Reactor Definition and 371 Threads

  1. phyzguy

    Rossi Focardi reactor Italian scientists claim to have demonstrated cold fusion

    Anything to this? Or are these guys quacks? Anybody know?
  2. N

    Will the new ITER fusion reactor actually work?

    I am hopeful that the new large ITER tokamak style fusion reactor will be successful. According to wikipedia: The ITER fusion reactor itself has been designed to produce 500 MW of output power for 50 MW of input power, or ten times the amount of energy put in. Hereby the machine is...
  3. M

    Solving Square Box Reactor Question: Flux General Equation

    Iam trying to work out question related to sequare box, my question is what the flux general equation for the sequare box? I work it out and found it is flux=Acos(pi*x/a)cos(pi*y/a)cos(pi*z/a) where a is side lenght, am i right
  4. T

    How does the chain reaction start in a BWR reactor?

    Greetings, As someone who is interested in the history of the nuclear age, I have been unable to find an answer for this: Once the fuel rods are loaded into the fuel assembly and the assembly is loaded into the core, how does the chain reaction start which creates the heat? Do they...
  5. C

    What is the major problem in developing SCWR's nuclear reactor?

    What is the major problem in developing SCWR's nuclear reactor?
  6. C

    Need to go to school for research on chemical reactor design?

    I'm looking to do experimental, hands on research on chemical reactor design. Some possibly areas of interest include multiphase catalysis, interface chemistry in fluids and gas liquefaction. I'd like to avoid semiconductors and materials as my background in this area is minimal and I do not see...
  7. M

    Can Tabletop Cold Fusion Be Achieved with Simple, Safe Materials?

    My friend and I are doing table top fusion for our science fair. We can not figure out a sutable replacement for lithum crystals either than magnets. We need independat varibles, because our teacher says that just 2 magnets is not good enough. Also, it has to be cheap and can be handled by 13...
  8. I

    Mass Balance and Enviromental Reactor

    Homework Statement 1) A spill of 5kg of a soluble pesticide takes place into a well-mixed pond. The pesticide is subject to volatilization that can be characterized by the first order flux J=VvC, where Vv = volatilization mass-transfer coefficient of 0.01m/d. Other parameters for the pond...
  9. D

    Reactor scram due to inadvertent opening of multiple safety relief valves

    I'm an engineering physics student writing a mock proposal for a class. I've based the proposal on a specific company that builds reactors and trains personnel for navy vessels and off of this article: Essentially it says that during...
  10. C

    Plug Flow Reactor Vol: Comparing CSTR & PFR Kinetics, 95% Efficiency

    What volume of a plug flow reactor is required to remove 95% of a substance that decays according to first-order kinetics with a rate constant of 0.07 1/day. The flow rate is 295 m^3/day. Compare the detention time and volume required for a PFR to that obtained for a CSTR with the same flow...
  11. T

    Calculating Fission Cross-Sections for Nuclear Reactor Fuel Designs

    A utility is considering changing its fuel vendor and resulting fuel assembly design. The current fuel in the reactor is standard Westinghouse 17x17 fuel with a fuel rod pitch of 1.215cm fuel rod OD of 0.916cm. The clad thickness is 0.055cm. The new fuel design has a fuel rod pitch of...
  12. S

    Specialization: radiation shielding and reactor materials

    Is specialization in radiation shielding and reactor/reactant materials a valid area of specialization? I am just worried if the two areas are too broad or different to name as my area of specialization. I ask this because I am trying to answer my applications for area of specialization and I...
  13. N

    Practical approach to building a breeder reactor, help please?

    hi, i am interested in nuclear physics but i don't really want to delve into the complexity of it, so could someone please give me an idea of the practical approach to making a breeder reactor, i do not intend to build one, i just would like to know how i would do it if did want to build one...
  14. C

    A New Type of Fusion Reactor or Just a Scam?

    Hi A friend of mine is doing an assignment on alternative sources of energy when he came across this site and sent the link to me: From reading a couple of pages it seems deceptively simple and I'm told that the guy expects to get a net gain of a couple MW of...
  15. A

    Why are reactor experiments measuring theta13, not theta12?

    The question I have came from a talk I saw about the MINOS experiment. They say they can measure theta13 from their beam of mostly muon neutrinos by measuring electron neutrino appearance. Why would this not involve theta12? Is what is happening that the dominant chain is muon neutrinos...
  16. A

    How Deep Should Water Be in a Spent Fuel Pool to Safely Shield Radiation?

    Hello, I'm working on a final paper for a HP class (ugrad/grad) and could use some suggestions. The problem I'm working on is determining the depth of water in a spent fuel pool, above a full core offload, required to reduce the exposure leve to X mGy/hr from fission products and principal...
  17. Orion1

    What is a TerraPower reactor or 'traveling wave reactor'?

    Has anyone here ever heard of a TerraPower reactor or 'traveling wave reactor'? Bill Gates describes this in his TED lecture.<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param...
  18. E

    Hybrid fusion fission reactor prospects

    since fusion is not commericially feasible, does hybrid fusion fission reactor change that? With the increasingly urgent need to find solutions to the impending energy crisis, there is growing interest within the fusion...
  19. D

    Traveling-Wave Reactor - we need them badly

    Traveling-Wave Reactor - we need them badly ! What is the fuel = Pu-239. Energy equivalent of 1 pound of the above = 2,000,000 lbs of coal Waste=comparatively miniscule Currently we have 104 nuclear reactors in operation in the US, which generate about 20% of our electricity. Waste...
  20. U

    Minimum Volume of a Hom., Bare Cylindrical Reactor

    Just trying to do a problem to find the minimum volume for a homogeneous, bare cylindrical reactor, and my main question is if the radial and axial bucklings are equal to one another at min. V or if there is some other condition that would be helpful. Thanks.
  21. C

    What is a Supercritical Water Reactor?

    Hi there, I want to know about SCWR(supercritical water reactor) that is a Gen IV reactor. Has anybody introduce the technology of SCWR & SSCWR. thanks
  22. S

    Could a Small Reactor Power a Large Lunar or Martian Rover?

    Is a very low powered fission reactor (~25kWe) feasible for powering a large (car sized) Lunar or Martian rover? Or is it impractical (today) due to weight, size, radiation, or another technical reason? I understand that radioisotope thermoelectric generators are planned for future Mars...
  23. S

    U238 for Aerospace Propulsion (Traveling Wave Reactor)

    You may have heard a lot of buzz in the news recently about the Traveling Wave Reactor, a concept being developed by TerraPower Inc, which uses depleted uranium (aka U238), instead of the usual rarified U235. Apparently, the...
  24. N

    Scwr version of the mpower reactor

    Would it be possible to shrink down the scwr (super critical water reactor) to a modular size like the mpower reactor (such as the hyperion reactor)? Does anyone forsee any complications in this idea? It seems like the major change would be the use of super critical water. I know the SCWR is...
  25. K

    The need for reactor engineeers ?

    Hi all I am in mech engineering and I really want to study nuclear engineering to help push along the technology. My questions is given the US's slow adoption of new techs and plants is there really a great need for nuclear engineers specifically ones that work on the reactor. MY...
  26. N

    Reactor Neutrons: Seeing Surface Area not Projected Cross Section?

    My professor told me that the neutrons in a reactor see the surface area of nuclei, and not the the projected cross section. That really doesn't make intuitive sense. Is he right?
  27. K

    What to expect in a Reactor physics and engineering class

    Hi My school started a nuclear engineering concentration in the ME/CHE department for the spring and I just wanted to know what are the topics covered typically in a reactor course and what stuff should I brush up on to be sharp for the class? Thanks in advance.
  28. E

    DOE judges IFR best reactor design

    19 reactor designs using 27 criteria, DOE concludes IFR to be the best reactor design to meet world's energy needs going forward. Do you agree?
  29. B

    Heat transfer through pipe penetrating nuclear reactor

    What I'm trying to figure out is the temperature vs. time of a aqueous nuclear reactor. I'm trying to cool 200kW of energy with metal pipes running through a working reactor. This is just a heat calc, I'm not actually building one. The reactor runs at 200kW, is liquid filled, and will be...
  30. C

    Nuclear reactor in zero gravity

    How do nuclear reactors used to power satellites and such operate in zero gravity?
  31. D

    How Much 235U is Used in a 2700MW Fission Reactor? Answer in kg/day

    A fission reactor operates at 2700 MW level. Assume all this energy comes from the 200 MeV released by fission caused by thermal neutron absorption by 235U. At what daily rate is the mass of 235U used? (In practice, of course, the energy conversion is not 100% efficient, nor is all the 235U in a...
  32. H

    Proliferation risk of reactor grade plutonium

    How high is the proliferation risk associated with reactor grade plutonium? I was under the impression that Pu-239 contaminated with too much Pu-240 and Pu-241 could not be practically used to produce nuclear weapons. I attended a nuclear issues talk which claimed that reactor grade fuel COULD...
  33. Topher925

    How is high temperature reactor design different?

    I think its common knowledge that the next generation of nuclear reactors are going to operate at much higher temperatures than current designs in order to get away from the Rankin cycle and take advantage of thermochemical cycles, but what is it that makes high temperature reactors (HTR)...
  34. A

    Nuclear fission plasma reactor?

    Is it possible to use fisssion to create plasmas, then use the plasma to generate electricity instead of suing steam to for elctricity? Just a thought.
  35. Pattonias

    What happens to the Neutrons and Protons in a Tokamak reactor.

    As I understand it, the magnetic field confines the electrons because of the repulsion of the electrons in the plasma and the electrons traveling in the magnetic current. My question is what keeps the protons and neutrons released in the plasma from passing through the magnetic field in a...
  36. M

    Light-water reactor and plutonium produce

    In principle, light-water reactor can also produce plutonium from uranium-238 as heavy-water reactor .Plutonium can be used to make nuclear-weapon! But,Why do we like to offer this kind of power plant to other nations?
  37. Andrew Mason

    Medical Isotope production - NRX reactor

    Canada is currently the largest supplier of the world's radioactive medical isotopes. That is until AECL's aging NRU reactor at Chalk River sprang a leak and had to be shut down. AECL had built two reactors in the 1990's, Maple I and II, to produce medical isotopes but due to design problems...
  38. mheslep

    Babcock & Wilcox 125MW(e) reactor

    B&W just announced a small 125MW(e) LWR using 5% enriched PWR fuel. Not certified yet. Still not very cheap (at least in the US) at $5000/kW, though with 1/10th the investment of the Westinghouse AP1000 designs perhaps more utilities will line up. The catch would be insuring that the red tape...
  39. R

    U-235 Fission in Nuclear Reactor: Calculating Atom & Kg Usage/sec

    A reactor is producing nuclear energy at the rate of 30000KW.How many atoms of U-235 undergo fission per second?How many kg of U-235 would be used up in 1000 hr of operation.Assume an energy of 200 Mev is released per fission.(Avogadro number=6*10^26 atom/kg)
  40. S

    Can Very High Burnup Reactors Lower the Cost of Nuclear Energy?

    I am interested in lowering the cost of nuclear reactors through the use of novel reactor designs, particularly fast reactor designs. The Integral Fast Reactor (“IFR”) is a good starting point for a discussion since it was a real reactor with a long operating history. A few features of the...
  41. J

    Reactor Fission VS. Weapon Fission

    Perhaps some semantics are involved here, Wikipedia and some others describe nuclear reactor material as going through a slow "fission" process. I have always thougt of it more as "natural decay". I visualize fission in a weapon, as the "breaking" of the atom, which creates new atoms and...
  42. A

    How essential is a PhD for working in reactor/system design?

    I am currently a junior (senior in a week haha) in Electrical Engineering, concentrating in Power/Control Systems. I took an introductory course in Nuclear Engineering and have become very interested in reactor design/system design (BWR/PWR/Submarine reactors/entire systems not just the...
  43. M

    Bypass flow in a pebble bed reactor

    I've been trying to get more understanding of bypass flow in a reactor, especially the "hot bypass flow" and how it affects the core state, and its origin. Does anyone know any relevant literature to read or can give an explanation to this. Thanks.
  44. C

    Nuclear reactor there is radiation called like sarencobe radiation

    My physics teacher today said in a nuclear reactor there is radiation called like sarencobe radiation I didn't hear him very well so I don’t know how to spell it , he said it is this erie glow in the water when the neutrons out run the light in the water , can anyone tell me how to...
  45. V

    Travelling wave reactor anyone ?

    Several times now, I've been in contact with people who talked about the "travelling wave reactor", but I can't find any "official" information about it. The only thing I could find that sounded somewhat serious is in MIT's "Technology Review":
  46. F

    High Temperature Reactor Fuel Elements

    Folks, this is my first thread in this forum. I'm writing my PhD about HTR-Fuel Elements. I'm not quite sure if anyone in this forum knows about this sort of fuel which is totally different to "normal" fuel. Anyway, I'm looking for informations about research in the US (or global) what...
  47. P

    Mathematical problem from the course of reactor physics

    Hello everybody, This problem is from "Elementary Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Physics" by Liverhant, I will be thankful for any help,because I'm really stuck on it :( ------------------------ (6-11)Calculate the smallest value of A for which the maximum fractional energy loss can be...
  48. S

    Liquid-fuel molten salt reactor?

    I've run into a some advocates (assorted nuclear engineers and grad students it seems) for an unusual nuclear reactor design. It is a thermal-spectrum thorium breeder reactor. The fuel is liquid - it is a molten salt, containing the fluorides of both U-233 fuel and thorium, as well as lithium...
  49. M

    Using a plasma arc instead of fission for a reactor style rocket

    Gas core reactor rockets use nuclear gas reacting to super heat and therefore pressurize hydrogen. They operate at about 25000 C. Why not use a high intensity plasma arc which routinely operate at about 13,000 C but if designed to can go much higher by at least several fold. I got bored...
  50. H

    Calculating U-235 Requirements for a 707 MW Nuclear Fission Reactor

    Homework Statement How many kilograms of U-235 would be needed to run a 707 MW reactor for 1 year? Homework Equations 183.9 MeV released per reaction 7.57E26 reactions per year (These numbers are from the prior problems) The Attempt at a Solution I thought maybe half life, but...