What is the newest installment of 'Random Thoughts' on Physics Forums?

In summary, the conversation consists of various discussions about documentaries, the acquisition of National Geographic by Fox, a funny manual translation, cutting sandwiches, a question about the proof of the infinitude of primes, and a realization about the similarity between PF and PDG symbols. The conversation also touches on multitasking and the uniqueness of the number two as a prime number.
  • #2,941
fresh_42 said:
I have one those, which is build in a way thermos are. But it's plastic.

I decided to mirror their in my eyes devalued term of "continentals", which they have for the rest of Europe, and will call them islanders. Still better than what a colleague of mine once used: teabags.
Ouch! Still sore over Brexit? It seems at least 50% of " Islanders" are too.

EDIT: What is the name of the cup? Will consider buying one.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2,942
WWGD said:
Ouch! Still sore over Brexit? It seems at least 50% of " Islanders" are too.
This is independent of the Brexit. I like the Brexit, because UK had always been merely more than an obstacle. They had special payment conditions, didn't participate in the Schengen agreement and favor an Adam Smith capitalism I don't appreciate. To say it with Monty Python: "What have you lost?"
EDIT: What is the name of the cup? Will consider buying one.
I have no idea. It's one of these things you pick up during a lifetime and which you don't have any idea about where, when and why. Yet, my list of unintended losses is longer ... You don't need a formal divorce to get ripped :frown:
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  • #2,943
fresh_42 said:
This is independent of the Brexit. I like the Brexit, because UK had always been merely more than an obstacle. They had special payment conditions, didn't participate in the Schengen agreement and favor an Adam Smith capitalism I don't appreciate. To say it with Monty Python: "What have you lost?"

I have no idea. It's one of these things you pick up during a lifetime and which you don't have any idea about where, when and why. Yet, my list of unintended losses is longer ... You don't need a formal divorce to get ripped :frown:
Embarrassingly, after 10 years in PF I still don't know how to use multi-quotes :(
i) Rule of thumb I know is losses from 3 house moves equal losses from one housefire. But I don't know that much about getting ripped.

I almost used by mistake the emoticon ;( . Wonder if it means anything.
  • #2,944
WWGD said:
Embarrassingly, after 10 years in PF I still don't know how to use multi-quotes :(
You simply only click the "quote" button (multiple times, yet finitely often) and then "insert quotes" in the reply area. You can also change the order by left-click-movement.
i) Rule of thumb I know is losses from 3 house moves equal losses from one housefire. But I don't know that much about getting ripped.
We have the same saying here. And this adds up to the others.
I almost used by mistake the emoticon ;( . Wonder if it means anything.
I have found a translation page on Wiki, here and here, which I'm of course too lazy to look up or learn. Guess it means something sad.
  • #2,945
fresh_42 said:
This is independent of the Brexit. I like the Brexit, because UK had always been merely more than an obstacle. They had special payment conditions, didn't participate in the Schengen agreement and favor an Adam Smith capitalism I don't appreciate. To say it with Monty Python: "What have you lost?"

The Scots may be an exception to this. They are pretty far Left of the rest of Britain , AFAIK.
  • #2,946
WWGD said:
The Scots may be an exception to this. They are pretty far Left of the rest of Britain , AFAIK.
Here's how I like to describe the difference between Scotts and the non-Celtic tribes:
If you meet ten drunken football (Am.: soccer) fans on the street, which are Scotts, chances are good you'll have a great party. Whereas with the others, non-Celtic tribes you can only have a brawl or run away. That's experience, no prejudice.
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  • #2,947
Gutt Nacht and Gutten Jahr, Fresh, Starbuch Macht jetzt . Nein Haben Internet Bei Mir Hause. Gutte Jahr.
  • #2,948
WWGD said:
Gutt Nacht and Gutten Jahr, Fresh, Starbuch Macht jetzt . Nein Haben Internet Bei Mir Hause. Gutte Jahr.
Thanks, I guess. You'll have still 3:25 to go. Times square?
  • #2,949
Hah !

-22 °F right now, too... . :snow:


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  • #2,950
WWGD said:
Wonder if the " Likewise" is a direct translation from some language.
I would say the direct translation in both my other languages (Swedish and Spanish).
Psinter said:
Speaking of cold, I must tell you. I recently saw snow for the first time in my life and it was amazing :partytime:!
Try having your entire city covered in a non-negligible layer of snow for two or three months a year and report back ... :rolleyes:
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  • #2,951
fresh_42 said:
Thanks, I guess. You'll have still 3:25 to go. Times square?
Nein. Ich went home. Sorry for the boring story. Too cold, and too crowded at (Times ## \times## Times)=##Times^2 ##
  • #2,952
Orodruin said:
I would say the direct translation in both my other languages (Swedish and Spanish).

Try having your entire city covered in a non-negligible layer of snow for two or three months a year and report back ... :rolleyes:

True, looks fine in post cards, not so great with 2F winds hitting you in the face . First it falls looks nice. After a few hours: " When will someone get the #$%@ out of here"?
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  • #2,953
WWGD said:
True, looks fine in post cards, not so great with 2F winds hitting you in the face . First it falls looks nice. After a few hours: " When will someone get the #$%@ out of here"?
When I was a PhD student there was an unexpected early and very heavy snowfall. At five another PhD student said "I am going home before this becomes worse". An hour and a half later he came back and pointed out at the highway, which you could see from the department and where the queues were staggering, "my car is over there".
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  • #2,954
Continuing on this snow topic, I usually fool myself pretty well into believing Winters are even cool, welcome. Until there are two weeks of it left and then I say, let's get this #$% Winter over with!
  • #2,955
" If you cannot see the content of this post then click _here_ ". But the link "click_here_" usually does not work either. Should we go on: If "click_here link does not work..."
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  • #2,956
WWGD said:
Continuing on this snow topic, I usually fool myself pretty well into believing Winters are even cool, welcome. Until there are two weeks of it left and then I say, let's get this #$% Winter over with!
Rent a groundhog!
  • #2,957
Not as much fun as it may first seem
fresh_42 said:
Rent a groundhog!
Groundhog is just the messenger, though.
  • #2,958
@Psinter :
It gets so cold here in Winter, we use refrigerators to _Warm things up_ !
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  • #2,959
WWGD said:
@Psinter :
It gets so cold here in Winter, we use refrigerators to _Warm things up_ !
:oldlaugh: That's hilarious.

I recently saw today in the news that the cold is starting affect the south of the US. Many people ending in ER :nb). The area I'm visiting went below 30F today. I saw again little bits of snow ❄ falling :partytime: . Although it wasn't much.
  • #2,961
Chestermiller said:
What is the sine of angle SAM?
@Chestermiller I had to make this lame joke, sorry, and I did it here in order not to derail the other thread:

Those typos! But what should the sign of uncle Sam be?
  • #2,962
fresh_42 said:
@Chestermiller I had to make this lame joke, sorry, and I did it here in order not to derail the other thread:

Those typos! But what should the sign of uncle Sam be?
Angle(Uncle) Sam is how you pronounce when you have a gold (cold).
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  • #2,963
I thought I had a brilliant idea to send myself reminders of different sorts to myself by phone. Then I realized... I don't have an internal search engine...nor the ability to delete eventually-useless data. Wonder if Root Explorer can take care of it, or if I may have to upload phone data to PC and then use PC search. EDIT: Part of issue is I don't know where the self-messages end up " living" Are they in my phone memory or in a Phone company server?
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  • #2,964
WWGD said:
I thought I had a brilliant idea to send myself reminders of different sorts to myself by phone. Then I realized... I don't have an internal search engine...nor the ability to delete eventually-useless data. Wonder if Root Explorer can take care of it, or if I may have to upload phone data to PC and then use PC search. EDIT: Part of issue is I don't know where the self-messages end up " living" Are they in my phone memory or in a Phone company server?
I don't know if they are stored by the service provider (most likely yes in a huge database that clients have no access to), but for certain they are in the phone. They are in a sqlite database with .db extension. You need root to access the file with an explorer. Perhaps an Sqlite Viewer will let you view the sms/mms database. The viewer must have root access though to read it directly.

Source: https://www.quora.com/Where-are-mms-messages-saved-on-android

I was thinking, why do people call each other names? Really, why?

I have heard girls calling their boys: "Daddy." And boys calling their girls "Babe." I have also heard women calling their husbands: "Honey."

Woman: Hey, honey.
Man: What is it, my agave syrup?

I can't imagine a man calling his wife: "My cotton candy." or if you want to get nerdy: "My dIssacharide." :olduhh:

I shouldn't have thought of this. Now a bunch of funny names came to my mind. "My sugar beet. My diabeetus." The name "sweetbums" I think I have heard too.
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  • #2,965
Psinter said:
I don't know if they are stored by the service provider (most likely yes in a huge database that clients have no access to), but for certain they are in the phone. They are in a sqlite database with .db extension. You need root to access the file with an explorer. Perhaps an Sqlite Viewer will let you view the sms/mms database. The viewer must have root access though to read it directly.

Source: https://www.quora.com/Where-are-mms-messages-saved-on-android

I was thinking, why do people call each other names? Really, why?

I have heard girls calling their boys: "Daddy." And boys calling their girls "Babe." I have also heard women calling their husbands: "Honey."

Woman: Hey, honey.
Man: What is it, my agave syrup?

I can't imagine a man calling his wife: "My cotton candy." or if you want to get nerdy: "My dIssacharide." :olduhh:

I shouldn't have thought of this. Now a bunch of funny names came to my mind. "My sugar beet. My diabeetus." The name "sweetbums" I think I have heard too.
How about : my crack cocaine, my Rat poison, my raw sewage? ( In a good way, of course).
  • #2,966
WWGD said:
How about : my crack cocaine, my Rat poison, my raw sewage? ( In a good way, of course).
o_O :biggrin:

So... If you have a bachelor in physics... are you a phyisician?

Trust me, I'm a physician. Just look at my degree in physics. :oldlaugh:
  • #2,967
Psinter said:
If you have a bachelor in physics... are you a phyisician?
No. Not even on your way to becoming one ... unless you also have graduated from med school.

A person doing physics is a physicist.
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  • #2,968
Orodruin said:
No. Not even on your way to becoming one ... unless you also have graduated from med school.

A person doing physics is a physicist.
But sometimes, it's a bit more difficult. My math professor told me the following phone call by his mother.
Mother calling the doctor: "Mr. ..., can you come over? I need a shot against my heavy migraine episode."
Doctor: "Why don't you ask your son? I've heard he's a doctor, too."
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  • #2,969
Orodruin said:
A person doing physics is a physicist.

I was messing around :biggrin:.
fresh_42 said:
Doctor: "Why don't you ask your son? I've heard he's a doctor, too."
That must have been epic.

Dr. Doppler. Treasure Planet said:
"Dangit, Jim, I'm an astronomer, not a doctor! I mean, I am a doctor, but not that kind of doctor. I have a doctorate — it's not the same thing! You can't help people with a doctorate, you just SIT there and you're USELESS!"

I'm not a lawyer, but I'm an expert in the laws of physical science. :woot:
  • #2,970
Normally, in the US when you say your a doctor, people think you are talking about being a medical doctor.
However, when I spent a year post-doc'ing in the UK (in the 1990's) I meant several (non-academic) people (in the Newcastle area) who told me they thought PhD's were "real" doctors.

Maybe they were just being nice, but I liked it.
  • #2,971
Psinter said:
o_O :biggrin:

So... If you have a bachelor in physics... are you a phyisician?

Trust me, I'm a physician. Just look at my degree in physics. :oldlaugh:

?? Don't see how conclusion follows from my post.
  • #2,972
BillTre said:
Normally, in the US when you say your a doctor, people think you are talking about being a medical doctor.
However, when I spent a year post-doc'ing in the UK (in the 1990's) I meant several (non-academic) people (in the Newcastle area) who told me they thought PhD's were "real" doctors.

Maybe they were just being nice, but I liked it.
We don't say or use PhD here, so the title is Dr. ..., in this case it has been Dr. rer. nat. and professors are Prof. Dr. ...
  • #2,973
fresh_42 said:
We don't say or use PhD here, so the title is Dr. ..., in this case it has been Dr. rer. nat. and professors are Prof. Dr. ...
And Euro profs. are the healthiest ones, spending many years at the Gymnasium...(?!?)
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  • #2,974
I frankly cannot understand the reason for all the dark coffeeshops without change of decor for Winter. Isn't it dark-and- dreary-enough outside to go inside of/into into a .. dark-and-dreary coffeeshop? ...Redrum...Redrum...
  • #2,975
They are trying to do everything to lower traffic deaths/accidents, _except_ for a very simple measure that would work: making sidewalks at right angles ( angels?) to each other, so that cars are forced to slow down when turning.

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