Inverse Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. Math Amateur

    MHB Exploring Theorem 4.29: Compact Metric Spaces & Inverse Functions

    I am reading Tom M Apostol's book "Mathematical Analysis" (Second Edition) ... I am focused on Chapter 4: Limits and Continuity ... ... I need help in order to fully understand the example given after Theorem 4.29 ... ... Theorem 4.29 (including its proof) and the following example read as...
  2. karush

    MHB 219 AP Calculus Exam Inverse function

    Let $f(x)=(2x+1)^3$ and let g be the inverse of $f$. Given that $f(0)=1$, what is the value of $g'(1)?$$(A)\, \dfrac{2}{27} \quad (B)\, \dfrac{1}{54} \quad (C)\, \dfrac{1}{27} \quad (D)\, \dfrac{1}{6} \quad (E)\, 6$ok not sure what the best steps on this would be but assume we first find...
  3. P

    MHB Inverse Functions: Reflection of f(x) & g(x) Logic

    Can anyone explain the logic behind the answer? Taken from HiSet free practice test
  4. PainterGuy

    MATLAB Approximating the inverse FT of a unit pulse using a Riemann sum

    Hi, Although I'm using trigonometric form of Fourier transform, first I'd discuss both, exponential and trigonometric forms, for the sake of context. Now proceeding toward the main question and we would only be using trigonometric form. % file name...
  5. J

    I Why does this inverse square calculation fail to predict actual data?

    The test data and notes are attached - showing that the inverse square calculations fail to reasonably predict the actual dimming of light over a test distance of 168 mm. Did I err in my test design or my calculations?
  6. Haorong Wu

    Circuit for the inverse quantum Fourier transform

    First, the inverse quantum Fourier transform is ##\left | k \right > =\frac 1 {\sqrt {2^n}} \sum_{j=0}^{2^n-1} e^{-2 \pi ijk / 2^n} \left | j \right >##, and it is equal to ##\left | k_1 , k_2 , \dots , k_n \right > \rightarrow \frac { \left ( \left | 0 \right > + e^{-2 \pi i 0.k_n} \left...
  7. Kairos

    I Inverse results in special relativity

    The mass of an object moving at speed v increases such that $$\frac{m'}{m}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^{2}}{c^{2}}}}$$ and its apparent frequency decreases such that $$\frac{\nu'}{\nu}=\sqrt{1-\frac{v^{2}}{c^{2}}}$$ so $$\frac{\nu'}{\nu}=\frac{m}{m'}$$ but equating the energies $$ h\nu= mc^{2}$$...
  8. chwala

    Reverse substitution to find the inverse of modular arithmetic

    ##132,289≡1973* 67 + 98## ##1973≡98*20+13## ##98≡13*7+7## ##13≡7*1+6## ##7≡6*1+1## now in reverse my attempt is as follows, ##1≡7-6## ## 1≡7-(13-7)## ##1≡2*7-(1973-20*132,289+1340*1973)## ##1≡2*7-(1341*1973-20*132,289## which is correct but my interest is in finding the inverse of 1973 help?
  9. K

    I Questions about the inverse square law

    In "An Introduction to Modern Cosmology" by Andrew Liddle, page 130, paragraph A2.3 Luminosity distance, explains why the inverse square law does not hold at very far distances. One reason given is the expanding universe. (Another was the geometry of the Universe.) Could there be also...
  10. J

    B How physics equations transform under inverse of parameters

    It is obvious that there is a one-to-one relationship between real numbers (defined to include infinity) and their multiplicative inverses (assuming we map the inverse of zero to infinity and vice versa). Thus, one should be able to replace the distance between two points in space with it's...
  11. F

    B How to find inverse steradian from arcmin^-2 for density of galaxy

    Hello, I am using a code on EUCLID future mission. The original author of this code has set a value for the density of galaxy equal to : ng = 354543085.80106884 I think this is expressed in inverse steradian. I think that EUCLID mission has a 30 arcmin^-2 value for density of galaxies...
  12. malawi_glenn

    I "Inverse" probability distribution question

    Hi, I think I am stuck in my understanding of "inverse" probability distributions. This is a question I would like to have help understanding. I want to figure out the distribution of number of trials for a given fixed number of successes and given probability for success for Bernoulli trials...
  13. K

    I How to Expand the Inverse Function of a Given Function?

    If I'm given a function ##f(x)##, say it has continuos first derivative, then I expand it as ##f(x + \Delta x) = f(x) + (df / dx) \Delta x##. If instead, I'm given ##f^{-1}(x)## how do I go about expanding it? Will this be just ##f^{-1}(x + \Delta x) = f^{-1}(x) + (df^{-1} / dx) \Delta x##?
  14. RodriRego

    Inverse Kinematics of a 6 DOF Robotic Arm

    Homework Statement Hello. My colleague and I have been struggling with this assignment where we have to: - Given the position and orientation of the end-effector of a robotic arm with 6 degrees of freedom get the joint angle values (inverse kinematics). The robotic arm in question is the...
  15. Ayda

    Capacitance vs. Inverse Distance Graph's Slope

    Homework Statement I plotted a graph where Capacitance is at y-axis and Inverse Distance is at x-axis. It looks like a positive, increasing function. I am asked of a best fit, also an equation. But i am not sure whether to use quadratic or linear fit. I am also asked of what the slope...
  16. S

    I Would a Quantum Theory of Gravity dispense with the Inverse....

    Square law? i raise this question because of recently reading some QM, and realizing that for significantly short periods of time, it becomes hard to detect the mathematical patterns. E.g. in the double slit experiment, the standard pattern doesn’t appear after just a few photons. It takes...
  17. Floro Ortiz

    A Inverse Laplace of an Overwhelming Function

    Hello, guys. I'm currently working on a physics problem that requires me to evaluate the inverse Laplace of the function in the attached file. When b = 0, "y" vanishes, and all one has to do is to look up the Laplace table for the inverse. However, non-zero b has been giving me a headache. I...
  18. YoungPhysicist

    Find the inverse function of ##f(x) =x^4+2x^2##

    Homework Statement Find the inverse function of ##f(x) =x^4+2x^2, x>0## Homework Equations ##f(f^{-1}(x)) = x## The Attempt at a Solution My only progress so far is ##x^4+2x^2 = x^2(x^2+2)## Then I am stuck. Since my progress is close to nothing so I don’t expect a complete...
  19. karush

    MHB 5.2 another Ax=B with an inverse

    Suppose we are given $A^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 4 & 0 \\ 2 & 3 & 0 \\ 4 & 2 & 2 \end{bmatrix} = \left[\begin{array}{rrr|rrr} 1&4&0&1&0&0\\ 2&3&0&0&1&0\\ 4&2&2&0&0&1...
  20. A

    B How to find the inverse of this equation

    using this equation ##1-\sqrt{1-x^2/c^2}## where c = 1 and x = 0.0 - 1.0 the speed of c for example ##1-\sqrt{1-.886^2/1^2}## = y = 0.5363147619 gives me the y values. How do I find the inverse? How do find for x inputting the values of y? Thank you.
  21. F

    B Is the inverse square law exact near a spherical body?

    I'm forking this off another thread where I brought it up but it was getting OT. It is good enough for a first approximation but it is certainly not exact. Consider a test mass one radius from a spherical body. Work out the contributions form two points diametrically opposed on the surface...
  22. wrobel

    The Attractive Power of the Inverse Square Potential: Do Examples Exist?

    Do exist examples of attraction forces with such a type potential ##V(\boldsymbol r)\sim-\frac{1}{|\boldsymbol r|^2}, \quad |\boldsymbol r|\to 0## in physics ?
  23. L

    MHB Find Matrix A: Determining Inverse of Matrices

    Hi, I've a question that asks me to determine matrix A , where A= ${S}^{-1}$* B* S They have given matrices S and B in the question. I think the answer is A=B, since S * ${S}^{-1}$ would give me the identity matrix and anything multiplied by the identity matrix is itself. Is this correct?
  24. M

    I How does the inverse square law apply to a focused detector?

    I am interested in evaluating light intensity variation in a digital image. A colleague wants to apply an inverse square law correction to account for distance variation. I am trying to justify that in this case, the inverse square law does not apply. Treating each pixel as a detector, it has...
  25. A

    MHB Multiplicative Inverse Proof Problem

    I am working on a proof problem on ordered field from a textbook, which lists additive and multiplicative properties similar to the ones here: The followings are what I was able to come out -- I just wanted to make sure that they are acceptable: (a) By the multiplicative inverse property...
  26. chwala

    Finding the inverse of ##y=2^{x}##

    Homework Statement find the inverse of the function ##y=2^{x}## ok i know the steps but why is this question awarded 1 mark...Homework Equations 3. The Attempt at a Solution [/B] ## y= 2^{x}## →## ln y= xln 2## →## x= ln y/ln 2##
  27. barryj

    Purpose of the derivative of the inverse function

    Homework Statement In calculus, I learn that the derivative of the inverse function is g'(x) = 1/ f'(g(x)) Homework Equations So.. The Attempt at a Solution Can someone give me an example of where I need to know this, or is this just a math exercise. Is there a relatively simple physics...
  28. M

    Linear Algebra: Question about Inverse of Diagonal Matrices

    Homework Statement Not for homework, but just for understanding. So we know that if a matrix (M) is orthogonal, then its transpose is its inverse. Using that knowledge for a diagonalised matrix (with eigenvalues), its column vectors are all mutually orthogonal and thus you would assume that...
  29. opus

    Find the slope of the tangent line to the function's inverse

    Homework Statement For ##y=f(x)##, find the slope of the tangent line to its inverse function ##f^{-1}## at the indicated point P. ##f(x) = -x^3-x+2## , ##P(-8,2)## Homework Equations The Inverse Function Theorem: ##(f^{-1})'(x) = \frac{1}{f'(f^{-1}(x))}## The Attempt at a Solution So...
  30. R

    MHB Finding the Inverse of f(x) = x/(x+4)

    Hello, I am trying to find the inverse of f(x) = x \div (x+4) IIRC i need to replace f(x) with y and solve for x. I've tried to do y = x \div (x+4) becomes y(x+4) = x then xy + 4y = x but I can't reduce the amount of x to one. What am I doing wrong in this problem?
  31. D

    A Inverse function of the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem

    I'm currently carrying out an analysis on waveforms produced by a particular particle detector. The Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem has been very useful for making an interpolation over the original sample points obtained from the oscilloscope. The theorem (for a finite set of samples) is given...
  32. F

    Hi, I have a quick question about inverse functions.

    One of our homework problem asks: If f is a one-to-one function such that f(-3)=5 , find x given that f^-1 (5)=3x-1. Here's how I attempted to solve the problem: -3=3x-1 3x=-2 x=-2/3 Is this the correct way to solve the problem?
  33. P

    I Index notation for inverse Lorentz transform

    Hi all, just had a question about tensor/matrix notation with the inverse Lorentz transform. The topic was covered well here, but I’m still having trouble relating this with an equation in Schutz Intro to GR... So I can use the following to get an equation for the inverse...
  34. Krushnaraj Pandya

    Area under an inverse trigonometric function

    Homework Statement Find the area bounded by arcsinx, arccosx and the x axis. Hint-you don't need to integrate arcsinx and arccosx Homework Equations All pertaining to calculus The Attempt at a Solution I drew the correct graph and marked their intersection at (1/√2, pi/4) and painstakingly...
  35. Krushnaraj Pandya

    Proof of an inverse trigonometric identity

    Homework Statement Show that ##\arcsin 2x \sqrt{1-x^2} = 2 \arccos{x}## when 1/√2 < x < 1 Homework Equations All trigonometric and inverse trigonometric identities, special usage of double angle identities here The Attempt at a Solution I can get the answer by puting x=cosy, the term inside...
  36. Clay

    I How do telescopes allow us to see light sources millions of light years away?

    i have heard how our broadcasts will be seen by aliens far away or whatever. but i realize those signals are going to "attenuate" by d^-2 anyway... how come in astronomy we can see light sources millions of light years away? shouldn't those signals be far too weak to detect after such a long...
  37. Mr Davis 97

    I Showing that inverse of an isomorphism is an isomorphism

    Let ##G## and ##H## be groups, and let ##\phi : G \to H## be an isomorphism. I want to show that ##\phi^{-1} : H \to G## is also an isomorphism. First, note that ##\phi^{-1}## is clearly a bijection as ##\phi## is its inverse. Second, let ##a,b \in H##. Since ##\phi## is surjective, there exist...
  38. opus

    B Inverse Functions vs Inverse Relations

    If we have a relation, ##R##, and it's inverse, ##R^{-1}## they behave such that a point on ##R##, say (a,b), corresponds to the point (b,a) on ##R^{-1}## This is a reflections across the line y=x. This relation does not mean that ##R^{-1}## is a function. For example, Let ##R## be...
  39. evinda

    MHB Calculating the Inverse Laplace Transform for a Given Function

    Hello! (Wave) I want to find $f(t)$ if its Laplace transform is $F(s)=\frac{1}{s(s^2+1)}$. We use the following formula, right? $$f(t)=\frac{1}{2 \pi i} \lim_{T \to +\infty} \int_{a-iT}^{a+iT} e^{st} F(s) ds$$ But how can we calculate the integral $\int_{a-iT}^{a+iT} e^{st}...
  40. M

    A Which Boundary Conditions Affect the Green's Function Construction?

    Hi PF! I'm reading an article and there is a differential equation cast as an operator equation: $$f_n-d_x^2 f_n = \lambda f$$ where ##f_n = \partial_n f##, which is derivative of ##f## normal to a given parameterized curve. The author casts the ODE as $$B[f_n] = \lambda A[f_n]:\\ B[f_n] \equiv...
  41. opus

    Inverse Trig Functions and Reciprocals

    Homework Statement Evaluate and express your answer in radians: $$cot^{-1}\left(1\right)$$ Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I start by identifying that the domain of Arccotangent is all real numbers. So 1 is in the domain. From here, I looked at the unit circle and saw that...
  42. facenian

    I Is ##J(f)## Non-Zero in ##U## for a Bijective ##C^m## Function?

    Let ##f:U\subset R^n\rightarrow V\subset R^n## be a biyective function of class ##C^m(m\geq 1)##, ##U## and ##V## are open sets in ##R^n##. I know from the inverse funtion theorem that when ##J(f)\neq 0## in a point of the the domain a local inverse exists, however, given the above conditions...
  43. M

    A Inverse ODE, Green's Functions, and series solution

    Hi PF! One way to solve a simple eigenvalue problem like $$y''(x)+\lambda y(x) = 0,\\ y(0)=y(1)=0$$ (I realize the solution's amplitude can be however large, but my point here is not to focus on that) is to solve the inverse problem. If we say ##A[u(x)] \equiv d^2_x u(x)## and ##B[u(x)] \equiv...
  44. isukatphysics69

    How to know if there is an inverse or direct relation

    Homework Statement Homework Equations log(y) = mlog(x)+log(k) y=kxm The Attempt at a Solution Determine the exponent m and coefficient k of the power law that best fits your data. Is the acceleration directly or inversely proportional? Taking some points on the graph to get the slope (0.78 -...
  45. J

    Are these two inverse Laplace transform solutions equivalent?

    Homework Statement Y=(8s-4)/(s²-4) Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I rearranged the right side as: 8*(s/(s²-2²))-2*(2/(s²-2²)) Using the Laplace transform chart given in the class I was able to identify these as the transforms of hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine making the...
  46. A

    Finding the Inverse Function of tanh(x) in the Interval (-1,1)

    Homework Statement ##f:= tanh = \frac{e^x-e^{-x}}{e^x+e^{-x}}## Prove that ##f^{-1}(x)= \sum\limits_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{x^{2k+1}}{2k+1}## for all x in (-1,1) The Attempt at a Solution I also found the inverse function to be: ##f^{-1}(x)= \frac{1}{2}ln(\frac{1+x}{1-x})## I tried working...
  47. L

    Rotating Vectors: Clockwise and Anti-clockwise

    Homework Statement I'm not asking how to do this question This is a work done by one of my students And the highlighted part it seems to be the correct answer that the teacher gave. I cannot make any sense out of these two questions Perhaps one of you might shed some light on to...
  48. Luck0

    I Inverse of the sum of two matrices

    Suppose I have a matrix M = A + εB, where ε << 1. If A is invertible, under some assumptions I can write e Neumann series M-1 = (I - εA-1B)A-1 But if A is not invertible, how can I expand M-1 in powers of ε? Thanks in advance
  49. hilbert2

    A Is the Inverse Momentum Operator an Essential Tool in Quantum Mechanics?

    In QM, the inverse distance operator ##\hat{r}^{-1}## appears often because of the association to Coulomb potential. The operator of inverse momentum, ##\frac{1}{\hat{p}}## is a lot more rare. In the book "Exploring Quantum Mechanics: A Collection of 700+ Solved Problems for Students, Lecturers...