Paper Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. nukeman

    Exploring the Legacy of Chernobyl: 25 Years Later

    I am writing a article in my university newspaper, and I am just gathering as much info as I can about chernobyl, now and then. ***EDIT*** OK, got some good info, so I am changing my post here. Im trying to come up with a really good intro, but I don't like what i came up and want something...
  2. J

    Do the answers and diagram in these exam questions contradict each other?

    Do these two answers contradict each other: Q1) Four students are discussing a circuit. The circuit is in series and contains a lamp, an ammeter and a 10V battery. Andy: the current in the lamp consists of negative charges moving from the negative batter terminal towards the positive...
  3. O

    How to make wigner-seitz cell(BCC, FCC)-using paper

    I am sorry I don't speak English well. I have to make wigner-seitz cell-BCC, FCC- by using paper likewise regular solids origami(?). So I need development figure(planer figure). (ex : ) If you have it, please send me. Please forgive me my English skills TT
  4. G

    A2 thermal physics past paper help

    Im don't even know where to start, theses questions, it doesn't seem to link to anything I've learned or any equations. So here we go. 1a) show that about 78,000 J are required to move 28 grams of notrogen molecules (one mole) from the surface of the moon to a point far away from the surface...
  5. I

    Exploring Topics in Astrophysics: Finding Arguments for and Against

    Hey guys, sorry if I put this in the wrong section. Basically here's the thing, I have to do a research paper for my English class, and it is to be science related. That's all fine and dandy, but the thing is, the prof. said that the topic should have two sides to it, basically an argument to...
  6. marcus

    Galaxy at redshift z=8.6 (the actual paper) This is the actual paper that was published yesterday in Nature magazine. Good show ESO! Galaxy is now 3.1 billion years old. The baby picture that European Southern took of it is when the universe had been expanding for only 600 million years.
  7. P

    Is Eternal Life Possible? Seeking Research Paper Help from Experts

    Hello All, I'm an undergraduate student writing a research paper. The Research question: In scientific principal, is eternal life possible? I'm having trouble finding any relevant sources. I've been e-mailing expert physicists and cosmologists suggesting that dark energy coupled with the...
  8. marcus

    Octonians (new paper by Louis Kauffman and Jon Hackett) Octonions Jonathan Hackett, Louis Kauffman 11 pages, 11 figures (Submitted on 14 Oct 2010) "In this paper we review the topological model for the quaternions based upon the Dirac string trick. We then extend this model, to create a model for the octonions -...
  9. marcus

    Refreshing paper by Rovelli (nods to filmmaker Khrzhanovsky)

    Repeatedly Rovelli posts papers that are not boring. This one shows a lot of progress towards the GR limit and also a Feynman-style presentation with what I think is wide appeal But first, there is this Russian filmmaker Ilya Khrzhanovsky who is...
  10. S

    Can someone edit my g-force paper

    Can someone edit my paper on g-force. I just need you to look for proper terminology usage and if anything needs clearing up. Also if you have any suggestions it'll be greatly appreciated
  11. R

    A piece of paper partially wrapped by a globe

    Hi all, In the paper "Broadband Ground-Plane Cloak" (, the author gave us a novel scheme to design non-Euclidean cloak. And the electromagnetic space is shown as bellow. In the figure, the non-Euclidean space (the surface of a...
  12. Y

    Anyone can help me to download this journal paper? ><

    Anyone can help me to download this journal paper? URGENT ><~~ Dear friend, I am looking for this journal paper. Unfortunately my institution does not subscribe this. Can anyone here please kindly help me to get this? I really appreciate to get your help, this journal is really important for me...
  13. marcus

    Our picks for third quarter 2010 MIP (most important QG paper)

    Of these twelve candidates, please select the paper or papers which you think will contribute most significantly to future quantum gravity research. Multiple choice is possible in the poll, so please choose several if you wish. Tennie Wohlfarth Consistent matter couplings for Plebanski gravity...
  14. S

    Help With Paper, Interview an EE

    Hey everyone, I have a paper due for a class and I was wondering if anyone here who is a practicing or who has practiced as an electrical engineer or something related could answer a few questions for me. Also, I will just need to put your name and work history down on my paper. Thanks...
  15. S

    Paper Bridge Project: Design for Holding 20+ lbs with 1 Sheet of Paper

    Paper bridge project ! hi i have a paper bridge project coming up and need some help making a design that will hold the most. the rules are the bridge has to made with one sheet of lined paper and no adhesives are aloud including tape and glue. the bridge needs to span 12 cms and hold as much...
  16. marcus

    Identifying the Inflaton (new paper Easson et al)

    An interesting paper just appeared on arxiv today. Identifying the Inflaton Damien A. Easson, Brian A. Powell 5 pages, 2 figures (Submitted on 20 Sep 2010) "We explore the ability of experimental physics to uncover the underlying structure of the...
  17. maverick280857

    Proving Schwinger's Identity: A Challenge for Mathematicians

    Hi, I'm working my way through Schwinger's paper (" ) and I came across the following identity -(\gamma\pi)^2 = \pi_{\mu}^2 - \frac{1}{2}e\sigma_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu} where \pi_{\mu} = p_{\mu} - eA_{\mu}...
  18. J

    Gerard 't Hooft's Probing Canonical Quantum Gravity

    This paper by 't Hooft looks interesting, I would like to hear some thoughts and comments !. Probing the small distance structure of canonical quantum gravity using the conformal group Authors: Gerard 't Hooft (Submitted on 3 Sep 2010) Abstract: In canonical...
  19. S

    Modeling unfolding paper cylinder under given external moment

    Homework Statement Consider a cylinder (roll) of paper rotating about it's axis. Paper density - \rho, cylinder length - L and cylinder initial radius - R_0. External torque - \tau(t) is applied in the direction of cylinder axis. Given initial angular velocity - \omega_0 find the evolution of...
  20. D

    How on earth can a piece of paper stand vertically on a single corner?

    How on Earth can a piece of paper stand vertically on a single corner!? Last week when I woke up, I saw something very interesting in my apartment. A piece of paper, torn from a newspaper previously, was standing still in an equilibrium on the floor, on a single corner. I was surprised and...
  21. bcrowell

    Best review paper on the observational status of black holes?

    Suppose I have to pick one review paper on the observational status of astrophysical black holes. It should: -be as up to date as possible -be available for free online (preferably on arxiv) -cover both supermassive and solar-mass black holes Does anyone have any suggestions? This one...
  22. J

    Imagine there is a piece of paper negative mass

    Imagine there is a piece of paper negative mass simply pushes up while mass pushes down doesn't that mean that a black hole would be created by mass and negative be same a rip in the paper or in other words space ps I am not very advanced in physics so don't flame me and try to keep your...
  23. H

    How Will Discoveries at CERN Influence Religious Perspectives on Cosmology?

    This is a homework assignment, thus the category, although it may not look like many of the other posts in this part of the forum. My assignment is to write a paper about Cern. I'd like to answer the following questions: Main question: How will Cern alter our understanding of the universe and...
  24. M

    Why Doesn't Paper Catch Fire When Dipped in Ethanol?

    Hi When you burn paper dipped in ethanol why doesn't the paper catch fire? I would have thought that the energy released from the ethanol combustion would raise the temperature of the paper to its ignition point? thanks
  25. Spinnor

    Points on opposite sides a paper Mobius strip.

    Say I pierce a paper Mobius strip with a pin and call the point on the side the pin entered the paper the point A and call the point where the pin comes through the paper the point B. In an idealized Mobius strip are these points different? Can they be the same? I would like a closed surface...
  26. E

    Explaining symbols in a scientific paper

    Dear all, Here are some questions about explaining symbols in a journal paper. a) Do you explain every symbol in the equations? For instance, when you write down Maxwell's equations in a journal paper, do you, after the equations say "where \vec{E} denotes the electric field, \vec{H}...
  27. M

    Why Can't Wet Paper Ignite?

    Hi I was wondering why wet paper doesn't burn and I believe its something to do with the ignition point [The minimum temperature at which a substance will continue to burn without additional application of external heat. Also called kindling point.] Is it simply because when paper is...
  28. bcrowell

    White Holes & Eternal Black Holes: Stephen D.H. Hsu

    White holes and eternal black holes Stephen D.H. Hsu I though this was very interesting, and partially cleared up some of the confusion I'd had about this topic in the past. The introductory section is very nontechnical and accessible. One thing that wasn't...
  29. nicksauce

    New Barrow paper - A New Solution of The Cosmological Constant Problems

    New Barrow paper - "A New Solution of The Cosmological Constant Problems" Anyone care to comment? I haven't taken too careful of a look yet, because it is late, but I'll try to write a response to it tomorrow.
  30. marcus

    Black holes in AsymSafe gravity (new Easson paper) Black holes in an asymptotically safe gravity theory with higher derivatives Yi-Fu Cai, Damien A. Easson 22 pages, 3 figures (Submitted on 8 Jul 2010) "We present a class of spherically symmetric vacuum solutions to an asymptotically safe theory of gravity...
  31. B

    Looking for interesting reactions with paper

    A friend asked me for an interesting way to destroy a boxful of flashcards for a video scholarship. Being almost the 4th of July, I mentioned making some kind of fireworks out of them, but I want to give him something a little more... safe and legal. I tried looking on Google for chemical...
  32. marcus

    Our picks for second quarter 2010 MIP (most important QG paper)

    Of these fifteen candidates, please indicate the paper or papers which you think will contribute most significantly to future quantum gravity research. Multiple choice is possible in the poll, so please select several if you wish. Chamseddine Connes Noncommutative Geometry as a Framework for...
  33. B

    Referring to professors in a paper

    This is sort of off-topic, but I couldn't find a better forum to ask in. I'm writing a paper for my internship, and I need to refer to one of my professors for purposes of background information. I want to do this in a professional manner. Should I say Professor Xxxx Xxxxxxx, Ph.D.? Should...
  34. A

    Need information how with simple technology make sticky fly paper

    Maybe little-bit strange and too specific post. I am trying to find information about this in several forums. Situation: I want to start small manufacturing business. Selfemployment and maybe one or two workers if needed. I want to produce sticky fly paper (in roll, not just board)...
  35. marcus

    Explicit embedding of gravity+Standard Model in E8 (new Lisi paper) An Explicit Embedding of Gravity and the Standard Model in E8 A. Garrett Lisi 14 pages. For peer review and publication in the "Proceedings of the Conference on Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics." (Submitted on 25 Jun 2010) "The algebraic elements of...
  36. marcus

    Jfy4 comment sparked by Torsten and Helge's new paper

    A new paper by Helge Rose and Torsten A-M was recently added to the bibliography and sparked comment. This thread is in case there is any further related comment or discussion. The authors had an interesting conjecture, right at the very end of the paper, on page 15: ==sample excerpt== "At...
  37. T

    Can a Vanishing Ricci Tensor Prove Flat Space in Dimensions Higher than Three?

    Question on wording for paper (re-explained in a second post) In a paper (undergrad thesis type paper) on GR, I have the statement: A vanishing Ricci Tensor, i.e., R_{\mu \nu}=0 is not enough to explicitly define a flat space-time. In the case where the manifold being investigated has...
  38. A

    How Does Upwards Drag Force Create Horizontal Torque in a Paper Helicopter?

    I'm working on a Paper Helicopter Experiment in school where I'm looking at the deflection angle of the rotors versus the rotational velocity of the copter. I'm having difficulty forming a relationship between the deflection angle and the torque that the helicopter experiences But how exactly...
  39. marcus

    Asymptotic safety and black holes (new Mattingly paper)

    Dave Mattingly has been a frequent collaborator with Ted Jacobson (his thesis advisor). You know of Jacobson if, for example, you followed the recent discussion of "gravity as entropic force" by Erik Verlinde and others. In 1995 Jacobson derived the Einstein field equation from thermodynamics...
  40. marcus

    First followup of April1780 (new LQG) paper

    First followups of April1780 (new LQG) paper A new formulation of LQG was given in the arxiv paper 1004.1780 which is easier for me to remember as 2010 April1780 That was quite possibly the most influential QG paper of the year so since I may want to link to it several times I'll think of it...
  41. I

    Raychaudhuri equation in Jacobson's paper (gr-qc/9504004) ?

    In Jacobson's famous paper "Thermodynamics of Spacetime: The Einstein Equation of State" (gr-qc/9504004) Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 1260–1263 (1995) , he wrote the Raychaudhuri equation as (Eq.(4) in his paper): \frac{d\theta}{d\lambda}=-\frac{1}{2}\theta^{2}-\sigma^{2}-R_{ab}k^{a}k^{b} However...
  42. K

    Where Can I Find a Paper on Dark Matter Density Percentages in the Universe?

    Hi... Wikipedia says that only five percent of the universe is matter that we know... Can anyone tell me a paper where the percentages of visible matter, dark matter and dark energy in the universe are given?
  43. E

    Recent paper: LQG fails to give correct semiclassical limit

    Sometimes I wonder if LQG is as much of a "failure" as string theory, with string theory inability to dimensionally reduce uniquely, and LQG unable to define hamiltonian constraint. Recent paper Large-spin asymptotics of Euclidean LQG flat-space...
  44. marcus

    Discussing Section 8 of Marcolli's Paper: Spin Foams with Matter

    Any comments you have on section 8 of are welcome and could be helpful. Section 8 "Spin Foams with Matter" begins on page 42 of Marcolli's latest paper. ==quote from ToC== 8. Spin foams with matter: almost-commutative geometries 42 8.1. The noncommutative...
  45. R

    Searching for A. MacColl's 1944 Paper: Help Needed

    Dear All, I am searching for the following paper: A. MACCOLL, J. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S.Wales 77, 130 (1944). In case someone have this please send me. thanks.
  46. G

    Download Yukawa's 1935 Paper - Proc. Phys. Math. Soc. Japan 17 48

    Where is Yukawa's famous paper, Yukawa H 1935 Proc. Phys. Math. Soc. Japan 17 48, available to download? I want to find it somewhere other than from" , for which my university doesn't have a subscription. Thanks
  47. B

    Exploring Plasmas: The 99% of the Universe You May Not Know About

    Im in High School in New Brunswick, Canada and I am doing an APA research paper on plasma( or at least trying to). And I've been looking around the internet and found some interesting stuff. But basically the only thing I've gotten out of my research( which has been mainly online books/papers)...
  48. P

    Where Can I Access Free Scientific Review Papers on Quench-Flow Techniques?

    I am in need of a scientific review paper which involves the use of quench-flow or stopped-flow techniques, and was written after 1995. However, the only review papers I can find require that you pay to read the article, and I just don't have the funds (being a poor college kid). Are there any...
  49. A

    Where Can I Find a Comprehensive SO(10) Review Paper?

    Hi, Does anyone know of a good SO(10) review paper with the basics of SO(10) model building and its phenomenological implications? I've looked around, but couldn't find anything except for the original Georgi, Nanopolous, Mohapatra,... papers. Any suggestions? Thanks, -Andre
  50. Ivan Seeking

    What's the Controversy Surrounding Chavez and Castro Toilet Paper?

    I fear we have a new fad afoot. [PLAIN]