Will Israel's Strikes Escalate to Full-Scale War?

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In summary: Israel has information that Lebanese guerrillas who captured two Israeli soldiers are trying to transfer them to Iran, the Foreign Ministry spokesman said. Spokesman Mark Regev did not disclose the source of his information. In summary, the attack on Hezbollah and the airports by Israel is an escalation.
  • #736
In Greece, general Tsolakoglou, who did not represent the Greek government in exile

Exactly. As I said there are always a few nutters.

I am starting to wonder , you obviously lie to yourself, are you lying to everyone else?
Ohh so you are calling me a liar! I am glad we cleared that up.

Greece did indeed have a civil war after ww2, however the people you are trying to represent as the Greek common person, were defeated. I am not Anti-Semantic, and I RESENT that accusation. I am sure there are people who hate Jews in Greece, and I am sure there are people who hate Jews in the USA, but does that mean that you are also Anti-semantic?
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  • #737

Are you a lawyer? What Glasgow -you told us that you are Greek, if you live in Glasgow this doesn't make it your BIRTH country, right? Can you read (and comprehend).

That was a quick edit, but yes I did actually say I was "brought up in Glasgow" Not lived but brought up. I said my Family is Greek. Yes I can read, can you?

Actually I have lived in London, been to Madrid many times, and was brought up in Glasgow.
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  • #738
Bystander said:
India, John Keay, gives a good picture of "moderate" Islam vs. "fundamentalist" Islam during the Mogul, Moghul, Muhgal, era; you might also want to look into the "Old Man in the Mountain" and his (their) "hashshashin, hashishin, assassins" --- depending on sources, they look a lot like the model bin Laden styles himself after, or you'll read that they're "apostates." Sunni, Shia, Wahabi, this, that, and the other Caliphate, and the squabbles among them all have been going on for a millennium. The point being that they've been making a colossal mess of the cultures, politics, and social structures of the area for well over a thousand years. Acknowledgment of the root of the squabbles, who's got first dibs on the collection plates, is never made by any of the parties to the squabbles; the squabbles are instead attributed to the actions of outsiders, infidels, "the Great Satan," and any other number of puerile excuses, much the same as the "fact" that no group of 8-12 year olds have ever put baseballs through neighbors' windows --- birds swooped down, grabbed the ball and dropped it, it rolled into the street and a passing truck squeezed it under a tire and it popped out like a watermelon seed, a passing biker gang grabbed it and deliberately threw it through the window --- you can as easily attribute "the rise of fundamentalism" to the rise of the "dial an excuse industry" Freud started --- they aren't fundamentalists because they're ignorant, greedy, vicious, vindictive people --- they're fundamentalists because 90% of the world's population enjoys a better standard of living without Islam, and it makes them look and feel bad about themselves --- we've destroyed their "self-esteem."

Nah, we've destroyed their self esteme not at all(you know this) We simply don't understand their culture, their history, or their idealogy, and frankly we don't want to.

Freuyd is wrong, it's nothing of the sort. It's just a dark and sad case to destroy an argument, because we're not talking to anyone who is an Arab, just making judgements based on a culture we don't understand, I would expect better from Freuyd. And I would expect better from those who claim to have an education, and validity, it's simply pointless when you have no understanding of history. Freuyd yeah like Godwyns law doesn't crop up there :smile:
  • #739
Anttech said:
That was a quick edit, but yes I did actually say I was "brought up in Glasgow" Not lived but brought up. I said my Family is Greek. Yes I can read, can you?

good that you can read , look your future in the face:


They are telling you exactly what's in store for you.
  • #740
Thats democracy for you, I wouldn't have it any other way. We are free to voice our opinions. I don't aggree with what they are saying, but as long as they arent causing any trouble they can protest as much as they wish. Its not new, and has happened with other extremist such as the Socialist-Feminists movement that happened in the UK
  • #741
Okay, everyone, take a time out from this thread and cool your tempers. It may or may not be re-opened, depending on whether any of the mentors is willing to read through 50 pages of posts to sort out bickering from reasonable discussion, but it's dancing dangerously close to the line for violating P&WA guidelines for inflammatory posts and personal attacks, so I'm cutting it off here until the mentors have a chance to further discuss the fate of this thread.

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