Capacity Definition and 664 Threads

Seating capacity is the number of people who can be seated in a specific space, in terms of both the physical space available, and limitations set by law. Seating capacity can be used in the description of anything ranging from an automobile that seats two to a stadium that seats hundreds of thousands of people. The largest sporting venue in the world, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, has a permanent seating capacity for more than 235,000 people and infield seating that raises capacity to an approximate 400,000.

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  1. mark!

    Franchise and voting rights based on measured intellectual capacity?

    On Wikipedia, it says: "Eligibility - Some nations restrict the franchise based on measured intellectual capacity". I've been searching on Google for a pretty long time now, but I can't seem to find the answer to what I'm looking for. My only simply and short question is: Which nations? To...
  2. A

    Chemistry Constant Volume Heat of Combustion from heat capacity of calorimeter

    Q=heat capacity calorimeter*(-)change in T*moles =0.009089mol*-6.8C*4.38kj/C =-0.2707kj/mol This answer is wrong but it was the only one I could come up with right now. I just noticed units in the answer would be wrong too. Any suggestions?
  3. bravopipo

    Maximum load capacity of a time dependant Force on the surface of a metal

    Hello; What equations on mechanics can I use or study in order to measure the maximum force in Newtons the surface of the metal Steel box can hold. Details: Watch the image below, we have a metal box made of let's say steel, this box have a shape of rectangle of a thickness of for example 1cm...
  4. RJCanz

    Calculating Capacity of Steel Rack: Yield Stress Issues

    Hi guys. Recently I've been assigned to know / calculate the capacity of the racks in our section. Our racks has layered steel pipes that are carrying the loads. After actual testing it can carry a load around 25 tons after yielding or having a bend. So my next step was to calculate for its...
  5. A

    Relationship between Heat Capacity Cv for Different Models

    I think the C_V for van der waals gas will be larger than ideal gas since it‘s a more precise description. However, for the relationship I cannot come up with a specific equation.
  6. Diracobama2181

    Heat Capacity of a Fermi Gas at Low Temperature

    I find that $$U=\int Z \epsilon D(\epsilon) e^{-\epsilon β}d\epsilon=\frac{gV}{(2\pi)^3}\int Z \frac{(\hbar)^2k^2}{2m}k^2 (4\pi)e^{-β\frac{(\hbar)^2k^2}{2m}}dk$$ where g=2s+1=2, $$Z=e^{βµ}$$ and $$D(\epsilon)=\frac{gV}{(2\pi)^3}k^2 4\pi$$ for the density of states From here, I can use $$c_v...
  7. Gvozden

    Is Heat Capacity Derivable for Non-Ideal Liquid Mixtures?

    Can I derive heat capacity of one phase mixture of three liquids as a sum of their mass shares multiplied by heat capacities of solitary components at given temperature? All components are miscible, of course ... thank you in advance
  8. Nikhil Rajagopalan

    Molar specific heat capacity for constant volume.

    Dear Experts, We compute Cv for gases using the idea of equipartition principle and degrees of freedom. In case of a diatomic molecule, there are minimum 3 degrees of freedom (at very low temperatures) and maximum 6 degrees of freedom one of them being vibrational (at high temperatures. Does it...
  9. H

    Current carrying capacity of a copper busbar in an Aircraft

    "The surface of copper naturally oxidises, forming a thin hard layer on the surface which normally prevents further oxidation. " I've seen this in a book, higher level oxygen on busbar, means lower the heat and get away with ease, Doesn't it? So, Can I say a thin hard layer musn't be used?
  10. T

    Heat capacity vs Thermal conductivity in a LN2 bath

    I worked on a lab experiment that was meant to measure heat capacity but left me with some other questions. The students measured the mass of a cup of liquid nitrogen as it boiled off, recording mass vs time. Then they drop a solid object into the bath, one experiment with a small bit iron...
  11. E

    Heat Storage Capacity of CO2 molecules

    I am a science hobbyist and working on a paper to illustrate the impact of CO2 on Global Warming. Question – What is the Storage Capacity in joules, of one molecule of CO2 @ 20c/68f/293k. In other words, what is the maximum amount of IR energy that one molecule of CO2 can store at this...
  12. sww_world

    Heat Capacity energy exchange problem

    Givens for water: m: 0.250kg of water TW : 95°C C=4180 Givens for mug: m=0.085kg TM : 19° c=107 Required: final temperature of water Analysis/Solution: Qreleased+Qabsorbed=0, q=mc▲t mw*cw*Tw + mp*cp*Tp = 0 (0.250)(4180) (T2-95) + (0.085)(107)(t2-19)=0 1045(t2-95) + 9.095(t2-19)=0...
  13. J

    How Do You Determine Heat Capacity for Liquids?

    liquid melting point (degrees C) boiling point (degrees C) water (H2O) 0 100 sodium (Na) 98 883 Sodium-potassium(NaK) -11 785 Lead(Pb) 327 1749 I'm prettttty sure by consulting the literature means by using the above table… but if that's the case then how in the world do you find Cv...
  14. H

    MHB Volume vs Capacity for Kids: Tips for Explaining

    I want to explain to a little child (4.5 years) what the differences between volume vs. capacity. Can you give me some tips?
  15. nomadreid

    Units of capacity for the manufacture of flexo printing plates

    I am not sure that this is the right place to post this question, so I will be happy to let any moderator move it. (I would be less happy to find out that the question has no place in PF, but I would accept it.) I have been asked to make a list of American manufacturers of plates for...
  16. S

    Calculating Heat Capacity in a Bomb Calorimeter using Combustion of Toluene

    Homework Statement The combustion of toluene has a ΔErxn of −3.91 × 103kJ/mol. When 1.70 g of toluene (C7H8) undergoes combustion in a bomb calorimeter, the temperature rises from 23.36 ∘C to 36.67 ∘C. Find the heat capacity of the bomb calorimeter to three sig-figs. Homework Equations q =...
  17. Krushnaraj Pandya

    Thermodynamics problem: Heat capacity of a Gas

    Homework Statement In a certain process, a gas absorbs Q amount of heat and performs kQ amount of work, the molar heat capacity of the gas in terms of R, k and γ(Cp/Cv) is? Homework Equations U=Q+W U=nCvdT Q=CdT The Attempt at a Solution replacing U and Q with the above formulas and W from...
  18. Krushnaraj Pandya

    Heat capacity and temperature problem

    Homework Statement A piece of metal is heated by supplying a constant power P. The temperature of the metal starts varying as T=kt. The heat capacity of the metal as a function of temperature is? Homework Equations Q=CdT The Attempt at a Solution From Q=CdT, dT is k, since P is Q/t, I plugged...
  19. C

    Heat Capacity relations for 1st order phase transition

    Homework Statement Prove the following relation for which clausius equation holds : Cs=Cp-αV(ΔH/ΔV) Where Cs=∂q/∂T at constant S and is the heat capacity in the coexistence line of 2 phases Homework Equations dq=dU+dW dP/dT=ΔH/(ΔV*T) The Attempt at a Solution I do not fully understand why q...
  20. K

    Find the unknown capacity of two capacitors

    Homework Statement We consider two capacitors with the unknown capacitances C1 and C2. If one connects the capacitors in series and applies a voltage of 100 V, finds that two positively charged plates in total have the charge 1.5 · 10-4 C. If one switches the capacitors in parallel and again...
  21. B

    Max Buffering Capacity w/ 0.6 mol HAc & NaOH

    Homework Statement 0.6 moles of pure acetic acid (no salt) is added to water. How much NaOH would have to be added to get the solution to maximum buffering capacity? Homework Equations pH=pka + log [base]/[acid[ The Attempt at a Solution HAc <---> H+ + Ac- 0.6 mol of H+ 0.6 mol of Ac- All...
  22. A

    Specific heat capacity of a solid material

    Homework Statement A 4.80 kg piece of solid material is heated from 16.4C to 219C (3 s.f.) using 787 kJ of energy (3 s.f.). Assuming an efficiency of 0.383 for the heating process, and that the material does not melt, calculate the specific heat capacity of the material. Homework Equations...
  23. S

    Calculating Specific Heat Capacity

    Homework Statement A 4.96 kg piece of solid material is heated from 16.7oC to 234oC (3 s.f.) using 725 kJ of energy (3 s.f.). Assuming an efficiency of 0.342 for the heating process, and that the material does not melt, calculate the specific heat capacity of the material. m = 4.96 kg change...
  24. House

    Understanding the Molar Heat Capacity of an Ideal Gas

    We know that for an ideal gas the differential of the internal energy function is: dU = n Cv dT But is Cv the molar heat capacity or not?
  25. C

    How to calculate the accurate capacity of a battery?

    I'm trying to figure out how to calculate how much energy is stored in a battery between certain voltages. I know capacity is traditionally calculated by multiplying amps drawn by nominal voltage by time, but this seems like an approximation because voltage decreases as the battery is...
  26. F

    Airplane lift, take off and loading capacity

    Hello Forum, I understand that an airplane can fly when its overall weight ##W_{plane}## (force pointing down) is perfectly balanced by an upward directed force called lift ##F_{lift}##. If the lift is larger than the weight, the plane will rise in height. When the airplane is empty and...
  27. M

    Pressure carrying capacity of a hose

    Hi There, Why is a pipe with a smaller diameter able to withstand a greater internal pressure than a pipe made from the exact same material and wall thickness but larger diameter? Thank you
  28. xavier_Ghz

    (Specific) Heat capacity of brass at milliKelvin temperatures

    Hi all, I do an calorimeter experiment at temperatures around 40 mK. To get more grip on the time constants that are associated with the heat flows, I calculate the thermal resistance as well as the heat capitance of the materials in the set-up. We assume that Newton's law of cooling is the...
  29. physea

    How Much Heat Energy Can Be Harvested from Sunlight Per Square Meter in the UK?

    hello! I find a lot of information about the energy of sunlight per square meter in the UK region. ( However, these kWh/m2 must be in the form of light energy or perhaps electricity (after adjusting with an efficiency...
  30. P

    MHB Arithmetic problem: What is the capacity of each Breaker"?

    Need help with this I have 6 beaker of oil and 12 breaker of water, the total amount combined are 66 litres . What is the capacity of each Breaker"?
  31. B

    Did Neanderthals have the intellectual capacity to read?

    I recently received the results from my DNA tests at 23andme. I found out that I have more Neanderthal DNA than 80% of customers at 23andme. This has got me pondering the Neanderthals. My impression is that most anthropologists believe that the homo sapiens deliberately caused the...
  32. Stephenk53

    How to calculate the AH capacity of a battery?

    Summary I made a vinegar battery that appears to only output .001A of current. I made it very quickly because I had to change my design for a project last minute due to my inability to get a voltage regulator in time. So it is so bad I doubt I could have made a worse battery. Anyway, the...
  33. S

    Quantum Computing and memory capacity

    Does quantum computing have any profound implications for the memory capacity of computers? It's often possible to replace a large table of data by a smaller set of numbers and an algorithm that reconstructs each entry of the table using the smaller data set. Will quantum computers made such...
  34. A

    Specific heat capacity, Q = mcθ

    Homework Statement Here is the original question (just read the English version). Homework Equations Q = mcθ Specific heat capacity of water, c = 4200 J/kg °C The Attempt at a Solution I did Q_(absorbed) = Q_(released) mcθ = mcθ mθ = mθ And I solved for the final temperature, which is...
  35. F

    I Penning Trap questions -- capacity, manufacturers, leakiness....

    Does anyone know what the maximum capacity of a Penning Trap is or what this would depend on? Whether the capacity is measured in particles, mass, etc? I would presume that max capacity would depend on field strength of the trap, but if anyone could confirm this I'd be grateful. A follow-up...
  36. B

    Automotive How does a weight distributing hitch help towing capacity?

    Most hitches are rated as "X, 0.1*X weight-bearing, Y, 0.1*Y weight-distributing" where Y > X and the first number is trailer weight, second number is tongue weight. It has been described to me many times that the weight distributing hitch (with 'stabilizing/leveling' bars) "takes weight off...
  37. B

    Optimizing Transformer Capacity for Increased Loads

    Hello, I have a 1000 kva 13.8/400v transformer. I want to add additional loads to its 60% present load. The nameplate says max. ambient temp. is 55 deg. Cel. and max temp. rise is 50 deg. Cel. Can I load it to 90% continuous load after the additional capacities, and, is temp. rise equivalent to...
  38. J

    Heat capacity of a heating element, in a flow of air

    Air is flowing through a pipe, through a heater matrix. Flow, Inlet temperature and heater power vary. Is it possible to calculate the heat capacity of the matrix by using the Inlet & outlet temperatures, power & flow? I'm assuming no heat loss to the pipe walls to make it easier, but I'm not...
  39. D

    Specified equation of state from heat capacity

    Homework Statement The constant-volume heat capacity of a particular simple system is c_v = AT^3 where A is a constant. In addition the equation of state is known to be of the form (v-v_0)p = B(T) where B(T) is an unspecified function of T. Evaluate the permissible functional form of B(T)...
  40. B

    What is the largest capacity battery I can charge from my 2.5kW solar panels?

    I have solar panels fitted, with a capacity of 2.4 -2.5 kW. I am considering buying lithium battery storage for evening use. What would be the largest battery system I could charge from this setup?
  41. F

    Relay with High DC Breaking Capacity

    Hello! I have to use a relay to operate circuit breaker opening/closing coil i.e. 80W @ 110VDC. Since the breaker is having some mechanical interlocks, so sometimes when the coil is operating, the breaker may not open. In that case the relay contact has to make & break the opening/closing coil...
  42. C

    Is specific heat capacity always ignored in Steady State

    Hi, I want to simulate a forced convection cooling problem. Air at ambient temperature is forced through a fan into a system to cool electronics and I would like to assess the temperature of the outlet air. Actually I'm interested in the delta between the ambient and outlet temperature. This...
  43. B

    What is the Capacity Factor of Glycolysis in Cells?

    Hello. I'm in the process of teaching myself cell bio and I'm curious to find a good source with actual rates of glycolysis in cells. In a nutshell, I'm wondering what the maximum rate of ATP production within the cell is (assuming a normal yet constant extracellular concentration of glucose)...
  44. R

    Question about power capacity of electrical motors

    I read that the Tesla electric motor is able to achieve its remarkable power to weight ratio of 8.5 kW/kg, about 10 times better than a typical gasoline engine, because it tightly winds its copper wires in its coils therefore being able to carry more current in the same space. If so, then we...
  45. A

    Negative heat capacity and thermal reservoir

    Say you have an object with a negative heat capacity. This means that the object increases in temperature as it radiates energy and decreases in temperature as it absorbs energy. I don't understand why this object cannot be in thermal equilbrium with a reservoir. Any help would be greatly...
  46. S

    Heat capacity at constant volume and density

    Hello! I encountered in a problem the terms heat capacity at constant volume and density (##n##) and heat capacity at constant chemical potential (##\mu##) and volume and I need to prove a relation between them. What is their definition? I thought that for the first one it would be...