What is Reactor: Definition and 370 Discussions

Re·ac·tor is the eleventh studio album by Canadian folk rock musician Neil Young, and his fourth with American rock band Crazy Horse, released in November 2, 1981. It was his last album released through Reprise Records before he moved to Geffen for his next five albums.

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  1. gfd43tg

    Equilibrium conversion of batch vs. flow reactor

    Hello, I went through a problem in my reaction engineering textbook, and solved them correctly by basically mindlessly plugging into the equation, but now I wanted to get some help interpreting the results. So we had a reversible, elementary gas phase reaction that is isothermal and isobaric...
  2. David Carroll

    Results of steam bubbles in the reactor

    When I was in the Navy, we were told of the immense importance of maintaining pressure inside the reactor (all the reactors in the Navy use a hydrogen moderator via water). My teacher discussed that one of the results of loss of pressure could be the formation of steam bubbles collecting on the...
  3. gfd43tg

    The Role of Baffles in a Reactor: Increasing Mixing & Heat Exchange

    Hello, I know the use of baffles in a shell and tube heat exchanger will guide the shell-side fluid as it navigates through the shell, but I saw baffles are also used in CSTRs to help with mixing. This is clearly illustrated with the diagram where one can see that the baffle is directing the...
  4. gfd43tg

    Optimizing Reactor Sizing for Gas-Phase Irreversible Reaction

    Homework Statement A 400-liter CSTR and a 100-liter PFR are available to process 1.0 liter of feed per second. The feed contains 41% A, 41% B, and 18% inerts. The irreversible gas-phase reaction A + B → C is to be carried out at 10 atm and 227 °C. The rate of reaction in mol/liter min is...
  5. gfd43tg

    Does the type of reactor affect the rate law in a chemical reaction?

    Hello, I noticed, when deriving rate laws, the assumption is that the reaction is happening in a batch reactor. Does the rate law of a chemical reaction change if put into some type of flow reactor? Thanks
  6. gfd43tg

    PFR vs. CSTR reactor size for various order reactions

    Hello, I have been working on a very interesting problem out of Fogler's Chemical Reaction Engineering. I have completed the problem (parts (a) through (c) which is what i'll do because I've been working on this problem for a while and I'm too tired to do part (d) right now), but I want to...
  7. J

    India's thorium reactor delayed

    India's thorium reactor delayed. http://www.neimagazine.com/news/newsstart-up-of-indias-pfbr-delayed-4340186 So another year delay, more or less. Will it really start up next year? I hope so. Jim Graber
  8. T

    What Are the Results of Foil Irradiation in a Reactor?

    Homework Statement Two pure manganese foils are irradiated in a reactor. Each foil has a mass of 0.0055 g. One foil is irradiated bare in the reactor. The other foil is irradiated with a cadmium cover in place. The foils are irradiated for 60.0-s, and then allowed to decay for 1800.0-s...
  9. S

    Nuclear Fission Reactor Exam Question

    Homework Statement I have been able to complete all questions apart from part e) Homework Equations Beta minus decay involves electron emission Beta plus decay involves positron emission Electron capture takes in an electronThe Attempt at a Solution I believe that because there is an...
  10. T

    Reactor fuel and waste: fission/fusion problem

    Homework Statement In this problem, we're going get a rough estimate the amount of uranium fuel it would take if the US received all its electrical power from nuclear power plants. The size of a power plant in normally given as the about of electrical power it can produce when running a...
  11. K

    Simulation software for modeling a dusty fission reactor variant.

    Hi, all. Could anyone recommend some good software for modeling nuclear physics? I have concept nuclear rocket that I wanted to attempt to model the engine for to see how practical it would be. In case it's relevant: The design is a subcritical fast dusty fission fragment reactor driven by a...
  12. L

    Prediction of reactor End of cycle

    There is a technical document in reactor operation which contains neutronic calculations to predict reactor situation in different power lever and effective power days. Operators use this document which usually called Album of Reactor Core Neutronic to operate the reactor based on that. This...
  13. M

    Water jacketed reactor flow rate

    1. Homework Statement [/b] (135) 1. Liquid hydrazine (N2H4) is injected into a jet combustion chamber at 400 K and burned with 100 % excess air that enters at 700 K. The combustion chamber is jacketed with water. The combustion products leave the jet exhaust at 900 K. In the test, 50 kmol of...
  14. G

    How to use MCNP to calculate power distribution for a reactor core?

    Assume no boron and all control rods out, so the core is super-critical. if KCODE mode is used, and F4 card is for tally the neutron for each assamblies. Can the results represent the power distribution of the core, whether the multiply-factor can affect. the results i get (power...
  15. M

    Chemical Reactor Design Optimization

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution For this problem, my group is having difficulty figuring out how much Styrene is reacting, since we don't know the molecular weight of polystyrene, we can't find the moles of polystyrene, which would be used to aid in finding the...
  16. S

    Negative or 0 void coeficient graphite moderated reactor

    Is it possible to create a graphite moderated light water cooled reactor w/ at least 3 GW thermal power output and a non-positive void coefficient that runs on slightly enriched uranium (0.9-2%) w/ at least 60 GWd/tHM burn-up? If not, is it possible to create a graphite moderated light water...
  17. S

    How does the efficiency of a reactor affect the amount of power it produces?

    Homework Statement A boiling water reactor has a mass flow rate of 1266.4 kg/s. The water enters the reactor at 250 °C. It boils at 291.5 °C. It exits the core at 500 °C. The specific heat of water at 7.5 MPa is 4.380 kJ/kg/°C, the latent heat of vaporization is 2357 J/kg and the specific...
  18. M

    Equilibrium conversion in reactor

    Homework Statement The gas stream from a sulfur burner is composed of 15-mol% SO2, 20-mol% O2, and 65-mol% N2. This gas stream at 1 bar and 480 C enters a catalytic converter, where the SO2 is further oxidized to SO3. Find the equilibrium conversion of SO2. The equilibrium constant for...
  19. A

    Would this fusion reactor work ?

    Coils produce a magnetic field which confines a big plasma ball. The magnetic field is rapidly increased which makes the plasma ball implode. In the compressed state fusion happens. The plasma ball explodes and compresses the surrounding magnetic field. This produces more induction in the...
  20. Crazymechanic

    Fusion reactor helium poisoning

    Hi I have a question , now in fusion reactors like a tokamak design and also in others , if they use say the deuterium tritium mixture as fusion fuel which ends up in some released binding energy , alpha particles, a energetic neutron etc. Now the neutron and alpha particles an d all other stuff...
  21. G

    Compressible flow problem in heated tube reactor

    Hey y'all, Thanks in advance for any help on this. I'm kind of stumped by this problem I've come across in the lab. We have a tube reactor with a nozzle, and we want to measure the combustion/pyrolysis products coming out the model using GC/MS and MBMS. Right now, we are just running...
  22. M

    Need help about reactor (inductor)

    Can someone help me solve this? I don't really understand how to do this. A 1kvA reactor's capacity is needed to be enlargedto 81kvA. How much does its dimension needs to be multiplied? Hint: when its dimension is m times enlargened, surface A'=m'A, flux ∅'=m^2∅, current I'=m^2I, voltage...
  23. C

    Looking for a Nuclear Reactor Text on Thermal Hydraulics?

    Anybody know of a good nuclear reactor engineering text? I'm specifically looking for something involving thermal hydraulics of reactors, something along the lines of nuclear heat transport by el wakil
  24. R

    Coating a Stainless Steel Lab Reactor

    We have a small lab reactor (~2 Litres) made of stainless steel that we use to test reactions. Unfortunately, we now have one test which has a hot acidic environment (dil. HCl approx. 20%) that would corrode the native stainless steel. Is there any way to work around this? Maybe a...
  25. S

    Effect of Reactor on Person in 22 kVA Magnetic Field

    What would happen if a person come across magnetic field produced 22 kva reactor.? I thought probably nothing will happen. Is it correct or not?? If Yes, Will you have any supportive ans for my question?
  26. M

    How Does Thermodynamics Apply in Nuclear Reactors?

    hello all. I need some references and problems with soloution of nuclear reactor thermodynamic for practicing and learning better. like presurizer.and exc.
  27. K

    Understanding Nuclear Reactors: Exploring the Basics and Beyond

    i know few things about nuclear reactors .i have a lot of doubts.i want to know everything completely such as 1.how control rods absorb neutrons? 2.how do scientists know what's happening inside an atom? and so on.... " can anyone tell me the complete details about nuclear reactors ? "...
  28. C

    Length of time to burn fuel in a fusion reactor

    If I have a fusion reactor running at some designated power output (let's say, for instance, 5x10^8 Watts), how can I find how long it takes to burn a fuel source provided I know the composition of the fuel. For this example, let me just say I have half deuterium and half tritium? I'm not...
  29. G

    Will the fusion reactor ITER decrease entropy?

    ITER is the fusion reactor in southern France that hopefully will come online in 2018. According to wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITER The ITER fusion reactor itself has been designed to produce 500 megawatts of output power for 50 megawatts of input power. Does this mean that if...
  30. N

    Exploring the Possibilities of Killing an Unshielded Nuclear Reactor

    I think about an interesting question - How many people can kill unshielded nuclear reactor in one second? Some averages, estimates ... Do you have any idea? And why? On what is it dependent?Thanks.
  31. M

    Cameras inside Dounreay Reactor

    Hi All... Just popped up in my news feed: - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-22292053 Could be interesting although there's only one image of the inside on the BBC news item. And - to dismantle it: -...
  32. W

    Lithium Dioxide Cold Fusion Reactor model, is it feasible?

    i'm leaning towards sustainable and renewable energy sources, upon seeing the Ironman film of Jean Favreau, i come to theory that maybe the arc reactor that Stark industries manufactured and designed is quite feasible through cold fusion reaction... is it possible? if it is, please provide any...
  33. G

    Nichrome Wire Heating Element for Tube Reactor

    Hey all, First post, thanks in advance for any help. I see there is a lot of discussion on this site and others about nichrome heating elements. I apologize if my question is very similar to others, but I have not exactly been able to figure out what I need to learn/lookup to answer my...
  34. S

    Control Average Temperature of Nuclear Power Plant

    Hello all, I am a student of Nuclear Engineering and I am very new to this beautiful field of engineering. I have been very curious related to a discussion in my class about "Average temp control" of a NPP... This is in relation to the effects of Tube plugging in the Steam Generators which...
  35. F

    Level Detection for Formaldehyde Reactor

    If you look on the attached pictures, one is a basic sketch of system with the vessel on the right being formaldehyde reactor that uses an HTF, therminol with a SG of .845 at 293 degree C, which is just below the boiling point. The smaller vessel on the left is the level gauge which uses a...
  36. N

    What is an Optically Coupled Reactor?

    Hello all, I've been interested in nuclear power and how it applies to space propulsion for awhile now. I've come across a term though that I don't quite understand. What is an optically coupled reactor? In context, it says that the design "separates the power conversion system from the...
  37. Crazymechanic

    Nuclear reactor neutron absorber

    Hi could you please explain me what happens with the atomic structure and overall material structure of neutron absorber rods used in fission reactors? As I imagine when they are used they absorb the neutrons that keep the chain reaction going so to stop the chain reaction hence shut the...
  38. N

    Is a Molten Uranium Fast Breeder Reactor Feasible?

    I was reading lately about fast reactors, breeders, and desirable high-temp reactors; and it seemed most new reactor concepts being studied today are more difficult than existing reactors in at least one way. Supercritical water reactors need to battle with ever more hot and high pressure...
  39. Hercuflea

    What exactly do you study in reactor physics?

    Hey I am a math major looking to do an REU (and later a masters/PhD.) in nuclear engineering and I am interested in the field of reactor physics. I hear it tossed around a lot but I don't really know the definition of it. I'm taking a radiation physics class next semester at a separate...
  40. E

    100MW reactor must produce a 110MW

    Watched a scene from a Hollywood movie where the Captain of a Nuclear submarine asks his Reactor officer to give him a 110% of his reactor. That means a 100MW reactor must produce a 110MW. How is that increased? Is that simply by pulling off control rods or is there any other way? Whats the...
  41. T

    Is Becoming a Reactor Operator the Right Path for Me?

    I want to be on the cutting edge of nuclear engineering, but I am afraid that I might not have the genius necessary to do it. I'm in my first semester of taking NucE classes, and my Fluid Mechanics class is tearing me up! Not to mention my Fundamentals of Nuclear Science/Engineering class is...
  42. M

    How can you use MCNP to do time-dependent reactor calculations?

    The only thing I know how on the basis of nuclear reactor design is how to run kcode in MCNP and see if my theoretical reactor is critical. How would I be able to calculate how the fuel is burning in my reactor over some period of time, and change my core composition accordingly?
  43. G

    The time for reactor shutdown to refuel

    Hello,everyone What is the reason for a reactor shutdown to refuel at the time when k is approximately equal to 1 rather than 1? many thanks
  44. D

    How to calculate critical atom density of a slab reactor?

    I am given a critical bare slab reactor 150cm thick (a0=150cm) consisting of a homogenous mixture of U235 and graphite. I am stuck on the part which asks me to calculate the critical atom dennsity. I have solved for the mass of the fuel in terms of the mass of the moderator. I would solve...
  45. K

    Want community feedback on the CrossFire Fusion Reactor

    I wanted to ask the community about something I ran into the other day and I know nothing about physics. I can help you build and hack your network, but stuff like this? Forget it. Other then posting this guy's website, I don't know how to explain it, beyond what he has designed, and his...
  46. K

    Plasma Reactor creating gravitational fields

    Ran across this about 2 months ago and have been following it closely. KesheFoundation led by a Mr. Keshe claims to have developed a reactor that manipulates plasma in a vortex that creates what they call Magravs or an interaction between the magnetic fields of two elements. They are claiming...
  47. H

    Pulse transformer/DC reactor design.

    Hi everyone, I am trying to understand the basic design requirements and rules for designing a pulse transformer which includes two secondary coils, one of which acts as a DC reactor. Does anyone know of any papers or software or have any experience with such a design?
  48. H

    Gas pressure calculation of reactive species in a fixed bed reactor

    Hi everyone, I'm a university student doing some RA work which involves modelling the gas pressure in a tubular fixed bed plug reactor with an exothermic gas-solid reaction. I know the pressure will be influenced by three things: viscous drag, gas reacting with the solid and temperature...
  49. S

    Control of coolant temperature in a nuclear reactor

    I am trying to build a model of CANDU reactor core using a software called DYMOLA.For this purpose,I am trying to figure out a mathematical relation between coolant temperature and Power developed in a reactor.I have the following questions: 1.What is the effect of increasing the neutron...
  50. 4

    Can a Diamond Light Energy Reactor Be the Solution to Our Energy Needs?

    Hi guys I wonder if anyone could help me help my son create an energy source for his school project. All my son is allowed to use (he doesn't have to make it just proove it might work) is a perfect diamond with 6 equal sides all lengths the same size (like 2 pyramids base to base), Matter...