphysics , I'm actually going to install the latest version of Cities: Skylines and play it today. And I will be very careful to not cut down on healthcare in the city I will build.
kyphysics said:
Hope you're having fun on Cities/Skylines!
I had forgotten how fun that game can be. :smile:
All is well in my virtual city, except in a suburb I created for supplying my forest industries with uneducated workers. The suburb has only got houses and shops, no schools, no police, no firefighters, no healthcare, no garbage collection. It has become a problem, since crime is now rampant, garbage is piling up, dead people are left in the apartments and people are getting sick. There's talk of a virus in town... :biggrin: :


My suburb experiment is failing, so I will probably bulldoze it.
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Likes Evo, Mondayman and hagopbul
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #107
It's day 5 (I think?) of my quarantine, and I'm mostly passing the time online, thinking about food, making food, or eating food. 3 meals a day honestly feels pretty wasteful when I'm stuck inside doing nothing. Still another ~10 days before I'm allowed out. I could try working on research stuff but it just really doesn't feel right, living in this vacuum. I find it hard to impose structure on myself.
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  • #108
Thankful to be in rural Georgia rather than Baton Rouge when things went sideways. The trace below is the ballistic wave created when a 0.177" diameter steel bb impacts water. This is a bb gun from the sporting goods section of Walmart that you pump up. The horizontal scale is 200 microseconds per division. Water is in a 300 gallon stock tank from Tractor Supply. The goal of these experiments is developing a simple laboratory way to simulate under water blast waves without the excessive costs, handling requirements, and bureaucratic issues of using real high explosives. A Navy contractor reached out to us asking about a simpler way to generate underwater blast waves for calibrating and testing wearable sensors they are developing.

Put any concerns with zoning laws and the like to rest. In this neighborhood, the locals shoot deer out of the window (in season) and often are shooting Tannerite.
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Likes PhDeezNutz, Mondayman and hagopbul
  • #109
did you try bubble bursting?
  • #110
Today, while turning off all computers just before leaving for home at the end of a very hectic day, I got an on-call emergency request to visit a patient at home as a favor for another primary care clinic. I literally had no information except an address, that the partner was in panic, and a warning that verbal communication was nigh impossible due to an unbreachable language barrier. Grabbed my bag, ran down the street, entered the house in full protective gear.

When I arrived I didn't even need to listen to lungs or check her oxygen levels; the only time I heard a wheeze as bad as this was on the ICU... upon measurement it was even worse than I estimated. Called the ambulance right away, when they arrived a few minutes later they seemed surprised that I had on the same gear as them. Walked back to the clinic, doused all reusable stuff in alcohol, threw the white coat in the washer and disposed of the rest. Tomorrow will be another day.
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Likes Evo, Andy Resnick, collinsmark and 4 others
  • #111
Bystander said:
2020 Census, took a couple minutes.
How many times does it get sent to a given address? Am I going to be "haunted/hounded" forever? Just got another copy in the mail (that makes it at least a weekly annoyance); the "tempest in the teapot/zombie apocalypse/1918 pandemic centennial flop" is bad enough without census bureau asking me weekly whether I've dropped dead.
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  • #112
My husband and I took Gracie Girl (dog) to the golf course up the hill where we live. Gracie had a super-duper run and we all had fun. It was a beautiful day! No one was there but us. :smile:
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Likes Evo, Keith_McClary, hagopbul and 1 other person
  • #113
Dr. Courtney said:
Put any concerns with zoning laws and the like to rest. In this neighborhood, the locals shoot deer out of the window (in season) and often are shooting Tannerite.
Geez, I'm so glad you guys are half a world away from me. :nb)
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Likes Evo, PhDeezNutz and hagopbul
  • #114
Library, gym and swimming pool closures have truly impacted my lifestyle. Being retired, the shutdowns have not effected me as much except I see more of my young neighbors (from a distance :cool:.

Going back into physical therapy Thursday which will compensate for pools and gyms being closed. I exercise better under supervision, anyhow. At home I either overdo it else forget some exercises. Very relieved and happy that physical therapy businesses allowed to function normally.

My spare bicycle is mounted on a Windjammer stationery trainer so I can watch movies on widescreen while cycling. Placed some yoga mats nearby for stretches. Trying to walk outdoors on a regular basis. Weather here is sunny but cool and windy. Finally have enough strength to start spring cleaning garage.
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  • #115
Tried to watch star trek Picard but couldn't subscribe to it

Watching flightradar24
And windy.com

The daily number of flight is not that low it didn't reach zero
  • #116
I have taken time to refill my fridge:
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Likes Andy Resnick, Klystron, hagopbul and 1 other person
  • #117
Same old, reading papers, coming up with conjectures, trying to prove or disprove said conjectures and in some way or form write an article . Also, I'm in charge of linear algebra this semester, so with the recent developments in mind, I have to redesign the course on the fly to be electronical.

In other news, it's not nearly as bad here as somewhere like France. There's no strict curfew, we can still move about, but we can't group. Shops are open, toilet paper's a plenty, I went shopping yesterday, found all that I needed without a problem.
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  • #118
Kids in the neighborhood rearranged the letters on the church sign from something about hope, to "Hiring All Hoes". 🤣😆😂
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Likes DennisN, nuuskur and hagopbul
  • #119
the government are asking people to stay in home for more than 3 April , reading some undergraduated books , thinking dose UV effects viruses

only ate few things from the refrigerator , don't want to cook today i need to shave that is for sure

only one question remain what the official sources knows about the SARS-ncov-2 that we don't know ?
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  • #120
Brushing up on my guitar and reading.
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Likes hagopbul
  • #122
what book he is reading
  • #123
I've been thinking of writing a novel, but all I have is the title: "Love in the Time of Coronavirus".
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Likes Klystron and hagopbul
  • #124
hagopbul said:
what book he is reading
"?? and Space Time"
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  • #125
spinors and space time
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Likes Auto-Didact and Keith_McClary
  • #127
hagopbul said:
spinors and space time
One of Penrose' classic works. I'm going to reread this one
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  • #128
Auto-Didact said:
One of Penrose' classic works. I'm going to reread this one

i am reading undergraduate physics books now , that is more chalenging reached 50% of one and chapter 2 of the other and few more books to read now , hard to site like that to read , that is really hard to do
  • #129
hagopbul said:
i am reading undergraduate physics books now , that is more chalenging reached 50% of one and chapter 2 of the other and few more books to read now , hard to site like that to read , that is really hard to do
The spinor calculus is by far the most elegant formulation or generalization of calculus IMO, much more beautiful than tensor calculus tbh. It is easily one of my favorite mathematical physics methods to use to take a new look at old physics, at least on the occasion that I am not in the mood for doing messy experimental computer numerics in the modelling and study of dynamical systems.
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  • #133
Sorry to burst your "I am Legend" dreams but coyotes are indigenous to the San Francisco Bay Area and are frequently around SF proper. I used to visit from a distance a well-behaved coyote family with winter dens in Golden Gate Park during my weekly hikes. Most people think, "Look at the skinny dog!", if noticed at all.
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  • #134
Klystron said:
Sorry to burst your "I am Legend" dreams but coyotes are indigenous to the San Francisco Bay Area and are frequently around SF proper. I used to visit from a distance a well-behaved coyote family with winter dens in Golden Gate Park during my weekly hikes. Most people think, "Look at the skinny dog!", if noticed at all.

I actually waiting for the herds of deer on the streets.o0)
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  • #135
I searched for "amateur rocky horror" on youtube and I discovered a whole genre of charming videos.
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Likes collinsmark, BillTre, hagopbul and 1 other person
  • #136
nsaspook said:
I actually waiting for the herds of deer on the streets.o0)
Hmm, sounds more like "12 Monkeys", the future scenes where a male African lion roars over the ruins of a department store?
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  • #137
Klystron said:
Hmm, sounds more like "12 Monkeys", the future scenes where a male African lion roars over the ruins of a department store.

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Likes hagopbul and Klystron
  • #138
there is other film come to mind i am surprised you are not remembering that one
  • #139
I've followed the news obsessively. Probably more than I should. I know we need to take breaks, but being trapped at home gives you a lot of free time and I keep shuffling back and forth between news and Twitter sites.
I initially thought I'd be watching a lot of movies. That hasn't happened. Although, I am going to force myself soon to have days off where I do zero news watching and just relax with fun stuff.
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Likes DennisN and hagopbul
  • #140
I finally joined Facebook. 🌈
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