Paper Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. V

    Max Born's 1926 Paper: Probability Amplitude Interpretation and Controversy

    Has anyone read Max Born paper in 1926 where he proposed about the probability amplitude interpretation of the wave function? The original paper is in german. Did he mention that that "Psi is the probability amplitude for an electron in the state n to scatter into the direction m, it is, in a...
  2. M

    How Much Does It Cost to Sell Authorship of a Scientific Paper?

    I'm about to sell a scientific paper (give authorship to another person), publishable to a moderately high impact factor journal. What would be the price range? :-)
  3. bcrowell

    Interpretation of Einstein's E=mc2 paper

    In "Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy content?," , Einstein says: My interpretation of this is that these energies contain both potential and kinetic terms. A potential energy U is only defined up to an additive constant. If, for...
  4. L

    Uncovering Feynman Rules from Paper

    Consider question 1 in this paper: How do we "read off" the Feynman rules? I can see that the interaction terms give contributions \lambda_3 , \lambda_4 , \lambda_6 to the relevant 3,4 and 6 point vertices respectively...
  5. M

    Susskind and Bousso's incomprehensible new paper

    Bousso and Susskind have a" . I have two reasons for creating a thread about a paper which one might otherwise prefer to ignore, as it contains no new quantitative results or ideas for how to obtain them. The first reason is that the paper is bound to get...
  6. cepheid

    News Article + Paper on Dark Energy

    Does anyone know what paper this news article is referring to? I'm thinking it must be this one, but what the paper is saying and the way the article is...
  7. harrylin

    Boole vs. Bell - the latest paper of De Raedt et al

    Two years ago an intriguing paper of De Raedt's team concerning Bell's Theorem appeared in Europhysics Letters ( Now (officially next month), an elaboration on those ideas has been published: Hans De Raedt et al: "Extended...
  8. O

    Need VERY recent paper in observational astronomy for journal club presentation

    Hi, I need to find an important, very recent paper in observational astronomy for a journal club presentation. It would help if it is short and easy to read :) . Could someone please suggest one to me? Thanks.
  9. E

    Paper buckling and 2nd Order NL ODE

    Hi all, I was looking at the buckling problem of a piece of paper with both ends clamped. When the two ends come closes they form a bulb-like shape and I was interested in deriving the shape numerically by solving NL ODE, which comes from energy methods (neglecting gravity). The ODE I got...
  10. F

    How Can I Improve Readability of White Paper Under Desk Lamp?

    Homework Statement Okay, I am using my desk lamp right now to see better when I read, but it's making it more difficult to read because my texts are white sheeted based and it's reflection is making it impossible to read The Attempt at a Solution I don't have color filters, so I need...
  11. J

    Have You Skimmed Gerard 't Hooft's Complex Paper on Elementary Particle Models?

    Yesterday i was reading this new paper by Gerard 't Hooft. Its a complex paper, does anyone of you skimmed the paper yet ?. It certainly gives me fruit fot thoughts A class of elementary particle models without any adjustable real parameters Authors: Gerard 't...
  12. B

    Advice regarding first research paper

    Hello everyone! I am planning on writing a paper about the angle of repose of different granular materials (i.e.the cone that sand makes in an hourglass). My research will involve both experimental and theoretical work; I am going to collect data regarding the shape that different materials...
  13. R

    Fractal geometry in crumpled paper

    I've made an experiment similar to the one found here: The result was: the mass of crumpled paper balls is proportional to D^n, being D their mean external diameter, and n ≈ 2,5. As n is not an integer, the...
  14. L

    Einstein's June 30 1905 paper - help please with the maths

    I have read the Einstein June 30, 1905 paper "On the Electrodynamics of moving bodies" but I can't see how he did the following (the text I've quoted below is on page 6 in my .pdf version): " 1/2 [ T(0,0,0,t) + T(0,0,0,t + x'/(c-v) + x'(c+v)] = T[x',0,0,t + x'/(c-v)] Hence, if...
  15. marcus

    Our picks for first quarter 2011 MIP (most important QG paper)

    Multiple choices are possible in the poll, so please select several papers if you wish. Of these twenty candidates, choose the paper or papers which you think will contribute most significantly to future quantum gravity research. Abstract summaries follow in the next post. Diffeomorphisms in...
  16. M

    (BSME only) Scientific Paper Question

    I only have a BSME with a very small amount of work experience (I graduated recently). I'm hoping that there is a decent scientific journal out there that would seriously look at my paper regardless of my credentials (or lack thereof), review it, and if they find it correct publish it. Also, I...
  17. W

    Help My Science vs. Religion paper

    Hi, I initiated a discussion that got over heated before this simple question was answred so perhaps someone would like to comment on it. This began as a simple question regarding evolution and for me has become the focal point of a series of papers for a writing class. The discussion was...
  18. S

    Admissions Is Fear of Rejection Holding You Back from Pursuing Your Ph.D?

    Hi, My situation is just like someone who is running on a treadmill. He is running without getting anywhere! A couple of years ago I got my masters in physics (condensed matter) working on Density Functional Theory and simulation. My masters thesis ended with two papers which I submited one of...
  19. marcus

    Probability of Inflation in Loop Quantum Cosmology (new Ashtekar Sloan paper) Probability of Inflation in Loop Quantum Cosmology Abhay Ashtekar, David Sloan 34 pages, 3 figures (Submitted on 12 Mar 2011) "Inflationary models of the early universe provide a natural mechanism for the formation of large scale structure. This success brings...
  20. M

    Why is aluminum foil attracted to a charged balloon just like paper?

    Homework Statement I have a basic understanding of electrostatics. I know that when I rub a balloon with wool, both the wool and the balloon will become charged. I know that if I bring my charged balloon near neutral paper, the paper will be attracted because of charge polarization. I thought...
  21. R

    Searching for Technical Paper Topic? Get Ideas Here!

    Need a Topic! I’m in the 3rd year of Electrical & Electronics Engg. and well it’s high time I started work on a Technical paper. Primarily I’m interested in Power Electronics and love doing work on Electric Circuit Theory. Also love working in anything related to Mechanics. Microcontrollers...
  22. P

    Imperial Comprehensive Paper 1 Q8 2004 - Last Part

    I've attached the paper in Q, please see Q 8. Not sure what to do. Also confused about the fact it says 'calculate', when it depends on p and delta, so I don't see why I should get a numerical value. I don't know how to get an expression for N here, apart from a really messy and horrible...
  23. marcus

    Bianchi Haggard volume spectrum paper puts UC Berkeley on Lqg map

    I was glad to see this paper for several reasons. The volume operator in Loop Gravity is the locus of some interesting unresolved questions. The kind that requires and attracts creative mathematicians IMHO. This first paper from Gene Bianchi and Hal Haggard is just a 4-page letter I guess for...
  24. H

    MOND paper says Bullet Cluster poses problems for Lambda-CDM

    I was reading a recent paper on on a novel simulation of MOND, and surprisingly they addressed the Bullet Cluster, which I guess is one of the more serious problems for MOND. What was even more surprising was that they said this posed a problem for Lamda-CDM models as well. Here is the...
  25. Y

    Micro-transactions [Research Paper Help]

    Guys, I need your help. I am now doing a research paper for my English class. It is about Micro-transactions. I am trying to prove that Micro-transaction will help solve or lessen piracy. I need your opinions about micro-transaction. What are the benefits you get from it? What is/are...
  26. A

    Translated Russian papers (i.e. paper of Gor'kov)

    Hi, I have tried to find following paper which is a Russian paper (translated to English), please let me know where I can find it. L.P. Gor'kov, J. Expt. Theor. Phys. (U.S.S.R) 34, 735 (1958) Sov. Phys. JETP 7, 505 (1958) I have the same problem with other translated Russian publication...
  27. G

    Research Paper On Plane Extraction From 3D Laser Data?

    I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this, if not please point me in the direction I should go. I'm doing robotics research with a professor who told me to study a few different things. One was to find some papers on plane extraction from 3d laser data. Can anyone give me the name...
  28. S

    Making New Paper Process and Making Recycled Paper Process

    What is the main different within them process ? Any good web or source can gain more knowledge about them?
  29. Z

    Heisenberg's 1927 paper on uncertainty

    Does anyone know if there is an online english translation of Heisenberg's paper on uncertainty "über den anschaulichen Inhalt der quantentheoretischen Kinematik und Mechanik" Z. für Phys. 43, 1927. I haven't been able to find it so far, all I can find is one's in German...
  30. C

    When should i (on paper) pump a network with a source to determine values?

    i understand that there are times when one should (on paper) pump a network of resistors, capacitors, and inductors with a 1 amp ac current source or a 1 volt ac voltage source in order to determine certain values within the system however, i am having trouble determining when i need to use...
  31. D

    Calculating Force of Drag on Paper Helicopters

    hello! i'm doing a physics lab paper helicopters and changing the length of their wings. i was wondering if i could find the coefficient of drag for each helicopter. i have the mass of the helicopter, the time it takes to fall a certain distance and I'm assuming that the cross sectional area...
  32. C

    Question about a scientific paper - Fluid Mechanics - Perturbation Theory

    My question pertains to the following article: I have attached the relevant section to this post. My question is whether Godin's assertion is correct or not - namely the sentence "Such a development ... additional terms" and the last sentence in the attachment...
  33. marcus

    Hot QG+M paper by John Barrett

    This paper shows an interesting new approach to a theory of geometry + matter. Impressive preliminary results: Induced standard model and unification ==quote Barrett's introduction== This article concerns the problem of constructing a quantum theory of...
  34. H

    Egg drop with two straws and 3 sheets of paper

    OK well as the title says I have to do an egg drop using only a foot of tape, 3 sheets of computer paper, and 2 straws (they have the bendable end). So is there any suggestion of what will work best? The egg will be dropped from 10cm to begin with, and then the drop height will increase until it...
  35. marcus

    Gravity as a diffeomorphism invariant gauge theory (new Krasnov paper)

    I'm hoping there will be some comment on this new paper of Kirill Krasnov Gravity as a diffeomorphism invariant gauge theory Kirill Krasnov 24 pages (Submitted on 25 Jan 2011) "A general diffeomorphism invariant SU(2) gauge theory is a gravity theory with two...
  36. D

    Derive position on paper using sound waves?

    After watching the video below, I came up with the idea of using a piece of paper as a keyboard much like Mistry did for a mouse. I am only in high school, but I'm sure you can measure position via sine waves which relates to the sin trig function (the reason I posted here; if wrong thread, mods...
  37. M

    Electromagnetic paper Recycling system( photo-chromic or thermo-chromic inks?)

    Hi Everybody :) Recently I have been thinking on the concept of reusing paper instead of recycling it by using a special kind of photo-chromic ink, as chemistry is not my profession ia m writing here just to have your opinions about viability of this concept: what is the concept about...
  38. Simfish

    Can paper be carbon-neutral or even better?

    They can only be carbon-neutral or better if sustainably harvested, of course. And only if the lumbar companies plant trees after they fall them. But if these assumptions hold (which I believe they do in many regions of the U.S.), then cutting down trees helps sequester carbon. Trees grow...
  39. M

    Understanding Op Amp Inverting Amplifiers: A Comprehensive Guide

    Inverting amplifer question Can do part a) ! Vout/ Vin = -R2 / R1 and found part d) in a book, that closed loop gain is less but more linear and am able to draw the graph. Any help with b) c) e) f) would be great, particulary...
  40. C

    Reading a Paper From Springerlink

    Hi, I'm writing an assignment for school and there is a paper on springerlink which looks like it could be of help to me, the site wants me to pay $45 for the single article but I think that for subscribers it is free. So I was wondering if anyone who is already a subscriber is willing to...
  41. C

    Scientific paper by R.Tobin on steroid use

    Im doing a review of a scientific paper about steroid use in baseball and its effects, but am struggling to understand a section. (paper is "On the potential of a chemical Bonds: Possible effects of steroids on home run production in baseball") "It is therefore reasonable to assume that a...
  42. D H

    Physics paper guessing game: Are you worse than a monkey?

    The concept of the game: You are presented with the titles of two papers. One paper is a real one posted at the arXiv. The other is fake, with the title automatically generated using a context-free grammar. Your job: Guess which is the real paper. After guessing you will be presented with...
  43. marcus

    Our picks for fourth quarter 2010 MIP (most important QG paper)

    Of these fifteen candidates, please select the paper or papers which you think will contribute most significantly to future quantum gravity research. Multiple choice is possible in the poll, so please choose several if you wish. The papers' abstract summaries follow in the next post. Big Bounce...
  44. A

    Can anyone please tell me a book or any paper where I can find this

    Hello everyone. I have been looking for a book or any article where I can get a good description about classical theory of energy transfer from electromagnetic field to a particle. I am particularly interested in how much work is done by the field when it interacts with the partciel (for...
  45. marcus

    Penrose Gurzadyan fire back: new paper today

    Penrose and Gurzadyan are not giving up without a fight. They posted a second paper today, answering their critics: More on the low variance circles in CMB sky V.G.Gurzadyan, R.Penrose 2 pages (Submitted on 7 Dec 2010) "Two groups [3,4] have confirmed the...
  46. S

    How can I efficiently do pencil and paper calculations electronically?

    Hi I want, once and for all, to abolish pencil and paper in my studies. At least in what concern mathematics. I mean, I want to do my "pencil and paper calculations" electronically. Note that I'm not talking about using any computer algebra system. The problem is that I haven't found...
  47. X

    How to Structure a Technical Paper on Quantum Mechanics for Graduate Students?

    Homework Statement I have an extra credit assignment. I can write on any topic involving quantum mechanics (graduate level class). I needs to be a technical paper. I have tried to obtain more details about format from the professor but she does not help much. I have never written a physics...
  48. J

    Is Fotini Markopoulou Redefining Planckian Physics in Her Latest Paper?

    Thank you Marcus for spotting this paper. Fotini Markopoulou takes a non reductionist view of Planckian physics in this latest writing, where more fundamental physics doesn't have to be more or less simpler than the physics emerging from it. This line of thinking remind me P.W. Anderson's...