Reactor Definition and 371 Threads

  1. C

    I Non-aquaeous expansion medium for a reactor

    I wanted to ask whether it might be feasible and advantageous to use an expansion medium other that water to go from liquid to vapor to turn a turbine to generate electicity in a reactor. Because of water's very high specific heat and heat of vaporiaztion, would it be possible find another...
  2. S

    How Did Steam Explosions Contribute to the Chernobyl Disaster?

    Hello I must do a report on Chernobyl: before, during and after. I have all I need except for a clear and simple explanation of how steam explosions work in this regard. All the online sites I've been on provide information that is too advanced, and as a non native English speaker, the...
  3. R

    Void Coefficient: Why Is It Negative in US Reactors?

    Why is the void coefficient in enriched US reactors negative?
  4. KFM

    Help Needed: Magnetic Inertial Hybrid Fusion Reactor

    Can anyone help with this please... Would the following work? Magnetic inertial Confinement Hybrid Fusion Reactor. Peeta Watt lasers are focused on the plasma in the equatorial plane of the multi mega amp plasma pulse within its’ torous geometry between the center post and the merging...
  5. D

    Boiling fluoride thorium reactor

    Some polymeric intermetallic pentaflouride have boiling points around 200+°C. Can an LFTR be build like a low pressure BWR while maintaining comparable efficiency under lower operating temperature?
  6. BillTre

    Controversial Reactor is Rapidly Gaining Funding Support

    The Versatile Fast Neutron Source, a research fast reactor, is gaining funding support from congress. Some say it is needed to maintain expertise in the area. Others says its a boondoggle without a good justification. More detailed arguments are here in a Science mag news article.
  7. B

    Calculating US Nuclear Reactor Fuel Supply

    Homework Statement i have a little confusion with this problem the problem is asking me to calculate "how long could you fuel the 99 current reactors in the US?" Homework Equations The problem is asking for an evaluation of fuel energy value in comparison to demand edit:(i forgot to add that i...
  8. P

    I want to learn how to do burn up calculations for reactor

    Please I need a guide on how to do burn up calculations for spent fuel from the basics.I have being studying on it but I need a guide
  9. D

    Particle Entrainment in a Counter-Current Flow Reactor

    Hi there, I am currently looking to build a rotating kiln to provide the necessary heat/res. time/gases to react a solid feedstock. The problem that I can envision, however, is that the solid (which is fed as small particles) may become entrained in the counter-current gas flow inside the...
  10. G

    Can a fusion reactor experience a Chernobyl-like situation?

    With any realistic fusion reactor designs, can you imagine a Chernobyl like situation, where they can't stop a critical reaction? Or no, since no unstable isotopes, reaction can be stopped anytime, the worst thing can happen is no power?
  11. lekh2003

    Commercially Feasible Fusion Reactor

    I read an article: about a company named General Fusion who aim to use plasma balls and pressurized steam pistons to create a 150 million degrees celsius environment for fusion to occur. I also found a...
  12. dRic2

    Volumetric flow rate in a PFR reactor

    Hi pf, I have a reaction ## aA → bB ## in a PFR reactor. The simplest equation to write is: ## \frac {dF_A} {dV} = -R ## where ##F## is the Molar flow rate. ##F = C_A*Q## where ##Q## is the volumetric flow rate and ##C_A## is the molar concentration of A. My textbooks says that if ##a=b##...
  13. O

    Subcritical Reactor: An Analysis of Neutron Source Dynamics

    Hi, As some of you may recall, The equation above governs the kinetics of subcritical reactor. it says external neutron source does not influence the dynamics of the system. What I want to know if there is an external neutron source, would they cause more fission as well as contributing...
  14. Nafis Fuad

    Guidelines so that I can get started with Reactor physics?

    I have completed Calculus 1,2,3. I haven't yet completed differential equations.What other courses do I have to take to get started? I know that there are difficult topics in reactor physics like neutron transport equation.So,it would be really helpful if you can give some guidelines so that I...
  15. Delta Force

    Smallest Possible Nuclear Reactor?

    What's the smallest nuclear reactor possible in terms of size and/or weight? What kind of power output could it achieve?
  16. P

    Calculate the temperature of neutrons emerging from a reactor

    Homework Statement A collimated beam of thermal neutrons emerges from a nuclear reactor and passes through a speed selector into a detector. The number of neutrons detected in a second with speeds in the range 4000 to 4010 m s−1 is twice as large as the number per second detected with speeds in...
  17. D

    Nuclear Reactor Rod Replacement Time

    If an enemy had a secret nuclear reactor and they were retrieving the rods, or whatever it is that they retrieve to make secret nuclear bombs, how much time (how fast) would it take for them to retrieve their needed material? Would just a part of the reactor be shut down, and if so, what...
  18. D

    PFR reactor, concentration profile

    When I set the differential equation (mass transfer) to find the the concentration profile of the i-spice I also need boundary condition to solve it. Inside the pipe (along its axis of symmetry) the concentration has a maximum (first derivate has to be 0), while on the internal surface... should...
  19. E

    3D computer model I made of the RBMK-1000 reactor

    Here are screenshots of a 3D model I made using a program called Blender, of the RBMK-1000 "Chernobyl-type" nuclear reactor and reactor hall. It's still a work-in-progress and not yet finished.
  20. Fabio Pastorino

    What is the size of the nuclear reactor part of a nuclear power plant

    Good morning at all, I have to do one research of the transport of large nuclear reactors, and I need to have an idea of which is the DIAMETER, HEIGHT and WEIGHT of the reactor I think that there are a lot of different dimension, but i want to know only approximately, because i don't have...
  21. S

    Iron Man - Palladium Reactor Theory

    I'm curious about something. And most of you are probably going to click away as soon as I say, or type this, I guess. But for those of who haven't, thanks. In the Iron Man comics, movies and tv shows the arc reactor keeps Tony Stark from lethal heart damage and keeps the Iron Man Armour...
  22. G

    Are there any books about how to teach nuclear reactor physics?

    Hello ,every one . I am a reactor physics teacher . I want to find some books or papers about how to teaching reactor physics. if you know it ,please tell me. Thank you very much.
  23. G

    Is a fast reactor more cost-effective than a thermal one?

    Is a "fast" reactor more economical in terms of capital investment than a thermal one? I am asking this because I assume a fast reactor only needs a smaller startup U235 source of on average 20% enrichment but can later run on its own produced fissile material and would normally for the rest of...
  24. CivilSigma

    Reactor Design and Kinetics of Reactions

    Homework Statement My problem deals with understanding why we substitute in the reaction kinetics equivalent into mass conservation equation instead of dealing with differentials Homework Equations From the conservation of mass law about an envelope: $$\frac{dm}{d t} = \sum m_{in} - \sum...
  25. M

    A How can quantum mechanics contribute in a Nuclear reactor

    Hi, does treating neutrons as waves make any difference when it comes to micro cross sections ? , does quantum mechanics help more than classical mechanics in nuclear reactor physics ? Noticing that I am a nuclear engineering student
  26. Manoj Sahu

    How grounding resistor and reactor have no effect in 3 phase fault?

    How would you justify the above question? Please elaborate in detail with diagrams (if applicable). It will be really helpful. Thank you.
  27. R

    B Fusion Reactor Status: Tri Alpha, Lockheed & More

    Fusion reactor development has long interested me. From what little I know, Tri Alpha is unique as they plan to fuse boron and won't use their reactor as a glorified steam boiler. By fusing boron I believe they avoid producing neutrons. The downside is that requires a higher temperature than...
  28. P

    Nuclear Engineering: PhD vs. Masters for reactor design

    I had read a few helpful forums on the pros and cons of going for a masters vs. phd in nuclear engineering. However, I am still confused about one thing. I am considering pursuing a career in reactor design (fission or fusion, will likely make another post to discuss this). Here are my...
  29. chandrahas

    Lockheed's compact fusion reactor question

    Magnetic mirrors were thought to be a viable solution for fusion power. But then, we found out that most of the plasma would simply escape. Is this right? So, then we realized that this method might not work. So after many years, Lockheed has come up with a similar model. Lockheeds model is...
  30. P

    How to Handle WIMS Reactor Physics Codes for Radial Neutron Flux Analysis?

    Hello hope someone can help me I need to do WIMS reactor physics codes analysis for 1) divide fuel pin into radial equal-volume sub regions 2) preform criticality calculations to obtain radial fast and thermal neutron flux (use 0.615eV energy cut off between fast and thermal regions) I will...
  31. Jeremy Thomson

    Spacecraft reactor sheilding and heat radiators

    I've been watching "The Expanse" and considered, if the spaceships are some sort of fusion powered drive, why aren't they covered in radiator panels to reject all the heat from the reactor/drive system? How many square meters of radiator panels would a 20MW (thermal) fission reactor require? An...
  32. Lacplesis

    Reactor Channel Layout: RBMK, PWR, CANDU Comparison

    Hi, help me out with this one , I have wanted to understand this for a long time, I know different reactors have different approaches to active zone design but here I want to understand how the fuel channel of a RBMK reactor works, I know there are types of reactors like BWR in which I assume...
  33. Delta Force

    Service Limits of a Nuclear Reactor

    Nuclear reactors are licensed with a fixed service life in all countries. This is despite the fact that reactors have widely varying ages (some plants have taken decades to complete), varying use cycles (not all plants run at 90%+ capacity factor, some are even mothballed), and undergo power...
  34. C

    Can Low Pressure Fission Reactors Improve Efficiency and Lower Costs?

    In small Fission reactors it can be hard to get enough heat in order to boil the water inside the boiler, so why don't we create low pressure boiler systems, where we can boil water at slightly above room temperature, use it to turn the steam turbine as it flows to the similarly low pressure...
  35. gilakmesum

    Coping with Nuclear Reactor Leakage: Lessons from Chernobyl and Fukushima

    how do we cope with leakage of nuclear reactors as happened at Chernobyl and Fukushima plan
  36. E

    Star Core Nuclear | Small HTGC Reactor Credentials

    There is a Canadian firm, Star Core Nuclear, attempting to launch a novel small reactor, helium cooled, modular, carbide coated fuel. Does anyone have any insight as to their credentials and design skills?
  37. O

    Neutron Flux in a sub-critical reactor

    Hi everyone, I am supposed to derive the neutron flux equation provided for region A of my reactor. Just wondering if anyone can help me out since I stuck on the derivation for [1/r - 1/R2]; S/4πD aspect is very similar to a solving the constant for a point source spherical reactor Here is my...
  38. G

    Are there any books about the history of reactor physics?

    Hello,everyone is there any book about a history of reactor physics ? Thank you for your help
  39. psuedoben

    Conductivity of saltwater dielectric vs current

    My partner and i have been running experiments for our research in micro algae separation, using a reactor containing aluminum electrodes. we run a 10v current across the electrodes, and flow saltwater between them. we were wondering how changing the conductivity of the saltwater might affect...
  40. The Jason 1970

    Calculating Power Output of a Vapor Core Reactor

    Hi I am someone researching vapor core reactors from a historical perspective. I have a technical question. In a congressional document I found it is stated that a vapor core reactor would have 35kW of power per square inch. Am I right in calculating that a cubic inch of a vapor core reactor...
  41. Strife_Cloud

    Rod Motion -> power level calc +loss of all station air

    HELLO PEOPLE! Sorry for the enthusiasm but, this is my first post. I am in the process of getting my masters in material science and engineering and I liked my nuclear materials course so I decided to jump right into the integration of mechanical systems in nuclear engineering this summer. I...
  42. kumar1405

    About contol rods used in boiling water reactor

    why Cross shaped contol rods used in boiling water reactor? thanks in adavance for answer .
  43. H

    How was the reactor length determined here?

    I've recently been reading this paper (a free version is available here). I've been trying to work out how they came to the 128m length, but I just can't. Feel like it's been just beyond my grasp for a long time and it's been driving me mad. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  44. E

    A Calculate neutron dose rate from a reactor to an object

    So, I'd like to calculate the dose rate to an object, say 1g of quartz (SiO2) placed into a research reactor neutron flux. The average kinetic energy of research reactor neutrons is 2 MeV but individual neutron energies vary dramatically. Say the thermal neutron flux is 1E13 n/cm2/sec and the...
  45. N

    What is the reactor power at Source, Intermediate and Power

    hello all, I am trying to determine what the percentage of reactor power will be at each power level range measured by each detector (i.e Source, Intermediate and Power range). All I can seem to find is info in the CPS rate not percent reactor power.
  46. kubaanglin

    B Exploring Nuclear Fusion: IEC Fusion Reactor Construction and Operation

    << Disclaimer by PF -- You may need to get government permits to operate a reactor that produces neutrons and radiation, and this could potentially be a dangerous project >> Hello, I recently finished building a functioning IEC fusion reactor and posted a video of its construction and...
  47. C

    Nuclear Reactor Simple 1D Method of Characteristics Solver

    Homework Statement Hi all, attempting to make a Method of Characteristics solver in Matlab. I'm particularly hoping that there are some computational nuclear engineering guys about who might have a bit of experience programming a simple version of one of these. I'm trying to create the solver...
  48. C

    Why isn't Thorium used for reactor fuel rods?

    Is THORIUM a viable alternative Reactor Fuel? Seems like URANIUM and PLUTONIUM are to easily weaponized.
  49. C

    What is the equilibrium conversion for a reversible reaction in a batch reactor?

    I am struggling with the following problem: A reversible reaction where: CH3COOH + H2O--><--CH3COO- + H3O+ The overall solution initially has a CH3COOH concentration of 0.01mol/L and no acetate. The solution has 0.001mol/L of H3O+. Assume that this is constant throughout the experiment...
  50. M

    Reaction Kinetics, batch reactor varying volume

    NO TEMPLATE BECAUSE THREAD WAS ORIGINALLY ENTERED INTO WRONG FORUM Hi Guys, I have attached the question that I am struggling with (part b of the question) I have worked out that the conversion of A is X=0.21 Using this conversion I'm trying to work out the time required for the reaction I...