Will the Arctic Cold Front Cause Severe Weather and Damage to Crops?

In summary, the weather is gradually changing from cold to warmer temperatures. The forecast for tomorrow predicts that there will be winds between 20 and 25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph. This will create significant blowing and drifting of snow with near blizzard conditions possible at times. Visibilities will be reduced to below one half mile, making roads near impossible to travel on. The cold wind chill values will be widespread, ranging from 20 to 30 below zero. There is a potential for life-threatening situations due to the dangerously cold temperatures. Additionally, my aunt and uncle own a large strawberry farm and citrus orchard near Tampa, FL and stand to lose the entire crop due to the hard long freeze.
  • #1,226
Washington DC didn't get the expected snow last week but it's looking like we will get a decent amount tomorrow and Thursday. 6 - 10 inches expected! :biggrin:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #1,227
You're getting the snow that was meant for us.
  • #1,228
Uh oh. Now they're calling for 8 - 12 with the 12 - 18 line just west of my home. :rolleyes:
  • #1,229
Borg said:
Uh oh. Now they're calling for 8 - 12 with the 12 - 18 line just west of my home. :rolleyes:
Sorry to hear that, hope it's all snow and no ice.
  • #1,230
Borg said:
Uh oh. Now they're calling for 8 - 12 with the 12 - 18 line just west of my home. :rolleyes:
Got 14 inches on that storm. That snow is mostly gone with a few large leftover piles. The prediction for this coming Monday is another 8 - 12 inches again! Yikes.
  • #1,231
They're predicting 10" here with windchills -20F. I hope that we do not get the over one inch of ice first that they predicted. Snow, I don't mind.
  • #1,232
Evo said:
They're predicting 10" here with windchills -20F. I hope that we do not get the over one inch of ice first that they predicted. Snow, I don't mind.
Good luck with yours Evo. Our forcasts keep jumping all over the place. This morning's forcast is now 5 to 8 inches. Last week it was 'icy' with some snow. Either way, I guess I'm working from home tomorrow.
  • #1,233
Evo said:
They're predicting 10" here with windchills -20F. I hope that we do not get the over one inch of ice first that they predicted. Snow, I don't mind.
So far so good on NOT getting the big snow, but baby it's cold.
  • #1,234
It's snowing like crazy here, started a couple of hours ago, but up until then it was just sleet. :( We're not going to get the snow totals they predicted though because the sleet was supposed to change to snow around midnight, now we have 1-2 inches of SLEET under the snow, much worse than the snow. :cry:
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  • #1,235
All the snow has disappeared from here, you definitely got our share of the white to boot :/ I want to go skiing, come on..
  • #1,236
The storm fizzled out, it was mostly sleet. I hate sleet.
  • #1,237
I think the high number of snow days might be getting some parents just a wee bit frustrated.

Good Night Snow Days
  • #1,238
What, you cancel school because of a little snow? :eek:
  • #1,239
What about a lot of snow?
  • #1,240
They also close schools for low temps, the buses use deisel that turns into gel, they found out too late that buses don't run on gel. Also, if they can get the buses to run, they can't have children standing outside in 20 below zero F temps waiting to be picked up. So clear skies and cold temps mean no school.
  • #1,241
Evo said:
they can't have children standing outside in 20 below zero F temps waiting to be picked up..

You need to start them young.
Last year we had a couple of days with a temperature of -20C. On those days we brought the prams inside some of the time the children were sleeping, but most of their sleep they spent outdoors.
  • #1,242
AlephZero said:
You need to start them young.

I think day care workers in the US that let babies stay out in -4F weather would be arrested.

Also, you won't see mothers leaving their babies left unattended out on a sidewalk while they go inside a cafe to have lunch.

I can't even relate to their way of thinking. I guess that's a sad statement about the US. Evo Child is 26 and I still wouldn't leave her outside on the sidewalk, if I tried, she'd probably slug me.
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  • #1,243
I'm sick of the snow, but not of this:

  • #1,244
I am here also

lisab said:
Western Washington state weather is well within the normal range...drizzly rain, in the 40s. Gray, gray, gray sky.

I actually like it :biggrin:.

I am here as well
  • #1,245
Aaarrrggg make it stop :-( Winter continues to be brutal.
  • #1,246
Another 4 to 6 inch snowstorm coming for DC tonight?? It's March 16! The average is supposed to be nearly 60 this time of year. I like snow but I'm ready for Spring already.
  • #1,247
Borg said:
Another 4 to 6 inch snowstorm coming for DC tonight?? It's March 16! The average is supposed to be nearly 60 this time of year. I like snow but I'm ready for Spring already.
Last year here in Kansas, I was picking these popping up through the snow in May.


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  • #1,248
Did you get snow this morning too dl?
  • #1,249
Evo said:
Did you get snow this morning too dl?
Yes, but only a trace. How did you like the cold "March winds" last night? :bugeye:
  • #1,250
there was no snow for weeks and then overnight, a blizzard. Fml, I was shocked in the morning. I didn't see my car from the window, thought it was stolen, but then something else registered - everything was white XD
  • #1,251
gravenewworld said:
I'm sick of the snow, but not of this:

Haha! +1 gravenewworld. :biggrin:
  • #1,252
More than a trace here last night. There wasn't any snow on the table yesterday morning. I hope that's the last of it until next winter.

  • #1,253
Wow, Borg, that looks more like a mid-winter scene!

Here in the Great Pacific Northwest, it's that awkward time of year. Some mornings you scrape ice off your windshield and have the seat warmers on in the morning, then the AC on in the afternoon of the same day.

Everything is starting to bloom!
  • #1,254
Borg said:
More than a trace here last night. There wasn't any snow on the table yesterday morning. I hope that's the last of it until next winter.

Whoa Borg! At least I only got a couple of inches and it melted almost as quickly as it came.
  • #1,255
My Bougainvillea bloomed right through the winter and Bougainvillea are very sensitive to frost. We had NO snow, NO frost, and (unfortunately) almost no rain this winter in the Southwestern US.
  • #1,256
Odd, that it hasn't been cold outside in nearly two years.
Anyways, my cousin-in-law caught this a few hours ago, and I gasped:


Apparently, it was a typo.

But it is cold here. We set a new record a couple of days ago.
And in a couple of hours, we are supposed to get hit with nearly an inch of freezing rain.

Fellow Goonies, I hope you have your mukluks ready...

ps. Yes, I know. earth.nullschool says we are all miserable...


blue: miserable
grey: don't go outside, or you will die
black: ok
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  • #1,257
It was 3°F (-16°C) this morning and yesterday morning. It's a bit cooler this month than the same time last year.
  • #1,258
it was 2° F at my house this morning, yesterday didn't get into the teens. I pulled out the carhart this week, even the girls at the appointment I had this afternoon
commented I had jeans and a coat on.
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  • #1,259
I am typing this form a coffee shop. Right now the (actual) temperature outside is -25 C (-13 F). I walked 20 minutes to get here, and I will walk 20 minutes to get back home. So far this winter, we have had 16 calendar dates for which the (actual) temperature has been -20 C (-4 F) or colder, and temperatures of -28 C (-18.4 F), -26 C (-14.8 F), -29 C (-20.2 F), and -24 C (-11.2 F) are forecast for the next four nights.

One morning, my 10-year-old daughter and I walked 30 minutes to her school when the temperature was -26 C (-14.8 F). Last Sunday afternoon it was -16 C (3.2 F), so my daughter and I decided that it was warm enough to go sledding for an hour. The hill was quite busy, so quite a few other people here had the same idea.
  • #1,260
The fountain at St. Peter's square has frozen as the pope prayers for the homeless.

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