Experience Definition and 468 Threads

Experience is the process through which conscious organisms perceive the world around them. Experiences can be accompanied by active awareness on the part of the person having the experience, although they need not be. Experience is the primary subject of various subfields of philosophy, including the philosophy of perception, the philosophy of mind, and phenomenology.
Several different senses of the word "experience" should be distinguished from one another. In the sense of the word under discussion here, "experience" means something along the lines of "perception", "sensation", or "observation". In this sense of the word, knowledge gained from experience is called "empirical knowledge" or "a posteriori knowledge". This can include descriptive knowledge (e.g. finding out that certain things are true based on sensory experience), procedural knowledge (e.g. learning how to perform a particular task based on sensory experience), or knowledge by acquaintance (e.g. familiarity with certain people, places, or objects based on direct exposure to them).
In ordinary language, the word "experience" may instead sometimes refer to one's level of competence or expertise, either in general or confined to a particular subject. In this sense of the word, "experience" generally refers to know-how rather than descriptive knowledge (or in other words, on-the-job training rather than book-learning). This article is not about "experience" in this sense, but is instead about the immediate perception of events.

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  1. Y

    Did My Fan Sabotage My Guitar Amp? A Strange Discovery and Solution

    Bizaare experience today! There is no question here, I just want to share a really bazaar experience that I desperately working on for like 4 hours today: I am designing a guitar amp with high gain. I did run into sort of " motor boating" due to inadequate filtering of the B+ a day ago and I...
  2. B

    Does light experience time and space simultaneously?

    Does light experience the time of the entire universe simultaneously or just from the beginning to end of its own existence simultaneously? I assume that light experiences the past, present and future simultaneously of its beginning to the end. If this is true than does light experiences all...
  3. V

    Experience with converting HWR fueled with NU to LEU?

    Are there any experience converting HWR initially fueled with NU to LEU, besides the National Reserch Reactor in Canada which went from NU to HEU to LEU?
  4. G

    Schools Physics research experience high school

    How can a high school student, such as myself gain research experience? I'm not talking about anything overly impressive. I am just talking about possibly doing something along the lines of a research mentor-ship with a physicist from a local university or something. Am i already asking too...
  5. S

    Millikan Oil Drop: Atom Size & Ions

    Hello, in the Millikan experience have the oil drops vaporized similar dimensions to one atom of oil or they are still too big? And do they need to be ionized to interact with the electric field of the plates? Thanks
  6. M

    Do waves/particles of light experience time? Awesome videos

    I'm new to studying this type of physics. I've been watching videos and reading about quantum physics and relativity. This channel has great videos about quantum physics and relativity. But can someone explain the first minute or so of this video to me? (apparantley I can't post links to this...
  7. H

    Biostat sans biology experience?

    I am wondering if it is possible for a pure mathematician to get into the field of biostatistics. Short backstory: I graduated from college 5 years ago, worked 1.5 years for the DoD as a computer programmer and 3.5 years (and counting) as a health actuary. My first love has always been...
  8. C

    Any biotech workers here? How did you get experience before your 1st job?

    Any biotech workers here? How did you get "experience" before your 1st job? So I'm graduating in 3 more weeks with a degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. I've been looking online for lab tech jobs (private and academic) and there seems to be a lot of jobs available; unfortunately I...
  9. 1

    Can we experience plasma by rubbing hands together?

    Here's the story, me and my boyfriend share things we learned from attending seminars. He told me that a speaker in one of the seminars he attended last month told them that by rubbing our two hands together, we could experience the presence of 'plasma' - the fourth state of matter. Here's...
  10. K

    Schools Better CompSci education or better college experience?

    I've had a lot of trouble with this for the past month. I live in Indiana, and there are essentially two schools that I am going to choose from. Either Indiana University or Purdue. Purdue is known for Engineering and Agriculture, but it apparently has a pretty good Computer Science program. It...
  11. A

    Passion for physics/mathematics but lack of Experience

    I have been looking now for almost 1 year for my specific problem I am dealing in School right now. To make things clear I am a graduate student in High school and in a month or so I will be graduating High School. My major interests is Physics specifically Radio-Astronomy. However I...
  12. B

    PCB Design / Fab / Assembly start up experience?

    Has anyone here have any experience on PCB Design / Fab / Assembly start up? May I know how did it to? What are the considerations? What are the challenges involved?
  13. I

    Anyone have experience with GP/Pari on Windows?

    Trying to "read in" a gp file into GP, which I've just installed on my Windows 7 machine. I keep getting that there's an error opening it, although I believe I have put it into the proper directory. Does anyone have experience with this? One thing that might help is if I knew how to change...
  14. Z

    Does a stationary electron in magnetic field experience Lorentz force?

    Homework Statement If an electron is stationary in a magnetic field, will it experience a Lorentz force? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The total vector force (Lorentz force - F) is F = Fe + Fm = Q(E + u X B) The Lorentz force can also be written in terms of...
  15. N

    Gain Extra Experience - Take Quick Survey Now!

    Hey! I am working on a project to give people the chance for more experience but to go ahead I need some facts and figures. Would be great if you could do a quick survey. Honestly only takes a min and would be much appreciated. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FKTGLZQ Cheers
  16. Monique

    Experience dealing with night terrors

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  17. I

    Advises before a first experience of research in theoretical physics

    Hi, I'll be starting next week a 6 months internship, and I'll be working on quantum cosmology, roughly. I have been studying physics for 5 years now, and mostly interested in theoretical things for 4 years (from my first lectures of electromagnetism to conformal field theory), but...
  18. R

    Ideas for work experience for Chem. Eng, E.E. or physics?

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  19. D

    Unsatisfactory Book Quality: My Experience with Amazon and Dover Orders

    Anybody had bad experience with quality of new books ordered from Dover or amazon? Defect pages, bend covers, ...books in not in perfect condition...? My worst was a hole in one page! Another was curved hardcover! All from amazon. Is this why amazon sell cheaper than from the publisher...
  20. jtbell

    Getting a Tooth Pulled - A Personal Experience

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  21. turbo

    A horrible experience with ISP tech support.

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  22. I

    Do you know the corresponding years of experience range for Intel pay

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  23. lonewolf219

    ADVICE NEEDED for first lab experience, undergrad

    Hello, I am pretty nervous about working in a lab for a professor at my university this summer... I am currently in the second semester of physics introductory courses, and this professor completed his PhD at one of the best universities in the world... Does anyone have any advice about what I...
  24. A

    What causes electric charges to experience forces?

    What cause a particle with the property of electric charge to interact with other charges? My way of thinking is that due the natural isotropy of the electric field of the electric charges any other electric field near the charge would cause it to become anisotropic, thus causing acceleration in...
  25. O

    New Graduate Experience: MSc Electronics Lab Work

    Hello. I hope everyone is well. I was just wondering about experience for a recent graduate ...I am doing an MSc in Electronics, and will be spending about 8-9 months in our device fabrication lab on a part-time and then full time basis (full time over the summer). Could this be put...
  26. S

    Jobs that don't require too much experience, and teach a lot?

    I'm not currently working in science but I have a physics degree. So far I've worked in computer tech support, biology research and (currently) teaching English in a foreign country. I'm looking to eventually go back to school and pursue a science career but since most of the deadlines are past...
  27. M

    Postdoc positions in the states - general experience

    Hi, I was wondering if people could share with me their experiences of the workload associated with postdoc positions in the states. I am thinking of applying for some positions but i am put off by what i have previously heard - that as a postdoc you can end up doing the majority of the work...
  28. T

    How to indicate programming experience on a CV

    (I'm putting this here as opposed to the Career forum because it's for REU applications) I have some experience in C++, MATLAB and R, but I'm not sure how to indicate on the CV how much experience. I'm not an expert in any of them, but I don't know that "beginner" is right either. Years...
  29. T

    Engineering Career Query-Mechanical Engineer with 3.5+ years of experience

    Hi I had done my Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering and had been working at a construction company through campus placement since last 3.5+ years. During this period, I had been trying hard to switch from construction industry but couldn't make it. I wanted to switch over to Design-CAD/CAM...
  30. S

    The Experience Of Mathematical Confusion

    People have written about mathematical creativity and the joy and beauty of mathematics. What about the sleazy underside of mathematics? Has anyone written essays about Mathematical Confusion? As I recall my teenage studies of mathematics, the most common experience was "getting stuck". I...
  31. StevieTNZ

    Exploring Lisa Randall's Book - A Mind-Bending Experience!

    Well - Lisa Randall's book arrived two days ago and I have been reading it. I read about two minutes ago - the attempts to combine GR and QM aren't making predictions about the world we see, but a scale BELOW quantum! And I'm like 'I should have picked that up when they keep using Planck...
  32. J

    Anyone with ATA memory I/F design experience?

    I am trying to find someone who has some experience designing interfaces with a component built off the PATA standard. Preferably in a non disk drive/cabling interface, but more of a FPGA based interface control for the memory on same PCB -- granted any ATA interface experience could help...
  33. S

    Calculating Stress in Joules: My Experience

    I have tried it and the units end up being Nm^-2 (the unit of stress) however the unit for joules is Nm.
  34. E

    Masters vs Experience: Electrical Engineering Undergraduate

    I am an Undergraduate Electrical Engineering student. I want to know what is the difference between having work experience (like five years), then do masters and going straight to masters after an undergraduate degree? Which one is more advisable and why? Hope to read your valuable inputs...
  35. N

    Why Can We Experience An Electric Shock From Neutral

    I have always been under the impression that the "Live" conductor was the most dangerous conductor. The Live carries 120V (US) 240V (UK) and the Neutral carries 0V, but yet it is still possible to get an electric shock from a Neutral :confused: Why is this possible? Is it because it is...
  36. Darth Frodo

    Schools High school senior looking to get some minor summer research experience.

    Hi all. I'm a high school senior. After a lot of reading through this forum I have noticed that a lot of people do undergrad research. This is a completely new idea for me. I was always under the impression that research starts at grad school at the earliest. I've even noticed some high school...
  37. L

    Statement of Purpose Without Research Experience?

    Hey All, I'm graduating next year with a BS in Mechanical Engineering and have begun applying to graduate programs in the same field. My problem is the Statement of Purpose (SoP). On top of everything else, you are supposed to include prior research experience. This is supposed to demonstrate...
  38. D

    Immeadiacy of sensory experience

    Hi.. In astronomy we know that when we observe a distant star that we are seeing it the way it looked a long time ago, how long is dependent on the speed of light and the distance between us and that star. It might not even be in existence anymore. Does physics apply the same logic to our...
  39. R

    Get Valuable Work Experience for Electrical Engineering Studies

    I want to study Electrical Engineering at university and want to do a bit of work experience before I would have to be making any definite choices about doing this topic. I have contacted 2 companies who have offered me work experience. The first is the company my school gave me the details...
  40. N

    Looking for a physics/biology explanation for an unusual experience

    About 25 years ago I had a very unusual experience which I've never been able to explain. I was in a restaurant with my Mum one day, she was chatting, I was listening. Suddenly I see a wave come from her head going across the room, it was a sine wave. Interesting hallucination I thought to...
  41. D

    Is Telepathy Real? My Personal Experience with Grandparents and a Tractor

    Hello physics forum I wanted to describe an experience that I view as evidence for telepathy. I'm not a troll (even though I registered just to write this). I was six years old and visiting my grandparents country house. They had a large garden of about an acre. One day my grandfather went out...
  42. B

    Do Particle Accelerators Experience Torque?

    In particular, ones that aren't linear, of course. Does the particle stream or individual particle, whatever they're firing, impart some sort of vector force on the structure of the accelerator itself via the magnetic field, and into the magnets?
  43. W

    Rough semester. Little real world experience. Need guidance.

    Yo. I've had a rough semester. Things were actually looking up in the beginning. I am a sophomore mechanical engineering major and I was taking classes and doing well. I was especially enjoying thermo and nuclear engineering. I had even gotten my first job so that I could save up for a car...
  44. J

    Physics Did past technical experience + physics degree help you get the job?

    Did past "technical experience" + "physics degree" help you get the job? Reading another posting on this forum got me to thinking, and I want to see if anyone else here was in the same situation as I am. I have 15 years experience in manufacturing and 2 technical diplomas: Machine Tool...
  45. V

    Solving Derivatives: A Puzzling Experience

    Homework Statement I was messing around online when I found this: \frac{dy}{2} = 2x. This was derived from the function y = x2. I had never really seen anything like this before. When I solved for "dy," I got 4x. However, for example, when x changes from 0 to 2, the y changes from 0 to 4...
  46. streeters

    Anyone with Experience with EngD rather than PhD?

    In the UK (and probably elsewhere) Engineering Doctorates - EngD - have been on the rise for the last 10 years as an alternative to PhDs. Has anyone here done one? Know people who have? I know it's 4 years rather than 3, and there is some management and law coursework (for some of them at...
  47. F

    How to gain programming experience

    I've been trying to look around for projects to do in C++ to gain programming experience but I can't really find any. Can anyone here suggest any programming projects a non-expert in C++ can do? Or would working through this class be a good way to start...
  48. F

    Does anyone have experience or know what a Polariton is?

    Does anyone have experience or know what a "Polariton" is? I have read some material on polaritons but I am not grasping it very well. Would someone like to attempt to explain it?
  49. H

    My Dream Experience: Turning Wild in a Dream

    my dream experience... I am not making this things. I once realized I was in dream, then I turned wild. It was an amazing experience. Have you ever had this experience.
  50. H

    Do You Get Embarrassed Trying to Recall Names?

    How often do you get hard to recall the name of person(or friend) who is near you , at school, college or your workplace? It often happens to me. And it is so embarassing. Moreover it is much embarassing to ask that particular friend for his name or others to tell his or her name. Then...