What is Reactor: Definition and 370 Discussions

Re·ac·tor is the eleventh studio album by Canadian folk rock musician Neil Young, and his fourth with American rock band Crazy Horse, released in November 2, 1981. It was his last album released through Reprise Records before he moved to Geffen for his next five albums.

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  1. T

    Is Beta Positive Decay a Viable Energy Source for Long-Term Power?

    Okay, I have had a idea for some time and I want to see if it will work. first you get Magnesium 24 launch protons at 20 Mev then a decay happens. Now you have Na22 sodium 22 beta positive decays into a anti electron of 1 Mev with its counter particle they annihilation into 2 gamma rays which...
  2. P

    What is measured in a fast reactor for power calculation : fast neutron flux or

    What is measured in a fast reactor for power calculation : fast neutron flux or overall ( fast + thermal) neutron flux ? My doubt is : The fission chambers used for measuring neutron flux undergo chemical reactions due to which type of neutron : fast or thermal ?
  3. D

    Best graduate programs for GEN IV reactor design

    Hello, I would like some recommendations on universities that have nuclear engg. graduate programs that specialize in design and analysis of GEN IV reactors. My professors have recommended the following: 1. Michigan 2. Penn State 3. MIT 4. North Carolina State Any info regarding grad...
  4. N

    Thermal hydraulic design of nuclear reactor core

    By a simple procedure , what should I do when I'm going through the thermal hydraulic design of nuclear reactor core...? .. I put initial guesses for the core dimensions ( fuel , clad , gap , length) initial guess for the fuel element pitch desired power ... I've found q'' critical heat flux...
  5. M

    Iron Man's Arc Reactor Technology

    The Marvel Avenger's Movie is coming out in a month's time. While many superheroes like the Hulk and Spiderman require much more biological research to come true, superheroes like Iron Man, Batman, Black Widow rely on engineering technology. Which of our current-day technology has the...
  6. N

    Hafnium neutron Absorber [Nuclear reactor design]

    Hi, I was reading about PWR control system and I saw that control rods are stainless steel tubes encapsulating a Hafnium absorber material , it has Excellent mechanical properties and exceptional corrosion-resistance properties allow its use in the harsh environment of a pressurized water...
  7. S

    Introduction of nuclear reactor physics summer 2012

    Hello I am looking to introduction of nuclear reactor physics course in the summer 2012 can u help me to find this course in any universities ?
  8. F

    Could a major solar flare knock out nuclear reactor safety?

    I live in AZ so besides the "bubla" or whatever that stupid name is for a huge wall of dust we get that's crazy huge is about as bad as our weather gets. Basically Solar Flairs are the biggest threat to me and my dog, so its my the natural disaster of choice when thinking about different...
  9. K

    Plotting 137Cs Activity in a 1Gw Fission Reactor: What Are the Key Factors?

    Hello, I am asked to plot the activity of 137Cs in a 1Gw fission reactor over time of 100 years if the reactor is active from 0-20 years and shuts down at 20 years. So here are the facts: The reactor capacity is 1Gw Reactor is active for the first 20 years then shuts down At shutdown...
  10. B

    Can a Simple Cold Fusion Reactor Save Our Dying Planet?

    Okay. I'm doing a science fair project on we're kiling the Earth and that changing simple everyday things could help save our dying planet. My experiment is going to be cold fusion vs fossil fuels and to perform that experiment I need to build a simple cold fusion reactor. Anybody got any ideas...
  11. C

    Hydrogen to Helium Reactor, how much hydrogen to power earth?

    Homework Statement Suppose we succeed in building a H-->He fusion reactor. How much hydrogen would have to be converted per second to supply the world's electricity consumption of 10^13kwh. Homework Equations This is what I am looking for, I think i can figure it out once I know the...
  12. A

    Do 2 Kilowatt Nuclear Reactor Still Exist

    i was told that the smallest nuclear reactor power station is 2 Kilowatts and they take up about half a city block? is that correct? can they be built? Have A Nice Day!
  13. L

    Is there a thorium breeder reactor in the USA's Future?

    I have been reading sporadically about China's development of a thorium molten salt reactor. I am not aware of much activity in the US. Has anyone heard of the US building next gen reactors in the next 10-15 years? It seems nuclear power here is dead. Also is it true that the thorium...
  14. G

    Rossi Ecat H2 Ni reactor, anything new?

    The date of his large scale test has come and gone. Some are claiming it was a success, but no large scale news and no hard data that I can find. Here is one report: http://mnispel.net/neengineer/?p=292 Anyone think it works?
  15. A

    Air Cooling Reactor: Max Wattage for Sensible Heatsink

    For a sensible air cooled heatsink, what is the maximum wattage a nuclear reactor could be?
  16. A

    Basic steps in modeling a nuclear reactor

    I am trying to make simulation of severe accidents in advanced nuclear reactors. Can anybody advice me in how to write the input deck? Is there any training materials about that? Please, share your experience in simulationg nuclear reactors, problems you faced, etc.
  17. J

    CANDU Reactor contains 70 kf og fissionable material

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Working at a rate of 1.204 x 10^22 fissions/s, what fraction of that 70 kg mass of Uranium will be fissioned during the 550 days of fuel installation? (Fuel rods are replaced appx. every year and a half) The Attempt at a Solution 1.20x10^22...
  18. T

    Seeking examples reliably safe fission reactor designs

    I'm writing about emerging technologies the richest people on Earth would be thrilled to have. In fact, its already hit the noosphere. Now I'm writing another appeal to investing in people (this one focusing more on biopersonal impacts than technosocial development) and wish to publish it with a...
  19. N

    Doubling time for Breeder Reactor.

    What is the doubling time for breeder reactor, and how its related to the , Power , Original Fissile load ,and The breeding ration "BR" ? .. if there is any online sources or recommended books about the subject for further reading. Thanks.
  20. N

    The Volume of the reactor and its criticality

    The Volume of the reactor and its criticality! What will happen to the "Keff" or to the criticality if the volume of the reactor was compressed to one-half its original volume and why ? if the reactor was operating at critical steady-state before changing the volume.
  21. M

    If the inventory of the reactor of about 20,000kg

    Homework Statement If the inventory of the reactor of about 20,000kg of Zr given the reaction: Zr+2H2O---> ZrO2+2H2, Q=616MJ/Kg-mole of Zr 1- find the 10% of the heat generated from Zr oxidation by steam in MJ 2- Find the 10% hydrogen generated from Zr oxidation by steam in kg and the...
  22. H

    Environmental engineering, plug flow reactor

    Homework Statement Another way to treat acid mine drainage is to add limestone to the stream to precipitate the metals. The first order reaction rate constant is 10/day. Assume the stream is 3 feet by 1 foot. If the flow through the stream is 1000 gallons a day and the concentration at the...
  23. C

    How radioactive is nuclear reactor waste?

    I want to know how much radioactivity in Becquerels is produced by a typical light water reactor in one year of operation. I don't know how one would go about estimating this number. I found one reference that said 27 tons of spent fuel are generated by a typical reactor per year. But I...
  24. C

    Why can’t decay heat be harnessed to safely shutdown a nuclear reactor?

    Why can’t decay heat be harnessed and used as an energy source to safely power down/cool a nuclear reactor? I have been wondering about this since the reactor incidents in Japan as it appears a tremendous amount off energy must still be dissapated after the shutdown of a nuclear reactor in...
  25. G

    Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor

    New to the forum. Currently working on a Masters degree in Nuclear Engineering. Has anyone ever heard of the Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor (LFTR)? It looks like a pretty neet idea. I have been watching some videos by a guy named Kirk Sorensen who is a big proponent for this technology...
  26. Math Is Hard

    Skip college and become a Nuclear Power Reactor Operator. Really?

    http://www.dailyfinance.com/2010/08/11/skip-college-make-money-fast-10-high-paying-jobs-that-dont-re/ OK, the article is a year old, but I don't think things have changed that much, and I think this is a Simpson's-perpetuated myth.
  27. H

    AECL CANDU Reactor Devision SOLD

    Hi everyone, For those who have not heard yet, the reactor division of Atomic Energy of Canada has been sold. The bidding was initiated a couple of years ago and the sale has just gone through. SNC-Lavalin emerged as the only bidder... They are paying 15 million upfront, the government is...
  28. E

    How are control blades replaced in a nuclear reactor?

    Hi everybody,I can't understand how a reactor core is sized to be critical. I'm studing the reactor theory and I've understood how make critical a reactor with simple shapes (spherical,cylindrical,etc.) equating the material and the geometrical buckling. But it's possible, in a simple way, to...
  29. J

    Cyclic Fusion Reactor. Passing through each other colliding beams.

    Recently I have placed here the new - viable by my opinion Concept how to produce fusion. By some reasons I have decided not to file the patent application and so for discussing now I am placing here the description of Cyclic Reactor on base of that Concept. Ioseb (Joseph) Chikvashvili
  30. 6

    Has anyone measured the light intensity given off in a fusion reactor?

    I was just wondering if, through all the fusion test done over the years, if anybody has ever mesaured the lux given off dureing a reaction?
  31. 6

    What Could a Fusion 'Breakeven' Reactor Look Like?

    After poureing over countless fusion related text and information an idea struck me: Why is breakeven, breakeven? If the amount of energy you can extract off of a fusion reaction is highly effiecent and the fusion production method is equaly effiecent, then wouldn't that mean that input to...
  32. C

    Is Rossi's Cold Fusion the Real Deal?

    I've been intrigued to see the Rossi claims being dismissed outright here, without any apparent examination of the evidence. There is pathological science, but there is the opposite - pathological refusal to accept any evidence. Personally, as a scientist and engineer, I prefer to keep an...
  33. J

    Nuclear Reactor In Ga. Shuts Down Abruptly

    http://www.cbsatlanta.com/news/27633540/detail.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter Does anybody have any further information on current status of this reactor in GA?
  34. F

    Could Nuclear Reactors Cause More Long-Term Contamination Than Nuclear Bombs?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLE2nA-0TBU&feature=player_embedded#at=17 Is the yellow structure at the end of this video the lid to the reactor?
  35. A

    Solving the Biodiesel Reactor Heating System Puzzle

    After typing all of that out, I think I got it, thanks! Homework Statement I am working on a project to build a biodiesel reactor. The heating system of said reactor is provided by a loop of pipe containing a pump (1 HP, 36 litres per minute (9.5 gal), 50m max head (164 ft)), a hot water...
  36. B

    Solar Reactor using water tubes & dish collector.

    Hi, The dish is roof mounted and fixed. I want to heat water tubes coming from the base up to the focal point and I'm needing to know if this is sound or a tube coming from the base will never get enough focal point to heat it because it's fixed and not on a heliostat. Or, does the water...
  37. F

    Photo showing decimated reactor building troubles me

    Look at this photo of the severe damage to one of the fukashima reactor buildings (I'm not sure which one) and tell me that the containment structure and/or reactor vessel have not been severely damaged? Judging from the photo, 3/4 of the reactor building has been obliterated. Nobody is saying...
  38. thenewmans

    There must be a trick to pumping water into a reactor (I’ll explain)

    In a nuclear reactor, the trick is to create high pressures that can turn a turbine. For that, water is boiled by the reactor. As the steam goes through the turbine, it decompresses and cools and eventually turns back into a liquid. So far so good. But the water that leaves the reactor has to be...
  39. G

    Question about spent fuel rod cooling pools in Japàn reactor

    Could anyone who actually works on this kind of thing answer a couple of questions about the current situation in Japans nuclear crisis : Is it true that cooling pools for spent fuel rods are stored on the rooves of these reactors ? If so we see two of these rooves have been blown off - so...
  40. T

    Why does a control rod work in a nuclear reactor?

    Hello. I know that control rods in reactors work by absorbing neutrons that would otherwise be used to collide with say, Uranium, to cause fission. But here is the part I do not understand: As far as I understand, a Uranium atom fissions because it absorbs a neutron causing it to become...
  41. M

    Why Does A Nuclear Reactor Need A Body Of Water For Cooling?

    Homework Statement Why Does A Nuclear Reactor Need A Body Of Water For Cooling? If steam is needed to run the generator turbine, why not send the water/steam exiting the turbine back into the reactor for additional heating without cooling the water/steam first? Homework Equations don't...
  42. F

    How did they shut down the TMI-2 reactor?

    If most of the fuel assembly was melted (as shown in the below image) in the three mile island reactor #2, how were they able to insert the control rods? I would imagine the channels in which the rods are inserted through would have bee severely malformed, thus making it impossible to insert the...
  43. L

    Calculating amount of fissionable material needed for reactor

    Homework Statement A fission reactor produces 300 MW of electrical power with an efficiency of 30%. Calculate the mass of 235U consumed by the reactor in one day. Homework Equations Power = Energy/Time E=mc^2 The Attempt at a Solution Using the above equations I got an energy of...
  44. Y

    Irradiate PtCl2 in a reactor core

    As part of an experiment, I'm looking to irradiate PtCl2 in a reactor core, PtCl2 will be contained in an Al container. What's the worst that could happen?
  45. W

    Reactor volume in anaerobic biodegradation process

    hello, today I faced a problem with explaining why in anaerobic process the volume of UASB reactor is smaller than volume in CSTR with the same amount of final product - biogas Answer should contain characteristics like: difference in kinetics, concentration, rxn yield. Can anybody explain...
  46. C

    Nobody can solve my Nuclear Reactor Physics Question? me

    nobody can solve my Nuclear Reactor Physics Question? please help me! In the centre of the core of a 1000 MWe BWR, the observed fission rate is 1.7×1012 cm-3 s-1 and the observed temperature of the fuel is 800 oC. What will be the fission rate at the same location if the temperature is raised...
  47. C

    Nuclear Reactor Physics Qestions me

    Why don't you answer my Nuclear Reactor Physics Qestions? ...Please Help me [/B]1 ) Dry air at normal temperature and pressure has a mass density of 0.0012 g/cm3 with a mass fraction of oxygen of 0.23. What is the atom density of 18O? 2) In the centre of the core of a 1000 MWe BWR, the...
  48. phyzguy

    Rossi Focardi reactor Italian scientists claim to have demonstrated cold fusion

    Anything to this? Or are these guys quacks? Anybody know? http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-01-italian-scientists-cold-fusion-video.html