What is the newest installment of 'Random Thoughts' on Physics Forums?

In summary, the conversation consists of various discussions about documentaries, the acquisition of National Geographic by Fox, a funny manual translation, cutting sandwiches, a question about the proof of the infinitude of primes, and a realization about the similarity between PF and PDG symbols. The conversation also touches on multitasking and the uniqueness of the number two as a prime number.
  • #3,081
Borg said:
If there was a coding hall of shame, the code that I've been trying to debug and document for the last week would have a prominent place of dishonor. Please KMN. :oldruck:
My sympathies. There are some truly dreadful programmers out there.
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  • #3,082
DrGreg said:
Of course, they should have said ##2^\infty##. But that's another story...
Or you could really take it further with: ##∞ ↑↑↑∞##. Knuth's arrow notation.
  • #3,083
Gives new meaning to "Woody oops was going to comment on the log hotrod..., ignore

Psinter said:
The number of socks that go inside the washing machine should be the same number that comes out.
Should be so but i think there's quantum effects at play. Wasn't it Dave Barry who claimed Neptune is made of lost socks?
Myself I keep an "Unwed Sock Drawer" . Plus I'm no longer OCD that they match , both dark or both light is close enough. Makes Fair Anne laugh.
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  • #3,084
jim hardy said:
Wasn't it Dave Barry who claimed Neptune is made of lost socks?
I think it's Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett that features the Eater of Socks. Death has gone AWOL so there's excess life sloshing around and anything anybody believes in starts appearing. Including the Eater of Socks, which is responsible for unpaired socks across the Discworld.

It's the same book that introduces Bilious, the oh god of hangovers.
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  • #3,085
You get offered an office job with salary $100,000. Only thing though, is that the job is in Alaska. Would you accept?

I may hesitate. I would first need to get to know how I could get warm there. I mean, living all my life in a hot place with average 90F temperatures all year long, my body is certainly not made for Alaska. Going to Alaska would be quite the mission for me.
  • #3,086
Psinter said:
You get offered an office job with salary $100,000. Only thing though, is that the job is in Alaska. Would you accept?

I may hesitate. I would first need to get to know how I could get warm there. I mean, living all my life in a hot place with average 90F temperatures all year long, my body is certainly not made for Alaska. Going to Alaska would be quite the mission for me.
You may also want to think on how to have access to food ( unless you kill it yourself), having some fun ( unless you enjoy going hunting or sledding in 5f weather ), transportation (maintaining a car/truck in that weather), etc.
  • #3,087
Heck Yeah ! When two of our kids moved to Alaska Fair Anne and i delivered their household goods( not so much an act of kindness as to get it out of our living room). What a great adventure - took Alaska Ferry from Bellingham to Haines, drove across the Yukon...

One of my regrets is i didn't go to work on the Alaska Pipeline in late 60's.

Each of us is the sum total of his experience. Make it big.
Melville hints at that in prologue to Moby Dick - google "Consumptive Usher" .

old jim
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  • #3,088
WWGD said:
You may also want to think on how to have access to food ( unless you kill it yourself), having some fun ( unless you enjoy going hunting or sledding in 5f weather ), transportation (maintaining a car/truck in that weather), etc.
But I thought they had supermarkets o:).

For fun, internet. It provides hours of entertainment :cool:. Whereas if the place is silent I could read countless books.

The transportation is true :nb). It didn't crossed my mind. I've never driven in snow. Under heavy ridiculous rain yes because rain is too common and excessive where I live, but never under snow. Which randomly makes me change the subject to tell about that time when I ran under a storm. That year I ran every single day and I was like: "I don't care if it there is a storm. I'm going out to run." I could barely see anything in front of me due to the heavy rain. My ankles kept getting bended because I would step outside the road due to not being able to see where I was stepping.
  • #3,089
jim hardy said:
Heck Yeah ! When two of our kids moved to Alaska Fair Anne and i delivered their household goods( not so much an act of kindness as to get it out of our living room). What a great adventure - took Alaska Ferry from Bellingham to Haines, drove across the Yukon...
old jim
In Summer, Spring, Winter?
  • #3,090
Psinter said:
But I thought they had supermarkets o:).

They dohttps://http://www.manta.com/mb_45_B619B02T_02/supermarkets_chain/alaska , but they are not many of them, so not likely near where you live. I mean, it is possible to live there, but it takes a good amount of planning and preparation.
  • #3,091
jim hardy said:
( not so much an act of kindness as to get it out of our living room)
jim hardy said:
Heck Yeah ! When two of our kids moved to Alaska Fair Anne and i delivered their household goods( not so much an act of kindness as to get it out of our living room). What a great adventure - took Alaska Ferry from Bellingham to Haines, drove across the Yukon...

One of my regrets is i didn't go to work on the Alaska Pipeline in late 60's.

Each of us is the sum total of his experience. Make it big.
Melville hints at that in prologue to Moby Dick - google "Consumptive Usher" .

old jim
Hihi. Maybe you would say: "Pack the things, we are moving today." :biggrin:
  • #3,092
@WWGD Made those drives in late Summer and Autumn. I think they close much of that highway for winter.

Anchorage area has every chain store known to man. Not unlike any other city except days get short in winter and prices are high. No state sales tax, though... Near enough the ocean it's not horribly cold...

I've not been around Fairbanks.
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  • #3,093
jim hardy said:
@WWGD Made those drives in late Summer and Autumn. I think they close much of that highway for winter.

Anchorage area has every chain store known to man. Not unlike any other city except days get short in winter and prices are high. No state sales tax, though... Near enough the ocean it's not horribly cold...

I've not been around Fairbanks.

Yes, I guess I was thinking of some more remote places, not the bigger cities. Anchorage looks like your average larger city:
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  • #3,094
Office job i assumed would be in a city. But small towns sure have advantages, and it's an outdoorsman's paradise.
  • #3,095
jim hardy said:
. But small towns sure have advantages, and it's an outdoorsman's paradise.
True, but you need to have plenty game to play up there. Not for the unprepared; kind of rough going at figuring things out in there mid-Winter. But maybe I am too cautious.
  • #3,096
Yes one ought to learn the ropes about extreme cold. Son is an hour up Cook's Inlet from Anchorage , got cold enough a couple weeks ago his propane wouldn't come out of the tank. .
  • #3,097
jim hardy said:
, got cold enough a couple weeks ago his propane wouldn't come out of the tank. .
Sorry, I am not hip to your slang ;).
  • #3,098
Psinter said:
But I thought they had supermarkets

The supermarkets are fine. But everything is stocked by barge. The non-supermarkets get very thin with just a couple of hours delay with the fore-mentioned barges.

  • #3,099
jim hardy said:
his propane wouldn't come out of the tank


  • #3,100
My computer's network claims:

Stupid Windows said:
Not Connected - No connections are available

I must be posting by ESP!

  • #3,101
rbelli1 said:
My computer's network claims:
I must be posting by ESP!

Apparently so cold that superconductivity occurs :biggrin:
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  • #3,102
WWGD said:
Sorry, I am not hip to your slang ;).

Not slang, statement of fact. It got so cold the vapor pressure of propane in his outdoor tank wasn't enough to open the regulator so the heater in his cabin lost its flame.


sorry it wasn't clear.

I guess he'll have to build a heated doghouse for it.

old jim


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  • #3,103
Eeek, I'm afraid a ban or temporary ban might be served to me soon for going all ape over economics.

Time to reform some more.
  • #3,104
jim hardy said:
Not slang, statement of fact. It got so cold the vapor pressure of propane in his outdoor tank wasn't enough to open the regulator so the heater in hos cabin lost its flame.

..View attachment 218571
sorry it wasn't clear.

I guess he'll have to build a heated doghouse for it.

old jim
I see. It was so cold, your words would cristalize when you spoke, so you would speak in balloons, as in the comics.
  • #3,105
No Fixed-point Theorems were hurt during the writing of this song:

" The Year of the Cat" was written during the year of the Cat.

EDIT: The path of the songs I listen to in You Tube seems to always go through " The Year of the Cat" whenever I start with a song written before the year 2000). Then again, I let my friend use my laptop for around a few weeks, which may have skewed the recommenders.Then selecting songs at random may have also contributed.
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  • #3,106
How many total internal reflections will a ray in glass undergo if the angle of incidence from air is greater than the critical angle before it finally refracts again?
  • #3,107
WWGD said:
I let my friend use my laptop for around a few weeks,
Better check your browsing and google search histories. Don't want to turn up DHS-Positive.
  • #3,108
Parody of the false alert of incoming missile recent event. To be honest many governmental sites/software suck and that is worldwide. Not limited to a single country. I once saw a governmental website leaking SQL data in its public webpage. Without user action. Makes you want to offer yourself to help them for free. Just so that it sucks a little less.


But today's design might not be necessarily better. They would probably just put a button with a missile icon because "text clogs the screen" and is an archaic design interface for buttons (according new design philosophies). Plus, what good it does when they also use abbreviations? :rolleyes:


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  • #3,109
Interesting research on the human Biome, the collection of billions of beneficial bacteria living inside of one's body, and how the different biome populations may shape different aspects of one's physical , mental and emotional condition. One may, at some point have some devices in the toilet which may output a dashboard on general well-being EDIT: To. There are, supposedly .correlations between traits and types of bacteria, so one may, together with the Biome analysis results, have chemicals used to change its composition towards a desired one.
  • #3,110
Psinter said:
P. I once saw a governmental website leaking SQL data in its public webpage. Without user action. Makes you want to offer yourself to help them for free. Just so that it sucks a little less.

View attachment 218651

"Leaking SQL Data"?
  • #3,111
WWGD said:
"Leaking SQL Data"?
Yes. It was leaking on the visible website the code used in PHP and the response along with a cut table. Everything was messed up. It also had the MySQL version used, as well as information on the server OS with its version.
  • #3,112
Psinter said:
Yes. It was leaking on the visible website the code used in PHP and the response along with a cut table. Everything was messed up. It also had the MySQL version used, as well as information on the server OS with its version.
Maybe result of SQL injection?
  • #3,113
WWGD said:
Maybe result of SQL injection?
I dunno.

Though it doesn't end there. The bank I used once also leaked error data into their webpage. Letting the users know the OS and version used. That bank sucks and its software developers too. To think I once saw that they only hire graduated students with GPA 3.50+. They must have PhD also. To have such a high GPA and PhDs they surely don't know how to secure their stuff. These days they have a lot of downtime on their online apps because they are supposedly maintaining them. They almost never work. Glad I left that bank.
  • #3,114
Psinter said:
I dunno.

Though it doesn't end there. The bank I used once also leaked error data into their webpage. Letting the users know the OS and version used. That bank sucks and its software developers too. To think I once saw that they only hire graduated students with GPA 3.50+. They must have PhD also. To have such a high GPA and PhDs they surely don't know how to secure their stuff. These days they have a lot of downtime on their online apps because they are supposedly maintaining them. They almost never work. Glad I left that bank.

What was the bank's name? I will tell you, in exchange, that the company Fat Cow does automatic renewals without explicit user consent. Let's shame them into getting it together. Fat Cow also basically tells you that you will do a survey for them at the end of the call. No, they don't ask you, they tell you.I told them : please leave a message for the manager ( I don't want to take it out on a powerless customer rep.) " There is no $%^ way I will pay for your automatic renewal, nor will I provide you , for free , choice data you would have to pay me for under usual conditions. No #$% way". Yes, I did leave a bunch of 4-letter words for them, after which I stated: "And, of course, enjoy your day!".
  • #3,115
WWGD said:
does automatic renewals without explicit user consent.
So the bank I was into was not the only nasty one? That looks like a nasty behavior of for-profit organizations.

I don't want to say the name because the bank I talk about has a monopoly on my country (even though we supposedly have laws against monopolies). I would reveal personal information if I say the name. The forum staff knows where I'm from, but that's different from me actually posting it in public. :smile:

Perhaps because they have a monopoly the customer service is horrible. I called to notify them about the problem. After 40+ minutes waiting in line, I just got a quick: "We will report it. Thank you." Months later the problem was still there o:). It could also be that they don't care about security because they are backed by the government if someone steals from them. The employees talked and wasted time chatting between them while the lines increased in size and people waited. The owner also was investigated by authorities for alleged money laundering among other accusations. I can only make assumptions as to why they suck so badly :confused:.

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