Experience Definition and 468 Threads

Experience is the process through which conscious organisms perceive the world around them. Experiences can be accompanied by active awareness on the part of the person having the experience, although they need not be. Experience is the primary subject of various subfields of philosophy, including the philosophy of perception, the philosophy of mind, and phenomenology.
Several different senses of the word "experience" should be distinguished from one another. In the sense of the word under discussion here, "experience" means something along the lines of "perception", "sensation", or "observation". In this sense of the word, knowledge gained from experience is called "empirical knowledge" or "a posteriori knowledge". This can include descriptive knowledge (e.g. finding out that certain things are true based on sensory experience), procedural knowledge (e.g. learning how to perform a particular task based on sensory experience), or knowledge by acquaintance (e.g. familiarity with certain people, places, or objects based on direct exposure to them).
In ordinary language, the word "experience" may instead sometimes refer to one's level of competence or expertise, either in general or confined to a particular subject. In this sense of the word, "experience" generally refers to know-how rather than descriptive knowledge (or in other words, on-the-job training rather than book-learning). This article is not about "experience" in this sense, but is instead about the immediate perception of events.

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  1. A

    Programs Gaining Research Experience as a Mathematics Major

    So I am about to switch to mathematics, as I absolutely adore pure mathematics as well as applied mathematics and I cannot stand learning mathematics without going deep into rigor of it for now(I am aware however that at times one just has to quickly learn sth to proceed with a project). But in...
  2. F

    Schools Experience as a non degree student to get into grad school?

    Has anyone ever became a non degree student/special status student at university to get better grades in undergraduate courses so you can apply to a PH.D program? What was this like? Did you receive financial aid? What classes did you take? How many semester did you do? Did you get into graduate...
  3. callmeishmael

    Admissions Are Non-Traditional Paths to Graduate School Still Viable for Low GPA Students?

    With any luck I'll be completing my bachelor of science in physics this December. It will have been 6 years from start to finish, with several academic gaps, low research experience, and an abysmal GPA (from a combination of chronic illness, poor high school preparation, and overambitious course...
  4. A

    I Radial Acceleration of Rotating Singularities: Planck Length & Beyond

    And if so, how much? Should the radius be thought of as zero, an infinitesimal, or as the Planck length? v2/r = ω2r If its zero, then you immediately run into a problem when trying to calculate it with linear velocity. v2/r = ar v2/0 = undefined OR ω2r = ar ω20 = 0 Which would mean that...
  5. TheQuestionGuy14

    B Why do we Experience a 'Flow' of Time?

    Einstein showed that the dustinction between past and future is an illusion using simultaneity, so, why do we experience a flow of time? Why is everything in the 'now' flowing toward the future, and not the past? Also, why do we all experience this flow the exact same way?
  6. A

    Other Previous Research experience and contribution essay

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  7. K

    Does Wind Affect How We Perceive Sound Volume?

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  8. Orodruin

    Contest: Educational experience account (win a book) 1/24-2/7

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  9. tensor0910

    Engineering Technician getting an Engineering degree -- Will my work experience transfer?

    I work now as a technician on a military base. Looking to get my Bachelors in ME. The problem is I have zero experience in engineering ( as expected ). No internships, nothing. I guess my question is will I have to start from the bottom of the pay scale when I graduate? By the time I am...
  10. C

    Does electron gas in metals experience viscosity?

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  11. Luc B

    Discover the Fascinating Fresnel and Arago Spot Experiments in Belgium

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  12. ramzerimar

    Engineering Job experience or pursue a Master (Computer Vision)?

    I intend to finish my bachelor in Computer Science 3 years from now, by which time I will be 24 years old. I'm very interested in technology and cutting edge fields like Computer Vision/Machine Learning, and I would like to work with something like that in the future. Not necessarily with...
  13. R

    Quantifying our sense experience

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  14. Vivek98phyboy

    Gas Through Porous Plug: Pressure & Temp Change Explained

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  15. B

    Schools Applying to Grad School with no research experience

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  16. upigdir

    Admissions Importance of undergrad research experience?

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  17. R

    Anyone have any experience with Oxygen meters?

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  18. Shing Ernst

    Admissions Undergraduate research experience with no results

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  19. R

    Admissions DFT & VASP Experience for Graduate Programs in SS Physics

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  20. A

    EE vs ME -- Those with experience, please weigh in

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  21. J

    I Explore Time Dilation in Minkowski Diagrams

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  22. A

    Courses Low GPA, Some Experience & Guidance?

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  23. Eclair_de_XII

    Courses In your experience, is E+M harder than dynamics?

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  24. B

    Schools Duke Medical Physics Program -- how was your experience?

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  25. J

    Experience the Artistry of "Legion": TV Show Set in the X-Men Universe

    So does anybody watch the TV show http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5114356/']Legion?[/PLAIN] It's set in a/the X-men universe from what I understand (I'm not too well versed in which different universes/spinoffs exist). I don't consider myself to be a cinephile but this show is a work of art if you...
  26. Grinkle

    I Crossing an Event Horizon: My Experience

    Any help appreciated. My thought experiment observations are marked with an *. I leave my origin and am receiving a continuous beam of photons from my origin. I accelerate to some a speed of (just say) 0.01c. I don't intend any math, but just in case it ends up mattering. * As I am...
  27. I

    Why do these Nitrogens experience steric hindrance?

    Wikipedia says that the steric hindrance makes this a weak nucleophile, but what exactly is it about the N's that is sterically hindered? I realize that the N's are bonded covalently 3 times so each N has a lone pair e-, but is it the location on the ring that makes for steric effects for this...
  28. jennys

    Experience with Late SULI Letter of Recommendation?

    Has anyone had experience with applying for the SULI program with a professor submitting their recommendation late? I submitted and requested everything before the deadline, but one professor was late and her letter was refused. This was my top choice for the summer. I have a good GPA, 1.5 years...
  29. kolleamm

    Building programs yourself vs interships, for experience

    I'm trying to get some more work experience for my computer science resume since it's practically empty. All of the internships I've found so far are too demanding of my time since I'm a full time student. Would it be worth my time to create my own software and put that on my resume or should I...
  30. F

    Diffraction experience at home

    Hi all. Just some moments ago I've experimented the diffraction phenomenon at home, in a situation I would have considered impossible. I did this because a guy that I know had experienced that too and I wanted to reproduce the experience: the diffraction from circular aperture. As far as I know...
  31. russ_watters

    News Experience the Polling Line: Share Yours & Track Results

    It's finally here! (Over) Post your experiences and track the results here. I live in a small town near Philadelphia, PA and the line at the poll a few minutes after it opened was a good 50yds/100 people long outside the building. That would probably take an hr to get through, so I left...
  32. E

    Other The Experience Dilemma: Examining the Job Market Requirements

    Hello everyone, First off, the topic I'm about to introduce is a general one, and applies everywhere, not just in North America. The issue I would like to introduce is the experience requirement for every single position. Some people here responded to this as a secondary discussion to another...
  33. R

    Engineering Mechanical engineer but experience only in startups

    Hi, I am a mechanical engineer who has worked only in start-ups, for past 3 years. Main experience is Mechanical design CAD with bit of FEA. Problem is I want to move to a more traditional company. I had had an interview with one of the largest oil and gas company for role of design engineer in...
  34. Fips

    I Finding the Solution to ∫dx/sen(x): A French Forum Experience

    So I was solving a problem and I had to find the solution for ∫dx/sen(x) and I found this, but because the forum is in french I wasn't able to understand the solution :P (especially the last two steps) Thanks!
  35. VNN

    Admissions Is Work Experience Necessary for Studying Physics at Top Universities?

    Hello,I am a current GCSE student(going into Y11) and my ambition is to become a theoretical physicist. My goals is to study physics at oxford...As physics is not a vocational course does it require work experience? I know friends who want to do medicine and are applying for WE in...
  36. B

    Schools Navigating a Busy College Schedule: My Experience and Tips

    Hey guys, I have something to say, is not a question, i just want some guidelines about me college experience. Here is some background info: Currently, i am working 40 hours a week (Monday-Friday) and lectures in college at night (Electric Engineering), 18 hours a week with 4 subjects...
  37. AshUchiha

    B Why do stars experience gravity more than its mass?

    I will try to be as literal as I can. I was researching about the black hole, according to NASA and much other organisation a black hole form when a star collapses under its own gravity. "Stellar black holes form when the center of a very massive star collapses in upon itself". Gravity is...
  38. 1

    Why does the point experience NEGATIVE field strength?

    Hi, i'm looking for an explanation to this answer of a past paper that I'm doing, it's from OCR (A level) G485, question 1 b ii) the question on top, and answer on bottom i don't understand why would the point experience a negative electric field strength when it's getting closer to a...
  39. Sirsh

    Other High GPA necessary for Industry? Or is more experience better?

    Hey all, Is it worth killing yourself to try achieve and maintain a high GPA 3.5-4.0 if you're most likely going to go into industry straight after undergrad? Or is it more valuable to seek out industry experience to get an edge over other candidates when you do go into industry? This is in...
  40. Einstein's Cat

    What work experience is valuable for studying physics?

    I desire to study physics at university and thus I am required to participate in work experience. The issue, however, is that I am ignorant to what work experience would be extremely valuable on a person application for studying physics. Any help would be very much appreciated.
  41. F

    Admissions Will HEP Experience Limit My Grad School Options in Theoretical Physics?

    Hi there, I'm a junior in undergrad, and so far I've had a summer of research experience at an REU, just started research at my current school in December, and am doing another REU this summer. I'm a transfer student and at my previous school there were literally no research opportunities...
  42. M

    Taking AP Phys (Mech) in 11th grade with no Phys experience?

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  43. Kilo Vectors

    My experience in learning mathematics...opinions?

    Hello I have noticed that there are hundreds of ways of teaching one theorem/concept in maths, often very complicated with pure math terminology the likes of which I find an absolute nightmare! to very basic and just using similies. It always "blows my mind" that there are so many different...
  44. V

    Do Insects Experience Emotions?

    Do creatures as tiny as flies feel sorrow, love, anger. Are their brains programmed to do most basic of tasks like finding food or do they exhibit some community behavior?
  45. Sophia

    Eating 3x a Day: My Experience & What Works Best For You

    So everyone says that your should eat 5x a day. I've done that for years believing it's a healthy habit. But I was always hungry and couldn't lose weight. Now I've started eating 3 times a day, larger meals of 500-600 calories mostly based on fat and protein and I feel great! I have no need to...
  46. W

    OpenFOAM Experience? Anyone with Expertise?

    anyone with experience in this programm? I wanted to know if its running on GUI like ANSYS Workbench or i need to work with codes programming like in ANSYS Classic
  47. X

    Discussing Tutoring Experience in Statement of Purpose?

    Can it ever be harmful to discuss what tutoring experience you had as a undergraduate in your statement of purpose. I wrote 250 word paragraph how I was hired by a department at my university to tutor upper level undergraduate physics classes and what I got out of the experience. Do you feel...
  48. A

    Why do Jet fighter pilots experience a greater G-force?

    Hi! I'm a high school student, aspiring to pursue a career in Astronautical Engineering. I always try and ponder on questions about everyday aerodynamics and physics. So, here's a question from you from an aspiring scholar. It is known that, at high velocities, pilots in super-sonic jet...
  49. D

    What time dilation do muon observers experience?

    Re. time dilation muons, CERN. Given the accelerated muons were observed to have a lifetime increased by approximately x 29, What happens to the observers life span? Thank you.
  50. S

    How much impulse did they experience?

    Homework Statement F=950 T=0.12 S Homework Equations For impulse I should use the equation J=FT the problem with this is that it yields a seemingly incorrect answer The Attempt at a Solution J=950*0.12=114