Will the Arctic Cold Front Cause Severe Weather and Damage to Crops?

In summary, the weather is gradually changing from cold to warmer temperatures. The forecast for tomorrow predicts that there will be winds between 20 and 25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph. This will create significant blowing and drifting of snow with near blizzard conditions possible at times. Visibilities will be reduced to below one half mile, making roads near impossible to travel on. The cold wind chill values will be widespread, ranging from 20 to 30 below zero. There is a potential for life-threatening situations due to the dangerously cold temperatures. Additionally, my aunt and uncle own a large strawberry farm and citrus orchard near Tampa, FL and stand to lose the entire crop due to the hard long freeze.
  • #526
turbo-1 said:
You might be confusing Mr. Astro with Chuck Norris. There are similarities...

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #527
nismaratwork said:
You should spend a bit of time with Astro. He can eat more food than Chuck Norris, and then ask if there is anything else. Not kidding!
  • #528
turbo-1 said:
You should spend a bit of time with Astro. He can eat more food than Chuck Norris, and then ask if there is anything else. Not kidding!

I believe it, I've seen the pic! He looks like a good dog.
  • #529
nismaratwork said:
I believe it, I've seen the pic! He looks like a good dog.
Astro is not the dog. That's Duke. Astro can out-eat Duke on his best day. Guaranteed! And Astro's son can rival him in capacity. Couple of skinny guys who can put away more food than you'd ever expect.
  • #530
turbo-1 said:
Astro is not the dog. That's Duke. Astro can out-eat Duke on his best day. Guaranteed! And Astro's son can rival him in capacity. Couple of skinny guys who can put away more food than you'd ever expect.

OOOOOH ASTRO-NUC. :blushing:

Sheesh... did I mention that names and dates are more than a small weaness?!

Sorry Astronuc, I did NOT intend to call you a dog... although I consider "good dog" to be the highest compliment... it's the best for a dog. Heh...

So Astro can put it away eh? DEFINITELY Kabanosy... maybe a whole spread with some cheese and mustard. You can eat the Kabanosy, AND make soup with it... and it sounds like that last is needded just to fill belly-space!

It's always the skinny ones...

edit: It just registered: Astronuc can out-eat DUKE?! Whoa...
  • #531
turbo-1 said:
Thanks. Apparently, she had an exciting ride, since she ended up pointing opposite her direction of travel, and her car was thoroughly buried in the ditch. There is very little solid stuff to hook onto with modern cars, so I dug out her car as best I could before towing her out of there. The Legacy is a nice little car and the last thing I'd want to to is bend a critical structural member by applying too much force. She took only main roads all the way to work and called me once she got there. Most people at her place of work live much closer than she does, but she ALWAYS makes it to work, even in the worst conditions.


Just read your post, glad to hear it was nothing serious, and that you were able to get her car out of the ditch, and I can imagine trying to hook onto the front or rear tow hooks must be a real challenge when the car is buried in snow. I see you and nismara are bonding with your confusing dog eating habit stories so I will bow (wow) out for now. Glad you are ALL OK.

Rhody... :redface:
  • #532
Astronuc said:
I spun out one time between two lanes of cars and ended up going backwards on the shoulder. I hit some ice or slush on the road while going ~ 50 mph. The traffic ahead was stopped! My rear started sliding around and I lost traction. I was lucky.

I once saw somebody do the ultimate version of that trick in the UK on a 4-lane road with a center crash barrier. It was still snowing, the traffic was keeping one lane clear but the other lane was covered in snow and slush.

I was the last of two or three cars driving along the clear lane at a boring but safe 30 mph. Somebody came up behind is traveling at the around the speed limit (70) and changed lanes to overtake. This caused a slow 360 degree spin. He overtook me and the other cars traveling backwards up the outside lane, and having finished the spin disappeared into the distance accelerating back up to 70.

A nice demonstration of Newton's laws of motion, unless you were of a nervous disposition :rolleyes:
  • #533
turbo-1 said:
You might be confusing Mr. Astro with Chuck Norris. There are similarities...
Oh Yea. I've seen some of his profile pictures over the years.
  • #534
AlephZero said:
I once saw somebody do the ultimate version of that trick in the UK on a 4-lane road with a center crash barrier. It was still snowing, the traffic was keeping one lane clear but the other lane was covered in snow and slush.

I was the last of two or three cars driving along the clear lane at a boring but safe 30 mph. Somebody came up behind is traveling at the around the speed limit (70) and changed lanes to overtake. This caused a slow 360 degree spin. He overtook me and the other cars traveling backwards up the outside lane, and having finished the spin disappeared into the distance accelerating back up to 70.

A nice demonstration of Newton's laws of motion, unless you were of a nervous disposition :rolleyes:
That must have been something to witness.

Right now the wind is roaring in the trees on the hill behind the house. We're expecting 40+ mph winds with gusts up to 55 mph.
  • #535
Astronuc said:
That must have been something to witness.

Right now the wind is roaring in the trees on the hill behind the house. We're expecting 40+ mph winds with gusts up to 55 mph.

Same here... with possible light hail, and torrential rain, moving east. Astronuc... do we live in the same area?! (if so, don't say so here, PM or not at all please)
  • #536
Astronuc said:
Right now the wind is roaring in the trees on the hill behind the house. We're expecting 40+ mph winds with gusts up to 55 mph.
Please! May this be the first piece of storm-crap to miss us in a while. We seem to be in the target of everything that happens in the south.
  • #537
nismaratwork said:
Same here... with possible light hail, and torrential rain, moving east. Astronuc... do we live in the same area?! (if so, don't say so here, PM or not at all please)
We're in the same region. I'm west of you. Same system.
  • #538
Astronuc said:
We're in the same region. I'm west of you. Same system.

Oh! In that case... Holy explative deleted... it's really getting quite interesting isn't it?
  • #539
nismaratwork said:
Oh! In that case... Holy explative deleted... it's really getting quite interesting isn't it?
It sucks to be us...
  • #540
turbo-1 said:
It sucks to be us...

Oh you love it too... admit it. :smile:
  • #541
nismaratwork said:
Oh! In that case... Holy explative deleted... it's really getting quite interesting isn't it?
I'll be quite happy and relieved in the morning not to find one of my trees on top of my neighbor's cars. Their cars are downwind from my trees. I'll be taking them down soon.
  • #542
Astronuc said:
I'll be quite happy and relieved in the morning not to find one of my trees on top of my neighbor's cars. Their cars are downwind from my trees. I'll be taking them down soon.

Oh yes... that's always such a joy. *groan*
  • #543
8 inches of snow today, now tonight its turned into freezing rain. Its one nasty mess here in Michigan!
  • #544
My red bud is in bloom and the ice cream man came by yesterday and today. WInter is done.
  • #545
I have my bedroom window open.
  • #546
Bet you'll close it by morning Evo. My forecast show 24F by morning. With tomorrows high @ 37F.
  • #547
dlgoff said:
Bet you'll close it by morning Evo. My forecast show 24F by morning. With tomorrows high @ 37F.
I know the temperature is going to drop like crazy, I'm sure I'll close it before I go to bed.
  • #548
12 deg and dropping like a stone here. I'll take all the cold (and heating expenses) winter can toss at me, if we can break out of the cycle of a snow-storm every 3-4 days. It's getting really sickening. Plus, the ice-storm Thursday/Friday was a real pain in the butt. I'm glad my wife didn't get hurt spinning out and plowing into a deep show-filled ditch. Secondarily, I'm glad that she only got a couple of miles from home. Driving an open tractor that far in driving freezing rain (and back) is NOT fun. I got her car out gently with no damage and saved a $100+ towing bill. Perhaps I should have had her call a towing service, and gone back to bed. :rolleyes:

It all turned out well. A neighbor followed me to the "crash site" and then went back home and brought back a really nice chain sling that allowed me to hook onto her car and pull it out gently, with even tension side-to-side. My wife made him a from-scratch chocolate-cream pie yesterday (his favorite) and when I took it down to him he said "She can run off the road anytime. I'll be there to help!" His wife doesn't cook, and they live on prepared foods and trips to restaurants. It's pretty sad.
Last edited:
  • #549
Evo said:
I know the temperature is going to drop like crazy, I'm sure I'll close it before I go to bed.

Ooooh, famous last words before waking up in the middle of the night, freezing your tuckus off. :biggrin:
  • #550
nismaratwork said:
Ooooh, famous last words before waking up in the middle of the night, freezing your tuckus off. :biggrin:
It's just so nice to have fresh air after months of recirculated central heating.

You're right, I don't want to close the window, but I have the heat on. :rolleyes:
  • #551
Evo said:
It's just so nice to have fresh air after months of recirculated central heating.

You're right, I don't want to close the window, but I have the heat on. :rolleyes:

Ahhhh... wisdom.
  • #552
hypatia said:
8 inches of snow today, now tonight its turned into freezing rain. Its one nasty mess here in Michigan!

Hang in there; spring will conquer winter eventually, I promise :smile:!
  • #553
lisab said:
Hang in there; spring will conquer winter eventually, I promise :smile:!

Given time, Persephone has to return to Hades, Demeter weeps, and the world dies again. Fortunately she's a dear and returns for half the year, and we get summer! :wink:
  • #554
lisab said:
Hang in there; spring will conquer winter eventually, I promise :smile:!
Unfortunately, winter has its last flings in April here, and spring (March in some climes) comes in May, at best. If we can plant by Memorial day, it's a good year, and if we don't get blind-sided by a late frost, that's a great year!

I know gardeners who plant (and re-plant after hard frosts) peas in April and early May just for "bragging rights". I don't have that penchant for punishment. Sweet peas are high-maintenance and low-yield, and my garden space is better used for stuff that feeds us.
  • #555
Ah crud, the temp just fell 20 degrees in the last 10 minutes. Window closed. :frown:
  • #556
Evo said:
Ah crud, the temp just fell 20 degrees in the last 10 minutes. Window closed. :frown:

Ahhh... the angels are... um... crying LN2? :wink:
  • #557
nismaratwork said:
Ahhh... the angels are... um... crying LN2? :wink:
I'm crying. I am so sick of weather extremes that require I shut off all fresh air.
  • #558
It's snowing here. It more or less just started like they said - at midnight. We're supposed to have between 2-4 inches. I can live with that. Better than 12-14.

Fortunately, we had a lot of melting, so now I have more room for the snow. On the other hand, what was left was mostly ice, so I'll now have snow covered ice.

I guess our normal January thaw was postponed until last week. Then again, we haven't had 'normal' weather in the last two decades.
  • #559
We got back from Zwierzyniec yesterday. House was cold - as we are heating using wood burning fireplace I don't have a thermostatted control, so I just left an electric heater on - and temperatures for the last week were lower than expected. When we got up today it was around your zero outside. My feet are still freezing cold, even if the fire was on all the night
  • #560
I called off work, SNOW DAY! It will take me a while, to clean up 10 inches. Its the heavy, wet type snow, with crunchy layers of ice. Made my coffee extra strong this morning.

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