What is Reactor: Definition and 370 Discussions

Re·ac·tor is the eleventh studio album by Canadian folk rock musician Neil Young, and his fourth with American rock band Crazy Horse, released in November 2, 1981. It was his last album released through Reprise Records before he moved to Geffen for his next five albums.

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  1. M

    Electrostatically confined fusion reactor

    does an electrostatically confined plasma fed tritium produce energetic e3nough neutrons to create tritium if allowed to irradiate deutrium ?
  2. M

    What materials are used in a nuclear reactor?

    [SOLVED] Materials for Nuclear Reactor Please briefly explain the Materials which are used in nuclear reactor. such canning material, moderator etc. :confused:
  3. Y

    Discover India's Groundbreaking Thorium Reactor: The Future of Nuclear Energy

    http://www.ndtv.com/morenews/showmorestory.asp?slug=India+unveils+thorium+reactor&id=77898 How significant is it?
  4. F

    What are projects about nuclear controlled fusion reactor to achieve Q > 1

    What are projects about nuclear controlled fusion reactor to achieve Q > 1, or possibly obtain Q > 1.
  5. V

    Reactor Physics Study: Coding Tips

    Do you know any code for reactor physics study ?
  6. F

    Is the Fusor or Plasma Focus a Realistic Option for Controlled Fusion?

    PLEASE INFORM ME ABOUT THE CONTROLLED FUSION REACTOR. Is possible the continuos use the fusor and plasma focus, using fuel : pB11 or D-He3. Please send me information. Best Regards
  7. Pengwuino

    French Fusion Reactor: Fact & Fiction

    French fusion reactor and some other skeptical stuff http://www.sciencedaily.com/upi/index.php?feed=Science&article=UPI-1-20050627-10372700-bc-nukefusion.xml Someone brought this up on a non-scientific site and said it would "provide 2x the worlds energy". Obvious BS so I am wondering if...
  8. F

    Research about matter - antimatter reactor

    I looking for research about matter - antimatter reactor; any information is good. Thank you.
  9. O

    Fusion Reactor: A Possible Solution to Generate Thermal Energy?

    In astronomy class i was told that a grouping of hydrogen must reach 10,000,000K for fusion to occur. Without a sun being a certain size, gravity could never be great enough to generate such high temperatures-brown dwarf. So, could you artificially accelerate gravity (as in future plans for...
  10. ohwilleke

    Nuclear Power and Reactor Scale.

    Most commercial nuclear fission reactors are large, on the 1000MW order of magnitude. Some of the early experimental reactors were small, and the reactors in nuclear submarines are relatively small. I understand that the Navy even has one very small (crew of 7 people, 400 tons v...
  11. T

    Quantum singularity reactor: theoretically possible?

    I’ve seen quantum singularity reactors on Star Trek and Babylon 5, and I’ve got a few questions. First of course, are they theoretically possible? How would they work exactly? And how much power could they generate? (One such reactor on a starship in Babylon 5 generates 330 exawatts, for...
  12. P

    Navy Nuclear Reactor Coolant: Lithium Hydride & Water

    First Post :smile: What type of Coolant is currently used in Navy Nuclear reactors? I have searched on google and came up with 2 things, Lithium Hydride and Pure Water pressurized to 2200+ PSI. Is there anything else used as a coolant? Thanks
  13. S

    The Latest in Fusion Reactor Research: Breakthroughs & Challenges

    How far is research really gone? Is there any major breakthrough on its way? Are the first prototypes ready yet? I'm making a project work on this for school, and I find it hard to find sufficient information in books and likes about this, since clearly, books from the beginning of the last...
  14. M

    Can a Nuclear Reactor Power a Space Station?

    Is A Nuclear Reactor A... I am not sure if this is the right forum or not, I figure its about space stuff so it might be. My question is, could one safely use a nuclear reactor on a large-scale space station. Of course there is the issue of shielding, but since space stations have to be...
  15. A

    Theoretical M/AM reactor for SF-story

    I do not know if this is the correct forum but it seemed to theoretical for the Nuc Engineering forum. Ok I am 'designing' this space vessel capable of traveling inbetween star systems about 400-500 years in the future. I do not want much time dilation(for obvious reasons) so its going to use...
  16. N

    Is a Decades/Centuries-Long Fission Reactor Possible?

    hi guys, I am just wondering is it possible in reality to construct a fission reactor that will operate for decades or even centuries without refueling? Theoretically, we can do so if the macroscopic absorption cross section for the fertile nuclide equals that for the fissile species. and few...
  17. N

    Designing a Fission Reactor for Long-Term Operation

    another question. consider the possibility of designing a fission reactor that will operate for decades or even centuries without refueling. limit the investigation to thermal reactors with reaction rates = 2200 m/s cross section. Consider 3 fissile/fertile combinations: 1) Fissile= U-233...
  18. M

    Could the Earth's Core be a Fission Reactor?

    Could the center of the Earth's core be a critical mass of U-235 or other heavy metals, sustaining a fission reaction. (or might fusion be possible with the presures and magentic fields there? ). If not Earth what about Jupiter or larger exra solar planet? Merlin
  19. Greg Bernhardt

    How did a kid build a functioning reactor?

    http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,510054502,00.html amazing!
  20. Ivan Seeking

    Hole found in reactor cap at Ohio nuclear plant

    one side: http://www.newstribune.com/stories/031202/wor_0312020910.asp and the other: http://www.tcgreens.org/gl/articles/20030101111808332.html