What is Experience: Definition and 468 Discussions

Experience is the process through which conscious organisms perceive the world around them. Experiences can be accompanied by active awareness on the part of the person having the experience, although they need not be. Experience is the primary subject of various subfields of philosophy, including the philosophy of perception, the philosophy of mind, and phenomenology.
Several different senses of the word "experience" should be distinguished from one another. In the sense of the word under discussion here, "experience" means something along the lines of "perception", "sensation", or "observation". In this sense of the word, knowledge gained from experience is called "empirical knowledge" or "a posteriori knowledge". This can include descriptive knowledge (e.g. finding out that certain things are true based on sensory experience), procedural knowledge (e.g. learning how to perform a particular task based on sensory experience), or knowledge by acquaintance (e.g. familiarity with certain people, places, or objects based on direct exposure to them).
In ordinary language, the word "experience" may instead sometimes refer to one's level of competence or expertise, either in general or confined to a particular subject. In this sense of the word, "experience" generally refers to know-how rather than descriptive knowledge (or in other words, on-the-job training rather than book-learning). This article is not about "experience" in this sense, but is instead about the immediate perception of events.

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  1. A

    Advice for Applying to Math PhD Programs with Limited Research Experience

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  4. A

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  5. H

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  6. J

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  7. T

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  8. N

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  10. Nathanael

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  11. Domenico94

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  12. J

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  13. B

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  14. Alex Howard

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  15. A

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  16. T

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  17. moatilliatta

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  18. P

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  19. M

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  20. N

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  21. P

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  22. L

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  23. B

    Tutoring Physics? (one bad experience, need to improve)

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  24. Brian T

    Schools Research Experience for Grad School

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  25. Cake

    Anyone have experience finding money for school?

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  26. E

    Distance from Black Hole to experience Time Dilation

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  27. Dishsoap

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  28. gleem

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  29. K

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  30. STEMucator

    First experience with an NPN BJT

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  31. R

    NMR: Why do "identical" protons not experience splitting?

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  32. Averagesupernova

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  33. B

    Who has experience with AD8333 to demodulate a square wave?

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  34. E

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  35. Jadenee

    Research experience for non-US undergrad?

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  36. Dishsoap

    Internships for one with research experience (REUs, or no?)

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  37. E

    Is it wise to become self employed with no job experience?

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  38. L

    How to relate Grms with everyday experience

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  39. M

    Terrible experience in first integration (lebesgue) class

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  40. S

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  41. Brunnun

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  42. Luck0

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  43. A

    How Can I Find a Work Experience Placement in Astronomy?

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  44. JesseJC

    Does anybody have experience in Systems Engineering?

    Hey everyone, hopefully this is the right place to post this. I'm going into an undergraduate program in January, and I've been leaning towards the interdisciplinary program of systems engineering. I was wondering if anybody has had experience in this field? I would imagine it would be a...
  45. P

    Practical experience of minimum tension possible of a membrane

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  46. L

    Tailoring Pure Math Ph.D experience for jobs outside of academia after

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  47. D

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  48. G

    When did math become hard for you? Share your experience

    In reading some stuff on this forum and about general math education in the US at least, I'm curious as to others' experience with math and when it "got hard" for them. People here I assume are mathphiles and love math. They've done well, math came easy, etc. I include myself in this category...
  49. crador

    Do employers consider atypical experience?

    Hi all. I will be graduating next year and wanted some of your input. I will receive a B.S. In applied physics and mathematics from University of Miami, hopefully summa cum laude (>3.9 GPA). I also have coursework in chemistry (through organic 2 and physical chemistry 2) and biology (through...
  50. T

    Offered research experience in Astro as a CC Student

    So, I've been in community college for a year now and my original plan was to get out of here in 2 years as fast as I could. Tonight, I just met with a part time professor here and I have the opportunity to take part in some research with him and another student (or 2). This honestly sounds too...