Paper Definition and 1000 Threads

Paper is a thin sheet material produced by mechanically or chemically processing cellulose fibres derived from wood, rags, grasses or other vegetable sources in water, draining the water through fine mesh leaving the fibre evenly distributed on the surface, followed by pressing and drying. Although paper was originally made in single sheets by hand, almost all is now made on large machines—some making reels 10 metres wide, running at 2,000 metres per minute and up to 600,000 tonnes a year. It is a versatile material with many uses, including printing, packaging, decorating, writing, cleaning, filter paper, wallpaper, book endpaper, conservation paper, laminated worktops, toilet tissue, currency and security paper and a number of industrial and construction processes.
The papermaking process developed in east Asia, probably China, at least as early as 105 CE, by the Han court eunuch Cai Lun, although the earliest archaeological fragments of paper derive from the 2nd century BCE in China. The modern pulp and paper industry is global, with China leading its production and the United States following.

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  1. bhobba

    I Problems with Paper on QM Foundations

    I was on you-tube and saw a video from Oxford on QM foundations. I didn't agree with it, but that is not an issue - I disagree with a lot of interpretational stuff. The video mentioned a paper they thought essential reading...
  2. Safinaz

    A How to find the value of the baryon asymmetry in this paper

    I'm trying to understand from this paper What is the value of the baryon to photon ratio ##\eta=n_b/n_\gamma## as named in figure 24.1, but I can't get from the figure or the paper how ##\eta## is of order ##10^{-10}## Any...
  3. A. Neumaier

    A An interesting paper about measurement and locality in QFT

    Bostelmann, H., Fewster, C. J., & Ruep, M. H. (2021). Impossible measurements require impossible apparatus. Physical Review D, 103(2), 025017.
  4. D

    I need to write a paper in maths

    Summary:: I am in second year uni. So I know very basic maths. I need to write a paper. Any suggestions here will also be helpful. The paper doesn't have to be totally original. [Moderator's note: solicitation removed.]
  5. Haorong Wu

    Other I feel anxious when writing my first paper

    Hi, there. I am starting writing my first paper now. But I do not feel very well. First, my brain is almost empty when I start to write the introduction section. I feel I have many things to say but they disappear when I really start to type. I am afraid the structure of this section will not...
  6. D

    I need to write a paper on mathematical chemistry -- Any suggestions?

    I can choose any topic. The paper doesn't have to be original. Please suggest a simple paper to write which involves math and chemistry. I am in second year university.
  7. Lynch101

    B Question on paper: Inflationary spacetimes are not past-complete

    Firstly, it might be worth asking if anyone is familiar with the above paper entitled 'Inflationary spacetimes are not past-complete' by Arvind Borde, Alan H. Guth, Alexander Vilenkin? If you are, you might be able to help me with this question. I was doing some reading trying to get a better...
  8. M

    I Questions about Adler paper "Why Decoherence has not Solved ...."

    On page 8, I don't understand the last paragraph. It says if ##|A \rangle = U|0\rangle ## and ##|B \rangle = U|0\rangle ## then ##\langle A | B \rangle = 1##. Of course ##U |0\rangle## is a unique state (##A## and ##B## are the same by this definition). So I assumed what he meant was more...
  9. Emmanuel Pil

    A Request for a review of a paper on consciousness creating reality.

    The paper I refer to, I found on the Big Think blog titled "Is human consciousness creating reality? And here is the actual link to the paper. Unfortunately, this paper is too technical for me, hence the request for a review for such a big claim.
  10. H

    B I am looking for a paper written by Massimo Blasone

    Hi Pf I read several years ago an article written by Massimo Blasone. He wrote that quantum physics has a much logical description when it uses two fields one forward time and the other backward or something like that. I forgot in which paper . Did you read it? thanks
  11. E

    I Bell's theorem claimed to be refuted - paper published by EPL

    The Paper “On a contextual model refuting Bell’s theorem” has now been published by the journal EPL (Europhysics Letters) and is available under In this paper a contextual realistic model is presented which correctly predicts...
  12. StevieTNZ

    I Another Wigner's Friend Thought Experiment Paper The paper in question can be found at This thread is for discussion of the said paper.
  13. Physicistpropeller

    Programs Research paper reading suggestions

    Hey guys, I am currently in 11th grade. I am just used to solving Olympiad problems and proving some random theorems. I think i should start studying some reasearch papers for ny own benefit..any suggestions for where to start with? Suggest from intro to intermediate level...will be fine...
  14. patric44

    Senior student publishing a first paper

    hi guys I am a senior student major in physics and i have a little question : recently i was trying to publish a paper in a journal with an impact factor of about 0.4 and a cite score of 1 its indexed in the Scimago database, after submitting the paper i got a moderate revision as a first...
  15. AN630078

    Graphs of s, v and a for a mass with a piece of paper attached

    I understand that velocity is defined as the rate of change of position or the rate of displacement; and that acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity (it is the derivative of velocity). Morever, I believe I know that for SHM these graphs vary sinusoidally (I have attached a...
  16. B

    Need an advice to create a paper folder for winding insulation

    Hello, I usually wind induction motors. I found folding their insulation papers are so boring to me. So, I would like to make a machine that eases my job. Please see the attached file. The paper's dimension would be something like 80cm x 120cm. This machine must be able to fold the yellow areas...
  17. F

    I Penrose's Latest Paper on CCC: Evidence or Wishful Thinking?

    What do you think about Penrose's latest paper on CCC? (highlights mine) question is: Has he finally found some evidence for CCC, or is...
  18. K

    I New paper gravitomagnetism explains dark matter effects

    I'm not sure if this paper belongs in GR or astrophysics but This articleG. O. Ludwig (2021), Galactic Rotation Curve and Dark Matter According to Gravitomagnetism, European Physical Journal C 81:186, DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-08967-3 there's no need for dark matter,as GR's Gravitomagnetism...
  19. patric44

    Is it illegal to reproduce someone circuit schematic in your paper ?

    hi guys i am trying to write a paper based on someone previous paper in which he discussed a simple electric circuit on some topic , my question is : is it illegal for me to reproduce the circuit schematic using multisim or something and properly cite them in my paper ? or i need their...
  20. ohwilleke

    I New Paper Claims Primordial Black Holes Don't Explain Dark Matter

    A new pre-print makes a sensible and convincing, in my view, argument that phenomena attributed to dark matter are not exclusively or predominantly explained by primordial black holes formed at less than the mass of a star shortly after the Big Bang, by means other than stellar collapse. This...
  21. Carlos_Ishigami07

    Scientific analysis -- How many seconds does it take for the paper to burn?

    I have a problem: in the same anime I saw that Senku estimated the time to start burning the paper in sixty seconds, one minute and with a lens. The data is as follows: The lens he used has a diameter of 5 centimeters. The solar constant, assuming it is the same as 3700 years ago, is 1362 watts...
  22. snypehype46

    I Help with a paper on semiclassical strings in anti-desitter space

    Hi, I was given the task to read this paper entitled "A semi-classical limit of the gauge/string correspondence" by Polyakov. On page 7 of this paper it is mentioned that the maximal radial coordinate of the string is p0 and that the string is constrained by...
  23. codyschellinger0731

    Need to interview an engineer for an engineering paper

    1. What is your field of engineering? 2. Why did you choose to become an engineer? 3. What do you enjoy most about your work? 4. How well are you aware of homelessness in the United States, and more specifically, where you live? 5. What is your opinion on examples such as “no-sit benches”...
  24. S

    I Paper: To catch and reverse a quantum jump in flight

    This video and the paper it refers to (available also at : ) ... talks about how a quantum transition can be monitored and manipulated in real time...
  25. G

    Possible to publish a paper that contradicts Einstein's special relativity?

    Summary:: Is it possible to publish a paper contradicting Einstein's special relativity in any high-ranked Journal? Which Journal is the best, i.e. open minded, for such a paper? I plan to publish a new theory of electromagnetics in a Journal. The findings are purely through strict...
  26. john baez

    A Can the geodesic equation be derived from the EFE in a certain limit?

    On another thread, now closed, Intrastellar asked: Unfortunately it seems that thread is closed before anyone pointed out Einstein's papers on this question: A. Einstein, L. Infeld and B. Hoffman, The gravitational equations and the problem of motion, Annals of Mathematics 39 (1938), 65-100...
  27. H

    A Holographic principle (I'm looking for a paper that I read)

    I read a paper a long time ago. And i forgot who wrote it. The author said that information was not encoded on space time but on the boundaries of regions of space time. there was 3 parts on this boundaries. a space like part (for the initial conditions) . another one for the "out" state...
  28. wrobel

    Write a Paper: Is Environment "Fact" OK?

    Stupid question. Is that possible form the style and language viewpoint to write such things in the article: is the environment "Fact" ok?
  29. Evo

    Informative paper on Flu Vaccines

    If you ever wondered about the efficacy of flu vaccines, or why you should get one, or even why they differ every on.
  30. PainterGuy

    Writing a Paper in Word 2019: Questions & Answers

    Hi, I was practicing writing a paper in MS Word 2019 and need your help with few important points. I understand it's little too many queries but they are all related so I thought asking them together would be a better idea. Thanks in advance! 1: Suppose once I was done adding all the...
  31. T

    Simplified modeling of teledeltos paper

    I'm writing a physics simulation to mimic the old equipotential mapping experiment like this one. I can't find much information on how the voltage across this semi-conducting sheet relates to the E-field. Before I start heading down the path sheet resistance and the resistivity of thin-film...
  32. T

    SUVAT Question (from ENGAA 2019 Paper)

    The correct answer is 'C'. I don't understand why my working is wrong. What is the optimal way to do a question like this?
  33. Cheesycheese213

    Heating substances in paper cups?

    In class, we briefly discussed those experiments where a paper cup is filled with water and heated, and the cup does not end up burning while the water is able to boil. From what I remember of what was said, although I am not sure I understood correctly, the water has a much higher specific...
  34. ohwilleke

    I New Hubble Paper On Lensing In Galactic Clusters

    A new report based on Hubble Space Telescope observations is a big deal because it presents a new and independent apparent disparity between the lambdaCDM predictions for dark matter phenomena in galactic clusters and what is observed via gravitational lensing. The paper and its summary and...
  35. aspodkfpo

    A blob question and a voltage question from the same physics paper

    For Q13 D) E) F), the model I had built was based on elastic collision with the blobs going out of the box, but colliding with air particles and then going back into the box. Thus, momentum would be redirected and it would be higher than what the answer says and kinetic energy would also be...
  36. E

    Where Can I Find Reliable Paper Publishing Advice?

    Summary:: I would like to write a paper about a subject germane to this forum,... I would like to write a paper about a subject germane to this forum, i.e., general relativity, frame dragging, dark matter, etc. I have no connection to any academics, so I don’t know and can’t ask anyone what...
  37. Furthark

    MHB Attempting to add logic mathematics to a college paper - need your input

    Hello, I am a retired Marine that has decided to pursue an undergraduate degree in programming and am currently working on paper that discusses the future of Mobile Computing. In this paper I am introducing a hypothetical process that assists in forecasting the future of mobile computing. To do...
  38. wrobel

    A Where Can I Submit a 15-Page Article on Educational Largangian Mechanics?

    In what journal can I submit an educational type article with some not completely standard approach to Largangian mechanics about 15 pages long? Sorry if this place is wrong for this thread
  39. K

    I New paper by physicists Ken Wharton and Nathan Argaman on Retrocausality

    I found this a very interesting article: Retrocausality may sound like science fiction, but it might be the best way to explain certain features of the quantum world, as detailed in a major new paper by physicists Ken Wharton and Nathan Argaman. Published in Reviews of Modern Physics, Wharton...
  40. jedishrfu

    B Bartlett's Calculus Paper: Confusing Calculus Notation & Differentials

    Bartlett’s Calculus Paper Reviewed in Mathematics Magazine
  41. pinball1970

    This paper suggests that the Earth's formation was earlier than first thought

    Here is the paper. I have ran it by one of the guys first In terms of abiogenesis does this have any impact? Water also.
  42. John10086

    Should I stick to one IPhO paper till I can solve it 100%?

    Summary:: Should I stick to one IPhO paper till I can solve it 100% or keep practing other years IPhO papers Should I stick to one IPhO paper till I can solve it 100% or keep practing other years IPhO papers in order to prepare for the upcoming olympiad in july.
  43. Q

    I Why Does Equation (5) in Bell's Paper Use < σ⋅a > = 1 - 2θ'/π?

    Hello! I am trying to understand Bell's Inequality and although I can follow the arguments of the inequality as are mentioned in modern texts, something was always bothering me. In section III (Illustration) of the original paper, equation (5) states: < σ⋅a > = 1 - 2θ'/π But for the life of...
  44. Lincon Ribeiro

    I Lorentz Arguments for Ether: Critical Analysis of 1895 Paper

    I bought the book "The principle of Relativity" by Einstein et al. and was really surprised by the (low) level of explanation by Lorentz regarding the compression of rods on the experiment carried out by Michelson & Morley. I reproduce part of it below: Well, he gave absolutely no arguments to...
  45. A

    Voltage Lab Conductive Paper Questions

    Good Day Hi all, I am doing a project with the standard lab about measuring equipotential surfaces with conductive paper, a voltmeter, and a power supply. I have a couple of questions about this project. I attach a jpeg of the equations for voltage calculations in the file “Equations.jpeg”...
  46. saadhusayn

    A Calculating the ghost field in the Becker and Becker paper

    This is the paper that I refer to. I'm trying to figure out the ghost action (Equation 2.16) in the background field gauge. I am attempting to use Srednicki's (chapter 78) expression for the ghost field in the background gauge. However, I am missing out on a √g coefficient in front of the term...
  47. kolleamm

    Is there a paint-on paper material for irregular surfaces?

    I have some plastic parts, and I'm wondering if there is some sort of a liquid paper like solution that I can paint onto a surface that would later harden and have similar properties to that of paper. This would allow me to color my parts since the surface is irregular and would save me hours of...
  48. F

    MHB Solving a Matrix Problem on IGCSE Past Paper: Part B

    I have been teaching myself matrices for my IGCSE course and I ran into a problem in a past paper which I have no clue how to solve. The problem is part b of the attached image. Thanks for your help in advance.
  49. Greg

    MHB Euler/Riemann Point of Departure in Riemann's 1859 paper containing RH

    In his 1859 paper entitled "On the Number of Primes Less than a Given Magnitude", Riemann gives as his point of departure the equation \prod\frac{1}{1-\frac{1}{p^s}}=\sum\frac{1}{n^s} where $p$ is all primes and $n$ is all natural numbers. The function of the complex variable $s$, wherever...
  50. kevinmorais

    MHB Need a Cosigner on a New Prime Sieve for a Math Paper

    I am a Savant I count using Primes and Developed this Table Here ... Because I am a Math Savant I never had to go to University so I don't have any papers, I need a Student or Professor willing to Sign off on this Methodology of spotting Primes...Here is the Table with the Formulas all you...